X Sync

By JT Poole

Published on Aug 8, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

X-Men are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee. X-Sync, Psychic Warrior, Incognito, Hellfire, and Psion are the ownership and copyrighted by John Poole All other characters used that are not part of Marvel Comics, are the sole ownership of John Poole


X-Sync -- Chapter 3-2 by JT Poole

// London, England //

"'Ello there, you there, are you `kay?" the man asked, walking up to the young man laying on the sidewalk.

"What the hell is going on?" the young man asked.

"You are lying in the street is what is going on." The man stated.

"How da' hell did I get here?" the young man asked. "Where is this place?"

"Are you pissed?" the man asked. "You are in London dear boy."

"London!" the young man shouted. "What the hell am I doing in London?"

"I don't know lad, but that's something only you know." The man stated as he reached out his hand to help the young man out.

"Thanks." The young man stated as he felt pain in his head and then faded away for a moment then reappeared again. "What da' hell?"

"Oh me god! You must be one of them mutants!" the man screamed. "Help! Help! There's a mutant here, there's a mutant here!"

"I am not a mutant." The young man stated as he turned to see a lot of people heading his way. "Oh shit! I better run for it."

Seeing the people heading in his direction, coming after him with mean looks on their faces. He turned and started running. Getting angry, he started running faster and a strange feeling overtook him and he changed into a wolf.

// Orlando, FL -- X-Sync Headquarters //

"What the hell are you guys doing?" JT asked as Brian, Nick, JC, Lance and Bobby all came falling down on him.

"We are stopping you from attacking again!" Brian screamed. "You might have attacked us once, but we won't let you do it again JT."

"I haven't attacked you!" JT screamed, as glowing.

"Look out! Get away from him! His eyes are glowing again!" Lance screamed.

"You had your chance to get away!" JT screamed as he faded away, then reappeared behind them, waving his hands and slamming all of them against the elevator door. "I don't know what the problem is, but you guys didn't have to betray me! I thought we were all friends here!"

"Betray you! You attacked us!" Nick screamed.

"I haven't attacked you." JT stated. "I haven't laid a finger on you guys until now. Actually I didn't touch you still, I used my telekinesis to slam you into the wall, but that was after you guys jumped me."


"What's going on here?" JT asked as he appeared in the hallway.

"Another one?" Nick asked. "Is this one of your psychic essence thingies?"

"Yes it is." The Real JT stated.

"How do we know that you are the real JT?" Nick asked.

"I am the real one. That's just a figment of my imagination. Literally." JT stated as he waved his hand and the other being disappeared.

"Who was that down in the Command Center then if that wasn't the real you?" Brian asked.

"That was the real me, I am still real." JT stated.

"But that thing chased us into the elevator and then appeared in the elevator with us." Nick stated.

"That's where you are wrong." JT stated. "I never got up from the table. You two ran away from me, so I sent one of my psychic selves to apprehend you guys."

"Why?" Brian asked.

"Because I thought it was fun." JT stated laughing. "I just enjoyed watching you guys over here from the shadows as all of you jumped it."

"That wasn't nice JT." Lance stated.

"Yes it was nice." JT stated. "You guys needed the exercise."

"The exercise?" Brian asked.

"Yes the exercise." JT laughed. "You guys are out of shape. If you all were part of the X-Men, Logan and Scott would have you guys lean, mean and good fighting machines."

"How dare you." Nick stated.

"How dare I what? Tell you the truth?" JT asked. "I'm sorry guys but for the last couple of months, you guys have slacked off of your normal


"What normal routine?" Lance asked.

"Well since you guys discovered your mutant powers, none of you have done the things that you use to do. Have any of you exercised? Any kind of exercise?" JT asked as all of them dropped their heads down. "Just as I figured. Starting tomorrow, we will have Combat Room sessions along with morning exercises."

"Oh man." Nick stated.

"Oh Nick you will thank me for this. You are putting on some pounds." JT stated as Nick glared at him angrily.

"You didn't have to tell anybody." Nick stated.

"Yes I did. Since I said it out loud, you will finally realize that you need the exercise...Arghhhhh!" JT screamed.

"Okay what's going on now?" Brian asked as JC walked over to JT and tried to help him.

"Who are you? What's wrong?" JT asked as though he was talking to someone standing in front of him.

"Who are you talking to JT?" Nick asked.

"He's in psychic contact with another mind." JC stated. "JT can you hear me?"

"I see you, reach out to me. Tell me where you are so I can help you." JT stated, speaking to some invisible image that only he could see. "I got you. I am coming to help you."

"No! JT don't do it." JC stated, as JT's eyes started glowing then all of them disappeared.

// Somewhere in London England //


"Arggghhhhh!" JT screamed as he, Brian, JC, Nick, Lance and Bobby all appeared in London.

"What's happening?" Lance asked

`We need to help him.' JT stated telepathically, speaking to all of them.

"Help who?" Nick asked.

"There's a boy here, he's in danger." JC stated. "There's a boy here that needs help and he needs help badly."

"Where is this boy?" Lance asked. "Why are we in the middle of the


"Seems like JT connected with the boy on a psychic level and he teleported us all when the boy lashed out in JT's mind." JC stated

`Help me please.' JT spoke telepathically again as his eyes started glowing again and they all faded away again.


"There he is!" JC screamed. "Brian, Nick go get him. He's the wolf."

"We're on it." Brian stated as he created a magnetic bubble around him and Nick and the two of them flew off after the running wolf.

"Don't hurt him, he's a very important soul." JT spoke. "He's not to be harmed."

"They are not going to hurt him Psion." JC spoke.

"No! They are going to hurt him!" JT screamed as he morphed into a giant bear and went running into the woods.

"Oh my god! Did you see that?" Lance asked. "He just turned into a bear! A fucking bear!"

"I didn't know he could do that!" JC stated, looking dumbfounded.

"Me either." Bobby stated. "And I have known him longer."

"We have to go after him and stop him. He might hurt them." JC stated.

"Come on." Bobby stated as he created an ice-slide and slid off.

"Come on, they are ahead of us big time." JC stated, as he wrapped a telekinetic energy field around himself and Lance and flew off.

// A Strange Cave -- 2 Miles Ahead //

"Welcome child." The strange voice said. "I was wondering how long it was going to take for the two of you to appear."

"Where am I?" The young man asked as he transformed back to his human form.

"What's going on here?" JT asked as he reverted back to his human form as well.

"Two of you are missing, but the other one will be lead here soon." The strange voice stated.

"What are you talking about?" JT asked.

"You are one of the Animal Spirits." The strange voice stated.

"Animal Spirits?" JT asked.

"Yes. You and others have the spirits of animals within your body that allows you to assume the form of a certain animal." The strange voice stated.

"Sorry you have me mistaken with someone else." JT stated.

"How do you figure that child?" The strange voice asked.

"I am just an ordinary bio-morph." JT stated as the others appeared behind him.

"No such thing child. What you think to be one thing, is actually another." The strange voice stated.

"I know my own powers!" JT screamed as his faded away, and then moments later he reappeared again with Justin, Joey, Chris and AJ.

"You may know your powers child, but you don't fully know how those powers were derived." The strange voice stated.

"What's going on baby?" Justin asked. "Why did you bring us here?"

"Is everything okay?" Chris asked.

"The other Animal Spirit has joined us." The strange voice stated.

"Animal Spirit?" Chris asked.

"You child, you are an Animal Spirit." The strange voice stated.

"Who me?" Chris asked.

"Yes you child." The strange voice stated.

"You are the spirit of the wolf as is he." The strange voice stated. "You can change yourself into a wolf."

"How did you know that?" Chris asked.

"I know that child because you are an Animal Spirit." The strange voice stated.

"This is all freaking me out." Lance stated.

"You have three spirits child. You have the spirit of the animal, the mind and the arts." The strange voice stated.

"Three spirits?" JT asked.

"Yes child." The strange voice stated. "You should be able to see and speak with your mind. You should be able to look like the animal and you can use the arts or you may call them the elements."

"I don't understand the last part." JT stated.

"You are a being of magick are you not?" The strange voice asked.

"Yes I have magical powers." JT stated.

"Then there's your answer child." The strange voice stated as someone else entered the cave.

"There's someone else in here." JT and JC spoke in unison.

"Who?" Lance asked. "I don't see anybody."

"There's a great evil here." The strange voice stated.

"No!" JT screamed. "Hellion! He's here!"

"What! Where?" Justin asked.

"I'm right here fags!" Hellion stated as he appeared into the light of the cave.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: SwainsboroGuy2 Yahoo: johntpoole ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 38: X Sync 3 3

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