Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on May 15, 2023


Charmed: Because I'm Charmed

All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all Loved and enjoyed (:

Thanks to Jason Decade for inspiring me, "Charming the Halliwell's" I love this sires so much thank you for writing it!!! _

This is my story that I have been inspired to write and I myself am a part of it as the main character. I also have included most of my family and friends in this and the Halliwell's too. I hope you enjoy my first story if you have any comments please write me and tell me your thoughts and if you'd like to make an appercens let me know thank you I hope you enjoy.

Oh it's magic

"Tell me the truth did you cheat on me with her...."

"I'm sorry but I love you why can't you look pass that what happen was the biggest mistake I've done..."

"I I I just can't"

"Mr. . . Richards... hello Mr . . . . Richards what is the answer..."


"what is the answer to 5x^-2y^10 over 2x^-1(-3x^-3y^-1)^-2"

"uhmmmmmmm" phone rings it's a text from my sister


"Can I go to the bathroom and a rain check on that question"

"you day dreaming all class and you going to the bathroom 100 times in my class isn't going to pass you"

"yes but I really have to go"

"and all those other times you didn't?"

"I did but like uhmm this is really bad like I don't know what I eat for lunch but it's killing me..." the class bursts out in laughter. Mr . . . . D points to the door and I race out with my bags.


Myisha "what took you so long?" (that's my sister Myisha even though we're only year different In ages and even though now I'm taller than her it doesn't stop her from being my big sister) "Well you know being in class I can only say I have to go to the restroom only so many times but they stop letting me go!" Myisha "whatever just orb us to Phylicia and Kristoff, they need help!" (Phylicia and Kristoff my two favorite cousin's in the world. Phylicia is the same age as Myisha 18 but so different she more like me and together we're just two laughing fools. Kristoff and I are the same age 17 and have some things in common but he's more like my sister weird but it works out that way ahah). ( Oh yea my name is Kadeem 17 Canadian American I have brown curly chair like Corbin Bleu and same skin tone to everyone thinks I look like him but I don't see it. And before I forget we're witches well I'm a white lighter/witch but still a witch.) I orb us to the ally where Licia and Kris were fighting off these demons. Phylicia throws three demons with her telekinesis, while two more come be hide her but Kristoff throws lightning at the two that try to attack Phylicia from be hide "thanks cuz" Phylicia says to Kristoff "don't sweat it" ducks four fire balls, "where are they". Orbs in and ducks the fire balls before they hit Myisha and I, "okay that was close" Myisha "yea ... time for the fun part" and with that she runs and levitates and kicks two demons "my turn" as I jump up and blow up the other two demons. Two more demons left, one of the demons push the other one in the way and shimmered out, I throw up my hands and freeze the one demon left, and swirl my hand and just unfreeze his head. "Nice work deem" Licia tells me "thanks", "okay what are you doing and who send you?"

"what do you think... to kill you four of course", "wow I think someone wants to get hit with some lightning" Kristoff says as sparks flash on his hands. "No, no, no I'll talk"

"good" kristoff says "I was send by Riix, he wants to gather great powers and send us to bring you to him", Phylicia gets in his face and says "well tell him if he wants us to come and get us himself." And with that I blow him-up, "hey like get some to eat I'm so hungry" I say looking down at my belly, "your always hungry" everyone say at the same time and then laughs, "what demon hunting works up my appetite ahaha" we walk to get some food in the city. "So how's your senior year going Licia" I ask, "good I can't wait to go to college"

"yea I hear you" My says and me and Kris both agree. "Oh my god lets go shopping I so need some clothes for my photo shot tomorrow"

"you have money?" My asks me "uhmm duhhhhh I so got paid yesterday and boy was that check GREAT!"

"Okay I guess we can go for awhile but we have to go to ladies DR jays" My states. "Well make with the orbs and bring us there" Licia says "fine "and we orb.

========================( in the underworld ) ===============================

Riix "what do you mean they killed everyone?" asks with anger in his voice, "they we're just too powerful, the seer might have been right about these four..." Riix " what about them being the charmed ones... impossible there are already the next generation of the charmed ones already... how can there be two set of charmed one?" seer walks in " I don't know my lord but my visions have never been wrong and if that is the case we might have bigger problems ahead." She states as her eyes go white and sees what has yet to come, "this could be a very big PROBLEM!"

To Be Continued

Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 2

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