Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Sep 10, 2023


All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all

Loved and enjoyed (:

Chapter 10: Witch Tournament

4:27am Myisha is sleeping and having dream but I might be a premonition.* In the her dream I'm standing in a white room with nothing but two doors and, an elder hands me a key. "you must choose wisely that key may open both doors, but which shall you choose?". It skips to the part were I picked the door but it didn't show which one just me opening it and screaming "ahhhhhhh!" I cry out*. Myisha jumps out of her sleep sweating "that can't be good" Myisha says worried

later that day at around 12 it's been a busy week like two weeks that had passed I mean training with Alex and working, swimming, school, modeling and acting, fighting demons, but best of all I spent most of the time with Wyatt the one thing I did enjoy don't get me wrong all those other things are fine and dandy but Wyatt the best its just Tommy always slithers his way in ugh I hate that kid but that's nothing story. As I was thinking about what has happen I walk down stairs to grab something to eat before I go to swim practice, there's no school today so. I walk in the kitchen to grab some food and see Kris is in his work uniform for his first day of work at Barnes & Noble, Phylicia is doing laundry, and Myisha is reading the paper and eating cereal and watching me.

"what?" I ask her

"nothing..." she simple answer and takes a spoon full of cereal to her mouth

"okay well... I'm going to practice so I'll be done at like 3 okay I think but if there's a meet come. So can we keep low for a while with the demon active please, and if Alex or Wyatt call tell them I'll call them later, and gop good luck you'll do great!" I smile and walk to my car and drive off

"okay I was waiting for Kadeem to leave before I said anything because this is big guys like really big!" Myisha says getting everyone's attention "I had this dream or a premonition..." she starts

"what's it about?" Phylicia asks

"it's freaked me out I jumped out before it finished" Myisha says worried

"okay if you look worried and sound it and Kadeem can't be here to hear it , it must be serious!" Phylicia says now worried to

"well it's about Kadeem and he's in this white room and there's only two doors and an elder and the elder hands him a key that can open both doors but can only pick one door to open... I didn't see which door he picks but he opens one and a white light goes around and he screams and..." Myisha stops

"and... and what?" Kris ask

"that's it, I woke up..." Myisha sigh wishing she knew what else would happen or what door I pick to warn me.

"that's creepy and it has something to do with an elder... I don't like the way this looks!" Phylicia says

"yea... let's not tell Kadeem until we find out more I'm sure us three can handle it, besides we all know how super witch Kadeem goes when it's something big like this and when it deals with a possible death in the family." Myisha tell them and the nod in agreement

"okay I'm off to work wish me luck!" Kris says

"luck" Myisha and Phylicia say at the same time

(At the pool)

everyone on my team is in their swim suit and about to get in the water but our coach is talking to us "okay so I just got word that were having a meet today and it's at 2. We're hosting it and 3 other teams are coming so we are going to warm up now and than again at around 2:30 so everyone get in and warm up with a 600 free, 400 kick, 200 i.m, 200 reverse i.m, 400 stork/free, 600 free and that's about 2400 yards there and I'll give you the main set after that. Kadeem I need to talk to you for a minute" my coach

"yea sure Pat what's up?" I ask

"are you seem tried and stressed..." he tells me

"mmmm yea kind of it's just been a lot that's all and I'm doing my best to relax and study and other things (like demon hunt a demon we can't kill yet cause there is no real power of 3 to do so) I think to my self and zone out

"Kadeem stop zoning out ahah, well as long as your okay and you keep swimming crazy like you have been just relax more I can't have my top sprint not in the best shape cause we need you to bang out another 23 again today it's going to come down to you in the 50 free, the relays I'm not worried about the key to the door you'll have to choose..." my coach say

" huh what key to what door?" I ask

" I never said anything about a key to a door.... I said I'm not worried about the relay you always bang out in a race..." my coach says

"I so heard you say something about a key to a door?" I say confused

"no ahahah just get in and swim." My coach laughs and I dive in

(I'm not crazy... at least not yet) I think to my self

(At the manor)

"why is everyone up so early mom?" Wyatt asks as him and Tommy comes down for break feast

"because we're a family dam it and we don't eat together in the morning as much anymore" Piper tells him

"well I don't mind Piper as long as this has nothing to do with demons like Riix, I'm glad to eat with everyone" Tommy smiles as he grabs some eggs and pancakes

"what about Riix and how we can't kill him without the power of three?" Chris asks

"oh Wyatt where is Kadeem I thought he stayed here last night?" Piper asked

"no he went home cause things were getting a little heated up..." Wyatt says as he looks at Tommy and makes his mother look at him too now.

"what he started it and plus he had something else to do beside stay here" Tommy says and Wyatt just sighs

"anyways mom you want me to see what he's doing?" Wyatt asks Tommy glares at Wyatt "what he's our friend."

"not mines" Tommy says

"yea and why is that?" Chris asks but only gets the death stare from his brother and Tommy. "I was joking oh man lighten up people its to early " Chris says but really everyone wants to know why we're not friends anymore....

"look Kadeem is just a lame wannabe loser star ok point blank and I don't want to hang around someone who try's to be something the only dream about." Tommy says

"well I think you two should talk it out cause I can't take all the fighting when we're all together in the same room, it's wearing me out" Wyatt sigh

"yea well I think I should be a millionaire but hey" Tommy says

Wyatt just sighs and gets a text from me

me[hey Wyatt are you busy tonight? :)]

Wyatt[hey we was just talking about you and I was just about to text you :) but no I don't think so why whats up?]

Me[well I have a this swim meet and was wondering if you wanted to come and watch::)]

(and miss my chance to see you almost naked hell no) Wyatt thinks to himself [yea I'm up for that... I mean I can come... to watch your swim meet lmao]

me[ yeaaaaaa that's awesome I'm so siked now omg okay but you'll have to sit with my family-_- sorry]

Wyatt[no it's cool ummm but hey can I bring mines and.... Tommy:( pleaseeeeee]

I like craning when he says Tommy but I text[ yea your family can come.... And the other person-_- , okay my meet starts at 3ish so like at like 2:45 my time ok see you]

"hey everyone were going to see Kadeem swim at 2:45 his time ok" Wyatt smiles

(up in Elder land)

"so the last one will be tested in a trails to be chosen?" Ritta asks

"and the one who pass's all the trails well be handed this key to choose their faith" Odd says holding a key

"how long shall they be trailed for?" Ida asks

"three days and on the full moon at the between hour they well be choose and taken to the doors in the white room of destiny." Odd says

"we must inform them right away" Ritta says and they orb off

(at my swim meet)

I'm on the pool deck the meet just started and our A medley relay got tied with another team for first so the score is tie and I'm looking for my family but like always their late. It's two events before the 50 free and I'm looking for them and Wyatt and his family.

(in the parking lot)

"dam it Kadeem is going to kill us for being late again" my mother says

"okay well you take Tyrese and go in and tell him we're parking the van I mean theres no need for all of us to be late" Myisha says

so my mother and little brother go and head inside when them bump into the Halliwell's after seeing them orb on the side of the parking lot. The adults go inside and Wyatt, Chris, Mel, and Tommy go to the van where my sister and cousins are when out of nowhere Riix's and his demons attack them.

(back inside the pool)

my coach is talking to me and trying to get me pumped and in the zone to sprint my ass off, I look up and see my mother and little brother and the Halliwell's, but not my sister, cousin's or Wyatt and them. I mouth to her "where is everyone?" and she mouths back "I don't know" and shrugs. I see Piper and Leo and wave to them and they smile and wave back.

( back in the parking lot)

Wyatt is blasting demons with his energy wave and trying to fight off Riix, Kris and Chris teamed up and are back to back shooting lighting at demons like their in an old western cowboy movie, Myisha is kicking some ass with hand to hand combat and levitating to doge fireballs, Phylicia is throwing back fireballs back at the demons, Tommy and Mel are blowing demons up that they see.Riix see that his demons are dying and calls them back and they shimmer out.

"dam it Kadeem is really going to kill us if we don't get in now it's his event too!" Myisha yells and runs for the door and everyone follows

"yea lets hurry to see him lose" Tommy smirks

"come on stop it let not start anything okay lets just go and watch okay!" Wyatt say seriously

(back in the pool)

I get behind the racing blocks and look up one last time and finally see my sister and the gang walk in and Wyatt stop and waves and smiles at me with he super cute smile and I smile so hard it hurts my face, but than Tommy shows his face and gives me the finger and push' Wyatt to sit. God how I wish I punched him in the face last night and I'm betting he wants to see me fall fault on my face but I'm going to show him. I take off my drag suit, which only leaves me in my Speedo.

(dam Kadeem's body is so hot I mean his six pack and smooth skin and his ass is just nice and bubbly fuck I'm so hard right now I hope Tommy doesn't see it or I'm dead)

the official starts the race and I dive into the water and it's a tight race but I pull it out in the end going my fastest 22.78 and after that we win all the other events making us the victors of the meet. All we head back to my house to eat; the adults are in the dinning room having some drinks, while the teens are in the basement chatting.

"whoa Kadeem your like a shark in the water man" Chris says

"ahah thanks and it's funny you say that cause the team's club team is called sharks" I says

"I think your more like a dying whale if you ask me" Tommy shoots out

"Tommy!" Wyatt yells

"Wyatt it's okay, well Tommy at least I'm not a dirty snake in the grass, I wear who I am on my surface unlike you who slithers around!" I shoot back at him. and we get into each other's faces.

"okay Kadeem clam down sharky" Myisha say and pulls me away from Tommy

"yea Tommy what the hell I thought I said no fighting..."

"EVERYONE GET UP STAIRS NOW!!!" my mother yells and we rush up to see the four elders in the sunroom.

"it's time!" Odd says

"time for what?" Kris ask

"time for your trails to being and to have one of you to be chosen to be full charmed." Odd says

To Be Continued

Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 12

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