Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Aug 3, 2023


Kadeem Richards

Charmed: Because I'm Charmed

All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all Loved and enjoyed (:

Chapter 7 : Party Party Party try not getting killed...

It's a normal Wednesday night my sister, cousins, and I demon hunting in a park, we've been at these demons for about 3 hours because they just keep coming and coming.

"look out!" Kris yells at me as he teleports out the way of an energy.

I freeze it with m hands minutes away from my hitting me "thanks for the lame warning!" I yell "energy ball" I telekinetic orb it back at the demon killing him

"Kadeem look after my body real quick" Phylicia tells me and than she astral projects herself in between two demons "hey" she yells and tricks them into killing each other and returns to her body.

I blow up as many demons as I can but more keeps coming, Kris is throwing lightning at demons left and right, Myisha is just about down to her last potion, and Phylicia is just throwing whatever comes at her flying back with her telekinesis.

The main demon shows up and I freeze the the hole place aside from us because witches can't freeze other witches.

"Myisha say the dam spell" I yell

"Demons that swarm that serve as one Vanquish him from which they come" and they all get on fire

"thank god that's over" I sigh

"yea I think I'm gonna pass out" Phylicia

"yea same we've been pushing ourselves way hard ever since that hole elder meeting" Kris "hey what time is it..."

"oh shit it's 3:47am!!!!" I yell "ugh I don't know if I can make it to morning practices..." I groans

"what about school ugh..." Myisha groans

"lets just go home and sleep the little sleep we have..." Phylicia tells us

and I orb us home. I set my alarm for 5:30 not much help because it's now 4 and Justin keeps texting me and calling me I've been avoiding him for about a week now. The minute I close my eyes it time for me to got to morning practice. "FM" I wine and get up and go. (in class)

"hey wow... you look like hell!" my Vicky tells me

"oh thanks... tell me something I don't know..." I ask her

she just laughs at me "maybe you shouldn't do so much I mean it's senior year and your super busy with everything and your trying to model and act... maybe you should stop for a while and get some sleep?"

"yea tell me about it... but like my mother always says... you'll never get anywhere by sitting on your be-hide... I lie she never said that I got that from sugar and spice hah." I say and my phone goes off it's Justin...

{where the hell have you been? I haven't heard or seen you in week now...} Justin texts

"ugh" I groan

"boy drama?" Vicky ask

"o is it ever" I answer

{I'm busy I'll talk to you when I'm free} I text him

{no you won't you always say that but never do!} Justin texts

{I'm in school bye!} I text trying to end the convo but my phone goes off again thank god this is digital photo and not a major class

{Kadeem hey it's Wyatt :)}

"OMG" I yell an hit Vicky

"awo bitch what" she asks

"it's Wyatt!" I smile

"oh and who's this new boyfriend..." she laughs

"omg no old friend... what do I say?" I ask as if I never spoke to someone before...

"hi would be nice!" she teases

"right... but how did he get my number?" but than I remember I gave it to him duhhh

{hey Wyatt!!! :)} I text

{whats up ? :)} Wyatt texts

{ugh in school tried from demon hunting and swim practices this morning and than I have to swim again after school :)} I text

{wow I'd be tried to lol nothing at my afternoon class but I wanted to ask if your busy this Friday?} Wyatt texts "OMG he's asking if I'm busy Friday what do I say?" I ask Vicky

"well are you?" she asks

"no I have practice from 3:30-5:30" I tell her "no after that nothing" {no why?} I text him

{I'm throwing a party this Friday and I want to know if you wanted to come :)} he texts

{mmmm yes ya that sounds kewl mmmm hey can Myisha and them come to? :)} I ask him

{sure... great I'll see you Friday than :)bye} he ends the convo

I text Myisha and everyone that this Friday we're going to a house party at the Halliwell's


"I'm sending five of you to spy on the witches to find out who's the last one to form the power f three" Riix tells five demons and they shimmer out

(Friday night)

I quickly rush home after swim practice, shower about a dozen times, dried off and tried on what else all the clothes I have and found nothing that seem to say wow... So finally I chose to wear a cranberry v-neck and super skinny black bullhead jeans. I orb us over to the front door of the Halliwell's.

"OK so we're later which means we're have at the right time..." I say a little worried

"well we would have been here much early if someone wasn't trying so hard to keep all dressed up for someone.!" Myisha stares at me.

"what you think I'm too dressed up?" I ask

"whatever let just go on" Kris says and opens the door where we are greeted with music blasting a nice beat.

The minute we walk in everyone goes their own way, Myisha over to Phoebe's daughters Lady-bug and Lilly, Kris is over with Chris, Henry Jr, and Warren, which left me standing alone so I walk over to get something to drink and as I finish poring my drink someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn only to spill my drink on Wyatt.

"OMG I'm SUCH A FREAK I'M SO SORRY!!!" I say looking and feeling so dumb

"ahaha it's ok things happen ahaha... beside it's my fault for sinking up on you like that" Wyatt smiles at me

"no it's really my fault sorry here let me help you there..." I say as I grab some paper towel and try to dry hi shirt.

He grabs my hands and tells me "it's okay Kadeem really" with his super cute smile that just melts your heart "so how your doing?" he asks me

"Good just embarrassed that I just did that to you... hahah" I sigh "really it's not a big deal ahahah..."he reassures me "you look really cute..." he blushes which makes me blush... "I mean you look really good... I mean I'm sorry if I just freaked you out when I said your cute... I mean not that your not cue yyyou are it's just ... I'm gonna stop talking now..." he says look down at the floor

"aha its fine and thanks!" I smile

he smiles back and than asked me something no one has asked before and made me laugh "so do you have a girlfriend or something..."

I look at him like omg are you joking... "ahahahaahah me have a girlfriend ahahahah!" I just laughed and he than gave me a mmmm yea your weird smile so I stop laugh only to tell him "I'm gay" and he just stared at me and than we both burst out laughing I look around and see everyone having a good time when Wyatt asks me something I wasn't to sure of "so do you have a boyfriend than..." I just stare and think hard before I say the wrong thing see technically me and Justin aren't together anymore, but we were trying to fix things I see he's waiting for me to say something so I just say "in some ways I am, but in other ways I'm not..." which I let ravel in his head... I ask him the same thing and just before he can speak Tommy walks up to us and grabs Wyatt and start making-out with him and I get my answer. I just walk away

"Tommy what the hell was that for?!"Wyatt asks pissed

"wow so I haven't kissed my boyfriend all day and the minute I do its a issue?" Tommy yells and walks off

Wyatt looks at my direction and than Tommy's and than walks off to get Tommy.

I walk up to Myisha "let's go!" I tell her

"what why we're all having good time here.."she tells me and before I can say something this guy bumps into us and Myisha get's a permeation

a guy medium brown skin with dread and has a crescent moon bracelet on is walking down the street not to far from here and is about to turn the corner when five demons shimmer in and get ready to attack him

"what... what did you see?" I ask Myisha

"that guy that bumped into us is gonna be attacked by five demons... and I'm guess we're being watched by others." she says "you go after the guy and I'll tell everyone what going on and meet up with you later."

so I race off to try and find this guys and I see him about to turn the corner when the demons shimmer in on Q about to attack him when I throw my hands up and freeze the scene but I'm shocked the guy didn't freeze. One more demon comes and garbs me from be hide and my freeze wears off and the demons get ready to attack again so I yell "LOOK OUT!" the guy turns around to see five energy balls being thrown at him and he turns away with his hands up in a panic movement but what shocked me and the demons was that a force field throw up covering the guy which shocked him to. I use this to elbow the demon that was holding me and blow up too demons and run to the guy.

"are you ok?" I ask him


"okay look just clam down I'm here to help you just stay down." I tell him and I orb be hide a demon and blow him up the, when one of the demons throw a energy ball at me I hold up my hands and say "energy ball" and orb it back at him killing him. The last demon shimmered out just as a was about to blow him up. I walk back over the guy and he's more freaked out than before. "mm are you okay?" I ask again hoping that this time he's more calmer than the first time I ask

"NO WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" he yells again

"okay lets start off with a deep breath and hi I'm Kadeem and I just save your life from what we call a demons..."

he just stares "what do you mean we?" he asks

"good thing you asked because I'm witch and it looks like you are to..." I tell him

"this is a joke right like there's let cameras hidden here right because THERE'S NO SUCH THINGS A WITCH OR DEMONS!" he yells

"oh no so how do you explain all what just happened..." I ask him, and he doesn't say anything just stares. "okay so lets try this again hi I'm Kadeem and you are?"

"I'm Alexander Smith..." he says in a low voice

"well Xander you mind if I call you that?" I ask not waiting for him to answer "but your a witch... I mean you didn't know you are one?"

"no this is all crazy and it doesn't make sense." he sighs

"it's okay I was like that to." I tell him

"you were?" Xander ask

"no I was born a witch and always knew but why don't come back to my friends house where you'll be safe."

"no thanks sorry but I don't know who you are and this is all too much for me and I just want to go home to sleep." Alex tells me

"ok well let me walk you home just in-case them come again" I tell him

"come again?" Alex asks

"they always do... hey what's that?" I ask pointing to his bracket

"one this it's a bracelet my grandmother gave me." Alex tells me

"you sure it's not an amulet for protection?" I ask him

"not that I know of it's just a crescent bracelet I love the moon" he tells me

and we walk and I try to talk to him but he's not really the open up to people person so I just get the basic he's the same age as me 17 in high school, I could tell that he's not the jock or someone on a high rank in high school just a normal kid maybe a book worm but not a geek. We get to his house and I tell him if you need to talk is to call me or text me and to talk to my friends Wyatt and Chris Halliwell and he tells me he knows them but more like knows of them then Wyatt was in school they had a room together but he still see's Chris. I orb back to the manor and fill everyone in and they agreed to keep an eye on him.

"I think we should go than..." I tell Wyatt

"wait Kadeem about before..." Wyatt starts but I cut him off

"it's cool aha I guess we'll talk and see you later... and thanks for the party." I smile

"well thank you for coming but your more than welcome to come by when every." he smiles

And I orb us home to sleep.


Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 9

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