Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Jul 17, 2023


Kadeem Richards

Charmed: Because I'm Charmed

All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all Loved and enjoyed (:

Chapter 6: what you talking about elders?

"okay I think we need to get this under wraps" Phylicia says

"okay what do you suppose we do?" I ask

"well I think we should have the Halliwell's here with us" Myisha says

"ya Kadeem you call them" Kris says

"what why me?" I ask a little panicy

"because its your new boyfriend's family" Phylicia teases

"OMG NO IT's NOT!" I yell

"clam down I was just joking" Phylicia tells me "but we all know you likeeeeeeee him"

"whatever just call them" Kris says annoyed

phone convo [] phone rings........

me hello hi mmmmm may I speak to Wyatt Halliwell please.]

? [who is this?]

me [ mmm this is Kadeem Richards]

? [what the do you want?]

me [who is this O great it's dummy]

Tommy [no that Tommy bitch you know Wyatt's boyfriend!]

I feel like I was hit in the head with a brick after hearing him say that and it was like hah in your face tone but I knew he must have been lying I mean Wyatt would be with someone who is so..... ugh

me [ can I just talk to him ]

Tommy [ whatever.... Wyatt the phone...]

Wyatt [ hello who is this? ]

me [ hey it's me Kadeem...]

Wyatt [oh hey hi Kadeem how are you ?] he says with so much joy

me [ hey I'm good we're all good mm mm just a little confused and we just wanted to all meet up to talk about what Riix said]

Wyatt [yea our same thoughts you and your family should come by here and we can talk about it]

me [mm mm yea sure]

Wyatt [ great I can't wait to see you]

hangs up the phone....

"so what happen what he say" Myisha asks

"they want to meet at their house" I answer

"when" she asks again

"I guess now is as good of time" I say so I orb us to Wyatt's house

(at the manor)

"what was that about why did you invite them here" Tommy ask pissed

"baby nothing their just coming over to talk about what the demon said" Wyatt sighs

"who's coming?" Piper asks

"Kadeem is" Wyatt smiles

"Kadeem is coming really I should tell Phoebe and Paige I'll call them" Piper says running off to call them

"wow a super star is coming here!" Mel yells

Tommy just rolls his eyes "they just want to talk"Wyatt says

and we orb in "yea we're just here to talk and chat h up no drama unless someone wants to tell everyone the truth..." I stare right at Tommy when I say that " hi again Wyatt" I smile

"hey Kadeem" he smiles

Tommy coughs and I just roll my eyes

"KADEEM!" Mel runs over to me and hugs me

"OMG Mel" I say out of breath cause she hugging me to tight

Everyone is greeting one another talking about the old times and laughing until Tommy walks over to Wyatt and I and pulls him away and they start fighting

"don't worry they been arguing for a while now" Chris tells me

"mm mm they don't..." but before I could finish my sentence four elders orb in and everyone's attention is now on them...

"hello everyone I am Odd" a large b oldee man says "this is Ritta" he points to a small blonde woman "Ida" he points to a small black woman "and Devito" a young man who's about in his early 20's with blonde hair "we are here because we have been watching you... all of you"

"and why is that?" Myisha asks

"because you all are the most powerful witches to ever walk the earth" Devito says

"hey and what are we cooped liver?" Piper ask pissed

"well aside from you three" Ida says

"thanks that's more like it!" Paige says with a smile

"wow Myisha? How are you?" Phoebe asks her and hugs her

"good Phoebe you?" Myisha answers and ask the same thing

"Phylicia and Kristoff come here" Paige waves them over to her and hugs them

"Piper and Leo" I run to them and hug them

"Oh sweetie how are you?" Piper asks

"you've grown into a hansome young man Kadeem and a star." Leo tells me

"thanks" I replay

"well we have important matter to talk about and your parents should be here to" Riita explainsss and waves her hand to orb my mother, Phylicia's mother, Kristoff's mother, and Tommy's parents.

"so what is going on?" I ask

"this has been forsawn for a long time to come your parents knew this as well." Odd says

we all look at our parents shocked that they didn't tell us this.

"sorry honey we couldn't tell you this." my mother tells both me and Myisha

"why not?" Myisha ask

""because we said so." Odd says

"you all Charmed blood in you, you all aren't related but none the less are Charmed and three of you well make the new power of three." Ritta tell us.

"Wyatt and Chris are automticly the two out of three due to the fact of being born from the original Charmed line the last one is among Thomas Jones, Kristoff Hinds, Warren Turner, Henry Halliwell< and Kadeem Richards." Devito tells us

"why not a girl?" Phylicia ask

"because due the fact that Wyatt is a male and the twice blessed child the next two most be a male, but if needed anyone can sub for one of them to make a less powerful power of three" Ida explains

"we shall come again when the time is right for the last one of the power of three is chosen." and with that they orbed back up there.

"great more secrets huh..." I sigh

"well at least it out you five." Chris says

"but we all know it's me." Tommy says confidently as if he was picked already.

"and why is that?" Warren ask that's Phoebe's and Cole's son they had long before

"I am the one who lives with them and is the strongest out of all of you sorry to tell you guys!" Tommy tells us.

I just roll eyes that's the thing with Tommy he try s to make himself look better than those around him when if it wasn't for me to give him the confidences he has today he wouldn't act like this.

"news flash Tommy, Kadeem has the same powers as you and more." Kris tells Tommy

and with that I lose my train of thought and is dragged into this and just in the right time to hear Tommy say

"Please Kadeem's not half the white I am!"

"okay now I normally don't talk to people less than me but your pushing your luck and your right I'm not half the witch you are cause I'm half witch and half whitelighter." I say which shuts him up

we just stare each other down.

"okay well why don't we all clam down" Leo says

" I know why don't we all go down stairs and eat dinner to chatuh up?" Piper asks

nobody moves...

"okay let me try this again, EVERYONE GET YOUR ASS'S DOWN STAIR TO EAT!" she yells and everyone moves...


Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 8

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