Blue Moon

By Logan Gardner

Published on Aug 10, 2012


Twilight Saga.

If you aren't at the very least 18 don't read. I don't need to be sued for corruption...if that's even possible. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who play the role. I will say it up front....I'm a bitch. A King Bitch! Don't piss me off or ask for me to put you in my stories. It's rude and unfair, to ask someone to change their story around because you want to be in a story. If that's the case then make your own story. Thanks!!! Anyways enjoy the story...if you don't like it then oh well.

The history is mixed to fit the story.

Blue Moon-1

I didn't like my life, because of one reason...war. WWII to be exact. Let me explain.

I was born August 28, 1920. Since my birth I was a musical child. My mother being a singer and chorus girl at the time, my father a saxaphone player for the band she was in. Music was in my blood as I played a violin and sang with my mom during some stage performances. It was in my blood.

We became famous and sang and entertained the masses, that was until my father died of an evolved form of the Spanish influenza that hit America a decade before.

My mom couldn't sing or perform any longer for she was dying of a broken heart.

I went on stage still performing going solo. I just turned 18 when my mother finally passed. As much as I wanted to grief I had to perform and make a living. The world was growing and you need to be a part of it or you'll get swallowed by it.

I sat in my room getting dressed for show, I looked at myself in the mirror.

Light tanned skin and bright green eyes. Golden wavy hair that went to my back. It was part of my appeal, it gave people who knew me, an image of my parents. My slim petite frame lightly muscled from eating rarely.

A knock at my door alerted me of show time.

As I stepped on the stage and began to perform, I noticed two people...two men. Both pale and angelic, one with golden hair and another with bronze hair. Both dressed nicely and well kept. They sat in the back smiling, seeming to be enjoying the performance.

I kept singing and dancing along to the music the band played.

As the song finished I introduced a beautiful woman...Ella Fitzgerald. We sang a song together.

"Can't We Be Friends." I was no where as good as Frank Sinatra, but I held my own and the band played so amazing.

When we finished the crowd stood and clapped as Ella Fitzgerald and I hugged on stage and I thanked her publicly as we took a bow.

She had to leave for another performance with Frank Sinatra on Broadway.

The show was over as I retreated back to my room.

I sat there smiling thinking of the amazing performances of today. I was happy, I sat rubbing a picture of my parents hugging by the sea.

A knock on my door brought me from my memories.

"Hello?" I asked as I opened the door, it was the two men.

"Hello, Jesse Evans. I am Carlisle Cullen and this is my son Edward. We just wanted to say we loved the show and that we're hug fans." They both smiled as I shook their freezing cold hands. It must be snowing outside again.

"Thank you. It really great to meet fans." I told them with a smile.

"I knew your parents. Not personally but I remember seeing then perform once." Edward said, "Can I ask for an autograph?" Edward ask gushing at me.

"Well sure." I grabbed two pictures of me, that was used as advertisement. I wrote my John Hancock on it and handed them over to them.

"Thank you. This means a lot." Edward said with a smile as another knock came at the door.

"Jesse. It's time to go." It was Harold. He was my caretaker since my parents died. "Sorry gentlemen." I said shaking both their hands. As Harold led me through the back, to see two men in suits.

"Well now Harold old boy. Trying two skip out on us huh?" One said pulling out a cigar from his mouth before blowing smoke in Harold's face.

"Oh ho ho! Jesse Evans." The other said coming up to me. "Lovely performance today." He said as Harold put himself between us.

"Leave the kid out of this. He don't know nothing." Harold tried to defend me.

"Sorry Harold, but the boss doesn't want any loose ends." The man said before pulling out a pistol.

I looked at the gun not believing this would be the end of my life.

He pointed at Harold's leg shooting him, as he screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"Sorry, Jesse. I'm a huge fan." The man said as I closed my eyes and the sound of a gun going off was all I heard.

I don't remember screaming, I probably did. What I remember was waking up in the hospital. Not dead...but dying slowly of infection.

The nurse told me the bullet had been removed but it was in for too long causing infection. That the infection itself was incurable. I had within the next 24 hours before I was to die of.

"The doctor will be here in a few minutes to explain." The nurse said as she left. I waited what felt like forever before the doctor came in. What stumped me was it was Carlisle.

"Hello Jesse." He greeted me, "Carlisle. Your a doctor?" I asked.

"Yes. I am." He said with a small smile, before it turned to a frown and he came closer to me.

"Jesse. As it seems your going to die, within the next 24 hours. There is another way out." Carlisle said grimly as he locked the door.

"If you were offered another life would you take that second chance?" He asked me as I thought about it.

"What happened to Harold?" I asked him, "He...didn't make it. They tortured him, cutting him with large slicer knives." He said not looking at me, remembering the ugly image.

"Jesse. You don't have long. I can save you. Will you let me save you?" Carlisle asked me in a whisper, I nodded.

"Just answer me. What are you?" I asked him with a frown, "Vampire." He said not hesitating.

"Jesse. If we're going to do this we have to do it now." He told me.

"Do it. Get it over with." I told him closing my eyes as I felt his cold hands on my neck. Then his breath, it's wintery scent. It was amazing, "I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear.

Then I felt his hand over my mouth as he sunk his teeth in my neck. As he pierced my flesh I couldn't help but scream, to have it stopped by his hand.

The burning... the burning was all I could focused on as I fainted from the pain. The heat encompassed my body. I couldn't do anything as it burned. It got hotter and hotter and hotter and then too hot. It burned all over slowly it moved into my chest, and then closer and closer and closer still. My heart felt like it was giving out.

I wanted to die...please kill me! Take it back! Take it all back! Please! Please!!

Then it hit my heart, it burns so bad. It killed me. Or atleast I thought it did as it slowly began to cool off. The pain became less, and lesser and lesser. I could be brought to tears if I could even cry at the moment.

I was all to happy when it finally finished. I opened my eyes to see a sharp image of a room...I wasn't in my hospital room.

I rose off the bed and walked to the door opening it to see Carlisle and Edward together.

"Hello." Edward said as they came towards me. I crouched defensively and growled not letting them near me.

"Why's he acting like this?" Carlisle didn't respond at first but put his hands in a surrender motion, causing me to relax.

"We're not going to hurt you." Carlisle said as he came towards me.

"Let's get you something to feed on." He said leading me out a door. I looked around noticing woods, and the log cabin that we walked out of.

"Sadly. You're now dead to the world. Jesse Evans is said to have died of infections caused by gun wounds." Carlisle told me my story, it was slightly fuzzy but I could remember most of it.

"They held a grand memorial for you. They played your music as some danced and they held lanterns and candles for your memory." Edward said, I wanted to cry.

My singing career was over because those two men...I can't remember much. Their faces were blurred. The only part I remember was Harold's screams of pain.

"Can we just go? The burning is quite painful." I told them as they nodded.

"Yes. When we're finished we need to meet with someone." Carlisle said, "Rosealie will be abit testy we made her wait." Edward teased Carlisle.

"She will be fine, she has Emmett to keep her company." Carlisle said as we ran in blinding speeds as the wind whipped my hair and body. My body not making a sound as I ran, all I could hear was the rustling of nature as I passed by.

We stopped smelling a herd of deer. "I don't want that." I said as I pinched my nose. "Those are gross." I commented.

"Please atleast try it." Edward said with a small smile.

I crouched to the ground and crawled in a cat like fashion to stalk the prey, I leapt into a tree and held myself above it. This is going to be disgusting.

I dropped from above on the back of a buck and sunk my teeth in the neck, surprised my teeth went straight through the fur, skin, and fat layers. It's sour blood pulsing passed my lips and quenching my thirst, putting out the flames in my throat.

"That was disgusting." I said trying to vomit what I drank but knew automatically my body would let me vomit blood.

"There has to be a better tasting animal." I said to the two laughing males.

"Stop laughing!" I commanded and immediately they stopped, their eyes glazed for a second.

"What was that?" Edward questioned, "It must be his gift. A voice command ability." Carlisle said in wonder.

"We should test it, but first are you finished feeding?" He asked me his voice showing concern for my needs.

"No. I want a better tasting animal." I said, "There are mountain lions. They taste better because they are carnivorous." Edward mentioned to me.

"Show me to one please." I said as he led the way to a great cat laying on the tall tree branches.

"Okay so what you need to do is...." he started but I had already gone after the poor thing.

Stalking it, it turned to me jumping to it's legs in surprise. It attempted to swipe at me to have it's hand stopped by my hand. It tackled me and we fell from the tree. The thing clawed my clothes, "Get Off!" I commanded to watch it's eyes glaze over and it got off of me.

I didn't hesitate to sink my teeth in it's neck. As the hot liquid again stopped the aching and burning.

"Much better." I said as we walked back to the cabin extra pair of clothes.

After I got dressed Carlisle said he wanted to test my power.

"Let's see how this works. Give Edward a command." Carlisle told me as he watched analyzing the process.

I focused on Edward, "Sit down." I commanded as he sat down. "Close your eyes." To see if it required eye contact. "Stand up." He got up.

"No eye contact is needed. But it requires a voice command...maybe it has to do with a combined mental and vocal synchronous." Carlisle analyzed my power.

We ran to a small town in Alaska. To meet Carlisle's family. Rosealie and Emmett. Apparently finding Rosealie almost dead on the street and Rosealie found Emmett dying having been attacked by a grizzly bear.

"It's very nice to meet you....wait...don't I know you? Wait!! Jesse Evans!!!" Rosealie screamed in excitement, "I thought you died. I'm a huge fan!" Rosealie, I grinned as a large bear like man with dark curls and huge muscles came up to me with a smile.

"Jesse Evans, huh? Rosealie plays your music a lot. You're an amazing singer." He said giving me a crushing hug.

"Thanks." I would have been blushing if I could anymore. "So how did you come to be a vampire?" Rosealie asked,

"I was performing. One day, with Ella Fitzgerald. I met Carlisle and Edward as a human. My friend Harold was taking me home, except he was apparently in trouble with the mob. They shot me and left me for dead. Carlisle found me, being my doctor. I was dying of an infection from the cold and Carlisle saved me." I told them.

"My one regret is now I can no longer sing and perform. I am dead to the world now." I told them.

"Can you sing for us?" Edward asked, "Oh yes please. Just one song." Rosealie begged, "Yes sing that song." Emmett cheered in a happy booming voice.

I sang "Bei Mir Bistu Shein" by The Andrews Sisters.

Remembering this song from a while back this year.

When I finished they seemed to have glazed eyes and misty expressions on, "Hello?" I asked as they began clapping.

"That was weird. When you sang you had us completely fixated on you." Carlisle said, "You have a mesmerizing personality and persuasive voice."

"Umm...thank you?" I said with a small smile.

I had a great time with Carlisle, Edward, Rosealie, and Emmett. Except I had a free spirit, so I had to eventually leave them. It was sad, but I needed to be free.

I traveled around the world learning different music types. I became addicted to soul, R & B, and Urban Pop, aswell as Hip Hop. It broadened my singing horizons, I met a few people during my life.

Creating aliases to act human, I met Etta James, Ray Charles, Shirley Ellis, Aaliyah, and Mary J Blige.

They were amazing people and even better singers.

I would have continued on my decades long adventure except I received an urgent letter from Carlisle and the others, They apparently missed me dearly. Asking me to return to them, that if I didn't then they would come after me. Honestly I couldn't

help but laugh at this, but agreed.

It's 2005. I stayed away for far too long. Maybe I SHOULD move back.

I packed my clothes that I gathered from all over the world and purchased a first class one way ticket to Washington. Good bye New Orleans. I am going to miss you.

As I landed in the airport I followed the instructions to where Carlisle now lives. I ran through the forest at blinding speeds catching a familiar scent. It smelt of Edward, except it had a mix of strawberries. I ran through a meadow, with lavender flowers were blooming and breathed in Edward's scent. There was the strawberry scent again.

I followed it until I reached a white house. Its beauty was so very amazing. It was classic yet modern, totally perfect combination. I heard Carlisle's wife was an excellent architect.

As I got closer to the house the back sliding glass door, opened and a smiling Edward leapt out followed by Carlisle, and Rosealie and Emmett, then four others I didn't know. All hugged me tightly, Emmett lifted me up and spun me like the big goof ball he was.

"Jesse!". "Welcome home son, we missed you very much." Carlisle said with a grin.

"It's nice to be back." I said happily, I looked at a pale brunette woman with golden eyes who looked like she was the mother figure.

"Jesse. This is Esme. My mate and wife." Carlisle said excitedly, as he pulled her to me.

I pulled her into a hug. "First thing you need to know about me. I am a hugger. So don't offer a handshake EVER. I will just make the hug tighter." I smirked at her smile,

"By the way lovely work on the house." I complemented her designs, "Thank you so much." She gushed at my smile,

"Hi! I'm Alice. This is Jasper." A little petite pixie of a girl came up to me and hugged me tightly lifting me up.

I couldn't help but love her personality, "Hello. I'm Jesse." I told her.

Jasper seemed a tad nervous, "Come here." I told him and he looked in shock as his body moved against his own will.

"Sorry. I just wanted to get you over here." I told him as I hugged him, he seemed unprepared for it but after the initial shock of my power display he hugged back.

"It's nice to meet you." He said with a crooked grin.

"And this one is...." I asked, "Bella. My mate." Edward said proudly as she wrapped herself around him.

"Bella give him a hug. He won't hurt you." Edward calmed her, "Hi. I'm Bella." She said with her hand extended, to which the others feigning shock, gasping and others laughed.

"Give me a hug." I told her, though my power didn't seem to affect her fully it did work somewhat. She approached me, but she didn't give me a hug.

"She has a mental barrier. Edward can't read her mind, and since half your power involves the brain it will only half work." Carlisle commented,

"Neat!" Finally someone who wouldn't follow my every whim.

I hugged her tightly but not too tight. She blushed from the contact. "Nice to meet you aswell Bella. I'm Jesse." I told her letting her go as she walked to Edward and wrapped herself around him again.

Shes rather clingy

"You have no idea." Edward said laughing at the inside joke.

"Okay so where are they!" Alice asked, tapping her foot.

"Where are what?" I asked her, "The presents you brought." She said with a smile excited to see what I got her. I may have only met them, but I did collect things through my travels for each one.

I laughed at Alice's personality again.

"You I like!" I told her as I pulled my bag off my shoulders.

I pulled out dresses for the girls, beautiful gowns really. Light blue for Alice, Silver for Rosealie, a shiny red for Esme. When it came to Bella I pulled out something special, "My way of saying welcome to the family." I told her as she blushed.

It was a music box that was hand crafted and jeweled by a master craftsmen, it even had the Cullen crest. Edward told me small things about her like how she was different from others, where most girls loved to wear gowns she hated to dress up.

She opened it and it played a tune she remembered, her eyes glew up in wonder.

It was the song Edward wrote and played for her.

"How?" She asked, "I have my ways." I grinned to her.

"Now the boys." I told them.

I pulled out cases, to which all the boys opened at the same time.

Gold designer watches with the Cullen crest on it. They grinned at them.

"Whoa. This is pretty cool." Emmett said happily.

"Don't break it, or I break your face." I told Emmett who laughed wholeheartedly.

"Fashion show" Alice said loudly as everyone walked inside.

I watched as all the guys watched their mates come downstairs dressed up beautifully.

"You have amazing taste." Alice said with a smile, as she posed infront of Jasper.

"Gorgeous, Darling." He said with a smirk and kissed her.

"Smoking hot babe!" Emmett yelled, and Rosealie strung him along upstairs.

Oh gosh, the last thing I need to hear right now.

"If that dressed is ripped, I'll put such a hold on you, you will kiss a frog as you are dressed as a princess!" I yelled to Emmett. He laughed from upstairs, "I'll be careful." He promised from upstairs.

I watched as the same happened to Alice and Jasper, and Carlisle and Esme. Ew.

"I know." Edward agreed.

"Well I got to get Bella home, before they start." Edward said as she held the box firmly, "Thank You." She said as she left with Edward.

Finally Carlisle came back down buttoning up his shirt. Gross.

"So how long are you staying?" He asked, "Well actually. I was hoping if I could move back in. Permanently. Well atleast. For a few decades or so...maybe a century."

I said, "Oh you know you are always welcome here. You are my son, and if you let her...Esme can be your mom." He said with a hand on my shoulder, "I already consider her family. And since she's your mate...then yes. She is my mother." I agreed with him.

"We just have to get your room set up and then school." He told me.

"School? Really? Fine. If it helps us to appear human then alright."

"Great. I gotta go back up, Esme is insatiable." He said speeding off.


(That's the first chapter. I do hope you like it. If not then oh well. If you have problems with it, then keep them. To yourself. I'm not perfect. I'll get better. Besides it's the first chapter.)

Next: Chapter 2

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