Blue Moon

By Logan Gardner

Published on Aug 26, 2012


Twilight Saga.

If you aren't at the very least 18 don't read. I don't need to be sued for corruption...if that's even possible. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who play the role. I will say it up front....I'm a bitch. A King Bitch! Don't piss me off or ask for me to put you in my stories. It's rude and unfair, to ask someone to change their story around because you want to be in a story. If that's the case then make your own story. Thanks!!! Anyway thanks for reading.

History is changed to fit the story.

Blue Moon-4

I sat waiting for Bella to move, but she didn't really. When she was home she wasn't moving. When she was at school she didn't talk, barely ate. She sat there while her friends watched her act like a living statue. The nights were the worst, she would constantly scream and cry and kick in her sleep. Waking Charlie up in the process. Months passed and seasons changed, still barely any movement and the screaming got worse.

I get calls from Edward constantly, asking how she was? Was she eating right? Was she sleeping okay? I told him the truth, and through his stubborn pigheadedness, he said the same thing. "Eventually she'll forget about me and move on." And then I'd say that, "Edward it's meant to be. Stop fighting it, give in to it. Embrace both it and her." I told him, then he would hang up the phone on me.

She got in an argument with her Father.

"Bella. You're going back to Florida with your mom." Charlie said to Bella who's eyes widened for a moment and she began screaming and shouting "No!".

"Damn it Bella! You need to move on from this boy." Charlie said and she would scream and cry for hours afterwards.

I'm guessing this is her last connection she had to Edward, where it all began...Forks.

"How about spending time with some other friends? Like Jacob perhaps? He's been asking about you a lot lately." He said as she sighed,

"If you don't then I'm going to call your mom to have her help me get you to leave." Charlie threatened, knowing she would accept.

"Okay dad." She said with a sigh.

"Thank You." He said handing her the phone.

Jeez I hate stalking Bella like this. Edward must get some sick pleasure from being a stalker to his love.

phone vibrates

Edward again. This is the 20th time he has called within the hour.

"How is she?" He asked, "She's fine. Finally going to do something besides sulk after a boy who is too stubborn for his own good." I told him.

A sigh, "Jesse, you know why I can't come back. Also why she can't have any connection with our world." He said in a know it all fashion.

"Edward. Shes been exposed to our world for too long. She is a part of it already part of it." I told him.

Another sigh before he hung up the phone. Rude!

For that I'm not telling you anything next time you call!

I watched as she got to the border in La Push....I have to watch her right? Jeez.

I ran, tailing her through the woods.

Until she got to a house.

"Bella!" A scrawny kid with long hair said, I have to admit...something about him. I felt a pang of jealousy when He hugged Bella.

I growled rather loudly on instinct, I hid and covered my mouth as I noticed them looking around for the sound.

Control yourself Jesse. What in the world is wrong with you?

I heard them talk for hours on end in the boy's....Jacob's shed. I was bored...oh so bored.

They were laughing up a storm, I even heard Bella and Jacob flirting. Either subconsciously or not, but I couldn't help snarl from a vast distance.

Why was I acting this way?

The phone inside the house rang. I heard an older voice...Billy!

"Hello. Hey Charlie. Yeah Bella is here. Alright. Okay I'll let her know." Billy said on the phone from inside the house.

"Bella! Jacob!" Billy called and they both walked quickly to the front porch.

"Yes?" Bella asked Billy.

"Your dad says it's getting late. He wants you to get home soon," Bella and Jacob sighed not wanting the day to end.

"And he wants us to go over so we can have dinner, says there's a surprise game today." Billy ended with a small knowing smile.

He grinned as he saw the looks on Jacob and Bella's faces. They were obviously happy about the decision.

"Sounds good." Bella said as she got in her car, "See you two at the house." She grinned as she said that.

I sat in Bella's room when she and Jacob were talking downstairs. I couldn't see anything through the windows, the next best thing right? Snooping!

I lay on the bed knowing my body wouldn't leave an imprint.

Edward had called me 5 times while I was watching Bella in La Push.

I went through the voicemail.

"First message: Jesse, how's Bella? Call me."

"Second message: Jesse what's going on? Why haven't you called me or answered my calls?"

"Third message: Jesse, you better answer this phone young man!"

"Fourth Message: Jesse I'm not playing around....please! Call me."

"Fifth message: Jesse please....I'm desperate. Call me please."

I listened to the last message on Edward begging. He doesn't beg for anyone.

Wow. He was really desperate.

I was about to dial Edward when foot steps alerted me to people in the hall.

I leapt out the window and sat on the roof.

Listening in on the conversation.

"Whoa. This is what your room looks..." Jacob said sniffing deeply.

"What?" Bella asked curiously.

"Your room. It smells like cinnamon spiced honey cookies. Like my mom use to make." Jacob said in a dreamy yet happy and content voice.

"Where do you even find this type of air freshener?" He asked, the sound of the springs on the bed being pulled by his weight. I could hear the sheets being played with.

"Smells so good." Jacob said as Bella laughed at him.

A pang of satisfaction hit me, why was I satisfied over the fact that he likes my scent?

"What were we talking about?" He asked blankly, "Sam?" She said, it sounded like he perked up after the name.

"Oh yeah," he stated unenthusiastically, "Embry joined his wacky shack gang. Even cut his hair and got a tattoo. They all have the same identical tattoo. I'm scared though. Sam keeps staring at if he knows something. Like maybe I'm next." Jacob said I could hear the fear in his voice.

I held back a growl at the fear in his voice, instantly wanting to kill Sam for scaring Jacob.

Get a grip Jesse!

"Don't worry. I'll protect you." Bella said. I could hear them give small chuckles.

"Jacob! Time to go." Billy's voice could be heard from downstairs.

"Okay Dad!," he yelled to Billy, "I'll see you later?" Bella asked, "Definitely!" Jacob agreed.

I wanted to kill everyone for messing with Jacob. Sam for scaring him, Bella for flirting with him...even if she doesn't know it. I breathed in the faint scent, a light yet musky smell of both rain and Jacob's personal scent. It was sweeter than honey, more fragrant than any rose. I could feel my throat catch on fire, as my mouth flooded with Venom. I growled at this, I wanted to both kill Jacob for his blood, and jump him for his lips.

I ran off to the near by woods taking down a few deer in desperation, anything to keep from going after Jacob and killing him.

I watched Bella as she slept...more calmly, but she was still pretty bad.

Before long, Charlie got use to it. He even stopped coming in to check on her, as it was impossible to stop and only got her to wake and start crying.

Many times did I want to jump into her room and calm her down but she wasn't suppose to know I was here. Then again she maybe suspicious since that day I was in her room, one factor I forgot scent. If she recognizes my scent then it can make things all the more complicated.

I followed her to school, wearing a hood and covering my face. I didn't get many looks and when I did, they didn't see much.

I watched and listened from the corner, Bella was talking with her friends.

"So Bella. Want to go to the movies?" Mike asked, the little bi boy asked.

It was obvious he meant as a date, but Bella had a way to defuse to situation. Everyone at the table stopped talking to look at the two.

"Um. Sure. Hey Jessica, Angela want to go to the movies?" Bella asked, getting the hint Angela nodded, followed by Jessica.

"Sure. In fact...we'll all go. It'll be a group thing." Jessica said with a smile. Glad she could spend time with Mike.

"Yeah. It's...great." he said trying to mask his unpleasant thoughts.

After feeding a few times on mountain lions and a grizzly bear, I sat on a tree listening to Bella.

Phone Ringing

"Hello? Hey Jacob. I was you want to go to the movies with me and some friends?" Bella asked.

"Are you serious? Sure!" He said sounding happy and excited, oh my beautiful Jacob. My Jacob? This was getting weirder.

"Okay. Talk to you later." Bella said ending the phone call.

I sat back bringing out my phone and dialing Edward's number.

"Finally you call back!" Edward yelled fuming.

"Hey don't yell. You brought it on yourself with hanging up rudely. It's always Bella this Bella that. I'm the one watching her, so get off my back." I scowled him over the phone.

"Anyways. Bella. She's okay. She seems to be moving on." I said I could hear Edward growl over the phone.

"Good. She's moving on." Edward said sighing into the phone.

"I don't know how much longer I can stay away Jesse. I feel like I'm going to tear apart at the seems if I cannot see Bella." Edward said worried.

"Well, I told you it was stupid in the beginning." I said, hearing Edward growl in anger and annoyance.

"You don't know what it's like Jesse!" Edward yelled through the phone.

My anger boiling at this point, "No I don't understand! How you can love someone and push them away because you're afraid. No I don't understand, how you can love someone and then abandon them. No I don't understand that! I also don't understand love. Why do so many want it, when it breaks your heart in the end." I told him, and took a deep breath signaling I wasn't finished just yet.

"I don't even remember having a first crush, I'm pretty damn sure I never been inlove. It's not fair that SOME PEOPLE, get to partake in something such as that, while OTHERS, have not even held the hand of someone they love...not even once." I told him as I ended the call.

I sighed jumping on the roof and gazing at the stars that were oddly out today as the sky was usually cloud covered.

Today was the day they decided to go to the movies. Jacob talking to Mike trying to make conversation.

"Are you even old enough to watch this?" Mike asked Jacob seriously annoyed.

"Bella's buying my ticket." Jacob said with a small innocent smile.

"Of course she is." Mike said annoyed.

Bella found a place to park and walked up to them.

"Bella!" They both greeted at the same time, only difference was that Jacob was being nice to both people. Mike was being rude to Jacob, rolling his eyes when Jacob made jokes.

I sat in the back watching the zombie movie commence. Face Punch. Honestly I know I shouldn't be terrified, but sometimes I was...human. Vampirism basically enhances who you already are. Don't get me wrong, when it came to life situations I was never afraid. Maybe worried but never afraid. When it comes to movies on the other hand....for some reason, It just gets to me.

I was shivering as I watched Jacob laugh at the Gore, Mike didn't look to well. He got up and ran out of the room holding his mouth and stomach. "Weak!" Jacob commented and made Bella laugh at the joke.

Bella sighed not feeling interested in the movie. She knows she purposely sabotaged a date with Mike, into a group outing.

"Bella. Do you want to go?" Jacob asked concerned.

"Yeah. I'm not feeling this movie." She said, I waited a few minutes before following.

I found them sitting on a bench talking to a sick looking Mike.

"I'm going to go. I think I got the stomach flu." Mike said coughing up a storm.

"So Bella. Why did you invite me?" Jacob asked rubbing Bella's hand.

"I didn't want to spend time with Mike. I wanted to spend time with you instead." Bella said watching Jacob trace her moon shaped scar. "What happened?" Jacob asked her.

"I got it when I left the hospital." Bella said remembering everything.

"Clumsy Bella." Jacob joked.

Bella smacked him and realized how hot he was.

"Whoa! Jacob you're burning up!" Bella said feeling Jacob's head. "I think you may be getting that bug everyone else has!" Bella said worried.

"I feel fine Bella." Jacob reassured her before a honking sound came from outside.

"I gotta go. My dads here." Jacob said before hugging Bella goodbye.

It's been a few days since the movies, I watched Bella closely. She sighed in annoyance as yet again, Jacob wouldn't answer the phone. Lately he hasn't called or text or anything. I was worried myself, for what? I am unsure, but I know I am.

Knowing Bella she was going to jump off the bandwagon....and she did.

She drove off to the Cullen home. Seeing it was both locked and empty she walked the trail around our home and walked into the woods. Searching and searching. Finding what she was looking for. The field where her and Edward would lay in the sun, breathing in the lavender's particular scent.

What she found was a dried dead garden, as if the life had left with Edward. She began to cry, falling to her knees.

"Shh. Don't cry." A French accent said, Bella looked on in fear as Laurent walked up to her. She got up and backed away to see him advance. Hunger in his red eyes, before they turned black before her eyes.

"I went to the Cullen home, they weren't there. They left you?" Laurent said coming closer to her.

"Actually some of them stayed. They just aren't here right now." Bella said.

"Oh child, don't lie to me. I know they have been gone for some time, I don't smell any of them on you. You know Victoria's looking for you. It's better if I killed you...she will make it last, before killing you." Laurent said to Bella.

She was terrified of not just Laurent...but that Victoria was still around and looking for Bella.

"I can't believe they left you all alone." Laurent repeated not believing his luck running into her.

"We didn't!" I said stepping out of the tree line, having had enough of the games, and the lies from both Edward and Laurent, and every homicidal vampire that knew Bella.

Bella gasped, before smiling that she finally saw me.

Laurent wasn't happy...more like terrified.

"Uh. I will just be on my way." He said backing up.

"Freeze!" I commanded as his body froze. I made it so he couldn't move, but he was still conscious about what was happeneing.

"You really think I'm going to let you go? So you can call your boss?" I asked menacingly.

"No! I wouldn't do that. No please!" He begged and screamed as I let him run, chasing after him. I landed on his back. I ripped off his arms, ad he continued to scream. I ripped off his head and the screaming stopped.

I walked up to Bella.

"Hey sweetie." I greeted her as she cried in joy.

"It's you. It's really you. Wait. How did you know where I was?" Bella asked.

"I been trailing you for months now, ever since the others left. I have watched after you, just in case if Victoria were to come back or you needed me or them. It was Edward's idea." I told her.

"Edward? Do you know where he is? Can you call him?" She asked getting closer every step.

"No I don't know one does. He supposedly went traveling to keep himself busy. He calls me most the time, but lately. I can't get him to answer." I told her as she nodded sadly.

"Don't worry Bella. You two will be reunited soon, you two can't stay away from eachother. Besides that. We need to go. Something tells me, Laurent's not going to like being a vampire in a few minutes." I told her as wolf howls could be heard.

I picked her up and carried her back to her truck.

"So what does this mean now?" Bella asked, "Oh means. I'm done protecting you in secret. I can finally make this whole job easier, since I can be around you with you knowing." I told her as I drove to her house with her truck.

"They went to pretend to be College students. But Alice doesn't like staying away. Jasper is annoyed that he can't stop her from feeling sad." I told her.

"What about Edward?" She asked.

"He is M.I.A." I told her as she nodded sadly.

"Emmett and Rosealie they went to Scotland." I told her and she looked at me questioning.

"Emmett's Scottish. You didn't know? He hides it well, but I thought he would've told you." I said in wonderment.

"That explains why he's so big!" Bella said with a grin.

"It's like my life was a nightmare without you guys, now that you're here, I'm finally awakening." She said breathing better.

"Oh I know all about your sleeping issues. I was here the whole time, since Edward left...actually I never left. I live in the Cullen home, I just been with you so the door was locked." I told her.

"Can we go in?" She asked. "Not at the moment. It's better to stay away. So you don't get emotional." I told her pulling into her driveway.

Charlie was here.

"Hello, Mr. Swan." I greeted Charlie with a hug.

"Umm. Charlie." He said noticing. My pale skin and honey golden eyes.

"Sorry we never officially met. I'm Jesse Cullen." I told him.

"Right is-uh..." I stopped him with.

"It's just me." I told him and he nodded.

I stayed with The Swan family for a few days, I told Charlie I was gay on the first night.

It was pretty funny. I was doing Bella's hair. She said we were having a girl's day. He asked how can you have a girl's day? It's two guys and a girl.

Then I turned and winked at him, his face turned red and he began coughing realizing the reason why Bella was giggling.

So anyways now I can spend time with Bella with the door closed.

A knock came at the door hours later, I smelled dog? It smelled like Jacob...but with a small amount of dog smell.

"Bella." I said pulling Bella to me. "I'm going to slip out the back. I'll be back in awhile."

She nodded insure of why...she doesn't know yet. Jacob must be a werewolf. Well...shapeshifter that turns into a giant wolf. Either way.

I ran out the backdoor and climbed the house quickly.

I listened in as they talked.

"Bella! I'm so glad your okay." Jacob said.

"I'm fine. What do you mean?" She asked curious.

"I-uh. Nevermind. What's that's still smells good. Stronger...but better." Jacob said inhaling.

"Jacob I...Im sorry for just noticing but...your really tall! Like over 6 feet, and muscular. Your's short what...? What happened? A tattoo! It was Sam wasn't it. What did that sick bastard do to you?" Bella asked furiously.

"Bella." Jacob sound annoyed, "Sam, didn't do anything. He...he's helping us. Don't call me anymore." Jacob said. He sounded like he was getting up.

The door slammed as Jacob stomped into the woods. Followed by Bella. Except she didn't get to him in time to see him shift, she was left standing there.

"Bella." I said grabbing her hand.

She turned in tears.

"He left me too." She said as I hugged her.

"Bella we need to talk." She nodded wiping her tears.

"You know how They're vampires?" I asked and she nodded again.

"Okay. Well think what can go toe to toe with a vampire?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Bella. You ever watch Van Helsing?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Okay. What killed Dracula?" I asked her.

"Van a werewolf." She said.

"Think about why Jacob looks different. Why he's angry all of a sudden." I told her.

"He's a werewolf?" Bella asked.

"Well. Sort of. I never met a werewolf. But Carlisle told me about them. Jacob turns into a giant wolf. According to Carlisle, werewolves,..well proper Lycans, are men cursed to turn into a large bipedal during the full moon. Supposedly they can change whenever but during the Full Moon they are out of their own control. I think what Jacob and his friends are for that matter are shapeshifters." I told her and she nodded thinking.

"I remember coming across stories of some Native Americans able to change into...spirit animals. I'm thinking that's what they are...shapeshifters." I told her.

She nodded with a determined look in her eyes.

She got up and ran inside and back out locking the door to the house.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To save Jacob." She said driving off.

"Hmm. This should be interesting." I joked turning around.

"Oh. No one is there." I said jokingly chasing after Bella.

Screw the Border. I'll die protecting her.

I ran catching up. Problem was she was already at Jacob's house. A group of tall muscular russet skinned guys were there as Bella began her rampage.

She was yelling at the guys. One of them laughed and she slapped him. My guess it didn't hurt him, but it did piss him off.

She backed up and ran, screaming for help.

I flew through the air and landed crushing the ground underneath me. The silver wolf looked at me in anger and disgust as it charged. I grabbed Bella and leaped into the air. Placing her by a tree.

The others turned into wolves and came after me as I stood my ground.

Let's see if this works.

"Stop!!!" I commanded them, they stopped moving. Though they seemed to be conscious of what they were doing like Bella. They couldn't help but still listen to me.

An angry howl alerted me to another wolf. I turned for a moment and noticed an even bigger chocolate brown wolf charge towards us growling.

"Stop!" I yelled and he was dazed for a moment, but began charging again. I wasn't paying attention to the other wolves. Putting all of it on the bigger wolf. The silver one took the advantage and bite off my arm.

"Aaah!!! Fuck!!!!" I yelled in anger.

"Stop!!!!!!" Bella yelled running up to me. The bigger wolf barked at the silver wolf and they all stopped as Sam in wolf form approached.

They all stopped growling.

Bella held my arm up to what was left of my right arm. I felt the pieces reattach and heard them as they sounded like stone and metal reconnecting. I twisted my arm and popped it back in place as I looked at it. It looks like nothing happened...besides a ripped shirt.

"Thanks." I told her putting it back in.

I noticed the wolves were now changed back.

"What is this leech doing here?" Sam demanded.

"Well I never!" I said angrily. Jacob laughed at this, they turned to him and he laughed harder when he saw the look on my face.

"Listen mister!" I said pointing at Jacob's nose barely reaching, when we locked eyes. It was weird....his eyes changed from intrigue to love.

"I didn't come here so some big fluffed furball can call me names or laugh at me." As soon as I said that I noticed the awkwardness between the guys.

"What?" I asked.

"There has got to be a mistake." The guy who bit my arm off said.

"Yeah there was. Your parents didn't know how to use a condom properly!" I yelled and all of them laughed hard as the guy shook with anger. He stepped up to me, but Jacob stepped between us.

"Leave him alone." Jacob warned before Sam ordered them apart.

"Bella let's go." I told her, "Where do you think your going?" Sam asked annoyed but tolerant. "You're going to my home." Sam said.

"Home before I get something else bitten off." I told him.

"Yeah, No." Jacob said to me.

"Excuse me?" I asked angrily, "Gawd your cute." Jacob whispered grabbing me and then Bella.

"I'm being kidnapped....or vampnapped! Just get me down from here." I demanded.

I wasn't going to bother trying to persuade Jacob, he can obviously fight through it.

Jacob walked us to Bella's car.

He had me sit by him while he drove. His body just resonated heat and I could help but to hug him by instinct.

Bella sighed, obviously not happy about it. What? She has Edward what's she so prissy about.

Jacob wrapped his arm around me as he drove to Sam's house.

We got to Sam's house in one piece. When I realized I pushed Jacob's hand away. He seemed sad, it broke my heart. So I grabbed his hand and he cheered up.

"So how did you control them? I could feel something. It went through all of us." Jacob said.

"Oh Umm. I'm very persuasive. A control freak really...well was. So it became my power." I told him.

"So leeches...I mean vampires have powers? I have to tell them." Jacob said with a frown.

"It's okay." I told him.

"Oh. Don't stare at Emily. It makes Sam angry." Jacob told us.

I nodded.

When I entered the cabin I saw a woman with a beauty that is hard to find...a woman with natural beauty, the scars only added to her beauty.

"Hello. I'm Jesse." I waved to her. "Bella." Bella said with a small smile.

She crossed her arms, she was not happy.

"Sam. I'm not going to keep your time. I would like the right to come to La Push, when Bella comes over to be with Jacob. Please." I asked him.

"No." He said.

"But...Sam. please." I started but he was stubborn.


"Sam, but He's my.." Jacob wasn't allowed to finish.

"I said no. We don't even know if that is true. I forbid it." Sam said.

"What? You can't do that!" I yelled and Sam didn't say anything.

"It is already done. You can't see eachother." Sam yelled.

"It's time you left. Don't come back."

I wanted to cry, but obviously it wouldn't help.

"Jesse. Let's go. We're leaving." Bella said angrily.

She pulled me, and I allowed myself to go.

Why was I acting like this? I feel like my heart is breaking.

I watched Jacob, a tear ran down his face. Yet he didn't come after me. Why would he? The imprint was obviously a mistake. It was defective.

"Bella pull over." I told her as we were driving to her house.

She stopped.

"Ever want to do something reckless?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said.

"Other than motorbikes missy!" I said, trying to get her riled up.

"Yes. Yes. Yes." She said excited.

"Let's go cliff diving." I told her.


"Fine. Okay. " she said getting out.

We walked to the cliff. We needed something to get our minds off of boys.

"Together?" I asked holding out my hand.

"Together." She said.

We jumped off the cliff holding hands. I pistoned down into the water, I had to help Bella do it properly.

She got swept into a current. I swam and grabbed her.

Noticing red hair, Victoria.

I pulled Bella up and out of the water.

She was gasping for air. Her skin pale. Her lips positively purple.

"Hey!" I heard, it was the La Push pack.

"I thought I told you to leave. Now you almost got Bella killed. Why do you think I forbid your relationship and any contact with anyone in La Push. Last warning. Leave. Don't come back. Either of you." Sam said leaving.

Jacob was slightly pissed that I wasn't taking care of his bestfriend like she needed.

"I'm sorry." I told him.

"It doesn't make it okay. You heard him. Leave." Jacob said. A tear ran down his face.

It was all my fault. All I do is hurt others. I'm not made to live well with others. I always make the wrong choices. When I'm done with my promise to Edward...I will leave and never return.

I grabbed Bella and put her in the truck.

Wrapping her in our coats.

As we got to the house something caught our attention.

A black Mercedes.

Carlisle's car.

"Carlisle!" Bella cheered happily, as I parked she ran into the house. Screaming in surprise to see Alice.

"Can you please explain to me, how the hell you're alive?" Alice said.

"I saw you jump off a cliff. With Jesse! But your future disappears, so now everyone thinks your dead." Alice said.

"And you mister. You should know better." Alice scowled me.

"Your phone got wet because I couldn't call you, so I had to come. No one knows I'm here." She said.

"Why do you smell like wet dog?" She asked us.

"Um. It appears Bella has found werewolves. Well shapeshifters." I told Alice.

"That's not good. That explains why I couldn't SEE." Alice said pondering something.

A knock on the door surprised us.

"Hello?" Bella said answering the door to see Jacob.

"I had to see you two. To make sure you were okay." He said.

"I have to go feed." Alice said.

"Looks like you need to aswell." She said to me.

"You go. I'll be fine. We can watch Bella in shifts." I told her.

She nodded jumping out the window.

"I'll be right back." I said taking a shower. I was happy to see him, but I wouldn't let myself get attached. It wouldn't last, so what would be the point?

When I came downstairs Alice was arguing with Jacob.

"He thinks your dead." Alice said to Bella.

"He's going to go to Italy and provoke the Volturi." Alice said to her.

"Why didn't you give me the phone!" Bella yelled at Jacob.

I wanted to rip out her throat, but the other half was agreeing with her.

He didn't ask for you!" He yelled back.

He began shaking.

"Jacob. Please calm down." I told him taking his hand. He seemed to relax.

"We need to get to Italy." Alice said.

"Wait please don't leave." Jacob said to us.

"I'm in love with him, Jacob. I need him." Bella said. Getting into Carlisle's car. Alice was reading to go. Honking the horn.

"Please. Don't go." Jacob said to me.

"I have to. He's my brother. Besides. It's forbidden." I told him.

He grabbed me by the arms and pushed me against the wall.

He kissed me, as he lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Forbidden love, is always the best love. It means that they truly love eachother." Jacob said in my ear.

"I have to go. If I return, I will be yours. But...we have to leave together." I told him.

"I can't this is my home." He said.

"Please. Think about it." I told him getting off of him and leaving.

Alice floored it. Since she could see the future, she could see if we ran into any cops.

We boarded the plane and was on our way to Italy first class. It was to help me, since I didn't get to feed. Besides...Cullens don't fly anything less than first class.

Bella kept asking Alice questions, I had to command her to sleep for her to stop asking. It didn't fully work but I was able to make her drowsy enough to eventually sleep.

When we touched down Alice pulled up in a yellow porsche. I got in the back.

"Alice, dear sister. Where on earth did you get this car?" I asked.

"Do you like it? I stole it from a kind gentleman." She said happily.

We sped across Italy in this Yellow Porsche. Finally making it to Volterra.

"Legend has it that St. Marcus had driven out all the vampires. Funny how, Saint Marcus is now a vampire." I joked.

"That joke was so old, it was fighting a shield wielding army." Alice said.

"That insult was so lame, you should ask Hannah Montana for a comeback." I countered.

"Who dresses you? A hobo." Alice said.

"Alice. You're my personal dresser." I told her causing Bella to laugh a little.

"Wait. It's here. Bella run now!" Alice said. Bella did just that bolting.

"Oh, good luck." I said as she left.

"Excuse me. You can't park here." A cop said to Alice.

"Sorry. It will never happen again. We are just doing something important, we will leave momentarily." I seduced the cop. He nodded.

"Ever the useful." Alice said smiling.

We got out and began walking to the clock tower. To see a half naked Edward hugging Bella in the shade. The Volturi showed up and closed the door.

Alice opened the door breaking the lock.

"Now, now boys. We don't want any trouble now." Alice taunted.

The two vampires got nervous at being out numbered.

Then a little angelic blond with the most blood thirsty red eyes I have ever seen walked are way.

"Jane." The two vampires greeted.

"You were sent for a simple retrieval. You have been keeping Aro waiting." Jane said.

"Sorry Jane." They apologized.

"Don't apologize to me. Tell it to Aro." She said walking away.

We were led to follow her. We were led through perfectly sculpted hallway. Passing a secretary...a human.

"Hello Demitri." She greeted.

"Hello Gianna." He greeted back.

"Is she human?" Bella asked.

"Yes." Edward answered.

"Does she know?" Bella asked.

"Yes." Edward answered.

"Then why would she?...she wants to be." Bella said.

"And she will be." Felix said.

"Or Dessert." I joked along with Jane.

We entered a room sculpted perfectly out of stone. Three thrones stood there. Three vampires. Aro, Marcus, and Caius. The three who were in the picture in Carlisle's office.

"Well now. Aro sent you to pick up one, but you bring three and a half. Such a clever girl." Jane's obvious brother said.

"It appears I am no longer in need of your services." Edward told them.

"You see. Now, aren't you glad we didn't take your previous proposal." Aro said getting closer.

"No laws were broken. I don't see the need for this meeting." Edward told him.

"Untrue. Bella knows. She either needs to be turned or killed. But first I have a...desire to experiment." Aro said walking up to Bella.

"May I?" He asked her.

"He reads minds by touch. With one touch he can read every thought you ever had." Edward told Bella.

She was hesitant at first but in the end, she did. Aro began laughing and jumping with joy.

"Amazing. Jane?" Aro said.

"No!" Edward stepped forward to fall to his knees in pain.

He was screaming, I couldn't let this go on.

"Enough, stop!" I commanded her, the others watched in surprise as Jane's eyes glazed over and she did as I commanded.

All eyes on me.

"What is this? A vampire with an ability never seen before." Aro said.

He approached me.

"May I?" He asked.

I offered my hand, with that one touch he knew everything I knew.

"My my. Werewolves." He said with a frown.

"No...shapeshifters. How very interesting. You are a man of many talents." Aro said.

"I would like to extend an invitation to the Volturi. What say you?" Aro said.

"As tempting the offer. I must decline." I told him

"Of course. The offer still stands. Though I must say. You cannot leave. You are a threat to us. Unfortunately, you must stay. Think about it. Your little situation at home, will not be able to affect you." Aro said trying to persuade me me. Irony in that.

"Sorry. But. I'm leaving. With them." I said.

Stepping infront of everyone, protecting my family. "Stay!" I commanded all of them.

It was hard because I haven't fed.

"Aro. I cannot stay. I have to go and follow my heart. I will visit and be in contact. Deal? Or I could just order you all to kill yourselves." I said.

"Fine. I will require constant contact." He said.

"Sure. Ever hear of phone or skype? We'll face chat. Anyways. We have to go." I told him.

"I ask though, please wait until it's properly dark out." Aro said.

"We will." Edward said getting Bella and we walked out of the room. Passing a group of people taking a tour. Sadly it's the last people will see of them.

"What's going to happen to them?" Bella asked curious.

When we got to a distance the screams started., women, children. All of them screaming as their deaths were swift and horrible.

"Edward I'm sorry about..." he stopped me.

"It's fine. It's over with. She's safe now. I'm just counting my blessings." He said with a frown.

It hurt, I felt like he was just saying that. When honestly, he probably was very disappointed and would never forgive me.

He sighed at this, "I forgive you. I just. I expect better from you." He said.

"Understood. You'd think though, I was even or more so since I saved all of our lives." I said joking.

"Okay. Fair enough. All is forgiven." Edward said hugging me.

"You can leave now." Felix said to us.

"Right then." I said, "Let's get the hell out of here." I told them.

We were on the plane flight back to the US of A.

Bella tired not wanting to sleep. Granted she had every right thinking Edward might leave. That was his thing.

"Well our thing." He told me.

"Whatever." I answered back.

"No. Are you really going to leave us?" He asked.

"I only bring trouble. Edward." He scoffed.

"If you asked me, you actually save us. All the time. You are an amazing little brother. And are not leaving." Edward said.

"You're going to leave me?" Bella asked, "I was." I said to her.

"Please don't. If it wasn't for you I would be dead and so would Alice and Edward." Bella said causing me to nod.

"I'm so happy to see you're okay." Esme said to Edward and Bella.

"Thank you. For saving my family." Carlisle said. "For saving OUR family." Rosealie said.

"I'm so sorry Bella. For everything." Rosealie apologized.

"It's okay. All is back to normal." Bella said.

"I don't think it counts if she is out of it, honey." Emmett said.

"One things for sure. Things don't get any easier." I said to them.

Edward took Bella home. Spending the night together. Everyone was paired off and returned to their rooms. I couldn't help but think of Jacob.

"This definitely doesn't get any easier." I tell myself before heading off to hunt.

"So your back, huh?" Jacob asked me as we walked through the woods.

"Yes. I thought you couldn't see me?" I asked him.

"Well, I was ordered in human form. It doesn't work unless I'm in wolf form besides. I don't care what they think. I can't fight what my heart knows to be true." He said as we kissed. H picked my up and pressed me against a tree as we began to furiously make out.

(That's the next chapter. Hope you like it. If not oh well. Contestants picked Jacob to be Jesse's mate. I will make stories for each person I believe deserves justice.)

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