Blue Moon

By Logan Gardner

Published on Aug 12, 2012


Twilight Saga

If you aren't at the very least 18 don't read. I don't need to be sued for corruption...if that's even possible. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who play the role. I will say it up front....I'm a bitch. A King Bitch! Don't piss me off or ask for me to put you in my stories. It's rude and unfair, to ask someone to change their story around because you want to be in a story. If that's the case then make your own story. Thanks!!! Anyways enjoy the story...if you don't like it then oh well.

Blue Moon-2

Things have been rather enjoyable here at the Cullen home. Esme and Carlisle put my room together.

The walls were seafoam green, the carpet was a snowy white, there were murals of nature and the stars and sky's from day on one side slowly transitioning to night. Where it was night, it showed a city life. Buildings and lit windows of a city.

A nice snowy white couch that turned into a bed. I always was fond of them. I squealed in delight, how could you not at the detail.

Hands laid themselves at my shoulders. I turned to see both Esme and Carlisle. I brought both into a hug. "Thank you so much." I said with a grin, "No problem. Glad you like it." Esme said grinning.

She led me to my closet, as she opened the door I was surprised to see clothes in there already. From designer to urban attire. Knowing Alice had something to do with this on.

"That's not all." Carlisle said, they led me downstairs and out to the front. A classic 1950's cherry red cadillac convertible sat in the driveway. It was so speak and shiny. I couldn't help but squeal again in excitement, it was awesome.

"Welcome home presents." Carlisle said as the family yelled surprise from behind the car.

"You guys! This is awesome. Thank you." I said grabbing each one. Surprised to see Bella, then again I did smell a fresh scent of strawberries.

"Come on. Let's go out tonight." I said happily. "We have school tomorrow." Edward said, I looked at him like he was stupid.

"What?" He asked getting offended slightly, "You're a vampire! We don't sleep." I told him incredulously.

"Honestly Edward. If you don't take me out tonight, then I'll go by myself." I said with a smirk, Edward sighed loudly, "Fine. What do you have in mind?" He asked,

"Dancing. Let's go to a club!" I cheered at everyone.

"I'm down!" Emmett and Rosealie agreed, Jasper looked at Alice knowing the answer.

"Us too!" Alice and Jasper said together.

"Why not?" Esme and Carlisle agreed, "Alright. Bella?" I asked her to be stopped by Edward.

"Jesse. She can't go out tonight. She's human. She needs her sleep." Edward said causing Bella to turn red with embarrassment at being put at the spot.

"I want to go, but I can't go." She agreed looking slightly peeved Edward wouldn't let her decide for herself.

Edward give her some freedom, I agree with you yes, but she has a right to decide for herself.

His eyes flashed and he again sighed, as he nodded agreeing with me.

We always were like this. I was the younger wiser brother...aswell as the care free party animal.

We gathered back inside and sat around eachother.

"I have a question though." Bella stated, "Yes?" I asked, "What's your story?" She asked, "Sorry that was rude to ask." She commented on herself as I chuckled and told her how I became to be what I am today.

"What gets me is when did you and Esme find eachother?" I asked the couple.

"Well actually I had changed her before I met you Jesse. She was spending time with the Denali Coven. Getting use to the vegetarian lifestyle." Carlisle said. To which I nodded.

So...quite literally I was the youngest among the family. Well youngest vampire.

We all exchanged stories of not just conversion, but of experiences. They asked where I have been for most of my time.

"I have been all over. China, Japan, India, Canada, Alaska, Egypt, South America, and all around North America, I just left New Orleans. I met many singers. Who influenced me to keep singing and enjoy life. Of course they don't know how much time I have to enjoy life." I told them as they all listened in,

"I met Etta James, Ray Charles, Shirley Ellis, Aaliyah, Mary J Blige. I tried to stay away from humans as much as I could, but I had to meet them!" I told them happily,

"What about Italy?" Bella asked and every stopped talking and looked at her with widened eyes.

"What?" She asked unsure of what the matter was.

"Most vampires, well smart vampires anyway...stay away from Italy. There are vampires who, act as government for vampires. They're the closest we have to royalty in vampire society." I told her,

"What are they called?" She asked, "The Volturi." I told her without hesitation.

"Pray you never meet them." I told her, "Do they know about the Cullens." She asked scared,

"Yes, they don't know about you or I though." I told her.

"But did you ever run into vampires?" Bella asked me, "Oh scads!!! Let's just say many a vampire have come after me. Each one dying before they could even lay a finger on me." I told her as she blushed finding it hard to believe, I was too lean and petite to look like a threat.

"I understand. I don't look scary, but I can be very frightening when I want. Think about it this way. Just by command I can have you kill yourself. No way of stopping yourself from doing it." I told her with a grin that showed off my pearly whites.

She nodded after she shuddered at the thought.

"So I have school tomorrow?" I asked Carlisle and he answered with a nod.

"Okay. I'll go pick out an outfit to dazzle everyone." I said getting up being followed by Rosealie and Alice.

"Can we help?" They asked together, "Sure." I told them walking into my closet as they followed, "Whoa! This is huge." Alice said looking at my closet.

I pulled some random clothes and accessories.

"How's this?" I asked, "I don't see you wearing that. This is what I see you wearing." She said with a smile.

"Alright. If you say so." I agreed to it.

"Hey. We need to make up a story for you." Carlisle said entering the room.

"Okay, what's the idea?" I asked him with a smirk.

"You're going to be Jasper and Rosealie's long lost little brother." He said grinning...well it wasn't technically lying.

"Come on, Jesse. I need to do your hair!" Rosealie said with a smirk.

She made it look so good. I had to admit I looked hot.

Dressed in all black making my pale skin look whiter. Some guyliner to make my eyes pop.

I felt awesome. Wearing a heartless necklace.

I went downstairs and noticed the others smile at me. "What?" I asked, "You are going to be known as the best looking out of all of us." Edward teased.

I laughed at this. "I just hope I don't have to beat them off with a bat." I joked.

"Maybe. We'll see." Emmett said as we said our goodbyes to Carlisle and Esme.

I got to drive my car. I was totally happy. Alice and Jasper rode in my car.

People were already watching as we pulled into the parking lot of the school. I parked between Rosealie and Edward.

Hopping out of the car, I gave a hug to Bella. She blushed at my forwardness. People were already talking about me as we walked towards the school.

I entered the office and received my schedule smiling at the desk clerk and watched as she looked dazed.

"Pull back a bit." Edward told me with a smirk.

"I did." I told him, "Then we're going to have a problem." Edward said with a smirk.

I walked to my first class, history with Jasper. I entered and all eyes were on me. A few of the girls began pushing out their chests. Gross.

They giggled as they whispered on what they wanted to do to me. Again...gross.

I smirked at the attention I received....big mistake. The whispers picked up more.

Omg look at his dimples.

Look at his eyes. He's gorgeous.

I laughed at this, the teacher came in finally and told them to stop talking.

"Oh. I see we have a new student. Please introduce yourself to us." He said with a small smile. I stood up and spoke loud enough for them to hear.

"Hello. I am Jesse Hale. I recently found my brother and sister, Jasper and Rosealie. We were separated at young ages until the agency were able to reconnect me with them. I've just recently moved in and been adopted by the Cullen family." I said before sitting down.

Knowing the story would be mixed up during the whole transition from my mouth to their ears and out their mouths to the student body.

After History I had biology with Bella and Edward. Across from them and next to a boy named Mike. He held out his hand and I shook it and to HIS surprise it was cold.

"Jeez. You're freezing." He said blowing hot air into his hands to warm up.

"Sorry. I was just outside." I told him. He nodded at that.

I turned to see Edward and Bella talking as they watched me shamelessly.

As lunch time came by I sat with my family noticing Bella was eating with her friends, who were interrogating her about me.

"He's been adopted by Mr. And Mrs. Cullen. He's the younger brother of Jasper and Rosealie, but was separated from them at a young age." I heard her tell them the story that we came up with it. Honestly it had holes in it, but humans believe almost anything.

"Is he single?" I heard Jessica ask.

"He is but...well it's not for me to say." Bella said.

"He's what?" Lauren asked her.

"Well...he's gay." She said blushing at telling them. I laughed and feigned that I was laughing at something someone at the table said.

"Really?! Damn! All the gorgeous ones." Jessica said, "I bet I can covert him back to team pussy." Lauren said licking her lips. Ew.

"Team pussy? Really??" Angela joked, to which Lauren only smirked.

This would be an interesting day.

The rest of school breezed by, I enjoyed gym the most.

"Hey boy." The coach said to me.

"Jesse." I stopped him.

"Jesse. How about you join the volley ball team?" He asked, "Or maybe the soccer team? Or maybe the basketball team?" He asked trying to get me to join.

"Sorry. I have asthma." I told him, "Are you sure you can't play?" He asked and I nodded.

"Are you sure you Cullens aren't all blood related? Each one of ya have asthma."

"I'm only blood related to Jasper and Rosealie." I told him as he nodded and walked away.

"Good excuse." Alice said with a wink.

"Way to go!" Emmett said cheerfully lifting me up and spinning me.

"Easy. Remember we have to pretend we have physical problems." I told him in a whisper.

"Right. " he said agreeing.

"Hey Jesse!" Lauren called towards me as she ran up to me. "Let me get to the point. I dig you and can tell you dig me. You don't have to be shy and use the gay excuse to hide your obvious lust for me. So what do you say? The two hottest people here at Forks?" She asked me. I couldn't help but laugh as Rosealie rolled her eyes and scoffed at her.

"Sorry Lauren. I don't 'dig' you. I'm only interested in men." I told her as she scoffed and "Well here. Call me when you are ready to play on team Pussy's side." She said walking away after handing me her number.

I laughed the whole way back to the house with my family thinking it was hilarious.

I walked out of my room smelling strawberries.

"Hello Bella." I greeted her as I walked downstairs and gave her a hug.

"So what's going on today?" I asked her "Baseball." She said with a smile.

"Oh that's right." I said with a smile. We were to play baseball today. Since there was going to be storm, it was the only way to cover up the noise of us playing

"You're going to enjoy this." I told her.

"Edward. When do we go?" I asked him, he looked at the clock.

"In...right now." He said smirking.

He led us outside, "Want a ride?" Edward asked me.

"Sure." He drove very fast, the car was jumping up and down and side to side.

"Alright batter up!" Alice yelled as she saw us.

"Jesse. You're going to be catcher." Alice said and I nodded. I smirked at how she was all dressed up for this.

"Let's start!" Alice said throwing the ball to Emmett who missed.

"Hi Bella. You're going to be the ref with me." Esme said, "These bunch of cheaters can really be taught a lesson." Esme says with a smile.

"They cheat?" Bella asked her.

"Oh yeah. All of them, except Jesse. He never played with us. But with being a Cullen you learn that rules can be bent. So watch out." She warned them.

I smirked at that, so I'm expected to cheat?

I saw the smirk on Edward's face, tapped his head and then pointed to Emmett.

I nodded, then winked to Alice, and she nodded.

As she threw the ball, I gave the command to Emmett to miss. He did....the bat slipped from his hands and went flying into the air. It landed he turned to me with a frown,

"Come on! That's totally not fair." He said

"Okay okay." I said between laughs. "I'll play fair." I told him.

"Miss!" I commanded again and he swung at his face instead of the ball.

"Ow!" He yelped at the power he put I to it.

We fell on the ground laughing at him.

Carlisle picked himself off the ground and pointed to me. I came up to him, "Jesse. Though funny. It's probably best to stop that." He said with a smirk.

"See told you. A Cullen is always mischievous." Esme told Bella who both got up from the ground still laughing.

"Okay. Let's go." Emmett said angrily.

As the ball came he swung at it and hit it and we watched as it split a tree in half, the thunderous sound still sounded as we watched Emmett run. Edward grabbed the ball and ran to get him.

"Out!" Bella cried as Emmett was hit by the ball.

"Stop!!!" Alice said all of a sudden.

When the family ran together, I followed suite. "How long do we have?" Carlisle asked.

"Less than five minutes. Not enough time to run. They were leaving until they heard the noises." Alice said.

"I'm so sorry for bringing you here Bella. I had no idea. This is all my fault you're in danger." Edward said to her.

"It's not your fault." She comforted him.

"Put your hair down." He told her as we saw 3 figures coming through the fog.

"Like that'll help. I can smell her across the field." Rosealie said bitterly.

We gathered around Bella, Edward had me standing infront of her invade they needed to be persuaded. Edward wrapped his arms around her.

"Hello. I am Laurent." The Haitian looking vampire said with a slight French accent. He wore an orange jacket and black pants...he was barefoot...they all were.

Their eyes blood red, and hungry.

"This is James and Victoria." He said to us. James a lean, tall, muscled male with long Blondel hair pulled in a pony tail. Wearing a Jean jacket and jeans.

Victoria her hair almost as red as her eyes, when the wind blew it, it reminded me of a fire.

"It appears your hunting habits have made it a bit harder for us." Carlisle said, "We're sorry. We didn't know this land was already claimed. We'll leave." Laurent said.

"The humans were tracking us but we led them west. You should be safe." Victoria said with a smirk.

"Thank you." Carlisle thanked them.

"So do you have room for 3 more players?" Laurent asked, at seeing the look on Carlisles face he begged.

"Oh come on. Just one game." He begged.

"Sure. A few of us were just leaving." Carlisle told them.

I walked slightly infront of Bella, Edward on her side. As we walked away. The wind blew fiercely for a second causing Bella to shiver.

We turned at a growl we heard afterwards. The vampires were looking at Bella shiver, and breathed in her scent that flowed through the wind.

James growled again, "You brought a snack." He said baring his teeth. As he lunged, I stood my ground and bared my teeth to him. I snarled at him. "Back off!" I commanded as the others looked in shock as he listened to me and backed up from us.

He looked in shock realizing what I made him do. "Neat trick." He commented

"The girl is with us." Carlisle said.

"Is she your pet?" Laurent asked.

"Don't say that." Edward said stepping infront of Bella in a protective way. Az the others surrounded us.

"It's no problem. We were just leaving." Laurent said more to James than us.

"James we can't take 8 vampires. Much less one with a persuasion power." Laurent said to James as James looked at me again and backed off.

"Leave. Now." I commanded as they had glazed looks and ran off.

I let out my breath.

Edward grabbed Bella and ran to the jeep. Jasper, Emmett, and Alice rode with us.

"James is a tracker. It's his passion to track and kill. When he saw me defend you, it set him off. We turned it into the most fun game he has ever had.". I told Bella.

"Damn it! I thought you had it under control." He scowled Jasper.

"Leave him alone Edward. He did great and you know it." Alice defended him.

"Whatever." He snarled in annoyance.

"Jesse. I just wanted to say thank you." Bella said to me, "For what?" I asked in surprise.

"For protecting me." She said shyly. I hugged her tightly. "Bella. It was no problem. I would always sacrifice my life for you. It's what family does." I told her as she blushed from the love she was receiving.

"So what happens now?" Bella asked, "We gotta get you out of Forks." Edward said.

"What about Charlie? They'll kill him!" She exclaimed terrified for her father.

"Don't worry. He'll be protected. We have to come up with a lie to tell Charlie. A cover story." Alice said thinking.

"Just say that you got tired of living in this depressing town. You hate it and want to live back with your mother." I told them my idea.

"That's clever." Edward said.

"So Jesse. Why are they still coming for me? I thought you gave them the order to leave?" Bella asked.

"Yes I did. The problem being that my power stops working when they are out of range, and now. They know of my power they will try to stay away from me." I told Bella.

She nodded her understanding.

I waited outside, sensing James. He was close. Emmett stood there basically taunting James to come forward. I knew full well that Emmett would slaughter James. So did James. So we knew he would retreat to a safe distance.

We heard Bella telling Charlie she hated it here. Poor Charlie. But it's better he isn't invited into this life. I thought as Edward nodded at my thought.

Once Bella drove off in her truck, we followed closely. When she was on the road, Edward climbed in the car and took over driving.

She turned around to see she was being tailed by Emmett and Alice in his Jeep. Also that I was standing on the back of the truck watching where I knew James was.

"Back off." I commanded as James backed away from the truck as he ran along side it.

We had it all planned.

Rosealie wore Bella's clothes to mark trees with her scent. Bella wore Esme's clothes to mask her scent.

Bella went with Jasper and Alice.

Esme kept watch over Charlie.

The rest of us split into groups.

Emmett and Edward tracked James.

Carlisle and I followed Victoria to California. There she gave us the slip. We turned back to Washington.

Laurent said he wanted nothing to do with James and Victoria so we didn't need to worry about him.

We found her again in Washington, and we chased her to Oregon.

We kept in contact through cell phones.

Edward and Emmett lost James and it turns out that James got smart and realized he was being played.

We all regrouped, going to meet Bella in Arizona.

Me, being faster than all of the Cullen's including Edward. I got to Arizona and to the Hotel they were staying at.

"I lost her. She left a letter saying that James has her mom. We have to find her. She's going to some ballet studio. I don't know which on it is." Alice said worried.

"Okay. I have an idea. I'm going to focus on going to each ballet studio in this place. You tell me where you see me with Bella." I told her.

I left heading to the first one. My phone rang with a text message. "Not that one." Alice sent.

I focused on another, "Not that one either." She sent and I headed to another.

"Yes! That's it! Which one are you going to?" She sent.

I text her the address.

"I'll tell the others. Hurry get there now!" She sent.

"I'm on my way." I sent back.

I turned the corner and enter the building and looked around. Letting my senses run loose to pick up anyone or anything. I smelt Bella...and James. My ears picking up the sound of a spray.

Then a crash of the sounds of glass.

I entered and leapt at James throwing him off Bella.

"What! How did you find me?" He asked angrily, before he charged me.

A quick side step allowing him to run into the wall. "Bella where are you okay?" I asked her, she pointed behind me.

I was grabbed by my hair and pulled into a head lock.

I kicked up, hitting James in the face. He let me go, and I grabbed him by the groin and the neck and threw him.

"Motherfucker!" He yelled at me. He came at me again, I spun around but he waited for me to do it. Grabbing me by the neck and tossing me into the wall.

He stepped on Bella's leg causing her to scream. Knowing he broke her leg.

He tossed her into a mirror, some glass cutting her up somewhat.

Edward came into the room and jumped James. Throwing him off Bella, but not before James bit Bella on the wrist.

He leapt at James smashing him into the wall and biting his neck, ripping a chunk off his neck.

The others showed up just now, Alice and Carlisle went to Bella.

"Carlisle there's too much blood." Alice said trying to control herself.

"Alice!" Emmett called, "Give me your belt." Carlisle ordered Alice.

He tied the belt to Bella's leg to put pressure on it.

Jasper ripped up floor boards and started a fire. He held James's right arm, Emmett James's left. Alice climbed on James and twisted his head off causing the sound of bound and metal to be unleashed at the tearing.

They ripped his body I to chunks and threw them into the fire.

Leaving nothing but ashes.

"Edward. You have to decide. You can let the transformation take place or you can sick out the venom." Carlisle told him.

"What if I can't stop?" He asked worried.

"Find the strength to stop." Carlisle said.

He nodded, "I'm going to make the pain stop Bella." Edward told her as she thrashed on the floor wildly.

Edward sunk his teeth in the same place James put his teeth in. Draining out the venom.

"Edward her blood is clean now. Stop." Carlisle said to Edward as Bella's thrashing stopped.

Edward tried but couldn't find the strength to stop.

"Edward. Stop feeding." I commanded him causing him to stop feeding immediately.

Carlisle licked the wounds to seal the teeth marks.

We put out the fire and got Bella to the hospital. Coming up with the story that she fell down 3 flights of stairs and out a window.

We watched as Bella was sleeping. Getting better slowly, with a lot of pain killers.

We sat in the waiting room.

Edward pulled me aside. "Thank you. I can't say thank you enough." Edward said hugging me tightly.

"If it wasn't for you, Bella would be dead. From James and Me." Edward said to me.

"It's no problem Edward. I already said it. I already love her like a sister and I will protect her with my life." I told him.

I waited as Edward talked to Bella. She was okay, but she needed more pain killers. Knowing Edward that meant he used the pain killers as a way to put Bella to sleep and stop talking.

Months went by and it was the summer dance. The last dance until it was summer time.

We were all dressed to impress, everyone going with a date. Except me. Not that I couldn't get one, I just didn't want a closeted boy or a desperate slut.

The music played loudly as I danced between Emmett and Rosealie, and Jasper and Alice. They pulled me into eachother and spun me and dipped me. I laughed at this, I love my family.

I noticed Bella and Edward walking outside to the back, everything was more romantic.

I laughed at how cute it was.

"Those two are going to be the death of me." I commented at the sight of them, Bella stood on Edward's feet as he rotated and twirled to a romantic song.

"Let's hope not. We love you too much." Jasper said feeling the love from the family.

"Awe. Give me a hug." I said before being enveloped in a huge hug.

"I repeat. I love our family!" I cheered.

(There's the next chapter. Again some history is mixed to benefit the story. If you like it awesome. If you don't then oh well. Much love, Logan!)

Next: Chapter 3

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