Blue Moon

By Logan Gardner

Published on Aug 15, 2012


Twilight Saga.

If you aren't at the very least 18 don't read. I don't need to be sued for corruption...if that's even possible. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who play the role. I will say it up front....I'm a bitch. A King Bitch! Don't piss me off or ask for me to put you in my stories. It's rude and unfair, to ask someone to change their story around because you want to be in a story. If that's the case then make your own story. Thanks!!! Anyways enjoy the story...if you don't like it then oh well.

The history is mixed to fit the story.

Blue Moon-3

Time flew by after the dance. Bella was out of her leg brace, and back to her mobile clumsy self.

I noticed something though, Edward had been acting funny. It was obvious what was going on, he realized he didn't just have feelings for Bella...he was inlove with her.

It was so romantic, at the same time sappy. Teen love angst. The problem, he didn't want this life for her. Honestly I wouldn't recommend this life, but it's better than being dead. Well permanently.

At the dance she made it obvious what she wanted. She wanted to become a vampire, to be with Edward forever. To be with this family forever. Edward began thinking it was too dangerous to be around Bella. It was really his beliefs that vampires have no soul, that if she was to be a vampire he would be taking her soul away from her.

Dooming her in a chance of going to the ultimate paradise. Heaven. I could see Bella as a good girl, but not a Christian.

He began his gloomy attitude again, saying if anything happened to Bella, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

"Edward you can't wish for nothing to happen to her. Then nothing would ever happen to her." I told him, causing him to nod.

"You can't expect her to be around you and not be like you. Its not fair to her, Edward to string her along. What happens when she's 80 years old and you still look like a 17 year old. What then? That's kind of gross, her acting as your grandmother." I commented and he glared at me, "I'm just saying. I got the image in my head." I told him and he began frowning, I was telling the truth.

"Eventually. You have to take that chance Edward, you'll have to see what you two could be. You owe that to yourself." I told him, causing him to nod.

I was in my room practicing my vocals, when Alice came in happily.

"Guess what!" She beamed, "Yes, Alice?" I asked her smirking at her smile.

"Bella's birthday is in a few days. We have to prepare her birthday party. She tried to skip out on us, not wanting anyone to know." Alice said, I knew what was running through Bella's head. She didn't want to celebrate, because she feels getting older meant that she would look old while Edward looked young.

"What do you need from me?" I asked her as went to the window and opened the door to it. Sitting down and dangling my legs.

"I need you to help me set up the party. I know you have an eye for a good party. Also...I was hoping, you could sing!" She said excited.

At the last part Rosealie and Edward entered.

"Please!" They exclaimed together acting childish.

"Sure. I guess." I told them with a smile as the cheered.

"Let me think....God put a smile upon your face by Coldplay." Edward told me.

"I know that one well." I told them happily.

It was a boring day at school. I just listened knowing my vampire brain would pick everything up. Sometimes I miss just traveling. I wasn't a prisoner, but I couldn't leave the Cullen's after being away so long.

I got up and walked to the door as the bell rang, hoping to get away from a certain person.

"Hey Sexy Jesse!" Lauren said to me as she caught up to me.

"Hey that rhymed!" She said giggling.

I did a fake laugh, but age didn't notice. She only blushed at how close we were. She was breathing in my scent. Her face brightened as she knew she was caught.

"I was just wondering. Have you thought about US? My proposal??" She said,

I looked at her. Her hair short styled like a boy's usually is. I remember the story behind it.

She had been approached by a modeling agent, and he told her that if she cut her hair short and took head shots then she would be a definite model. Oh, fueled by the desire of fame. She did exactly that. She cut it all off and took head shots, and sent them in...yet she was never called back.

"Gee, Lauren. I did, but I thought it would be entirely unfair and wrong of me to put you through that. Knowing you nor I would benefit from such a relation. As you know. I'm gay, a total bottom. I apologize but I can't bring myself to feel any attraction towards you." I told her, she blushed as I leaned closer whispering this to her.

She closed her eyes and leaned forward with her lips puckered. "Eh-hem." I said bringing her back to the real world.

"W-wait!" She said getting closer to me, "I can buy a strap on!" She said blushing hard.

"Umm...Lauren. That's quite a tempting offer, but I assure you. That just won't do." I told her as she nodded blushing harder and kicking the ground in defeat, as she put her hands in her pocket.

I hate my persuasion power sometimes. It gives me a natural, 'persuasive' edge. It was useful, but was annoying when it affected people who I was obviously not interested in.

I felt Alice's presence as she began to walk along my side from out of nowhere.

"Jesse. We have a problem." She said with a worried voice.

"Yes Alice?" Knowing Alice it could be truly serious, or that as she proclaimed, had nothing to wear.

"I see us leaving. I don't know why though. I just do. I can't see what triggers the decision or who makes the decision." She said worried.

"Alice relax, breath." I told her pulling her into a hug, before talking. "Alice. We don't know what causes it, or who makes it. Right now we can only keep our eyes open. We will keep our eyes open." I told her and she nodded.

"Oh I also need your help. Bella as it seems doesn't want a birthday party. We need you to help Jasper persuade her." She said with a smirk, there's the Alice I know and love.

We rounded the corner and found Bella telling Edward, 'no' when it came to the party.

"Hello Bella." I said giving her a hug. "I do hope you would honor us with your presence tonight." I said using my charm to get what I wanted. I felt Jasper push a wave of acceptance and happiness towards us.

"Okay. Yeah." She said with a smile.

"Thank you. Please dress up. It is entirely formal." I told her walking up the stairs a few steps before she snapped out of my power.

"Jesse! Jasper! That's totally unfair!" Bella whispered loudly to us. "Sorry, Bella. We just heard you were being unreasonable and thought you needed to be persuaded." I told her. As I walked to Biology, hearing Bella's sigh of annoyance.

I walked in and sat next to Mike, "Jesse Boy!" He greeted.

"Mikey!" I greeted him with a manly hug.

"It's just Mike." He said with a blush.

"Then it's just Jesse." I shot back with a smirk.

"Agreed. We'll talk it over before using nicknames." He said with smile.

I nodded as I listened to the teacher.

After about 30 minutes I was beyond bored. I thought it would be funny to make Edward uncomfortable.

I turned to him with a smirk, recalling the conversation with Lauren. He froze up first and began making a gagging sound. As if he was going to through up, I smirked at the look he gave me.

A 'Are you serious?' face.

I nodded at this. He shook his head and whispered in a low voice, but high enough for me to hear.

"That is really disgusting. Even I didn't think she would have it in her to suggest such a think." He said in a whisper.

"You're telling me." I whispered back.

As I heard him tell Bella, she did the same...except she actually vomited.


"Bella, if you're not feeling well you could have said so." The teacher said coming up to her.

"Mr. Cullen, please escort Bella to the Nurse's office." The teacher said as the two got up and left.

"That was random." Mike said to me.

"Indeed." I agreed to him as I raised my hand.

"Sure. May I please be excused aswell. The sight and smell of her vomit is making me quite ill." I said softly, knowing he would agree to me.

"Yes, you're excused. No homework, for either of you three." He said as I got up and nodded, "Thank You sure."

"I can't believe Lauren would suggest such a thing." Edward said as we sat at our usual table.

"Tell me about it. Even I can't seem to keep the girl in her own pants." I joked.

"Oh by the way. You, Bella, and I do not have homework. We are excused." I told him, winking at him. He knew I charmed the teacher.

"My way of saying sorry." He nodded, "I'll let Bella know." He said with a smirk.

"So what's this about us moving?" Edward asked Alice.

She informed everyone about this.

"I see us leaving, Forks. I don't know why, or whom made the decision to leave." Alice said worried.

"Alice. Breath." I told her, and she nodded thanking me with a smile.

"We just need to keep our eyes open." I said as I see them all nod in responce.

I was at my last class, Gym.

"Jesse!" He called,

"Yes, Coach?" I asked him,

"I just wanted to know if you have rethunk your decision." The Coach said, Lord his English is horrible.

"No sir. As much as I would like, I cannot partake in any strenuous activities." I told him politely.

"Right right, thank you for your time." He said as I winked at him. He was probably questioning his sexuality. Most men do after I seduce them with my power.

My power has many uses. I don't have to command someone or thing, to get what I want. I can just use my persuasive aura, which can be used to seduce. Problem I have to control it, which is a constant battle. I'm a control freak. It's always been my personality...which is probably what brought about my power.

"Sup sexy." Emmett said in a joking sense. The coach, has me wearing booty shorts.

"Well I can pull it off. Even though my ass hanging out." I joked pulling them to cover more of my ass.

"I feel naked. This should be illegal in school. This had to count as softcore pornography." I told him.

"Don't worry. Like you said, you can pull it off. Besides you have a few fans." Emmett said as he hit the ball up and I climbed him for an extra reach, hitting it over the net.

"Maybe there lucky!" Emmett joked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah. Maybe that's it." I joked.

He pointed to a few humans who were obviously staring at my ass.

"Told you you have fans." He joked.

When we were finished, we had to take showers. It just seemed the human thing to do.

As I shed my clothes I heard a wolf whistle, turning to a joking Mike.

"Can we not joke? When were naked?? I'm gay remember." I told him causing him to wrap himself with a towel and blush knowing I saw him.

Jeez. It's not like it's that impressive. I mean really I am way bigger than him...and I'm a bottom.

I stepped into the shower and let the water run across my skin. I rubbed the soap across my tight pecs and abs.

I felt eyes on me.

I turned to a blushing Mike.

Really Mike is interested? Umm...yeah no! He's cute, but not that good looking. I pretended like I didn't know.

Running my hands across my body, I posed a few times. Just teasing the onlookers.

I heard a few pants, seeing a few were shamelessly masturbating. I walked away with a smirk...I was still bigger.

Honestly it didn't make a difference, if a total bottom like me is bigger than the top then there's a problem.

I was dressed and ready to leave. My homework finished, I didn't need to worry about anything for today.

I walked to my car, Emmett jumped in. "Quite a show! You had them masturbating!!" Emmett said playfully.

"You know it! I'm hotter than tobasco sauce. When God makes it rain, it's to cool me off!" I told him wiggling my eyebrows jokingly.

"That's rather conceited of you. Even though it's true." Rosealie said joking as she jumped in the back with Emmett.

"Maybe. But I'm not conceited." I told her.

I waited as Alice and Jasper jumped in aswell. Jasper in the front seat and Alice hopping in the middle of Rosealie and Emmett.

I noticed something. Jasper's eyes were fading, turning black. Bruises underneath his eyes. I noticed the same on everyone including me.

I pulled out and drove to the house.

"We need to feed soon." I told them.

"I want to wait till tomorrow, Grizzly bears will be close to the house tomorrow." Emmett said happily.

"I wish I could but we have to get things ready for the party tonight." Jasper said with a smirk. I knew he was pulled into this by Alice.

"I'm going for a hunt when we get home." I told them.

"But why about Bella's party?" Alice asked.

"I did my part. I'll be there. I have already gone shopping, I just need to feed. I haven't do so for awhile." I said to her.

"Alright." She said with a sigh.

I parked the car and immediately dashed into the woods. Letting my sense go wild.

I leapt over the river and into the tree line.

The smell of a mountain lion making me thirsty.

My throat burned like I was inhaling flames.

Leaping on the tree trunk, I began climbing the tree. My sharp nails digging into the bark of the tree beneath me. I found the thing lounging up in the branches. I didn't hesitate, I lunged for it.

I caught it by the neck in my mouth, as I carried it in my mouth to the ground. I drank feverishly not letting a single drop slip pass my lips.

I felt more like myself as the blood rushed through my body.

I was still hungry. Using my power causes me to get hungry. Overusing it when I haven't fed, makes me extra hungry.

I ran after another scent. Bear. I stared it down, as it charged at me. I jumped over it, twisting in the air so I landed on it's back. I lifted it up and sat it down forcefully, paralyzing it's bottom half.

I sank my teeth in it's neck ignoring the groans of pain and it's raspy breathing.

The blood finally put out the burning. I ran back to the house to take a shower. Changing into formal clothing, a tight black sweater, and dress pants and shoes.

I helped Alice put the elegant decorations together.

We sat waiting for Edward and Bella, I knew they would be here any minute. Alice wouldn't let me forget it.

"Surprise!" We cheered as Bella and Edward came through the door. Edward dressed in all black, and Bella in a formal dress.

"Glad you came!" I said hugging her.

"How could I not. You guys are very persuasive." She joked with a pun.

"Oh posh! You were going to come anyways." I told her with a smirk.

I hugged Edward aswell as I didn't see him at all today, except for Biology.

"So let the festivities begin." Alice cheered all dressed up.

"Go upstairs there's a dress for you." Alice said, "I'm already in a dress." Bella said.

"Not the one I saw you in." She said with a smile.

Bella grumbled unhappily as she went upstairs to change.

She came downstairs a few minutes later, she recognized the song that started playing.

I stood on a small platform and began singing her favorite song.

She smiled her eyes seemed to glaze. I pulled back knowing I was probably Messing with her unintentionally.

As I finished there was clapping and cheering.

I smiled taking a bow.

"Thank you. Happy Birthday Bella." I told her as I pulled out a present.

She opened it and smiled.

"You shouldn't have!" She cheered,

Coldplay tickets for two and VIP passes.

"You rock!" She cheered hugging me tightly.

"I know." I said with a wink, turning her around to see Rosealie hand her something.

"Here." Rosealie said dryly.

Bella opened it, and looked at Rosealie.

"Thanks." Bella said trying to be nice.

"Alice picked it out." Rosealie said...oh boy.

"Still thanks." She said happily. It was a small and stylish bracelet.

"Now Ours!" Esme said handing Bella a small envelope.

She opened it, ticket vouchers to Florida.

"We thought it would be nice. You can see your mom in Florida." They beamed.

"Really. Thank you." She said hugging them.

"Now mine!" Jasper said, happily.

She unwrapped the present. It was an empty box.

Rosealie began laughing at the look on Bella's face.

"It's a new stereo for your car. Emmett's putting it in as we speak." Edward told her.

"We thought that it would help with listening to music in" Edward said with a small smile.

"Hey don't hate on the truck." She said in a joking sense.

"Now for Edward's present." Alice said cheerfully.

"I hope you like it." He said with a smile.

He handed her a silver present. It looked so perfectly wrapped.

As she tried to unwrap it without destroying the paper, she cut her finger on the bow.

Blood. A surprising amount from such a small wound.

"Ouch. Papercut." She said looking at it.

A growl was heard as we turned to see Jasper with a hungry look on his face. He charged out of control.

"No!" Edward exclaimed as he pushed Bella out of the way and into a table, breaking a vase. More blood came as her arm showed cuts as pieces of glass stuck out of it.

Edward pushed Jasper away and he collided with the piano.

Jasper got up growling and charged again.

Emmett grabbed him from behind, and Carlisle grabbed his arms as Jasper snapped his jaws at them viscously.

"Jesse!" Carlisle cried trying to hold him back.

"Jasper, freeze!" I commanded as he stopped moving.

I helped Bella up, and sat her down.

"Everyone except Carlisle and Esme, leave!" I commanded them, their eyes glazed over as they followed my orders.

Edward tried to fight my power, but the command won him over.

"Esme please get my medical bag." Carlisle asked as he examined Bella's arm. Esme came back with it, and grabbed a broom and started to clean the mess and blood.

"I'm sorry." Bella told them.

"It's quite alright, Bella. It wasn't your fault, no one is to blame." Esme said. She knew it wasn't anyone's fault not even Jasper. Sometimes it's hard to fight what you are.

Carlisle picked out all the glass, disinfected her wounds and began stitching her arm.

"We have to go." Esme said pulling me outside.

"You almost killed her!" Edward yelled as we were outside.

"It wasn't his fault Edward." Alice said,

"Everyone please calm down. It could have been worse. Now Edward, you have no right to be angry at Jasper. He's an empath. He not only felt his blood lust, but he felt everyone's which boosted his own." I scowled Edward.

"There was so much blood." Alice said worried, she looked at me with a knowing look. This was what causes us to leave. Edward was going to make the decision and cause us to leave.

"You're right. I'm sorry Jasper. It just...for a second there I thought she was going to die." Edward apologized gravely.

"It's too dangerous to be around her. This is the second time she almost got killed. Next time might be lucky number 3." He said to us.

Bella and Carlisle walked outside when they were finished.

Edward drove Bella home. We picked io the piano pieces and scrubbed the blood with bleach to mask the scent.

We knew what wad going to happen next. We were going to have to start packing.

Edward came in and called a family meeting.

"I think it's best if we leave, Forks." He said starting his verbal rampage.

"Think about it. If we don't Bella will want to be a vampire soon. If she even get's to live that much longer. She deserves a normal happy life. She can't gain this if we stay." Edward said,

"Well. We see you point, but what about everything here?" Carlisle asked.

"We need to pick up and leave. Your not exactly aging, Carlisle. I'm sure people are beginning to notice." Edward said, honestly I knew he was using that as a ploy to get Carlisle to agree. He looked at me before looking back at Carlisle.

I agree, Bella has the right to a human life.

Yet she's choosing this one.

Edward, you know you two were meant to be. Eventually you both will reunite. Just know that if you miss out on your chance, then it's gone forever. There are usually no second chances.

I thought to him, as he nodded silently.

"Okay. We're are leaving." Carlisle said getting up.

"If you can promise to stay away, then so can we." Carlisle said sadly.

"Everyone let's go we have work to do." Edward said as we got up and began packing things.

It's been a few days since the incident occurred. Everything was packed and moved to our new house in Dartmouth.

Everyone was leaving....I was tempted to grab Bellaand put her in a box and ship her to our house.

"You know that wouldn't solve anything." Edward said with a frown.

"Yeah. I know." I told him.

"I have something...I know she isn't going to stay safe. She's a walking danger magnet...I...well. I was wondering if you would be able to watch after her." Edward said with a gleam of hope in his eyes.

"Don't let her know you are here. She has to live a normal life. Just until she moves on." He said and I nodded.

"Thank You." He said with a sad smile hugging me.

"So when are you going to tell her?" I asked him.

"I already did. I led her to the woods, she's close to her home. She should be fine." He said.

"Okay well, I'll go and check on her. See you in...a few years?" I asked and he cringed at the thought. Bella in pain for years.

"Yes. I'll miss you. Be sure to call me if anything happens." He told me as we parted ways.

I ran through the woods to Bella's house. Her scent was close. I leapt at a tree and hang from the branches as I saw Bella curled into a ball. The cold and rain getting her sick. She was literally dying of a broken heart like my mother.

"He left. He left. He left." Was all age mumbled as she lay on the ground.

"Don't worry Bella." I said in a whisper as I kissed her forehead. She looked towards me, but her eyes seemed blurred from all the crying.

"Edward?" She asked as I dashed away, but kept a distance away enough to keep watch over.

I smelled something. Like a dog? I watched as a huge black wolf approached Bella.

I was about to attack it when it shifted into a tall russet skinned muscular man. He pulled some shorts on, and picked Bella up and carried her in direction of her house.

I jumped tree to tree to keep an eye on her.

When we reached the house I noticed a group of older men along with Bella's dad Charlie.

"Well now. See Bella is just fine." An older russet skinned man in a wheelchair said.

I noticed the big guy looking at skinny kids wiith long hair.

They shivered at the look, "Thank you Sam." The handicapped man said.

"Anytime, Billy." The said.

I watched as he walked away.

Figuring she was safe I left to hunt. two will be the death of me.

(There's the next chapter. I hope you like it. I will write the next chapter soon.)

Next: Chapter 4

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