Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Oct 24, 2009


Warning! This story is a work of erotic fiction and was written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting males. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail addresses making appropriate corrections:

Please note that I now have a second e-mail address. E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas Cocks.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 24: More Memories of First Meetings

I'd returned to my quarters where I decided to pass on the evening meal. All I could do was lie on my bunk thinking about Mike. I finally managed sometime during the early morning hours to fall off to sleep, dreaming about those first few innocent unsolicited meetings between us. It was unusual for me to sleep late but that I did. After a restless few hours I lay there that Sunday morning thinking about the dream reflecting on that week after our initial meeting.

We were getting along rather well, becoming not only classmates but friends. Although Mike was a little older we found that we shared many things in common. Since meeting Mike that first week in June I had visited him at his apartment on more than one occasion where we had discussed training at Fort Sam as well as academic material from Baylor. We would try to eat lunch together as well as stopping for coffee after our college classes. I was ready to move our relationship to a new level: the ultimate level. I was ready to engage in sex with Mike, but was still unsure about his feelings for me or what motivated his friendship.

There were many nights I had a hard time sleeping since we met, laying alone on my bunk. My mind would question my feelings for Mike as I lay there fantasizing about him. Fantasizing about how he would appear totally naked. I made Mike's phantom imagine into what I wanted it to be. I dreamed about him every night and the kinds of things I wanted to do with him.

I awoke from another dream about the Sunday morning after our initial meeting at Mike's apartment. I had been planning on a simple Sunday morning that second Sunday in June. I'd planned on going to breakfast at the mess hall and then take in Christian church services on post. After that I was going to devote the rest of the day to studying. For some reason before going for my morning constitutional and personal hygiene chores I opened my laptop and booted it up. I left it running as I hurried off to take care of my bathroom duties.

When I returned to my room with nothing but a towel around my waist I stood looking at the screen on my computer. I noticed a couple e-mails had arrived in the inbox since I'd booted it up. I opened my mail box to find one message was from my mom and the other was from Mike. I quickly opened Mike's message.

The message read: "If you want to go for a fantastic breakfast with me respond by 08: 00 hours, Mike." I looked at the time. I had just about ten minutes to respond, hopefully I wasn't too late. I fired back my response: "Where, when and what should I wear? Don." I stood there tugging on my cock that was growing, showing a nice outline beneath the white towel as I stood in front of the computer anxiously awaiting his response. After what seemed like an hour, but was actually more like a couple of minutes Mike responded with: "Meet me at my apartment. Wear is semi casual. Later, Mike."

I closed my computer out in a flash and was quickly rolling on some antiperspirant before pulling on a dark blue polo shirt and newer pair of Levis. I slipped into my riding boots, but tucked a pair of loafers inside my motorcycle jacket before rushing out to my bike. I ripped the cover off, rolling it up and stowing it on the back of my motorcycle. I mounted the bike and fired the beast up, letting it idle on fast idle for a couple minutes. I reduced the choke about halfway, kicked the bike into gear and sped off towards Mike's Apartment. I rode with wind buffeting my face mask, excitement in my heart and a bodacious boner filling my crotch area.

Thrilled with the invitation I was speeding down the highway towards Mike's apartment. I didn't know how to handle my feelings towards him. For some reason, much like a school boy I would become sexually aroused when around or thinking about Mike; in short, I was horny and had the hots for the young man with those alluring green eyes and radiant smile. I desperately wanted to go to bed with him.

I was eager to make a lustful move, but was reserve in my quest, fearing repercussions from the Army's draconian policy of DADT. Once I arrived at Mike's apartment complex he was already outside walking towards the parking area. I pulled into a visitor parking spot where I usually parked and dismounted. I pulled off my helmet watching Mike approach. With that big smile I heard him say, "Very nice looking motorcycle, Don."

Sunday was the first time Mike had seen my bike in daylight. He looked so good that Sunday morning. Why did we have to go out for breakfast? If I had my way we'd go back into his apartment and we'd have each other for breakfast. I wouldn't mind eating him right there on his kitchen table. I knew I had to get my mind off that type behavior before I committed a foolish act.

"Yeah, I bought it after I finished AIT. I actually found it for sale before I graduated. I figured it would be economical transportation around San Antonio for the next months of training."

Mike was circling the bike suspiciously eyeing it before he said, "So what is it? Looks a little like maybe a Harley Sportster, but I'm no biker Dude."

There was no branding insignia left on the bike. The name plates had been removed when the previous owner customized and repainted it. "Nope, it's a 1989 Yamaha Virago 1100."

"Really! Sure looks like a Harley, Don."

"May look like one but sure didn't cost like one."

"What do mean," Mike asked.

"If it had been an H-D Sportster the price would have been around five grand. I paid $1,275.00 for this. I think I got a good deal on it too. The guy was deploying and originally asking $1,500.00. Over three days of bargaining and time drawing close for him to deploy I managed to talk him down to $1,275.00 and from what I've heard I got a damn good deal on it."

"I guess," Mike said.

"I don't think I'll have any problems getting my money back when I'm done with my training here at Fort Sam if I want to sell it."

The bike was really low mileage for its age; however, a major plus for the bike was that it had been garaged most of its life, and the previous owner had all the service records too. The guy had taken loving care of the bike customizing it along the way with extra chrome, exhaust system, windscreen, the custom paint job and more.

"The bike came with a cover, bags and shop manual, and then at the last minute he threw in this helmet," I said knocking on the top of the Shoei full face cover helmet.

"Damn Don, sounds as though you got a hell of a deal. I guess you're a real bargain hunter when it comes to purchasing and price negotiations."

"Yeah," I replied with a chuckle, "I even found the chaps and jacket used and bought them separate. So, Mike, do you ride?"

"No, but you sure make riding sound exciting and fun," Mike said, "Maybe you'll offer to take me for a ride on the back of your bike some day."

Standing there talking to Mike I envisioned us riding nude, him behind me on the bike, as we rode free across America like the classic Easy Rider film. His hot body pressed against my back with his arms locked tightly around my waist with one hand holding my joy stick. Of course, that vision was presenting a problem. The mental image of Mike riding behind me holding me as we rode was again causing a burgeoning boner to push out the opening in the front of my chaps.

"Gonna need a helmet and riding gear before that can happen, Mike."

"Lock and cover your bike and let's go get breakfast. My treat," Mike said.

I locked the bike, put the cover on it, stripped off my chaps and jacket putting them on the seat of Mike's truck along with the helmet, and then climbed into the cab with Mike. We buckled up and were off to breakfast.

"So, where we goin for breakfast?" I asked.

"You'll see," Mike replied as we drove away, "By the way that's a very expensive lookin helmet."

"Yeah. You know, if I'd bought it new the thing runs over five hundred bucks."


"You know if you're gonna ride with me Mike the first thing were gonna have to do is go shoppin for a helmet for you. After breakfast maybe we can stop by one of the bike shops or bike apparel shops around town to price one out."


"So where we goin for chow this mornin?"

"It's a surprise, a little Tex-Mex place with great food. They've got great Mexican as well as regular food, plus fantastic pastries and it's affordable. I think you'll enjoy the place and the food. We're gonna beat the late church crowd," Mike said.


"Maybe sometime you'll have to go down to my folk's ranch with me for a weekend. I guarantee you'll put on at least five pounds eating my mom's grub," Mike said with a smile, "But my dad will quickly work it off you if given the chance."

Mike wasn't bullshitting about the restaurant or the food. We spent about an hour there from the time we were seated until we finished our last cup of coffee. Mainly, we talked about his family and growing up in Texas. The church crowd was starting to arrive, so the waitress was making subtle overtures for us to make room for them. I was ready to go; besides, I was full and needed to walk off the rich meal. I asked Mike where we could go for a walk.

Mike drove towards downtown San Antonio where we first visited Alamo City Harley Davidson. Of course as we were touring the facility Mike was drooling over the bikes on the showroom floor. We walked over to check the prices on helmets and other riding apparel. Mike was rather shocked at the prices of new and used motorcycles as well as riding apparel. I told Mike we'd find a helmet somewhere else that was more reasonably priced. I guess since we'd met and Mike had seen my bike he was becoming interested in motorcycles.

From the Harley store we found a spot to park and then we spent the next couple hours browsing, doing much walking around the River Walk and downtown area. We began visiting shops, including American Eagle Outfitters and a couple bike apparel and leather shops. At one little hole in the wall shop specializing in used clothing I spotted a used but in good condition Captain America helmet on the shelf.

"Hey Mike, try this on," I said handing Mike the helmet.

He put it on. I pulled the chin strap tight and then shook the helmet on his head saying, "Looks like a good fit to me how does it feel to you?"

Mike took the helmet off saying, "Good fit. Wonder how much?"

A salesperson approached asking if he could be of assistance. I asked, "How much for the helmet?"

The salesperson looked at the small coded yellow tag replying, "It's on sale this weekend for only eighty-five dollars, and that includes the Harley-Davidson carrying bag."

Mike was silent as he stood there looking at me. He said, "I can't afford it right now."

I knew he wanted the helmet by the look on his face, so I decided to try my bargaining skills.

"Tell ya what, I'll give you twenty-five for it," really low balling the salesperson.

A look of surprise and disbelief swept across the salesperson's face when I came back with such a low price.

"Uh, let me go ask the manager," He said disappearing behind a curtain.

"How much you willing to pay for this helmet?" Mike asked.

"I think around fifty would be a fair price, don't you?"

"You're the man, Don."

The salesperson returned saying, "Seventy-five dollars is the best I can do."

"Thanks," I said sitting the helmet back on the shelf before we began walking away.

"I know you want the helmet, so what's your final offer?" The salesperson demanded as we neared the door.

Turning around I said, "Fifty dollars cash money and that offer is only good for next sixty seconds."

"Sold!" The salesperson replied.

Must have been a slow week around the boutique; I was prepared to pay as much as sixty-five dollars for it, but he acquiesced to my final offer. I pulled my wallet out giving the salesperson fifty dollars cash. He wrote a hand receipt; put the colorful red, white and blue helmet in its personal black helmet bag along with the receipt and then begrudgingly he handed it to me. I thanked the young man.

Mike and I walked out of the store happy. Once outside I handed Mike the helmet bag saying, "Congratulation Mike, you are now the proud owner of an H-D DOT three-quarter shell Captain America motorcycle helmet with sun visor. Hell of a big difference in the price at the Harley-Davidson store and the used boutique shop, huh."

"Let me pay you for it when we get back to my apartment," Mike said.

"No way Dude, it's a gift."

We continued walking around downtown San Antonio, popping into one shop and then another. I was shy on money as was Mike, so we simply looked not buying anything else that day. Finally, it was getting close to three in the afternoon, so I suggested that we get back. I needed to get ready for a new week of training.

Once back at Mike's apartment he thanked me for the helmet again. I dressed out for my ride back to Fort Sam. We said our good-byes and then I was off for my quarters on post, while Mike made his way back to his apartment. As I sped off I really couldn't help but think how much I wanted to spend the night with Mike, but that would have to wait.

Chapter 25: The Weekend Visit

By the third week of June Mike and I were running into each other more often around Fort Sam, college and San Antonio. We'd probably passed each other a hundred times or more during previous months, but now that we knew each other things were different. I wanted to get into Mike's pants in the worst way, but I had to be extremely careful pursuing him due to Army policy. I wondered if Mike felt the same about me.

I had been getting certain subtle signals that Mike might want to carry our relationship to a new level, but I had to be careful. We would try to have lunch together whenever possible, and go out on the town for coffee or drinks dressed in civilian attire. Other times we'd stay at Mike's helping each other with school work, but I always went back to Fort Sam for the night.

On Thursday of that third week after our initial meeting in June Mike asked me, "What are your plans for the weekend? Do you have any weekend duty?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

"I'm going home this weekend. I'll be leavin Friday afternoon for the ranch. You wanta go with. I'll be back early Sunday night."

"Let me check with the company clerk to make sure I'm good to go."

"Let me know tonight," Mike said as we parted after lunch, "By the way, the weekend is my gift to you. I think you'll have a great time."

I'd gifted Mike with a helmet now he was returning the gesture. I checked with the company clerk to see if I had any duties for the weekend. None, I was good to go. I e-mailed Mike with a message that I was good to go for the weekend. We met for lunch Friday where we discussed and finalized plans for the weekend. It was decided that we would drive down in Mike's truck after duty on Friday. We would load my bike in the bed of his truck and tie it down for the journey south in the afternoon after we got off duty.

Friday afternoon I met Mike at an area on post where we could drive my bike into the back of his truck. We secured it and we were off to my quarters to pick up my overnight bag before hitting the road. I bought a couple sodas from the machine in my building on the way out, and by five we were all loaded up, rolling south down the Interstate.

"How many miles to your family's ranch?" I asked.

"Bout 150 miles. Takes me about two hours to drive it if I don't stop along the way."

"So, it'll still be light out when we arrive."


"Do your parents know I'm coming with you, Mike?"

"Yes, they're eager to meet you, Don. I've told mom and sister all about you."

"Why don't you call me Donny. That's what my family and all my close friends call me."

"Thank you Donny. I'm proud you consider me a close friend."

"So, what are the plans for the weekend?" I asked.

"Sleep in, eat some of mom's good grub, drink some beer, watch television, maybe we'll take a ride into Corpus. Who knows, whatever happens, happens," Mike said, "I got no firm plans."

"Do your folks have enough room for me?"

"Hell yeah, we got this big ass old house. I still maintain my bedroom at home that's big enough for both of us or there's a bunk house out back, so there's plenty of room. Don't sweat it," Mike said.

Damn, was that an invitation to spend two nights in the same bed with Mike or just the same room? Did he have an extra bed for me to sleep on? Those questions would be answered in a couple hours. We continued conversing and listening to music as we drove south. As we neared the ranch the sun was setting low in the west. About dusk Mike pulled up to the big gate and pushed the button to activate the gate.

The big steel gates slowly swung open and we drove through. Mike parked the truck and we got out. As we were walking towards the house when about a half dozen people came running out shouting greetings. The older women holding her arms out kept saying, "Miho, Miho," grabs Mike hugging him. After the welcomes die down Mike turns to me saying, "This is my friend Donny from Fort Sam."

Everyone greeted me eagerly and Mike's mother hugged me. She invited us into the big house where she'd prepared a spread of drinks and snacks for us. After all the introductions outside we moved inside the spacious and elegant two story home where I met Mike's father. Mike's mother offered each of us a beer and pointed to the table filled with snacks.

Everyone dove in to the goodies. Apparently, Mike's mom hadn't let anyone touch anything until we arrived. I ate and drank enjoying conversation with the entire family. They were all very outgoing except Mike's dad. He was a bit on the reserved and serious side.

By ten most of the food was gone, so Mike's mom was clearing the table, putting leftovers away. Mike's younger brothers had already taken off for bed. I was starting to nod off every once in a while. The day had been a full one for me. I guess Mike's dad had taken notice. After the news he said, "Tomorrow morning will come early. You guys have had a long drive and big weekend ahead. Time to turn in."

That was the signal in the Alvarez household that it was time to go to bed.

"Come on upstairs. I'll show you where we're sleepin," Mike said.

We both departed the room leaving Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez downstairs. Once upstairs Mike said, "You can sleep in my room if you like or I can take you out and make you up a place out in the bunkhouse."

"I'd rather stay up here with you if you don't mind."

"Hell, my bed is big enough for four people. In fact, when company comes I've had me and three cousins sleepin in the bed before."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was going to be sleeping in bed next to Mike. We took care of our personal hygiene before climbing into Mike's spacious bed. Sleeping with another guy was no big deal for me, so I didn't give it any thought.

As we lay there I said, "Your mom sure knows how to treat guests, and I can see what you mean about gaining a few pounds. I'm gonna have to hit the gym for a solid week after this visit."

"Yeah, me too."

We lay in the darkness lying on our backs talking about this and that. I was inhaling Mike's manly scent. What I really wanted was to dive under the sheet and suck his cock to fruition. Finally, Mike fell asleep. My mind was speeding out of control thinking about all the things I'd like to do with Mike. I wanted to reach out taking him into my arms sleeping that way for the rest of the night. I rolled over on my side and within a few minutes Mike's warm body had rolled up against my back. I was waiting for him to do something provocative, but he was asleep and had innocently rolled against me.

Next: Chapter 17

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