Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Mar 9, 2010


Warning! This story is a work of erotic fiction written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting males. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail addresses making appropriate corrections:

Please note that I now have a second e-mail address. E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas Cocks.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 30: Truth Will Set You Free

My attorney accompanied me to the Provost Marshall Office at Fort Sam Houston where I surrendered myself to Army authority. Once back at Fort Sam I was assigned to a casual company where I would await further disposition with certain restrictions placed on me. Of course during my time in jail the advanced medical training company to which I'd been assigned graduated. My fellow classmates had moved onto new Army assignments; therefore, when I returned I was in a state of oblivion, but not forgotten.

The Army had not charged me under UCMJ or informed me of any pending charges. As I was being transported to the casual company to await further orders and assignment my attorney's biblical words echoed in my head, "The truth will set you free."

I never envisioned my wise old counselor as a religious person; in fact, I don't think that I'd ever in my life likened lawyers to religion. The reason given for my confinement to the base was that it was for my well-being. I think the Army was trying to keep me hidden, not wanting anymore negative press. It seemed to me that somewhere throughout all this madness the town of San Antonio and the Army had turned against me for the murder of one of their own: a murder I didn't commit.

My thinking was that it was understandable given all the negative press surrounding the murder. I knew I was innocent and was hopeful that my attorney would someday prevail proving my complete innocence. What I couldn't understand is why I was still being held as a person of interest if the DA didn't have enough evidence to prosecute me for the horrendous crime. I also wondered if the police were actively looking for the real killer. This whole thing seemed like a dream, but I'd pinched myself too many times for it to be a dream. I was curious as to what happened to all my personal property after I was arrested.

From what I was being told most of my personal property had somehow mysteriously been misplaced, mishandled or lost sometime after my arrest and during my time of incarceration. My laptop, old cell phone and other personal property had been confiscated and were still being held as evidence. I was sure every forensic expert in Army CID and San Antonio Police had been through my computer and cell phone records with a fine tooth comb.

The investigators had surely read all my e-mails and check out the websites I'd visited, including Nifty and other erotic story sites. So, there was no doubt that the Army and police were at least questioning my sexual preference; moreover, suspecting that Mike and I were more than just friends.

I'd been called in a couple times since returning to Fort Sam by CID investigators to answer questions with regard to the cell phone records, computer files and about our relationship; however, when I invoked my right to counsel before questioning the investigators just dismissed me, sending me back to my company. I was sent back with a warning that I was confined to the post and could not talk to anyone about my status except my attorney.

Basically, my status was stable; somewhat like that of permanent party except for the segregation and confinement. I had the run of the base, but was not supposed to leave the perimeter thereof. The post was open, but if caught by police or MPs outside the boundary of the base that would be another nail in my coffin. I was very recognizable, so I just hung around Fort Sam waiting word of my fate.

I hadn't heard anything from my attorney since he left me at the PM Office a week earlier. I was concerned about my bike and what happened to it. I feared the worst. I wanted to get off post and go by Mike's apartment complex. I don't know why. I guess I was curious, wanting to see if my bike was there. I had no desire to visit the convenience store where the murder took place.

That was a place I never wanted to go again. I continued mourning Mike as I'm sure his family and friends were doing. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to kill him. He was a great guy, easy to get along with and I'd never known him to be confrontational or have a cross word towards anyone. I had been secretly speculating about whether he had another lover that might have been jealous of my relationship with Mike and stalking us. I knew because of my size not many guys would attempt anything with me around Mike. Oh hell, I had nothing but time to ponder the unknowns. I guess I probably would never know the whole truth about his murder, but it had sure fucked up my life.

Maybe it was a good thing that I'd been restricted to post, but in the few days since I'd been back I was getting restless and bored. Oh, the Army kept me busy during the day on work details around the area. Nights were the worst. I'd been assigned a room by myself which fostered loneliness.

I'd grown used to sleeping with someone; therefore, sleeping by myself was becoming unbearable. I hadn't had sex since Christmas leave. I missed Mike's warm body lying next to me. I missed his warm mouth sucking on my hard cock. Oh, one other restriction that had been placed on me by both the Bexar County DA and the Army was that I have no Internet access, which meant I had no way to check my e-mail or browse the Internet. That was killing me. I knew why none of the other soldiers were associating with me.

The horrific murder of SGT Miguel Alvarez made headlines in the local newspaper as well as the Fort Sam rag. My pathetic mug shot photo had been plastered on newspapers and on television, so everyone knew me immediately by sight as the jealous homosexual killer.

There had been much electronic media attention focused on the gory details of the horrendous homicide, including photos of the homosexual predator and victim as well as media sound bites, most not so flattering. After information had been leaked to the media I was being portrayed as the jilted aspiring lover who had been shunned by Sgt Alvarez and then killed him in a jealous fit or rage. That allegedly became the motive behind the murder.

Sgt Alvarez had been portrayed as the poor unsuspecting victim in the crime. Something supported by his father. The father came forward and angrily announced that he suspected I was queer the first time we met at his house. He was quoted in the newspaper referring to me as, "Ese tio es un marica gringo."

Basically, Mike's dad was calling me a queer white boy. He went on to defend his son saying that he was not gay, just a friendly outgoing person who loved his country and fellow man. He wanted everyone to know that the gringo had taken advantage of Miguel's friendship, killing him when Miguel wouldn't submit to my sexual advances towards his miho. Of course I denied all the accusations.

Strange thing, his mother or sister made no comment to the press about Mr. Alvarez's name calling or substantiating his accusatory slanderous statements. I knew deep inside even when I was fully exonerated I would still be a murder and a queer in the eyes of many in San Antonio and Fort Sam.

I often wondered how hard the police were working trying to find the real killer. My one wish was to get the hell out Fort Sam as soon as possible so as to put the negative feelings behind me and get on with my life. I was considering transferring branch to Infantry and then asking for a combat assignment. After a week back on post at the Monday morning work formation I was called into see the CO. He told me that I was to report to the Commanding Officer over at AMEDD Student Detachment at 10:00 hours in a clean uniform. I figured that I was going to be assigned to a new medical training class.

I reported as directed to the Commanding Officer at Student Detachment. The CO came right to the point with a serious tone and stony face offering me a General Discharge under Honorable Conditions.

I asked, "Sir, may I consult with my attorney before accepting this discharge?"

"Yes, Specialist," was the Officer's reply, "Major Winters from JAG will go over the discharge with you and be happy to answer any questions you or your counsel may have. That'll be all."

"Thank you Sir," I replied snapping to attention rendering a hand salute.

Once I'd been dismissed by the Commander the JAG Major and I stepped into a conference room where he began explaining the discharge and all ramifications thereof. He explained that if and when I was totally exonerated by the Bexar DA that I could apply for an upgrade for an Honorable Discharge; however, there was a caveat, due to certain questionable evidence the Army CID and police had discovered with regard to my relationship with SGT Miguel Alvarez I wouldn't be eligible to return to the military.

The Army couldn't prove anything, but they suspected I was gay even though I'd steadfastly denied those accusations. With an explanation about the General Discharge concluded the Major got my counsel on the speaker phone. Immediately, my attorney told me, "Do not to sign anything! I just got off the phone with the District Attorney prosecuting the murder case. There is a break in the case. I'll be down there tomorrow. See you then."

After we disconnected the phone comm I wondered what the hell was going on. In a matter or minutes the PM stuck his head in the door of the conference room saying, "Hold up processing that discharge Major. Bexar just called saying they have a break in the case."

Major Winters and I were both surprised by the revelations. I was told by the JAG Major to go back to my company where I would wait further notification. The Major had an MP give me a ride back to the company area. I reported to the 1SG and was told to just hang loose. I decided to head over to the dayroom to watch television or play pool.

When I got to the dayroom the television reporter was saying that there was breaking news with regard to the Sgt Alvarez homicide. The reporter was live outside the DA's office, explaining that the police and District Attorney would be holding a news conference with more details sometime later.

Next: Chapter 22

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