Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on May 3, 2010


Warning! This story is a work of erotic fiction written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting males. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail addresses making appropriate corrections:

E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas Cocks.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 36: Shots Fired Man Down

After the shots were fired people were screaming and running. Police and fire rescue started flocking around checking me out for injuries and then congratulating Corey for his quick action. Before I knew it I was on my feet being hustled into an awaiting SUV. The windows were dark. I couldn't see a thing. In a matter of seconds the vehicle was moving. We were on the way back to Fort Sam with lights flashing and radios crackling instructions. Corey was holding me close in the back seat his arms wrapped the flack vests surrounding me.

The armor protective vests made it hard for me to see anything or hear much of anything. Finally, back at Fort Sam I was rushed inside the Provost Marshall's office for a final meeting to determine my future in the Army or not. Eventually all concerned with my future met in a big conference room where there was coffee and bottles of water. After a few minutes all in the room came to order when the Post Commander entered the room followed by the Provost Marshall.

The Post Commander said, "I'm glad to see you're okay Specialist Masten, and I want to formally thank Specialist Pender for being there to save your life. He acted heroically and will be rewarded for his heroism."

"I'll second that," said the Provost Marshall.

The Post Commander regained the conversation stating, "Specialist Masten the Army has decided to drop all charges into the matter of your involvement in SGT Alvarez's death. Furthermore, the Army will not proceed with any of the other charges pending under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. After much investigation by C.I.D. there is no evidence of any wrong doing. The only thing I think that might be considered inappropriate is your interaction with and staying off post with a permanent party NCO, but with both of you attending the same civilian school that's somewhat understandable."

"Thank you, Sir."

Major Winters spoke up stating, "You have a few options at this point. First off the Army will offer you an Honorable Discharge if you are so inclined with full benefits and entitlements. Second, you may resume your advanced medical training in about six weeks, or you may opt for new MOS training."

"There is one other option," the Post Commander chimed in, "The Army is prepared to offer you a leave from active service to continue your civilian schooling, thereby becoming a Registered Nurse, Physicians Assistant or doctor. Once that is complete you will return to active service as a Medical Corps Officer."

"Wow!" I exclaimed, "Those are some really interesting options. When do I have to make up my mind, Sir?"

"Major Winters has been assigned to your case from here on," the Post Commander said, "He will be your personal contact between you and the Army from here on out. Best of luck to you Specialist whatever you decide to do."

The Post Commander and Provost Marshall shook my hand before departing the conference room leaving me with Major Winters, my attorney and Specialist Pender. Major Winters spoke up saying, "It'll be six weeks before you will be able to reenter an advance medical class at the point where you were when you went on Christmas leave last year. I'm prepared to offer you a special thirty days non chargeable leave to decompress and evaluate your options. If you decided to stay on active duty let me have an answer sometime within the next thirty days period so I can schedule you."

"That sounds cool, Sir."

Another thing, if it's okay with the Provost Marshall I'd like to assign Specialist Pender to act as your body guard during your leave time. Of course Specialist Pender would have to be agreeable."

I looked over at Pender to see if I could get a reaction from him. My attorney immediately spoke up before I could say anything asking, "Could I have a few moments to confer with my client on the matter?"

"Sure," Major Winters replied as he departed the room.

Pender got up to leave however my attorney said, "Please stay this concerns you too Specialist."

"Okay," Pender said sitting back down.

"Here is what's about to happen. My office tells me that you have and are going to be receiving requests for interviews from many different media sources. If you don't know it you have become something of a celebrity in the media. The way you were wrongful charged and incarcerated; the name calling and finally the shooting today has endeared you into the hearts of the American people. So, I suggest that you take the Major's offer to provide a body guard, because if I have to hire a security service it will be expensive."

"Wow! I didn't know all that. What do you think Corey, you want to follow me around?"

"Sure. Beats hanging out here at Fort Sam."

"Okay, I'll speak to the Major and get things set up. Also, when I'm not with you during these interviews there will be a person from my office that will go along with you, acting as your attorney. Again, I'll let the Major know you'll be represented."

"Cool," I said.

"Corey why don't you two get back over to the hotel, the room is reserved through Monday morning at check out time," my attorney said.

"What about transportation, you know a car or something?" I asked.

Corey spoke up, "I've got a car if we need to go anyplace. By the way what are the rules for us going out?"

There are no rules, but I prefer that you keep a low profile at least until next week," my attorney said looking at me, "I'm sure you two can find things to do without going into San Antonio."

"Sir, one other thing what's the story with my motorcycle?"

"Lucky for you you had full coverage insurance. The insurance company will pay the storage and other fees if you want to pick it up, or they will total it and pay you off," my attorney said.

"I think I'll take the pay out if it is the right amount."

"My office tells me the offer is $2,500.00, but we can hold out for a little more."

"No, just tell them to cut me a check as soon as possible. I think I'll buy a new one."

"Sounds like a smart move to me. You also have some back pay coming to you," my attorney said, "You guys get out of here and enjoy the weekend. I'll be in contact as soon as I get things hammer out here with the Major."

Corey and I departed leaving my attorney to finish the details with Major Winters. Corey and I left the PM's building to return to the room at the lodge. The room had been rented by the Army, so we took advantage of it. Before we got to the lodge Corey went by his barracks to pick up some clothing after that we stopped to pick up a pizza and six pack of beer.

Once back at the room we stripped down to our drawers and T-shirts. Corey turned on the television and we dove into the pizza drinking beer as we ate. I couldn't remember the last time I had beer, must have been while on Christmas leave. After finishing off the pizza we lay across our beds sucking on the remaining bottles of beer talking about this and that, getting to know each other better.

I began learning more and more about my new body guard. I'd learned earlier that Corey believed he might be gay, but had never engaged in a homosexual act. We began discussing our views of gay sex and the Army's policy on gays in the military until we fell asleep.

At O'Dark-thirty the next morning there was a call from my attorney wanting to meet for breakfast. We all met for breakfast where I was introduced to the young woman that would accompany me on any media interviews. They went over Major Winters' list of dos and don'ts, what I could discuss and what I was not allowed to talk about during the whirlwind of talk shows.

Over the weekend there were some local television stations that wanted interviews, but the real surprise was when my attorney told me that the big networks wanted me next week on the morning talk shows circuit, scheduling the first one for Tuesday. Corey and I were told that we would be driven by limo to the airport Monday morning where we would fly to New York with Lisa the young attorney who would accompany me.

The next couple of weeks were a circus of media activity; talk shows, dinner engagements and moving from one venue to the other, ending up in Chicago where my folks were in the audience of the last talk show. The show was more devoted to the psychological trauma that I'd undergone during the past months. Corey was also a part of this particular afternoon talk show. There were celebrity doctors and psychologist questioning and offering their two cents worth. Finally, the show was over.

At dinner that night my folks asked me to come home for a week or so and talk about things. I asked Corey if he wanted to go back to Fort Sam or tag along with me to southern Illinois. He was eager to continue traveling with me as my friend and bodyguard. He wanted to meet the people that I'd talked to him about while we got better acquainted in the room at the lodge.

That last week I had to make a decision about my future. There was not the light heartedness that I'd experienced when I'd visited with my aunts, uncles and cousins on previous visits. There were no wild sex orgies with my cousins. Although there were fun times most of the time was devoted to decision making for my future.


After all the interviews and then the meeting with my family for a week I'd made up my mind. When I joined the Army my goal was to become the best combat medic I could be and when discharged I wanted to attend medical school and become a doctor or veterinarian. Now, I'd changed my mind and was going to take the Post Commander up on his offer. I was going to take a leave of absence from the Army to finish medical school with the Army picking up the tab.

Once finished and after doing my indentured service to the Army as a doctor or while doing so I wanted to attend law school at some point to become an attorney so I might help people as my attorney had helped me. I was going to try to specialize as a trauma doctor and then become an attorney.

My friend and bodyguard Corey would receive accommodations for his heroic actions saving my life and be promoted to Sergeant before leaving the Army within the next six months. After the Army he would be attending college on his GI Bill. He had been accepted and was going to major in Economics and Pre Law. He wanted to become a lawyer. Of course we promised each other we'd keep in touch.

How could we not stay in touch there was a special bond. I'd grown very fond of my bodyguard and owed him my life to him. We would always be best buds. Maybe after he got out of the Army we would hook up and I could teach him all about male to male sex, or maybe he would meet his special person as I had met Mike.

Sadly, I knew that there would be no more Christmas leaves and no more Christmas cocks. I'd outgrown those special times in my life.

I hope my readers enjoyed this story and thank all who have sent me messages of encouragement while writing the story. Maybe sometime in the future I'll revisit the characters to see how they all have moved on with their lives.

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