Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Feb 4, 2009


Warning! This story is a work of fiction and was written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting male cousins. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail address making appropriate corrections:

E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas 2008.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 11: Meeting Goth Cousin

I lay on the bed naked, basking in the immense afterglow of sex with my cousin, Brett. Although it `twas the afternoon before Christmas there were no visions of sugar-plums dancing in my head. The only visions I was entertaining were fanciful images of my cousins' Brett, Danny and Timmy naked dancing before me; their hard cocks throbbing and bouncing like Jello in a bowl. I was overcome laying there daydreaming about my cousins and their Christmas cocks by feelings of fulfillment and completeness.

Another vision swimming in my head on Christmas Eve day was how well Brett had performed foreplay as well as the sexual acts of fellatio and anal intercourse on me; a performance that of a thirty year old consummate professional. He made me moan and howl with glee as he sucked on my cock in a most sensuous manner, but what really made me shriek with delight was how deliberately he used his long middle digit to begin dilating my asshole prior to penetrating me with his erect penis.

Brett worked his talented well-lubricated digits inside my rectum to relax and stretch my sphincter, making me convulse like a person having a seizure. However, the best of the best came when he eased his long hard hot dog deep inside me. Once he plunged the full length of his cock into me he began pumping my asshole with precise rhythmic strokes, holding off his ejaculation to coincide with mine. In the end we both exploded in unison with a thunderous roar of joy and fulfillment that the Gods in heaven should have heard.

Now, with all quite in the room the question remained, was I going to be able to and did I have the time to make repayment in kind. Brett had initially requested that I cornhole him, but I decided to give him an early Christmas gift and let him top me. After learning that Brett's arrogant self-indulgent brother had been using him for a cum dumpster the past year I decided to make my cousin's day by letting him be the giver and me the receiver. What an outstanding giver he turned out to be; an artist who could paint with sensual strokes and one of the best so far in my young life.

After completion we were both well-spent; our hearts beating rapidly, perspiring heavily, we were clutching each other tightly as we lay exhausted on the bed. Brett remained inside me until his cock began to deflate and finally fell out of my gaping asshole. I gazed down upon my young cousin; his head nestled on my bare chest, as he dozed in a state of blissfulness. I could feel his shallow sensual breath blowing across my sensitive nipple, shivering each time he exhaled. We both lay on the bed totally satisfied.

Well, at least I was satisfied; however, I knew that Brett still had a secret yearning to conquer Timmy. Brett told me that he'd seen Timmy's log, as he called it, during the previous summer, but didn't know if his cousin was a player and hadn't had the time to discover the truth. The sight of Timmy's larger than average size sexual organ sparked Brett's curiosity exciting the desire to get his cousin in bed for a sexual romp.

Now, I must say that every since Danny told me about his younger brother's sizeable appendage I was curious and desirous too. Just the thought about Timmy's colossal cock was exciting me; in fact, everything about my younger first cousin aroused me. My cock was beginning to lengthen and stiffen as I thought about Timmy. I'm not a size queen and don't seek out guys with oversize organs to satisfy my sexual desires, but I at least wanted to see Timmy all boned up and maybe play with it before my leave was over.

I'm very particular about a guy's size, especially when it comes to penetrating my precious asshole. When it comes to sex I'm all about pleasure not pain, and Brett was not a pain in my ass, just pure pleasure. I wondered if there was going to be time for another fling with Brett before the family returned from town.

I looked over at the clock radio on the night table. The digital reading revealed it was two twenty-three in the afternoon, just about time for people to begin returning to the house. Although fully aroused there was not enough time for enjoyable sex. I gently shook Brett. Awaken him saying, "It's time we get cleaned up before the family returns."

"Oh geez, thanks cuz. We wouldn't want anyone to catch us in this state," Brett replied.

"Yeah," I mused.

For both of us there was a special aura surrounding us as we got up to begin cleaning up. I put the purple tube of Astroglide gel back in the drawer of the night table. Brett folded the used condom into a tissue and disposed of it. We continued talking as we tidied things up. We remade the bed and fluffed the pillows. The lingering smell of sex had pretty much dissipated, but to make sure I sprayed some room freshener around.

"So, when do you head back to the Army?" Brett asked.

"The day after New Year's day. Plus I got a couple days travel time."

"I sure hope we get a chance to do a repeat performance before you leave," Brett said smiling at me.

"I hope so `cause you're good at what you do."

"Ditto cuz," Brett said.

"So, when are you leaving to go back to Indiana?" I asked.

"I think mom and dad are planning on staying until sometime after New Years," Brett said, I'm sure we'll get a chance for a replay."

I smacked Brett on his beautiful ass as he walked past me into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once he was done I followed. Just as I was coming out of the shower I heard dogs barking outside. Brett told me he heard cars drive up. With the towel wrapped around my waist I walked over to the window to look out. Sure enough Uncle Jack's SUV was in the drive and there was a large motor home pulling in and parking in the RV space. Everyone was back from town, and Uncle Dick and Aunt Betty had also arrived.

"Come on let me get dressed so we can get down stairs to meet everyone," I suggested.

I dressed quickly before we bounded down the stairs taken two and three steps to each leap. We grabbed our jackets off the hooks in the kitchen and went outside to meet the new arrivals. Everyone was greeting, hugging and kissing each other. Uncle Jack said, "Here come Brett and Donny. They stayed behind to rest up for the big night tonight."

Uncle Dick and Aunt Betty hugged and kissed me, telling me how glad they were that I would be sharing Christmas with the family this year. Then the questions started. Uncle Betty asked how long I would be staying. I told here my itinerary. Then I asked, "Where's Chuck and Brandon?"

"Where's Timmy?" Brett asked.

"Timmy's riding with his dad. They'll be along in a few," Aunt Peg said.

"Chuck and Brandon are in the motor home. Go on in and check the coach out," Uncle Dick said.

Brett and I excused ourselves making our way through the crowd to the big diesel pusher motor home. Once inside the coach I was somewhat surprised by what greeted me. Neither cousin looked up. Cousin Chuck didn't get up to greet us as I expected. He was deeply involved with the game he was playing on the small hand held device he clutched between his hands. His thumbs were a blur hurriedly punching the buttons his eyes transfixed on the screen. But more of a surprise than Chuck's obsession with electronic gaming was his new look.

My eighteen year old cousin had definitely undergone change in appearance since I saw him last. The last time we were together was just after he turned sixteen at a summer family reunion. He appeared normal then and was a very gregarious kid; however, since our last visit Chuck appeared to have taken on a heavy Goth look and swallowed up in the culture.

Chuck was dressed from head to toe in black leather with a black studded dog collar and black studded leather bracelets. He appeared very skinny and pasty looking. His face was dark. His face and eyes covered in heavy kohl eyeliner and mascara. His lips were black outlined in burgundy. And of course his nails were painted black. His spiky hairdo was wild; he'd dyed his hair jet black streaking it with blood red burgundy. Not what I would call an attractive look.

Not only was he dressed in clown attire he was very demure compared to the rest of us. A complete contrast to Brandon the arrogant and boisterous cousin who immediately began verbally attacking his younger brother and me as we entered saying, "So, Bro, did you suck Donny's dick while we were gone or did you let him fuck you in the ass?"

Brett began to blush and I felt uncomfortable. Chuck didn't flinch. He remained stoic playing his game. Brandon kept up his verbally outrageous banter to a point where I walked over to him. We were about the same height as we stood nose to nose. An intimidating stance I'd learned from the DIs in basic training. I said, "Dick breath, if you don't lighten up and quit embarrassing your brother and the rest of us you and me are gonna take a trip out to the cornfield where I'm gonna give you and personal attitude adjustment."

Brandon just stood there smiling. My behavior had caught Chuck's eye. He, Danny and Brett looked on not saying a word, they knew better. I don't think Brandon knew what to think or say. Maybe I was the first one to standup to him in a while, including his parents. I was hoping he would act intelligently and back down. Anyway, I finished by saying, "I'll stomp a slick mud hole outa your ass and when I get done with you I'll nail your itty bitty balls to the side of that barn out there with ten penny nails. Kinda like Christ on the cross, only upside down. Now, sit down dickhead and shut the fuck up."

I could see slight smiles of approval ease across my other cousin's faces. After a few seconds my bravado won out. Brandon sheepishly retreated taking a place on the semi circle seat next to Danny. Everyone except Chuck was sitting around the motor home's kitchen table. I scooted in next to Brett. There the four of us sat with Cousin Chuck who was occupying a chair on the open end of the table. For a few moments the situation was a little tense no one said a word. Finally, I broke the silence saying, "Brett and I are all rested up for tonight's festivities. We're lookin forward to the parade, church services and hearin Timmy sing."

Then Danny said, "Chuck if you need to freshen up, take a shower or want to catch a cat nap we can all go upstairs where it's a little warmer and more comfortable."

Chuck replied, "I'm okay here. I really didn't want to come, but the rents made me. I'm not going to Christmas services. I don't believe in Christmas."

In a state of bewilderment we all kind of replied a subdued okay in unison. I don't think any of us could believe what we were hearing from our cousin or his new personality. Personally, I really didn't want the freak show with us. We'd all been brought up in a conservative Christian environment. Our parents had instilled old Midwest morals and values in us, so we were all taken aback by Chuck's announcement, demeanor and dress.

"I'll be sleeping here in the coach while were here," Chuck stated stoically.

"That may prove a little chilly later on tonight cuz," Danny said, "You know, gets cold here in southern Illinois this time of year."

"I'll be okay," Chuck replied.

"You sure, there's enough beds setup in my room if you want to stay with us up there. There's plenty of room," Danny said trying to make Chuck feel welcome.

With Cousin Chuck's sleeping arrangements agreed upon Brett reached over under the table, putting his hand in my crotch fondling my cock. I almost jumped but caught myself in time. I knew what Brett's signal meant, that he wanted me to sleep with him. Now, I knew that might cause problems and impinge upon Danny's plans, but I'd play things by ear until we actually went to bed later-on; besides, I had a few more days to fulfill my sexual fantasies with Brett.

Chapter 12: The Christmas Wagon

The door to the motor home swung open in bounded an excited Timmy all smiling; however his smile faded quickly. I think we all knew what changed Timmy's disposition – Cousin Chuck the Goth. Timmy recovered quickly however scooting in next to me as we all moved around the semicircular seat making room for him. I felt like the king weenie in a sex bun between my two young sexy cousins.

With my two sexually desirous cousins seated on each side of me Timmy threw his arm over the seat behind me as he began talking, "Guys the Christmas Eve parade and church services are really gonna be slammin this year. I think you'll be surprised."

"I looking forward to hearin you sing," I said.

"Me too," Brett chimed in.

"I won't be attending," Chuck said stoically not making eye contact but instead looking down at the hand held gaming device.

"Why?" Timmy asked.

Chuck continued his philosophical explanation as to why he would not be attending Christmas Eve services. In a way I kind of felt sorry for our Cousin the new Christmas Grinch of the family with the new depressive and gaudy lifestyle that he'd adopted. I never really understood the whole Goth thing.

There was the dark Goth clique at my old high school and by the time I graduated the movement had transcended down to the junior high school. I'd never had any friends that were into the Goth movement, so I had no first hand knowledge of them. All my friends in school were into academics and athletics from the time of elementary school, little league and Pop Warner Pee Wee football on.

I couldn't understand my Cousin Chuck, but he was only part of the family by marriage. His mother was a Masten and married a Petersen. Chuck's dad's family had emigrated from Eastern Germany during the 1800s. Last I saw Cousin Chuck he was heavily involved with little league as well as swimming and diving. All of us cousins played sports; athletics was a part of our culture. Touch football games were part of the family tradition, especially family reunions at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

The Masten clan was a very tight-knit well-known family with deep roots in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Missouri since the early 1800s. The Masten's came to United States from Scotland in the 1700s eventually settling in the Heartland of America. Our European Dutch-Scottish heritage had remained in tact as the family evolved; however, there were other ethnicities that had infiltrated the family over the years, including Asian, Latin and Native American. So, with ethnic, cultural and religious diversity sprinkled throughout we considered ourselves the quintessential All-American family.

Once again the door to the motor coach swung open; it was Uncle Dick saying, "Jack has a surprise for all. Come on out."

We all got up and exited the coach except for Chuck who remained behind to see Uncle Jack surprise. Danny and Timmy's dad was standing next to the much decorated Christmas wagon. He'd pushed the wagon out of the big metal building to reveal his latest creation. There was Christmas music coming from the speaker system on the brightly colored wagon. The banner on the sides proclaimed: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE MASTEN FAMILY.

Uncle Jack had installed the bench seats on both sides of the wagon, repainted it in festive Christmas colors and adorned it with strand of lights. The twinkling colored lights were blinking complimenting the other Christmas decorations that adorned the old wagon – quite a sight to behold. As we all walked around inspecting the freshly painted and decorated old hay wagon we were impressed with all the decorations lighting and Uncle Jack's flare for creativity.

Each year Uncle Jack worked to transform the old hay wagon into the most colorful and spectacular Christmas sleigh in the area. This year a new PA system had been added. Uncle Jack announced over the public address system that we would all be riding in the wagon into town for the annual Christmas Eve parade and Christmas Eve religious services. Cheers went up from all gathered. He assured us that there were plenty of blankets to keep everyone warm for the three mile ride into town. He had equipped the speaker system with microphones so we could all sing group Christmas Carols along the route and during the parade.

Again, we all cheered at that announcement. The town's Christmas Eve parade brought people from outlying areas and other towns for miles around; it was a tradition that had grown in magnitude over the years and everyone looked forward to it. There would be coverage from television stations as far away as St. Louis, maybe Chicago. Aunt Alice announced that there would be plenty of hot cocoa and coffee onboard for consumption. Another cheer went up from all gathered around admiring the Christmas wagon.

"When do we leave?" Brett questioned eagerly.

"We'll leave here around eight tonight, so we can be staged for the paraded when it kicks off at nine. Christmas services begin at eleven and then we should be back here no later than one in the morning. I understand that the women have prepared a warm feast for this evening," Uncle Jack said, "So, why don't we all go in and get some rest and get ready for this evening's festivities."

Again, another cheer went up as the gathering broke up. Brandon along with Chuck's mom went into the motor home. The rest of us except the men folk headed towards the house. The men were going to wheel the wagon around and attach it to Uncle Jacks four wheel drive SUV. Once inside the four of us sprinted upstairs while the women remained in the kitchen.

In the bedroom Danny and Timmy flopped across Danny's bed while Brett and I lay down on the bigger roll away across the room. Just about the time we were dozing off Brandon appeared in the room asking, "Am I welcome up here?"

"Sure," Timmy replied.

"What about you?" Brandon asked directing the question to me.

"No problems, Dude," I replied.

"Did you guys have problems already?" Timmy asked, "'cause this guy can be a real asshole."

"Not really. Brandon just needs to learn some respect for others as well as himself," I said.

"Oh, well that may be a tall order for him," Timmy said with a laugh, "You see he went through puberty late and it stunted his growth, including his brain."

With that said Brandon jumped on top of Timmy lying on the bed saying, "I'll show you stunted growth. I'll feed you a foot of stunted growth."

The two began wrestling on the bed. Danny got up and moved over with Brett and me saying, this won't last long. Timmy is a champion wrestler for the school."

Sure enough within seconds Timmy had Brandon flipped over and pinned. Sitting on top of Brandon he began, "This is what you really want isn't it. You want me to feed you some sausage for dinner right now in front of everyone."

After he said that he began unbuckling his belt and partially unzipping his fly. We all broke out laughing. I eagerly awaited the appearance of Timmy's colossal cock. Of course Timmy didn't hall out his monster, but Brandon was turning different shades of Christmas red.

Still sitting on top of Brandon Timmy said, "Maybe I'll save it and feed it to you for an early breakfast."

I wasn't sure what history the two cousins had, or was Timmy just posturing for us.

"Now, say you want my sausage for breakfast rather than dinner cuz."

Struggling for release Brandon didn't say anything, so Timmy began pulling his zipper further down.

"Okay, okay for breakfast now get the fuck off me you asshole," Brandon replied.

"Oh, you want me to fuck your asshole," Brandon said humorously.

Brandon got up off his cousin, pulled his zipper up and buckled his belt. We all broke out in laughter. Brandon sat up still exhibiting dark red tone to his blush saying, "Fuck you guys."

"Yes, I'm going to fuck you, but I'll wait till we're alone to do that," Timmy said with a big grin.

Things began to cool off and settle down. We all began talking harmoniously. Seemed like only a few minutes later Chuck appeared at the doorway with his hands full of his stuff.

"May I come in and join you all?"

"Sure, come on in," everyone said.

Chuck entered the room with clothing and his electronic game in his hands. I suspect that some of the older folks had a meeting with Chuck telling him that he wasn't going to spoil Christmas for the rest of us.

"May I use the bathroom to take a shower?" Chuck asked.

"Sure," Danny replied, "the linens are in the cabinet next to the door. Make sure you turn the fan on to suck up the steam, and make sure all that dark stuff gets washed down the drain."

Chuck disappeared behind the door. He didn't close the door all the way. From where I was lying on the bed with Brett I could see through the crack in the door. Chuck began undressing as the shower water was running to warm up. As soon as he stripped off his T-shirt and drawers I was a little surprised. Most of us Mastens were pretty well hung, but Chuck was what I called an acorn in the forest phenomenon. I could barely make out the uncircumcised head protruding from his pubic bush. It appeared as though he hadn't gone through puberty yet. There was no length to his flaccid penis and his nut sac was small and drawn up tight. I wondered if the small size of his cocklet might be a contributing factor to the change in his personality.

As Chuck stepped into the shower Aunt Alice called up on the intercom telling us it was six-thirty to clean up dinner was ready. We all took turns taking leaks and washing our hands for dinner. Chuck remained hidden behind the shower curtain finishing his shower. Sleeping arrangements for later on in the morning had bee settled. Timmy and Danny would share his bed, Brett and I chose to sleep together and Brandon ended up odd man out sleeping on the single roll away bed for the few hours of sleep after we got back from town. As far as we knew Chuck still planned on sleeping in the motor home with his parents. The five of us bounded down the stairs heading for dinner.

Next: Chapter 8

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