Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Jun 24, 2004


Disclaimer and Copyright: This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment. This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your opinion. My email address is Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

Hi ladies and gentlemen. As promised I got more than enough feedback from my readers and I could not let anyone down. I want to keep my promise and I want to give Justin and Alec an ending. I won't be a quitter guys. I do have some thank you in store. First I want to thank my many fantasy boyfriends: Ashton Kutcher, Justin Timberlake, Johnny Knoxville, and Severus Snape aka (Alan Rickman). I also want to thank my fantasy husband Gale Harold. He is very nice to share me with you guys. LOL On a serious note to Nifty and to all the people who emailed me with concern and thanks and encouragement thanks so much. You guys really know how to pick a guy up out the slams. And I mean that in every positive way. And to those who wanted to write and couldn't or where to lazy or busy, thank you too. Believe me when I say I have had those days also when I was too lazy and didn't feel like writing. To the author of Malcolm (gay Adult-Youth) Michael thanks for putting out a great story. I loved reading it and I loved the interaction between the 2 main characters that were white and black. Especially for that time perios when being of color was dangerous. I loved it. And I have some FUN times with it also. HINT HINT! And with those out of the way.. I am BACK and my flame is burning Bright.

On the last episode of Crazy Cajun:

"I love you." Justin whispered staring at me intentionally.

"I love you too." I said smiling at him. "So how about we.... answer the phone." He said as my cell went off again. "I'm sorry." I said giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"One day I will get you all to myself." He winked. "Hello?" I answered.

"You are a hard man to track down Mr. I'm starting to think you are dodging my calls." Gale said from the other end.

"Hey! What's going on? I've been out like so much. I said looking at Justin who was quietly asking who I was on the phone with. " Mouthing Gale's name I tuned in to listen to him talk.

"I've been missing you like crazy. I heard about what happened from Ryan and then I gave him my number to give to you but I should have known he wouldn't have giving it to you." He said.

"No! He did give it to me. I've just been so busy that I just.. I couldn't get a chance to talk to you." I said. "I'm sorry."

"Oh... it's okay. I guess we'll have to find away to make up for the lost time." He said sneakily.

"What have you cooked up now?" I asked as I glanced at Justin who looked royally pissed.

"I don't know.... Maybe you'll have dinner with me again? Tonight?" He asked.

"Dinner? Tonight? Gale I am on a flight to New York right now for a photo shoot." I said.

"New York? Well when do you get back?"

"In about 2 days." I said.

"So then have dinner with me then. Friday night."

"Friday night?" I repeated.

"Great it's a date." Gale said.

"Wait.... Gale?" I called. It was a deadline. Gale had hung up. Trapping me into a dinner date.

"Why didn't you tell him that you wouldn't be going on any dates? You're taking already." Justin asked looking pissed.

"When did I have time to tell him anything?" I asked looking at him.

"Maybe between dinner and Friday." He said looking ahead now his face tight with frustrations.

"Gale is just a friend Justin. You are my boyfriend. I love you." I said softly grabbing his hand.

"Just promise me that you'll tell him the next time you talk to him." Justin said now looking at me.

"It's a promise Justin." I sighed.

"I remember the night that you had the panic attack. I was so scared. I can honestly say that I had never been that afraid in my life. That is when I knew I loved you." Justin said fingers caressing my arm. "I remember taking you inside the hospital and screaming that I needed help. When they took you from me I felt so helpless. So crummy. Because I am the one that did that to you. I put you there. I hated myself."

"You shouldn't have. It wasn't your fault." I said to Justin although I felt that he has at least had a major hand in it.

"It was my fault. I know that I pushed you into the bathroom stall causing you to panic and have a relapse into your childhood." he said closing his eyes and remembering.

"Well you made a promise to me when I first woke up to never put your hands on me again. That you would never hit me. And that means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me." I said.

"Well I am glad. You mean a lot to me too." (End of Chapter)


I watched as Alec lay sleeping against me from the chair beside me. His dreams peaceful. His face relaxed as his lips hung open slightly. His eyes twitched, his hand was still wrapped in tightly in my shirt. As if afraid I would leave before he woke up. Yes.. We had cuddled as he went to sleep. Feeling as his innocennce nearly pored off of him. I felt bad for pressing him to tell Gale about us. I just didn't want Gale to hit on him or think that he was gaining bases. I'd seen the way they were together and the closeness had frightened me. He had just met Gale yet they got close fast. Too fast. And now they had a date. I knew that if I pushed Alec too hard, I'd lose him. But it wasn't my fault. I mean this was my first relationship with a guy. A man. And for some reason I really felt protective. Jealous even. And now, with Ryan so close.... Well let`s just say I'd have to find away to make sure that Ryan only stayed a friend.

"Your brooding." Alec whispered his eyes now open.

"Yea, I didn't wake you did I?" I asked.

"No.. not really. Planes make me think too much. " he answered.

"Really? About what?"

"You tell me what you are thinking about first."

"Okay. I was thinking about you and Gale. The way you two hit it off so fast scares me a little. You say he's just a friend but..."

"But what?" Alec asked.

"But I saw the look in your eyes when you were with him. And I know he likes you. A lot. Even though he's suppose to be straight."


"You're are suppose to be straight." I shot

"You don't want to tell him do you?" Justin said suddenly. "Do you?"

I said nothing. What could I say? No... I didn't want to tell him. I liked Gale. He was nice. Attractive.. And he was there to talk to me when I needed it. he was someone who could take me from all of this drama. And he was smart.

"Answer me." Justin said.

"No okay. I don't want to tell him. I like him. And I like his company." I said almost shouting.

"Why? I love you. Yea, it took me sometime to admit i. And yes, I'm still getting use to it. But I'm here. I want to be with you." Justin pleaded.


"Randy what are you doing still here?" I asked.

"I'm waiting on Tony. Since we have that week off he decided to fly here to get me and then fly back with me to our apartment in New York." Randy said. So I was wondering if you wanted to come too. I mean it's better than going straight to Canada."

"Thanks but I don't..." I started to say before it clicked into my head what he was asking. Come to NewYork. Today. And Alec being in New York. "When do we leave?"

"Today. All we have to do is to call for another.. wait. You only want to come because of that Alec guy." Randy said smiling.


"Listen. I thought you were straight? What has this kid got that say.. I don`t have. Or... any other guy?" Randy asked.

"He's special. That's all I know. He actually, and you might not believe this but he didn't care that I was a B class actor. Or that I am on the number one show on Showtime. He's cute. Very good looking. I mean ass that is made for my hands. Eyes that look right into my soul. Legs that go on forever." I said shaping his body in my mind.

"Okay... You sound like Tony did when he was talking about his ex. You really know how to make a guy jealous you know." Randy said laughing.

"Ha yeah right."

"No really, Tony said the only reason they broke up was because the guy told him to just stay away from him. Tony said that the kid was being abused at home." Ryan said.

"Well it's not Alec. He wasn't abused." I said shaking my head. "I'm going to pack."


"It's not my fault." I pleaded with J.C.

"Not your fault? Baby listen to yourself. Calm down. All I said was that I didn't think you should cut your hair. And then you just flipped out. What's not your fault? Talk to me." J.C. said as he took my hand. We were standing in the Jefferson Airport. Looking around on the third largest airport in the United States. I saw Ryan and Alec talking and Justin standing over to the side.

"Nothing baby. I'm sorry. I guess I am just stressed right now." I said rubbing my temple.

"Ian sweetie.. what would make you so stressed out that you just lost it like that?" he asked.

"You. Me. i don't understand why we are here. I know I was gung ho about coming here... but.. now I just want to be as far away from you, Justin, or Alec. I just want to be away." I moaned.

"From me too?" he asked sadly.

"I'm sorry but yes." I said. "Fine." he said face going stone cold. "Get a plane ticket and go home." With that, he turned around and left me standing there feeling dumb.

"J.C.!" I called. As he walked away not stopping or saying anything.

"Joshy. Your promised you'd never walk away from me." I called.

He took two more steps before he stopped. Yet he still didn't turn around. Taking a deep breath. I started to walk towards him. Placing my hand on his shoulder I stepped to the from of him.

"I'm sorry." I whisperd wiping away the tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry I'm being over emotional and a lousy boyfriend. I love you. I'm sorry."

"Oh really? And by saying that do you want to be away from me... that's love to you?" he spit.

"No. I'm just acting stupid. I love you. I really do. I'm tripping. My body aches and it is making me whine. And I know I am being frustrating to you, but please just live with me. Put up with for just a little while please." I said.

"Let's get out of here." he said in answer.


"So you and Justin are having a fight?" I asked Alec.


"So how come you pushing him away? He has feelings for you. And you need as much love as you can get." I said.

"Exactly. I have Justin on one side telling me that he loves me and then I have Gale on the other side telling me he likes me. What am I suppose to do? I've only had two boyfriends. This is just way too much, way too fast. I just need something familiar." he moaned.

"Like your dad?" I shot. Alec's head whipped forward and he gave me the most hurtful look he could ever give me.

"Fuck you." he shot before turning around and quickly walking away.

Damn it. I just fucked this pep talk up. "Alec wait. I'm sorry. " I said jogging to him.

"Leave me the hell alone." Alec said tears coming down his face.

"Al, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." I said as he brushed past me into the bathroom.

"What just happened?" Justin asked.

"I fucked up man, I fucked up." I said.

"How, why.. what just happened?" Justin asked.

"I was telling him, asking him why he had pushed you away. He was saying how you asking him out was too fast and Gale liking him was too much and I ... I fucking....."

"What? Just tell me." Justin asked urgently.

"He said he just needed something familiar. And I shot out like your dad."

"Shit, shit, shit." Justin moaned. "I'll go handle this."

"Justin I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." I pleaded.

"I'm not the one you have to apologize too." Justin said walking away.

************************** (Normally this would be the end, but I did promise longer chapters.. so lets keep the party going.)*********


God I hate him so much. Anything. He could have said anything other than what he said. I thought that he had some love for me. But I was wrong and this proved it. I had apparently pissed Ryan off so bad that he hated me. because those where hateful words. So I guess I was now doing to what I had done to Ryan to Justin. Pushing him away. But what else was I to do? I love Justin. I really do. But contrary to popular belief I haven't ever been the one to get a lot of attention from guys. My father made sure he ruined that for me. He made me so self-conscious of my body that I pretty much stayed away from any and everyone. And then I met him. A Italian hunk who if I had a virginity he would have had it. He was the first guy I felt comfortable with. He knew all the right things to say. To do. He held me when all I could do was cry. And then I found out he was cheating on me. Yes folks, I was living happily ever after and he was living with a cute blonde twink on Madison Ave and Six street. And so I did the only thing I could do. I got the hell away from him. It took him two weeks to finally stop coming around. He just wouldn't quit. Showing up at my dad's with flowers and gifts. Coming by at my shifts at Vedett's Italian Resturant. Which is where I met him. Speaking of which, as long as I was in town I may as well make a few bucks.

I opened the bathroom stall as I saw him. My man Justin. Gently he pushed me back inside the stall and locked the door behind us. Without speaking he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. He stared into my eyes as if could read everything in my mind. Slowly he turned us around until I was backed against the stall. And still he didn't say anything. His hand rubbed the side of my face and he gently kissed my lips. I already had a boner and he hadn't done anything but kiss me. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes again.

"I love you cajun." he said finally speaking.

"I.." I started before Justin gave me a warning look to hush.

"Like I said. I love you. And I'm sorry that I'm pushing you so fast. I am new at this. And I will try... and slow down. To stop rushing things. I was wrong to jump down your back about Gale. You should go after him if you like him." Justin said.

"Are you.. breaking up with me?" I asked hesitantly.

"I just feel as if I need to give you space." Justin said.

"No. As long as we take it slow. I love you too. And I want us to be together. And I want to continue being your boyfriend. Yours. Just... just give me some time to break it off with Gale." I asked.

"Sure baby. Anything you want." he said.

"Anything?" I asked reaching down and grabbing his ass. God!

"Anything but that," he said as he pulled my hand away and kissed the palms. "Atleast not here in the airport.

"Thanks sweetie. I'm afraid to go out there." I said.

"Ryan is sorry. He feels terrible" Justin said.

"Well he should."

"Baby, cajun he's under alot of stress too. Come on. He had to push alot around to make this trip." Justin said trying to make me understand.

"I know." I said pulling Justin against me. "Have I ever told you that I love it when your body is close to me. When I fell asleep in your arms... I.. it was heaven. I never would have thought we'd have each other. That I would be dating Justin Randal Timberlake."

"Well it's true baby. It's true. So now. We have to get the hard part over and go see your dad." he said massaging my lower back.

"Yes How about you send Ian and J.C. to find a hotel and you and Ryan go get something to eat." I said.

"Fuck you. I'm in this with you. And so is Ryan. We'll go with you." Justin said angrily.

"Thank you baby" I said into his arms.

*********************************************************************(Ian) "Okay......okay.. now!" I moan as J.C. pressed me harder into the bed.

"I can't.... hold on much..... longer." J.C. stutterd

We had come back from the airport and rented the two rooms in the private suites. As soon as we walked through the door, J.C. had pinned me tot he wall and was stripping me from the waist up. His lips were attacking my lips. Then my shoulders, then my eyes. And if they could reach then my heart.

"Oh God!" I shouted as J.C. flipped me over on my stomach and started drilling into me. How long could he last? He had come three times already. And not pulled out.

"I love you." J.C. moaned.

"I love you too." I whispered. "I.... feel......"

"Don't worry. I feel it too baby." J.C. said pressing his face against my back.

From across the room Josh's cell phone went off.

"I'll get it." I said standing to rise up.

"Fuck the phone." Josh roared pushing me back down.

"I thought....... you were...... fucking me?" I asked out of breath.

"No baby. This is love. I'm making love to you." J.C. said as he came for the last time.

*********************************************************(End of Chapter)

I hope you guys liked this chapter. And for those of you who emailed me again thank you for those emails and kind words.

Next: Chapter 13

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