Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Sep 3, 2003


Disclaimer and Copyright: This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment.This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your thoughts. My email address is: Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

Hi Guys and Girls! This is chapter 2b so this one is real short. It is written only to add on to the beginning. Chapter 3 is coming out soon!

I also want to thank another hopeless romantic fool out there for his support in my story and the belief that maybe just maybe there is a soul mate out there for everyone. Thank you for that hope Andy!

Also thanks Mattvt18 for staying with my story. Nothing feels better then to have the guy who took your virginity to come back for more!! Makes me feel loved.

And lastly a quick thanks to Mojoe151 and Bren C. for taking moments out of there time to read my story and also send me feed back. I do read every email and I promptly respond. And then share it with the world.

And with that I do hope that you enjoy 2b!

Last week on Crazy Cajun:

Leaving him he had been deeply asleep with the covers wrapped around snuggly around his body. Now as I returned the covers were on the floor and Alec was fighting a nightmare.

"Alec....Alec!" I called rushing to the bed.

He seemed to only get worse as I reached out and stroked his arm." Alec calm down. Its only a nightmare."

"Cold" he moaned.

I picked up the covers from the floor and pulled them onto the bed.Alec was still asleep and still inside the nightmare.

"Ryan hold me." he begged. "Please."

Knowing it was useless for me to try to wake him up and tell him it wasn't Ryan and not wanting him to freak out. I slipped out of my shoes and crawled in bed behind him. Instantly Alec rolled his body into mine and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Go to sleep crazy cajun." I muttered drifting off myself.

Chapter 2b**********

I couldn't believe this shit, I thought as I came in from having to take a taxi home from the premiere. I couldn't believe that Alec had just left me there. This was suppose to be about me. Well half of it anyway. Why does bad things always happen to me? I put my house keys down on the table as I went straight to the answer machine.

"You have three messages." the answer machine played. "Terika where in the hell are you? It's 11:00 at night!" My dad's voiced boomed fromt he machine.

Damn, he was almost worse than my mom. And if I wanted to hear that I would have stayed in Texas.

"Terika it's me A.J. Please call me back. I don't want to lose our friendship over this. Please lets......" the bitch started to say as I skipped the message and went to the next.I couldn't even believe that that dirty bitch would try and call me saying lets be friends after she'd tried to cheat on me.Just thinking about it makes me want to beat her ass. Again.

It was the next message that shocked the hell out of me.

"Terika, it's your mother. Look if you are screening calls please pick up........." she waited for a few seconds before starting again," Look , your grandmother died last night. We are having the funeral in 2 days. You need to come home. I've got to go. Call me later...... and Terika...... I do love you."

End of messages.

The last message makes me have to sit down. My granny had died. It wasn't really a surprise, the doctors had already told us that she was to die much sooner, but now that it actually happened I was shocked. I guess I never really expected it. The one person who loved me and understood me the most, was now gone. She had been the first person that knew I was a lesbian and didn't care. After my mom found out she didn't talk to me for three months. Which really didn't matter because I'd already moved from Texas to California to go to college. Okay... well it did matter. She was my mother.

I got up and reached for the phone calling Alec's number hoping to reach him. I really needed to talk to him.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answerd.

"Alec?" I asked. This didn't sound like him.

"No it's Justin. He's asleep." he said.

"Can you tell him to call me back? It's urgent." I said wondering why Justin Timberlake had his cellphone.

"Who's this?"

"Terika. His best friend."

"Okay I will do." he said as he hung up the phone and I switched lines and began dialing again. This time calling Janet.


"Janet? It's me Terika. I need help." I said desperatly into the phone.

"Are you home?"


"I'm on my way." she said hanging up.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Justin kissing Alec. His arms wrapped around his waist. Alec's arms around Justin's neck. What was going on? Justin was MY boyfriend. Even though the scene had gone off 30 minutes ago it was on repeat in my head. Justin kissing Alec. Alec kissing Justin. I'd tried to call Justin but the phone had just rang and rang. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON???

This was not happening. I was sure that Justin and Alec were just friends. Why? Why did he kiss him like that? Why? He didn't love Alec. Not like I loved him. I had to get him back. I WOULD get him back. No matter what it took.

"Ryan come to bed." Reese complained.

"In a minute." I said.

I would get him back. I had too. No matter WHAT or WHO tried to stop me.

Jesus I did not want to wake up. Not yet. Please! I felt so comfortable. I could feel arms around my waist and a body pressed against mine. Remebering everything that happened I opened my eyes.

"Aaaa----" I screamed as a pissed off looking Britney Spears stared at me. At us.

"Wwwwhat? What is it?" Justin asked sitting up. "Britney?"

"How could you you bastard?"" She screamed.

Chapter 3 will be out shortly. Thank you for reading and the support. As always I can be reached at Good or bad comments welcome.--Rondrecus

Next: Chapter 4

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