Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Oct 5, 2003


Disclaimer and Copyright:

  1. This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment. This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your thoughts. My email address is: Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus


Special note. I really like feed back. It is an author's gold. Just stating now that if I do not have at least one email about Crazy Cajun after a chapter than I will not post again. I just want to make sure that someone is reading. Also I read other stories and sometimes I wish I could change something that they have wrote, or atleast I wish they had wrote. So at the end of some of my chapters there will be a poll. I will ask you a question and then give abc answers. The answer choice that has the most amount of votes will be shown in the next chapter. So just email me and place your answer choice in the SUBJECT line and you are done. You don't even have to send a message(unless to make me happy!! =)

I promised this chapter out on Sunday but I failed it post in time. To my wonderful beta who always makes sure my corrections are right.He is going to be so mad when he sees that I have posted with out him. So you will, not might, you will see mistakes. They are all on me. Starting Monday Oct. 6, 2003, my roadrunner will be back up so I will have a fast computer again!!!! And Batman I promise the only reason I didn't wait for you is because my computer was this slow. I will make it up to you. To my boyfriend, thank you for always being there for me. Even when I bring my work home. And even when I get cranky you always stay by me. To another nifty author Bren C., thank you for ALWAYS reading my chapter and telling me what you liked and didn't like about it. Thanks to Tim Calder for reading and emailing me and letting me know what he would do with such a hot boy at home.... You may just need a spanking.!!! And with that... here is my story.


Britney just became a bitch. Nagging here and there. I swear you would think that her and Justin was married the way she carried on. Ryan and Justin ended up sitting at the same table at the charity ball and Ryan layed in on Justin about Alec. Gale brought Alec in and like every story you have to have a moment where everyone stops talking to only focus on the person coming through the door.(WHO HAS REALLY SEEN THAT IN REAL LIFE?) Well in this case it was Alec and Gale. Gale played the perfect gentlemen and Ryan and Justin jealously looked on making jokes about Gale's name and age.

Alec admitted to Gale that he didn't understand why Ryan broke up with him, that he's falling for Justin and that he liked Gale.(DAMN I WISH I HAD IT LIKE THAT. MY VERY ON JUSTIN!!!) Gale finally told Alec that he was sitting right next to them, and I bet Alec felt stupid. But he played it off and enjoyed the beginnings of dinner.

Britney being the bitch that I try to portray her as,(ALTHOUGH I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST MISS. SPEARS IN REAL LIFE.)she bitches at Justin and I guess while we were away at Gale and Alec's table Justin slipped off to WalMart and bought a pair of balls because he broke up with Britney. Then he lost the balls again and went into the bathroom and cired his ass of until Alec came in. Alec trying to see what was wrong Justin walked right into the heart if the storm and was pushed into a bathroom stall where he had a mental breakdown. Justin getting a brain rushed Alec to the hospital where our story picks up!


And with all that here is chapter 5!


"You think? Yo broke up with Britney because you think you're inlove with me?" I asked him as if he was crazy.

"Look don't try to make this into a big deal. Just...."

"You're awake?" Ryan said as he came into the room from God knows where.

"Jesus can I get some peace?" I asked out loud.

"Do you feel okay?" he asked coming up to my bed standing opposite of Justin.

"Yes I am, what are you doing here Ryan?" I asked softly.

"Didn't Justin here tell you?" he asked looking angrly at Justin.

"Tell me what?" I asked Justin but he stood there quiet. "Tell me what?"

"I got a phone call from your dad about 2 hours ago. He was trying to see if you were hurt. He was making plans to come here." Ryan said.

My heart froze and I couldn't breath momentaraly.

"Ry what did you tell him?" I asked slowly.

"I told him that you were okay. That you had just fainted and Justin here just freaked out. He wanted to talk to you. And everything I said only made him want to talk to you more and more. Finally I told him that you were in the shower. That was 20 minutes ago. He said that you were to call him as soon as possible or that he was coming down here." Ry said.

"You told him what?" Justin asked appalled. "Why did you lie when you knew that he was hurt?"

"Can you guys leave me alone now?" I asked deep in thought.

"Yeah, I have to get home anyway." Ryan said, "Listen call your dad fast. And be careful. If you need anything at all you call me and I will be here. Let's not act stupid here do you understand?"

"Yeah Ryan I do.... thank you." I said to worried too act my usual bitchy self.

"No problem. Oh! Before I forget that guy Gale gave me your number to give to you." he said handing me Gale's number as he turned and started for the door.

"Don't you want someone to stay with you?" Justin asked.

"No.... just go."


"You have some nerve." I heard Justin say behind me.

"Excuse me?" I asked not stopping for him.

"You heard me. You waltz in there like all you care about is helping him, when you want him just as much as I do." he said catching up to me.

"You know Justin you think you have all the answers. Well let me tell you, you don't know shit. Have you ever wondered why Alec lives here in California while his dad lives in New York? Have you sat down to think about why he reacted the way he did when you pushed him? I have had him. I've dated him, loved him, and been with him for 2 years. You have known him for what, 3 days? This is not some soap on tv or a story on nifty. This is real life. Grow up. Because protection for him comes before anything else. And if you ever put your hands on him again in anyway that could hurt him I will kill you. Just as sure as the sun is hot I will rip off your fucking head and spit down your throat. Now get out of my way." I said as I pushed him back roughly and continued on down the hallway and out of the hospital.



"It's me your son."

"Are you okay? I got a phone call from Justin Timberlake saying that there had been an accident and that you were in the hospital.

"Justin has a habit of going a little overboard. I am okay. I got dehydrated and fainted. I didn't even have to go to the hospital.... just a long shower. But I am sure that Ryan told you this." I said into the phone.

"He did. So tell me. How do you know Justin Timberlake? Who is he to you?"

"I don't see how that has anything to do with what happened." I said angrily.

"Alec...." he said in a warning tone.

"Father." I said right back in a warning time.

"Don't think that you are too grown for me to whoop your ass." he said angrly.

"God knows you've only tried to prove it more than once. I wonder who you do it to now that I am no longer there?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"I want you to come home." he shot.

"Fuck no." I said quickly but firmly.

"Only for the weekend. Don't get your boxers in a bunch." he said.

"And again no. I'm still not coming. I have things to do and being around you is just something I don't need." I said.

"Well then I am coming to you." he said matter of factly.

"No!!! Can't you just leave me alone? I don't want to see you ever again. That;s why I moved here. To be away from you. You have already fucked me up enough in the head. Stop fucking up my life. Please!" I begged.

"Fine. Bring some friends. Bring your boyfriend. Bring all your fag friends for all I care. But if you aren't here in 2 days, I will be on the quickest flight there!" he screamed before he hung up.


"Honey someone's at the door." I heard Reese call.

"I got it." I said opening the door.

"What are you doing here Castil?" I asked as he stood on my door step face looking troubled.

"Umm what would you say about a trip to the Big Apple?" he asked.

"Alec tell me you are not going to see him." I said stepping out and pulling the door closed.

"He's forcing me. Either I go to see him there, or he is coming to see me here. He has given me 2 days and I just can't go alone." he said.

"What about Justin? Can't you ask him?" I asked.

"I plan on it. My dad thinks that Justin and I are going out. But I need you there. He's never messed with me when you were around. I feel safe with you. Please." he begged.

"Alec.... man I have a movie release in 2 days. I....."

"Don't worry about it. Thanks anyway." he said quickly turning around and walking to his car.

"Wait.... Alec wait a second." I said catching him by the arm before releasing him quickly. "I'll come. Give me a little while to get everything situated and I'll call you. Where are you going now?"


"Okay. Just have your cellphone on okay?" I asked as he nodded his head. I turned away and began to walk into the house.


"Yea Al?" I asked stopping and turning around.

"Thank you for always having my back." he said soflty.

"No problem Alec. I'll always be there for you." I said just as softly. I walked back into the house while Alec got into his car and drove away.

"Ryan?" Reese called from the living room.

"Yea baby?" I asked her following her voice.

"Who was it?" she asked looking up from breast feeding our new baby.

"Alec." I said sitting beside her and reaching out a hand to stoke curly hair that my baby got from me.

"What did he want Ryan?" Reese asked.

"For me to go to New York with him." I said looking into her eyes.

"Is it his dad again?" she asked with a worried look on her face.

"Yea.. and now we have to go there or he will come here." I said thinking of Alec.


"Hi." I said to Alec, letting him inside.

"Hey." he said.

"So.... how do you feel?" I asked watching his face closely.

"Better. Justin thank you for taking me to the hospital." he said looking at me.

"Well it was my fault. But do you want to talk about what happend?" fully knowing that he would not want to.


"Actually I do. Can we go somewhere and talk?" I asked.

"Yea... follow me." Justin said leading me into his living room.

"I'm sorry about the hard time I keep giving you. I know that I am hard to handle sometimes." I started.

"Sometimes?" Justin asked playfully.

"Well the reason I'm hear is to ask you to come to New York with me. My father is forcing me to come and he thinks that you and I date. I really would feel safe if you came along with me." I said sitting down on his loveseat.

"Alec what did your dad do to you?" Justin asked softly.

Taking a deep breath I prepared to tell him the truth. "Me and Ryan broke up because he couldn't handel the panic attacks and threats my father made to come here. Especially with a newborn baby around the house. I have panic attacks. Like the one you witnessed. It can happen anywhere. The littlest thing will set me off. Especially going back and forth to see my dad. He use to beat me alot. All the times. And also..... well he ..... he raped me too."

"What?!! Please Alec tell me that this is some sick joke." Justin asked his face skrewed up in shock.

"No Justin I am not joking. I have to go home sometime in the next two days or he will come here." I said straight forward.

"I don't understand. Why don't you just stay away? Sever all contact? Move and just never tell him." Justin asked.

"He'd find me. He is a lawyer. The kind that represents the bad guys and gets them off. In turn they pay him a lot of money and also help him out when he needs dirty work done. When I moved here I didn't call or contact him. But one day he showed up at my door. Where ever I go he will find me. So it is best to just do what he says. And I trust you. Hell I damn near fell in love with you. Or atleast I think I am. I just.... I just need..." I started before I finally started to cry.

"Hey Cajun, it'll be okay." Justin said as he came around and sat beside me.

Gently he placed his arms around my shoulder and pulled me into his body. Feeling the same strongness and protectiveness that I felt yesterday when I woke up in his arms. I held on to him just listening to his heart beat.

"It'll be okay cajun. I promise you." he said softly.

*************************************(Justin)-2:30 pm

"Are you going to be okay now? All calmed down?" I asked.

After we had gotten done talking I'd taken Alec to my bedroom to rest. Yes only to rest. He had slept while I made some calls to change the dates of our press. After talking.. well arguing with J.C. about me going to New York to help Alec out and he wanted to come over.

"I'm really am sorry for dragging you into my problems. And my life." he said looking up at me from his spot on my pillow. My favorite pillow.

"As long as I'm in your life cajun." I said looking at him.

"You like calling me cajun huh?" he asked smiling.

"Yea. It is a little nickname. Crazy Cajun. Silly Cajun. Sexy Cajun." I said looking down at him. His lips. Into his eyes.

"Really?" he asked. "Hey, do you mind if I stay the night here? You know? Like on your sofa or something? I promise not to get in your way." he said with a slight begging tone in his voice.

"Sure, no problem. But is too early to go to sleep. How about I take you out to eat and then to a club?" I asked.

"Thanks, but I can't handle alot of people right now. I do have another idea though." he said sitting up and bringing his face close to mine.

"Which is?" I asked leaning into him slightly.

"How about you order some take out and a movie?" he asked nearly rubbing his nose against my own.

"Chinese and a thriller?" I asked.

"Veggie wraps and a Drama." he said.

"I forgot. You are a vegiatarin." I said.

"Yep. And until you come back," he said now rubbing his nose against mine. "I am gonna take care throne of your bed." Alec said now falling back into bed.

"Really? Well for that I think you have to pay." I said teasingly.

"Well I really don't have anything to pay you with." he said slowly playing into the joke. "So I guess I will have to pay you in kisses."

"How about one now? And then one when I get back with your treasures?" I asked now only slightly joking.

"That is a deal." Alec said reaching an arm around my neck and pulling my face closer to his. I stared in his brown eyes. Dark in some places but lighter in others. His nose was perfect. And that is when I knew. I mean really knew. I was in love. Justin Timberlake loved Alec Castil. I didn't care he had a bad past. I wanted him. Touching his eyebrow I felt the slight indication of a healed scar.

"How did you get this cajun?"

"My dad." he said simply.

"I figured. But I mean how?" I asked.

"I came home late. Maybe midnight. I was 17. Last year. Ryan had taken me to a movie. My dad was waiting for me to come home. He was drunk. He accused me of having sex with Ryan. Which ofcourse we hadn't. But he didn't want to hear it. Now was about the time that Ryan was making me see that I didn't have to be completely afraid of him. He was the first guy that I'd ever dated who didn't try and fuck me as soon as they got me alone. I'd expected him to atleast try, but he didn't. We didn't have sex until 8 months after we started dating. And even then he called it making love. So I told my dad 'No, no more'. And I remeber feeling so proud. So happy. Well I turned around and started to walk to my room when he grabs my arm, spins me around and slaps me so hard that I fly into the kitchen table before falling. I ended up with a cut. I fell asleep wishing I was far away.Somewhere with Ryan. Somewhere far away were he could never hurt me again. Somewhere when I wouldn't have to be afraid to come home. Or even to wake up to find him, my father, ontop of me. his hand covering my mouth and inside of me.

"Two days later Ryan told me that he was going to California. That he was moving there. I could have died. I broke down crying. I remeber him saying 'Alec baby, please don't cry. Why are you crying? You're coming with me. I'm not leaving you here.' It was the best gift that he could ever have given me. My freedom." he finished.

"Damn Cajun. I guess I need to go get that food now huh?" I asked still thinking about what he said.

"Don't you want that kiss?" Alec asked.

"I think I'll save it to I come back." I said with a smile.

"Justin...I...I'm sorry if I scared you away." he said sadly.

"Nonsense cajun. You just made me realyze that I'm madly truely deeply in love with you. And I want our first kiss to be real. Special." I said holding his hand.

"Are you serious?" he asked doubtfully.

"You bet your sexy little ass." I said smiling.

"Back soon?" he asked.

"Yeah, very fast." I said standing up and turning toward the door. "Wait wait wait, where the hell do I find veggie wraps?"

****************************************(End Of Chapter)

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