Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Sep 8, 2003


Disclaimer and Copyright: This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment.This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your thoughts. My email address is: Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

Also thanks to my own little Beta mattvt18. Yep! That is right. He has turned into Batman and flew with me helping me correct the million mistakes that could have turned you off of my story. Special thanks to him!

Also to legend0780 for buttering me up with enough sunshine to help me get through this cold.

To mojoe151 who has informed me that even in the event that I die, I will still be loved in death!!

To Calder76 I hope you are understanding the story aftr reading this chapter! Didn't mean to confuse you!

Also thank you to Andy for reading me and also emailing me and then to Skbcoke in which I hope this grabs your attention also!

Last time on Crazy Cajun:

Jesus I did not want to wake up. Not yet. Please! I felt so comfortable. I could feel arms around my waist and a body pressed against mine. Remebering everything that happened I opened my eyes.

"Aaaa----" I screamed as a pissed off looking Britney Spears stared at me. At us.

"Wwwwhat? What is it?" Justin asked sitting up. "Britney?"

"How could you you bastard?"" She screamed.

Chapter 3***

"Britney! Look it's not what it looks like." Justin said scrambling out of bed in only his boxer shorts.

" So you weren't kissing him last night? And he didn't sleep in here with you?" she asked sarcasticly.

/Please Lord Jesus and Christ, let me have on clothes when I look down!/ I prayed as I peeked. /Thank you!/

" Well yes... but we didn't have sex." he said." I'm not gay."

" Could have fooled me with that kiss. And the way that you were spooning with him? And YOU!" she said turning on me.

"No! What ever this looks like, it's not. You better calm down because I don't like being blamed for things I didn't do." I said standing quickly.

"Excuse me you......." she started before I cut her off.

" What? You have something you want to say to me? Because I swear I will hit you one." I told her hoping that she wouldn't call my bluff. No matter how angry I got I would not hit a girl. Hoping to get out of the fire fast I turned to Justin. "I have to go. Sorry."

"Alec wait..." Justin started.

"No you wait." Britney started in again.

We were in Lynn's summer house. I knew my way out. I followed the hallway past her closed bedroom door to the outside surprised that she could sleep through Britney's screams. I continued walking down the street until I saw a taxi and hailed him over. I tried to remember what happened last night. Justin came in and saw me at the premiere. He dragged me to the back hallway and started to fuss at me. Ryan came. We kissed. He kissed me. I liked it. He drove me ..... to his place. That was all I could remember. I pulled out my wallet as the taxi stopped infront of my apartment complex and the meter said $20.90.

"Britney it is not what it looks like. I can explain everything. Just give me a chance." I pleaded.

"Fine Justin, explain." she demanded.

"Last night me and Alec got into a fight. Ryan had been believing that Alec and I were dating."

"Why?" she asked cutting in. "Why did he think that?"

"Alec had hinted it to him so Ryan would leave him alone and stop feeling sorry for him. We were arguing last night when Ryan found us and started taunting Alec when he found out that we were not really dating. He was going to lay it on Alec, and hard. So I kissed him. Enough to make Ryan go away. And then we left. And that is it." I told her.

"How did he get here? In your bed?" she asked stilled pissed.

"I brought him here instead of to his place. He was an emotional wreck Brit. He went to sleep in the car. I carried him in and put him in bed.Then I went into my mom's study and read the file she had on him. I heard a noise and came back to find that he was having a nightmare. He thought I was Ryan and begged for me to hold him. So I did."

"And you only had on your boxers?" She asked her eyes narrowing.

" I always sleep in my boxers. I got up and cut the phone ringers off after Alec's cell had went off and then stripped down to my boxers. Which I always sleep in and you know it." I said tired of the 3rd degree.

"I don't want you to see him anymore Justin." she said firmly.

"I can't do that. He is my friend and I have to protect him until my mom......"

"I don't care! Him or me? Which one?" she asked.

"Very mature Britney. You're my girlfriend. I'm his bodyguard. I can't choose between you two." I said.

"You are not his bodygaurd! Stop saying that." she screamed. "You are a *NSYNC member. An actor. A model. But you are not a fucking bodyguard. I have to go." she said walking away.

Damn it. What was I suppose to do now? And where the fuck was Alec? I picked up my phone and dialed his cell number. He couldn't have been home that fast. Listening to it ring I heard a buzzing sound in my room. I soon realized that the buzzing was actually a vibration of Alec's cellphone. He'd left it here.

He didn't even try and stop me...... he doesn't love me...... he doesn't want me. He wants Alec. Alec Castil. Justin is gay. He slept with Alec. I was losing my mind. It was gone. He was gone. My boyfriend. My man. My lover. No not lover. That sounded to gay. Anyway he is Alec's lover. He'd left me. And it was all because of that fucking bitch. I'll kill him.

I did not want to wake up. It felt too good lying here. I turned over as I saw Janet laying there still asleep. I could remember everything from the night before. I'd called Janet and she'd rushed over. I'd let her in and before I could say one word I was in her arms. I couldn't take it. I cried. I let it all my tears just fall. Fall unto her. Not to care anymore. She walked me over to sofa and the next thing I know she's tuggin my shorts down. I was too stressed to really say anything about it. I mean right now really wasn't the best time to be having sex. Especially with Janet. She was my friend. But as my shorts came down, and then the Victoria Secret thong I had bought just yesterday, I was swept with lust.

Everyplace that she touched left my skin on fire. Craving for more. And as her head was lowered to my ...... spot, everything felt so much better. So much more bearable. From the long nights alone, to my grandmothers passing, and all of this because of a long wet tongue between my legs. The finger tips gently pincing my already erect nipples. I couldn't tell who was moaning louder, me or Janet. Probally me..... for surely me.

Now I was almost becomong wet again. I sat up so as not to wake Janet. I needed to think. I quietly got out of bed to go to the living room. Picking up the cordless I stepped out onto the balcony over looking West Hollywood. God I freaking loved it here. The mountains in the distance. The constant stir of people. The blue ocean. All the things that me and Alec both loved. Speaking of which why hadn't he returned my call? I sat down ann called his home number. Remebering that he was probally not home I was about to hang up when he answered.

"Alec? Why didn't you call me back?"

"Tarika? Call you back? When?" he asked.

"Didn't Justin tell you that I called?" I asked.

"No. We didn't have much time to really say anything. I woke up this morning and Justin's arms were wrapped around my body. I don't know when he did it but then I opened my eyes and Britney Spears was standing directly above me and I screamed waking both of us up. He only had on a pair of boxers.

"What did you have on?" I asked.

"My clothes what else? So anyways I got out of there while Britney was coming down hard on Justin and I must have forgotten my cellphone. So what did you call about anyways?" he asked.

" You mean other than the fact that you left me stranded at the premire party last night? Or being bombarded with questions about you from that Orlando guy." I said.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was gonna drag me out of there and kiss me then take me to his house. It all happened so fast." he said.

" Well...... my grandmother died." I blurted.

There was silence and I heard Alec wisper, "You're joking right?"

"No. She died the night before last. The funeral is in 2 days so I have to pack and go home." I said sadly.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry. Listen do you want me to come too? You know I will." he he said.

"No that is okay Alec, but thank you." I said to him,"But listen, what all do you have planned for today?"

"I'm suppose to go with Jesse to the set of Queer As Folk. It should take most of the day. Why? Do you want me to come over?" he asked.

"No, just keep your cell phone with you okay?" I asked hearing Janet wake up. "Listen, I'll call you later. I have to go."

I hung up the phone as Janet called out to me.

"Right here."

That was really sad. Her grandmother had died. I'd remebered her telling me how close the two of them had been. She had been the closest person to her. Her grandmother knew the real Tanika. The Tanika that her mother just couldn't understand.

I stepped out of the shower as I heard the doorbell ring. Wrapping a towel loosely around my waist, I went to answer it.

"Jesse." I said opening the door.

"Dude! I saw you on tv last night kissing Justin Timberlake." he said as he came in and closed the door.

"Damn! How did everyone see this? You weren't at the premier last night." I said walking him into my living room.

"It was on Access Hollywood last night." he said. "So tell me when did you two hook up?"

" We aren't dating. And we are NOT hooking up as you so put it. He only kissed me to shut Ryan up. And we will probally never speak to each other again." I said while standing up.

"Well why the hell not?" Jesse asked.

""Um... let's see. He's straight, he dates Britney Spears, and he's......."

"Right behind you." Jesse said.

END OF CHAPTER* Now If I were to really do that I do think I would have to be dragged out of movie land and dropped into a bottomless pit don't you think? Let's finish this up!

Back to the story!****

I turned around and looked into Justin's baby blues.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

" I have to talk to you." Justin said.

"Jesse gimmie a minute will you?" I asked walking towards my bedroom.

"We have 20 minutes before I have to be on set."Jesse shouted.

"What is it?" I asked as I closed my bedroom door.

"You left this at my house." he said handing me my cell phone.

"Wow thanks." I said taking it before throwing it on the bed.

"What is that guy doing here?" Justin asked with more than a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"He's a friend. We're going to the set of Queer As Folk." I said.

"Oh." Justin said sitting down and watching me change.

"Justin what do you want? Just say it. "I told him.

"After today I... well I wont be able to protect you anymore." he stuttered.

"Okay." I said slidding my pants up.

"Okay? Okay? Is that all?" he asked.

"Well what do you want me to say? I understand that after last night Britney wants you no where near me." I said. "I understand that you'd rather make her happy than to protect me."

"Wait. It has nothing to do with Britney okay? I... I just can't. After today....."

"No. How about starting today. I don't need you." I said going into my closet.

"Listen Alec don't do this. I thought we were friends?" Justin asked.

I pretended not to hear him as I went in my closet for some boots. I didn't want to be having this conversation. Not now and not with him.

"Alec?" Justin called out. "Alec?"

This time I felt him right behind me. I stood up and turned around staring at him in the face. Suddenly heat rose to my face. Him being so close. His body.

"It's better this way Justin." I whispered trying to move around him.

"Why?" he asked blocking me.

"Don't ask me why. It was your idea too." I shot.

" I know. I just don't have a good why. So I'm hoping to borrow yours." he whispered resting his forehead against mine.

"Alec we have to...... sorry!" Jesse said as he saw the two of us.

"No." I said pulling away and walking around Justin. "I'm ready. Whose car are we taking?"

"Mine." Justin said.

"You're going to?" Jesse asked surprised.

"No." I said.

"Yes I am." Justin said.

"I'll drive." I said reaching for my keys." Can you go wait in the car?" I asked Jesse.

Once he was gone I turned to Justin. "Look Justin I will be okay with out you today." I said.

"I don't care. I want to protect you." he said.

"Really? For how long Justin? Today? What about tommorow. Listen, I really think I am falling for you. And I just don't think I can be around you right now. Can you lock the door on your way out?" I asked turning and leaving before he could answer.

"So what was that all about?" Jesse asked as I got into the car.

"Sorry for making you wait." I said ignoring the question.

"Umm it's okay, lets just hurry before I am late." he said.

"What part are you playing anyway?" I asked.

" The kid that Justin meets at a frat party. He takes my virginity and I fall in love with him but he ends up just brushing me off." Jesse said.

"Wow." I say only half caring. My mind still on Justin.

"Alecxander what is going on with you?" Jesse asked suddenly.

" I don't know what you are talking about." I said.

"You and Justin. He's dating someone already." Jesse said.

"And so? Why are you telling me something I already know? I'm not interested in him." I lied.

"What was that last night? Or in your bedroom?"

"Listen, just stay out of it. I can take care of it myself." I said.

"Hey, suit yourself."

"What's going on with you Justin? You're never around after practice or when we are done with group business. We miss you J. And then," Jc said taking a breath." We get a call from someone at Access Hollywood to turn on the tv and it's you kissing that guy."

"That guy? His name is Alec." I said.

"Justin regardless, he's gay. And.... you're dating Britney. Hello? Remember her?" J.C. asked.

After leaving Alec's apartment I had called J.C. and invited him to lunch which just happened to be in the same building that was holding LA shots for QAF. Not a stalker, but a protective friend.

"I don't know Josh. I ..... I have feelings that I didn't know that I could have. Especially for a guy. And he's fallen for me. He told me so this morning." I said.

"Justin are you telling me that you are in love with this Alex?" he asked.

"This Alec. His name is Alec. And just Alec, not this. And no I'm not inlove with him. Yet." I said.

"Jesus what are we gonna do? You do understand that we leave for 2 weeks on Friday."

"What? That's only 2 days away. When was this planned?" I asked.

"A month ago. Remember?" he asked.

"Yea. Josh? How do you do it? How do you just fall inlove with a guy?" I asked.

"I don't know. Me and Ian, well its special. I love him. And it's just something that I can't explain. Everytime I see him....."

"Do you get all light headed? Your heart starts beating faster and faster? And your lips go dry making you lick them making you wih that is was his lips that were rubbing against them?" I asked.

"How did you know?" Jc asked shocked.

"Because that is how I feel right now." I said watching as Alec sat down at one of the cafe tables then joined by another guy. Not the same one in his apartment.

"He's cute."

"Don't let him hear you say that. He already has a big head." I said smiling.

"Aren't you gonna go over there?" Jc asked.

"No. He'd just accuse me of following him. Which I did." I said still staring at him.

"Man Justin what are you gonna do? I can tell you like him. But what about Britney?"

"I don't know Josh." I said, "I really don't know."

********************************** "So do you really go out with Justin Timberlake?" Gale Harold asked.

"No we don't go out. Do you and that Justin guy go out?" I asked to be funny.

"Brian, my character does. but I am single. And Randy, Justin has a boyfriend." Gale said.

"Well, well." I said with a smile.

"So...... I know it's kind of short notice and we just met, but would you like to go to a charity ball with me tonight?" he asked me.

"Can I ask a question?" I asked.


"How much are you like the character you play?" I asked.

"Oh..... I'd say about 26%. But I don't worry. I wont try anything okay? Listen I we start shooting again in a second, now how about I pick you up at lets say 8:00?" Gale asked standing.

"I don't know what to wear." I said in a panic.

"Don't worry. I'll have something delieverd to you about 6. Until then." he said leaving.

What had I just gotten myself into? I had just agreed to go on a date with someone I'd only know for a few minutes. Well okay an hour. And I only did it to try and get Justin off of my mind. God knows I wish he were infact single. And gay. He had to be gay. Then I could date him. Fall inlove with him. I thought as my cell phone rang. Lynn.


"Alec we need to talk. And I am sure you know of what." she said straight to the point.

"I can save myself a trip and you time by telling you that no your son is not gay. He was just helping me out,and also he is not here with me now." I said.

"Whoa, so where is he? He is suppose to be with you at all times. And I know you are not at home because I tried your home phone." she said.

"I thought it best if he not come out with me today. We can't have everyone thinking that we really go out. It will ruin his career." I said.

" Don't you worry about his career. You just make sure that you are careful." she said hanging up.

Okay that was the end of Chapter 3. I hope you guys enjoyed it and it didn't throw the lot of you off. I had to cram a lot of stuff in this one chapter to open the door for what all will happen. I think my daytime soap has just retired and now I will have to move it to prime time with everything that is getting ready to go down. I always enjoy comments and I make it a point to get back to them as soon I get them. So hope you like it and stick around for chapter 4. Later!

Next: Chapter 5

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