Fantastic Five

By Jayden Lopez

Published on Jul 18, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction. It does not contain any information regarding to the celebrities who portray the roles. If you aren't atleast 18, please don't read. It contains sexual acts, foul language, and male/male relations. Anyways, please enjoy.

Fantastic Five-1

The butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I was being called in by Von Doom Industries to help monitor the space station while they make a trip into space. I wasn't told much except that I was getting paid $15,000 for doing the job. Easy money and I get to go to space. So why did I feel worried?

On my way to the compound, this idiot on a motorcycle was making out with a woman in a convertible. I had to wait for them to finish up, I was stuck in the back. I took another route hopefully to get to the compound faster. I some how found myself in the woods, so I had to turn back. When I finally pulled up to the compound, I couldn't find a parking spot. The idiot's motorcycle took two spaces.

Honestly I wanted nothing more than to push the bike over, but knew that wouldn't look good. I decided to park on the side, yes it wasn't a parking spot but the only place I could park. I had to run since it was a huge compound.

Scientists and security was crawling all over the place. "Identification, please?" A security guard asked me.

"'s right." I said patting myself down. "Let him through." I heard someone say.

"Doctor Von Doom." I said with relief in my voice.

"Blake Austin, the man of the hour. Here, I had these made for my staff. They work as identification." Victor said handing me a pass with my picture on it.

"Thank you sir, and may I say it's an honor." I said shaking his hand.

"Yes well, let's get to work shall we." He said with a smile,

"Of course sir." He led me to a room where there were others packing and getting ready.

Victor left me with them, they glanced at me and continued to pack.

"Here, we each need to wear these. They're made to match your body, acting like a second skin." A blond said to me, "Thanks. Is there a place I can change?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah there's a room down the hall." A familiar cute guy said to me.

"Wait! Your the idiot who blocked the road and took two parking spots!" I said surprised, "That'd be me. Head Captain Johnny Storm." He said with a cocky smile.

"Because of you I had to park on the side of the compound." I said annoyed.

"What the big deal?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, not seeing the problem.

"The side of the compound is in the woods." I told him, yes I parked in the woods.

"Sorry to hear that. I'll make sure to move...after we get back from space." He said trying to be a douche and hitting it on the head.

"Jerk." I said walking away. The others laughed as I walked I heard one say, "Finally someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind."

Then Johnny Storm said, "Too bad there isn't anything important or interesting in it."

Honestly that was a low blow, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a genius intellect. I got changed in this dark blue and black suit, it was big at first but seemed to tighten and shaped to my size. A lithe form, I was lightly muscled. Filled in all the right places. I looked at myself in the mirror. Full and plump reddish pink lips, cute little slope nose. Dark red hair that goes to my upper back, currently in a bun. I stood at 5'7 not that tall at all. My bright colorful green eyes shined with excitement.

Once I put the suit on I returned to the room where everyone was at, to find it empty. Great now where do I go? This place is a maze.

I kept along the hallway, I looked outside to see the spacecraft we would be going to the station in.

I continued down the hall, security stared at me as I passed. I ran into the jerk none other than Johnny Storm.

"Hey! Wow, you look different without your regular clothes." Johnny said looking at my body.

"Thanks?" Unsure of what to say or feel. "Where is everyone?" I asked, "Getting ready. We leave in an hour." As soon as he said that I was nervous, butterflies appeared again.

"Are you alright?" He asked concerned, "Yeah. Just...nervous." I said, "You know what always calms me down? Thinking of myself naked." Johnny said with a smirk, I couldn't help but blush at that.

The image of Johnny Storm naked with a cocky grin, stop it Blake!

We were joined by the people from before.

"Hey, so I here you're going to be monitoring the space station while we are up there." A blond woman said with a friendly smile.

"Yes. Uh, Blake Austin." I said introducing myself.

"Susan Storm, but please call me Sue." She said, then the two other men shook my hand.

"Reed Richards."

"Ben Grimm."

I gawked, "Wait a minute. The Reed Richards and Ben Grimm. Miss Storm I must say I am a fan aswell. You were my idols." I said with a smile.

They smiled except Johnny, "What about me?" He asked.

"This is the first time I've ever seen you. Sorry." I said, his grown grew sadder.

"See good looks doesn't get you far in life, Johnny." Ben joked.

"Whatever." He said annoyed.

"Lady and Gentleman, I believe it's time to leave." Victor said with a smirk, suited up and ready to go.

The station was amazing. Everything was so high tech.

"Alright everyone, the storm is due to approach in 9 hours. Let's get started." Victor said as everyone split off into their rooms. I had set all my stuff down and began to go to work.

Going through the Stations statistics. Making sure we had enough air supply, energy, food, that sort of thing.

Everything was running fine, I kept watch over the systems.

I don't know when but I fell asleep. Only to be awaken by the alarms.

"Doctor Von Doom! The storm has accelerated." I yelled getting up from the chair.

"I see. How long do we have?" He asked concerned, "Less than five minutes." I said,

"We have to pull Ben in." Sue said.

"What are you doing?"

"Putting up the shields." Victor said nervously.

"But Ben!" She tried to get out for him to yell over her.

"We don't have the time." He yelled, "There is nothing we can do now."

"I can try." Sue said, I ran along with her to try to help. The station began to shake, I tripped. I saw Sue try to run towards them but a red wave came blasting into the station.

It was a matter of seconds before it reached me. I was in so much pain, but at the same time I felt this unbelievable energy course through me. That's all I remember before blacking out.

(Alright that's the first chapter, tell me what you think. It's my first attempt at making a story, hope it's okay. I can't decide...Should Blake have the power of Telekinesis and Telepathy, or Superman's abilities...I thought both were pretty cool.)

Next: Chapter 2

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