Fantastic Five

By Jayden Lopez

Published on Jul 21, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction. It does not contain any information regarding to the celebrities who portray the roles. If you aren't atleast 18, please don't read. It contains sexual acts, foul language, and male/male relations. Anyways, please enjoy.

Marvel story.

{ } = Telepathic thoughts and conversations.

Fantastic Five-3

They wouldn't let us leave, escorting us to a site they had set up to check on everyone who was involved in the accident.-

"Ma'am we just want to follow procedure." The paramedic said to her.

"I told you I felt fine." Sue said after the test was done.

"Where are your ears?" Johnny asked Ben, wow that was a strange yet curios question. I looked to where Ben's ears are suppose to be little holes let him hear.

"There are some folks outside that want to talk to you." The fire chief said,

"We aren't going public. We're scientists, not celebrities." Reed said,

"It's too late, son." The Chief said turning on a television.

"When a New York Fire Department ladder truck..."

"See that?" He pointed to the news.

"The fire truck became part of the tragedy. But the rescue itself is not the story. One of the five stretched to an amazing length to keep the firefighters from falling to their dooms." The TV broadcasted the news.

"That's what they're calling you. The Fantastic Five." The chief said excited.

"Cool!" Johnny exclaimed trying to leave.

"No, wait! Where are you going?" Sue trying to intervene.

"I'm going to go talk to 'em." Johnny answered like it wasn't a big deal.

"No!" Sue scowled him.

"We should think this through." She said looking at us.

"That's great! Brainstorm." Johnny said running off. He was soon followed by the rest of us.

"Get back here right now! Johnny!" Sue yelled.

Johnny raised his hands, "Settle down." Then turned to us, "Do you believe this?" He asked.

"Which one is the leader?" The Chief asked.

"That'd be me." Johnny said boldly.

"No, seriously." The Chief pressed,

Sue pushed Reed forward a little.

"Okay son, you're on." He said letting us take control of the situation.

"During our recent visit to the Von Doom Space Station, we were exposed to an as of yet unknown radioactive energy." Reed informed them.

The press began to ask thousands of questions at once. That wasn't my problem, my problem was all the thoughts meshing together.

My nose began to bleed from all of the info coming at once. During the catastrophe I was able to focus, now my minding is wondering and picking up what everyone was broadcasting.

"Reed? I need too..." I tried to say as I got dizzy, Ben caught me and held me bridal style as I tried to relax. Fighting off my mind's urge to shut down.

"Try to focus, Blake." Reed said turning back to the press.

"No actually we do not know much more than you do at this present time." Sue said calming every one.

"I ask that you all simmer down, as one of us has become telepathic and too many thoughts can hurt him. Last we need is for him to slip into a coma." Johnny said, I was surprised he's the one who said it. Knowing Johnny he would want to rile them up.

Everyone began to settle and calmly broadcasted their thoughts, as I mentally reeled myself in. Going as far as imaging a fortress being made in my head, the fortress didn't let any thoughts in. Soon the voices were gone as the fortress was completed.

"Are you alright?" Ben asked, "Yeah. Much better thanks Ben." I said thanking him, he still held me because I was dizzy.

"Excuse me? Yeah. That doesn't look so Fantastic." A news reporter said pointing at Ben, who got angry and set me down gently before almost clobbering the guys face.

"Ben Grimm is a genuine American Hero." I told him, everyone turned their view to me.

"Exactly! He deserves your full respect...." Reed started but Johnny jumped in.

"What he means is, every team needs a mascot." Johnny said making the reporters laugh. As much as I wanted to levitate Johnny to the moon, I both think I'm not capable of that and it wouldn't help our case as people already think we are dangerous.

"Thank you. No more questions." I heard Reed say to the press.

"Officer. Do you think an escort would be possible?" Reed ask the police.

"Sure. Let's go." Was all he said as we road in a police cruiser to the Baxter Building.

People were all around us. I kept the fortress up, having gained my energy back.

I walked into the Baxter Building, waving a little. The crowd cheered.

"Can you sign my chest?" A man said and three other men and two women lined up.

"I guess sure." I said a little creeped but got over it. The people cheered even more.

And they think I'm a freak?

I watched as the mail man who looked insanely like Stan Lee gave Reed his mail.

As we gathered in the elevator it began to creak. Not moving at all, the alarm buzzed.

"Either we're moving really fast or not at all." Johnny said with a frown.

"I'll take the stairs." Ben said getting off. Poor guy, there is over 35 flights of stairs. We happen to be going to the top.

The elevator opened up to an amazing view. Science projects everywhere but still a lot of space.

"Looks like you're bringing your work home with you Reed." Johnny said with a smirk looking at everything.

"Come one let me show you all where you will be staying." He said leading the way.

I stood in the shower letting it fall on my head and down my back. I started getting curious of my powers. I focused on the water falling on me. I imagined it levitating as soon as it came out the drain. I even closed my eyes to focus, I began to feel the water flow lessen then stop. When I opened my eyes I had a huge ball of water above me.

I was so freaked I lost concentration and dropped it on me. It was like dropping a large water balloon on myself.

I even slipped, but caught myself mentally. I started to think maybe I just have to imagine it and then will it. Sort of like in my favorite movie, 'Halloween Town' You just have to want something, and then let yourself have it.

As I got out and dried off I heard what sounded like Victor yelling and then the lights began to flicker.

I popped my head out for a second to take a look and ran into Johnny...while only having a towel on.

"Oh hey!" Johnny said as I ran into his shirtless form. I couldn't help but admire his beautiful hairy and manly chest, all to a define detail including his light pink nipples.

"Oh! Sorry!!" I yelled surprised almost losing my towel as I used one hand to cover my mouth and the other to push away from him out of instinct. I accidentally sent him flying to the bed.

I could feel myself blushing all over.

"Well if you wanted me in the bed why didn't you just say so." He said with a smirk.

"Oh My God! I'm so sorry." I said running back into the bathroom, I could hear Johnny laughing on the other side.

"Get use to what you see. I'm rooming with you, and I occasionally like to sleep in the nude. Also spoon but I don't if you'd be comfortable with that." Johnny said jokingly.

I quickly put on a white t shirt, green camouflage boxer briefs and sleep pants. Not that I was going to sleep, I just was getting into comfortable clothes...OH GOD! That didn't come out right.

I began thinking of Johnny again. What was he thinking? He's totally straight...just give up on him. He was making out with a chick while on a motorcycle. You're either a major flirt or have total obsession for the female form.

I got out of the bathroom to find Johnny gone. I walked to the lab to ask Reed some questions to find him building some metal chamber.

"Reed?" I asked and he turned to me. "How long do we have to be here? Not that I'm complaining. I just miss my cat Tink, "Oh um, It's probably best to have your cat moved here." Reed said with a smile before going back to work.

"Thank you." I said as I made some calls to have Tink moved here. He was a good boy, a little jealous and possessive of me...but a good boy.

It's been a few days and I sat with Tink, my Siamese cat, on my lap. I was watching some of the tests Reed was doing.

Johnny was placed into the Titanium chamber, Reed was testing Johnny's biology.

Johnny ignited into flames, Tink sensing danger ran into our room. I immediately felt the intense heat. I extended my hands out to try to better shape the invisible yet distorted telekinetic energy.

The heat got so intense that I had to force more energy into it. The energy became a red-violet in shade. I unfortunately wasn't able to keep it focused for long before the heat returned but worse.

"Johnny cool it!" Reed yelled,

"I can go hotter!" Johnny protested, getting even hotter than before. I was literally sweating.

Sue and Reed protested before having to press the button to cool off Johnny. He stood naked covered in foam inside a now destroyed and melted titanium chamber.

"Buzz-Kill! You guys are cramping my style!!" He cheered.

"Johnny, you were at 4,000 Kelvin." Sue told him, "Any hotter, and you're approaching supernova."

"Sweet!" Johnny cheered.

"No, not sweet. That's the temperature of the sun." Sue informed him.

"Not only could you kill yourself...but you could set fire to Earth's atmosphere and destroy all human life. As we know it." Reed filled in.

"Got it! Supernova. Bad!" Johnny said looking at the damage he did.

I couldn't help but faint from both exhaustion and heat stroke.

"Blake!" Sue yelled, being the first to notice. She followed by Reed ran to me.

"He exhausted himself. It's fair to say that the red-violet energy was him. He projected a bubble around Johnny made of pure telekinetic energy. Seems the more he uses it the more it's noticeable." Reed said examining me.

I could hear and feel them but couldn't talk. "Get him some water." Reed said but didn't notice that Sue already had it.

"God Johnny do you ever listen? Do you ever think that maybe the reason you have no friends is because you overdo things. You don't know when to quite." Sue chewed Johnny out.

"Maybe the reason you have to make new friends every five minutes is because you can't keep the ones you started with?" Sue said annoyed at her little brother.

"Okay! I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry." Johnny said choking up it sounded like he was crying a little.

I heard Sue sigh, "I am too, I didn't mean it. But Johnny you need to understand we can actually hurt people with our new powers. That's why it's so important to keep it cool before we understand what we're getting into." Sue said calming the matter.

"He'll be fine. Just extremely dehydrated." Reed said lifting me and taking me to what felt like my room. They turned on the ac and strapped an IV into my arm to get some water into me.

"Alright well...go take a shower. We'll deal with this." Reed said to Johnny.

Before I knew it I was out. My mind began to wander, I could sense everyone in the Baxter building and within a few blocks before I started to feel lost. I pulled back and sensed the top of the Baxter building. I could see Johnny naked in the shower, but I freaked out and pulled away from the image before I got a clear look. I sensed Sue and Reed cleaning up the mess and talking about suitable clothing to help us. Going over ideas of what we should wear for our individual needs.

I pulled back because I got bored of listening to them, but what got my attention was someone hand on mine.

I retracted my mind enough to see it was Johnny.

"I'm sorry, Blake. I can't say I won't screw up again, but I'll try not too." Johnny said before leaving the room.

I finally exhausted my mental reserves before I was REALLY out.

"Good morning, sunshine." Johnny said nicely to me. He was dressed and had breakfast prepared for me in bed.

"I don't understand." I said not getting it.

"It's a little way to say I'm sorry for giving you Heat Stroke." Johnny said placing everything infront of me.

"Thanks. But Johnny I'm not mad at you. I should've known better than to stick my hand in the fire so to speak." I said eating my food with him.

"So we cool?" He asked with a hopeful smile.

"Totally." I told him as I pulled the IV along with me.

"What's going on?" I asked as they has a machine pointed at Ben's torso.

"Oh. Hey Blake, we studying Ben's body to see what got zapped." Sue said with a smirk.

"Awesome. You know I have a diploma in genetics from MIT." I told them, they stopped and look at me.

"Really?" They asked, curious about me. "I thought you were a little young for that. But you were working at Von Doom Industries too." Sue said thinking about it.

"Yeah. I got a diploma in Genetics, Psychology, and a Bachelor in Technology." I told them.

"Wow. Didn't know you were a super nerd like Sue and Reed." Johnny said,

"We'll I do technically have a genius intellect." I told them.

"Wow. How genius?" Ben asked, "Well I'm smarter than Victor that's for sure. I W's even his psychologist." I told them.

"Really?" Sue asked turning to me. "Oh yeah. He always felt inadequate to Reed. Vowing to be better. He has some mother issues that reside in Latveria." I told them.

"That's a little scary." Johnny said at how I knew that.

"Makes sense though." Reed said.

"Okay got the results. Oh my God. Your insides are completely solid." Reed said to Ben.

"How bad is it? You know I use to smoke." Ben told them, scared at what they saw.

"You're healthy buddy. Just got solid stone intestines." I said with a smile as I glanced at the screen.

"Reed can you take this out?" I asked and Sue grabbed a bandage as Reed removed the needle.

"Thank you. You guys are some awesome friends." I told them, "We aren't friends. We're family. We're all in this together now." Reed said with a smile.

"Awesome." Johnny said putting an arm around me.

"I'm officially taking you under my wing. You and me are going to have a lot of fun."

"That's okay. I've never been the prankster type." I told him removing his arm.

"Our uniforms were in the storm like us, they should be able to transform like us." Reed told us as we all got outfitted. I don't see why it mattered for me. I don't have powers that affect my physical body. But I didn't want to be left out so I dressed in it anyways.

"Becoming invisible, changing size on demand, or remaining impervious to flame."

Ben laughed, "You guys look like an 80's rock band." Ben said drinking from a metal mixing cup.

"You know, Ben, this material stretches. I'm sure I can find a way to make it fit." Sue said looking at the material.

Ben began to stammer before answering, "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that." Ben answered.

"I love these costumes! They're missing something, though. Needs, like, Spice-" Johnny said trying to think of new ideas.

"They're not costumes." Reed told Johnny seriously.

"You can't use your powers in public, Johnny." Sue told him.

"You guys are worse than NASA." He said before heading upstairs.

"Johnny!" Sue called but he walked upstairs anyways.

"Maybe it's missing a utility belt." Ben said chuckling.

(That's the next chapter. Hope you like it. Look out for my new story. "Azalian" watch superman get clobbered by an even stronger alien than a Kryptonian. Hate it love it, it's already being birthed into the web. Anyways love ya!)

Next: Chapter 4

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