Fantastic Five

By Jayden Lopez

Published on Jul 24, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction. It does not contain any information regarding to the celebrities who portray the roles. If you aren't atleast 18, please don't read. It contains sexual acts, foul language, and male/male relations. Anyways, please enjoy.

{ } = Telepathic thoughts and conversations.

Marvel Story.

Fantastic Five-4

I watched the elevator open, I could hear the pitter patter of bare human feet...but never saw them.

"Sue?" I asked nervous, sensing the area. Immediately picking up Sue.

"Why are you invisible?" I asked her. She let out a sigh, "You can't tell anyone. I stripped in public because people were after me." She said,

"Yeah, okay. No worries." I said to her.

"Hey Blake?" Reed asked, "Yes, Reed?" I asked pretending like Sue wasn't there.

"Who are you talking to?" Reed asked curious.

"Oh. I'm telepathically speaking to Sue. I'm just so use to talking with my mouth it helps me focus to say the right thing and not send a random thought to someone. Trust will thank me." I said to Reed.

"Okay?" He said unsure of what to say next.

"Tell Sue I said 'Hi, and that I need to see her soon.'." Reed said walking away.

{Thank you for covering.} Sue sent me...still afraid Reed or anyone else would hear.

{No problem, Sue.} I sent back.

{Wow. Since when were you able to communicate back?} She sent me.

{For awhile. Reed's right our powers are evolving.} I sent back.

{That's a scary thought.} She sent me before I sensed her leaving.

"You have no idea." I said out loud to myself.

I got up early, moving away from Johnny. He literally has a thing for spooning. Usually I project a telekinetic shield, but when I fall asleep it falls. Tink getting up to follow me. It was 6:15, no one gets up til 7am. I couldn't sleep because I was receiving thoughts from Johnny.

I decided to do something nice...and satisfy my urge to create. I cooked breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, I made fresh orange juice, and cut up fruit to make fruit salad. I even hand made the coffee, I use to work at Starbucks.

I heard footsteps to see Reed and Sue.

"Hey." I greeted with a smile.

"Everything smells amazing." Sue said looking at the buffet I made on the table.

"Yeah well sit and eat. I didn't make it all for myself." I told them with a smile.

I watched their eyes light up as I said that, looking at eachother then smiling.

"I'll wake everyone else." I told them as they began to eat.

I walked into our room to tell Johnny, he tossed a fireball my way. It was by accident but happened, I stopped it in mid flight and extinguished it mentally.

I didn't know I did it until I was done. I had lifted him and slammed him into the ceiling.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I said walking up to him. "It's okay. I started it." He said getting up and going to the bathroom.

"Ben. Wake up sleepy head." I said tapping his big rock hard chest. Pun. He opened his eyes, I handed him a tin cup full of the coffee I made. I watched him down it all.

"Good stuff. Where did you get it?" He asked getting up and walking with me to kitchen.

"I made it. I use to work at Starbucks as a Teen." I said with a smile.

Ben sat down and squeezed some oranges into a bowl. Apparently Sue and Reed liked the Orange Juice.

"Alright let's make this quick. I have a busy schedule. Oh wait. I don't go anywhere." Johnny said sarcastically.

"Johnny it's imperative that we stay inside for the foreseen future." Reed told him.

"I know I know. You said that last week." Johnny said drinking the coffee I made. Tink jumped into my arms, Johnny tried to pet him but Tink began to hiss angrily, causing Johnny to recoil his arm in fear.

"You annoying little..." Johnny started but focused on his mouth and pulled it shut.

"Curse out my cat, I toss you out the window." I warned him. He put his hands up in surrender.

"So, Blake. We need to run tests on you know to figure your symptoms." Reed said.

"Cool. What's that?" I said looking at a paper.

"Chart work. A fusion reactor will recreate the storm. Reversing the cosmic storm." Reed said explaining.

"Returning us back to normal." Ben said satisfied.

"How long?" Sue asked.

"I don't know." Reed answered, "You don't know?" Ben said getting up, angrily.

"Any mistake could make things worse. It can increase our symptoms or worse..kill us." Reed said dreadfully.

Johnny scoffed, "That's bad right? I think we should let sleeping dogs lie."

"Besides how can we get worse than that?" Johnny asked pointing at Ben.

Who wanted to fight him.

"Easy guys." I said trying to keep them calm. They looked at me and back at eachother thinking.

"Guys. We're going to be here for awhile. Might aswell get along with eachother." Sue said saving the day.

"You and Sue almost basically have the same powers. Except she simulates telekinesis through her psionic shields...but it isn't actually telekinesis. You actually project telekinesis, bending the energy anyway you prefer. With focus it can act like a shield or become several shapes." Reed said explaining it to me.

"In fact you can do a lot with it. Potentially anyway. From lifting things to yourself. Manipulating molecules. To even projecting enough energy into telekinetic bolts. Probably even causing flight."

"Let's test your control." Reed said instructing me to lift a handful of pencils. It didn't take but a second till they were all in the air pointing at Reed.

"Good. Now, let's try weight." He said the heaviest object to levitate.

"I lifted Ben." I told Reed. He looked amazed.

"Ben is over 500 lbs." Reed told me just to let me know.

"Wow. I lifted him without any problems." I told Reed.

After hours of testing myself and scans. I learned how to do more and project less telekinetic energy as to not tire myself out to cause faints or nose bleeds. I even learned to project my mind into another's mind. We stopped there due to it exhausting me and giving me a headache. Also a person's mind is too much or too little and I could hurt them.

"Johnny!" I heard Ben yell angrily as I heard heavy steps running. I went down the hall to see Johnny run my way, grabbing me.

"Help me!" He yelled trying not to laugh as Ben came charging with shaving cream on his face.

"You didn't! " I yelled angrily.

"I did! Please. Don't let him hurt me." Johnny said, I projected a telekinetic shield stopping Ben from going any further.

"Blake!" Ben yelled, "Move this shield, I need to teach Johnny a lesson."

"No Ben. Don't stoop to his level." I told Ben.

"I'm not. I'm knocking his level down a few stories." He said gruffly.

"Now move it." Ben said, "No." I told him to watch as he slammed his fist at the wall.

I felt it send a shock through me.

"Ben stop." I told him before he did it again. I fell to my knees that time, the pressure in my head building.

"Ben STOP!" I yelled as I watched the red-violet energy turn into a golden red.

It pushed Ben away savagedly and into a wall.

"Oh my God!" I screamed in shock at what I did.

I sunk deeper crying thinming I killed Ben.

I didn't notice the heavy thumping footsteps. If was too late. I was pulled into a hug.

"I'm sorry." Ben said patting my back gently.

I thought I hurt you." I said hugging him back.

"No. Just knocked the air out of me. It's alright." Ben said.

I went to lay down after that, mentally exhausted. -

I was told to stay in bed and relax, Dr. Susan Storm's orders. :)

There were Von Doom scientists building the Reactors Chamber in science lab. I wanted to watch but found my body not speaking to my mind. So I slept.

"Johnny's gone!" Sue said coming in worried. I woke up after sleeping a few hours.

"He went to a DMX derby thing or whatever it is. He's on TV showing off." She said turning on the the TV.

Sure enough it was Johnny's giant head on TV. He was riding a motor bike.

"Really? This is the last straw...he's actually really good." I said admiring his moves.

"Not the point. We need to get him." Sue said grabbing me and pulling me to the living room.

Ben and Reed were watching Johnny ride on TV. Johnny rocketed himself through the air to fall short, falling into the dirt hard.

"Hope he broke somethin'." Ben said with a smirk.

"What did he do to his uniform?" Sue asked in disbelief, I noticed the 5 on Johnny's pectoral. Then I noticed Reed cover up a 5 with his doctor's coat.

"You made history at Moto-X. I've got to ask you about this outfit." A lady said to Johnny holding a mic to him.

"It's Armani meets astronaut." Johnny said proudly.

"So, what are your superhero names?" The lady asked Johnny.

"They call me Human Torch." He said with a cocky grin. "Ladies call me Torch." Everyone in the crowd oo'd.

"What about the rest of the team?" The lady said as our pictures came up.

"That's the Invisible Girl." Johnny said as a picture of Sue came up.

"Girl?" Sue asked annoyed.

"Reed Richards? I hear you call him Mr. Fantastic." The lady said.

"Could have been worse." Ben says to Reed.

"I guess." He responds with a shrug.

"Is it true what they say, that he can expand any part of his anatomy?" The lady asked to have some girls cheer.

"Well. I've always found him to be a little limp." Johnny responded to cause them to gasp and giggle.

"Blake Austin. The team's own homosexual. What's his name?" The lady asked. I was kind of infuriated at that. I wanted to drop a bus on her. I'm not ashamed of being gay, but I don't feel that's any One's business but my own.

"Master Mind." He said with a grin. Honestly the name wasn't bad.

"What is that? What do you call that thing?" The lady asked about Ben.

"That's it. The Thing." Johnny said smartly.

"You think this is bad you should have seen him before."

Anger is what I picked up from Ben.

"Okay. Now I'm going to kill him." Ben said leaving.

We headed down to the Moto-X thing to see Johnny leaving with two women. I couldn't help but feel jealous and territorial towards Johnny.

"There he is." Sue said pointing him out. I watched Ben approach Johnny's car. Honestly Johnny deserves this.

As people approached women kept calling out to Johnny.

"Johnny-" Sue said to be cut off.

"Can we talk about this later guys?" Johnny said cutting her off and brushing us aside.

"No we can't." Reed said.

"What are you thinking?" Sue asked.

"Where's my ride?" Johnny asked to have his car crumbled and thrown infront of him.

He pointed in disbelief as it rolled on the floor, glass still falling off of it. The car chirped.

Then his car plate hit him on the side of the head with a ding.

"You think that's funny pebbles?" Johnny asked angrily.

Sue having enough with being ignored got angry.


"What?" He asked annoyed.

The crowd was loving this, "You gave us names? You don't think!" She scowlded him.

"So now your the face of the Fantastic Five?" Sue asked continued,

"A face that's about to be broken." Ben said walking up to us. Reed cut in, "Look. This isn't permanent. We need to be careful until we're normal again."

"What if I don't want to be normal? I didn't turn into a monster!" Johnny said harshly.

Everyone grasped as Ben was about to hit Johnny but Ben stopped remembering what he did to me. He took a deep breath and walked away

"Johnny say your sorry." Sue said to him, but to have Johnny throw a fireball at him.

Ben turned back, "Did you just?" Ben asked, Another fire ball was thrown.

"That's it tinker bell! You wanna fly? Then fly!" Ben said attempting to punch Johnny, but Reed jumped in the way and absorbed most of the blow.

"No Ben." Reed said as he got hit.

Johnny went flying and hit the burger king poster, setting it on fire.

"Wait a minute guys!" Sue tried to intervene.

"Let's do this. Let's see if you can get blood from a stone." Johnny said walking towards Ben.

"Let's see. Bring it, Burnout!" Ben said in a gruff growl.

"You two need a time out!" Sue yelled pushing Johnny with her hand and projecting a small shield towards Ben to stop him in his tracks.

The press was loving this, taking pictures.

"Talk to Blockhead. He started it!" Johnny yelled acting like a child.

"I don't care!" Sue yelled, "Damn it, Johnny!" Sue was fuming. Going after Ben, "Ben, wait!"

I went with Sue, honestly I probably would've done something to Johnny if he got me started.

"Wait, Ben! Slow down!" Sue said as we ran through the crowd.

"Hey, check it out!" A random civilian said. "He didn't mean it."Sue said trying to calm Ben.

"You know Johnny. He's always been a hothead."

"I ain't him." Ben said stopping, "It's them!" He yelled at the crowd, causing them to gasp.

"I can't live like this." Ben said as he continued to march.

"Just give Reed a little more time. You know how he works. Analyzing every little step before he takes one." Sue said trying to reason.

"It's easy for you to be patient." Ben said, "No, It's not!" Sue argued back, it got Ben to stop.

"I thought I was done waiting for Reed, but-" She stopped realizing she revealed too much.

"We're all in this together."

"Together?" Ben asked, "Susie, look at me. You got no idea what I'd-"

"What I'd give to be invisible." He said walking away.

(That's the next chapter. Hope you like it. Yes it follows the movie. It'll follow both movies and then move into some craziness. Hope you like it. Let me know.)

Next: Chapter 5

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