Fantastic Five

By Jayden Lopez

Published on Jul 25, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction. It does not contain any information regarding to the celebrities who portray the roles. If you aren't atleast 18, please don't read. It contains sexual acts, foul language, and male/male relations. Anyways, please enjoy.

{ } = Telepathic thoughts and conversations.

Fantastic Five-5

I tried the dating route again, but that was nearly impossible. I mean your date being afraid of you didn't make things easy. Other times the hottie turned out to be a big nerd, not that I minded that, but when they were your biggest fan and wanted you to sign every piece of paper they handed made things harder. There was one guy who made it close.

We were making out in my room. Tink was outside the door scratching the door angrily. The door opened and Johnny walked in letting Tink in. I watched as he jumped my date Tyler. He screamed as Tink attacked him, Johnny laughing at what was going on.

"Johnny! Why'd you let him in?" I asked angrily, "I didn't know what he was after. I thought I was helping the little guy." Johnny said.

"Yeah. You did help him...kill my date." I said grabbing Tink.

I looked at Tyler he had a few claw marks, and a bloody lip.

"You'll be fine." I said helping him up, "I think it's best if you left." I told Tyler.

"You're damn right! I'm going to get that thing put down." Tyler said angrily. I couldn't let him do that so I focused on him, jumping in his head. It was like a room with TVs playing all his memories. Turns out he's a bigger nerd than I thought. Superhero images filled the screen.

I found the one where he got attacked by Tink and shut it off.

I gasped as I was back in my body. I couldn't believe I pulled it off. I have been attempting to jump into someone's head. All I could do was stand in it and see the person's life. Never did I think I would be able to actually pull it off though, to change a thought.

"Tyler?" I asked hoping it truly truly worked without any problems.

"Blake Austin? Wow. I'm a huge fan." Tyler said, okay he doesn't remember Tink...or me, sort of.

"I'm sure you are. Well, take it easy. You're safe now from those thugs." I said to him as I guided him out and closed the door.

I sighed in relief, leaning against the door. Johnny was laughing at the entire show.

"It's not funny. You know how hard it is to find a guy who likes you and can handle you being a real life superhero?" I asked Johnny.

"Yeah. I tried." Johnny said, I stopped and looked at him.

"Huh?" I asked surprised at what he said.

"I go both ways. Not very often but I have been known to lean if I find a cute guy." Johnny said walking up to me, his forehead touched mine. Our lips less than an inch away.

"Want to lean with me?" Johnny asked, "No." I nearly shouted, "Yes. Uh. I do, but I want to date first." I said blushing.

"That's what I was going for. When I really like someone I prefer to take things slow." Johnny said.

He grabbed his red jacket and I grabbed my light blue beanie and beige coat.

He lead me downstairs, where we began to walk the New York streets. "I didn't think you. You know. I thought it was just joking." I said to Johnny.

"So did I. I mean...for us. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something about you kept me interested. What can I say. I want what I can't have." Johnny said as we sat down to eat some Chinese food at a restaurant.

A few hours passed as we talked and ate, heading back to the Baxter Building. A strange light was going off at the top.

"You see that?" I asked, "Yeah. Let's get there." Johnny said as we raced back home.

As we got there the first thing we noticed was the destruction. Jimmy lay dead on the streets, just outside the Baxter Building. Glass was all over the floor as the doors were burst wide open. We ran to the elevator, as soon as we got upstairs we noticed the destruction there aswell. The window was broken, a few upper level rails were melted.

A man...Ben! It was Ben, he was thrown on a shelf.

"Ben are you alright?" I asked as Sue and Johnny helped me pick him up.

"Put him on the table." Sue said as we put him on the study table.

"What happened?" Johnny asked, "The machine." Ben got out exhausted and in pain.

"Vic used it on himself. He was affected by the cloud like us."

"Where's Reed?" Sue asked, "Vic must have taken him." We all looked at the giant hole in the window.

As we went outside to check out what happened, a glowing light came from Von Doom Industries.

"A missile?" I asked, We turned to Johnny. It was a heat seeker.

"Oh, no." Johnny said looking down at the street.

"We gotta get out of here." Sue said. "I got an idea." Johnny said backing up.

Don't even think about it." Sue and I said at the same time.

"Never do." Johnny said jumping over the ledge.

"Johnny, no!" Sue yelled as we watched as he ignited into a fire form. The missile following him.

"We have to help Reed!" Ben said trying to walk. I helped him stand, "It's too dangerous for you now. You have to stay here." Sue said to Ben.

"I'll help Ben before going over. You save Reed." I told Sue, who nodded and got dressed in her modified outfit.

"Come on, Ben." I used telekinesis to give me some added strength. "What did I do?" Ben asked disappointed at himself.

"You were tricked. Don't you dare blame yourself Ben." I told him, he just wanted to be normal. He had no idea this would happen.

"Put me in the machine." Ben said, I helped him in. I couldn't believe he would want to change back.

"If your sure about this." I told him, turning the machine on. It began the cloud process. It was half way in when the machine began to lose power. I looked at the open hatch on the reactor.

I focused, channeling my energy into the core. The storm reacted violently, showering me in it's rays. I put up a shield to try to protect myself, but could feel it not working. The energy rushed into my body, vitalizing me. I felt much more powerful.

The machine stopped and opened up. Fog poured out of the machine and filled the room. It was hard to see but as it left the room I could see Ben...naked in his stone form. I couldn't help but look at his 12' inch penis, it was thicker than his fingers. I couldn't help but want to touch it, but figured now was the worst of times.

"Here, Ben." I said retrieving his uniform, which has been reverted to just pants.

He put them on, including the black boots that fit perfectly.

"Now you kid." Ben said in his gruff stone voice that I missed.

I got dressed in my own outfit, the difference on mine was the black open finger gloves. I needed gloves that breathed.

I pulled my dark red hair free from it's usual ponytail.

"Let's do this." Ben said as we made our way to the Baxter Building.

I noticed Victor's assistant Leonard dead with a big fried gaping hole through his chest and a snapped neck.

We could hear Victor talking.

"It's time to end this." Victor said through the wall. I mentally moved the debris, as Ben broke through the wall.

I noticed Victor dressed in green hooded outfit, with a metal mask covering his head.

"No, Vic. It's clobberin' time." Ben said before punching Victor into the giant V above his desk.

The wall had a golden red outline as I pulled the wall over and crushing Victor.

"Damn, I been waiting to do that." Ben said with a smirk. Satisfied at our handy work.

Sue looked relieve as we walked up to her and a frozen Reed. "Susie. You okay?"

"Victor ain't that bad, huh? Hmph."

Ben began pulling the tanks off the chair. I mentally unstrapped Reed, thanks to the storm boosting my powers I barely had to focus to do anything.

"He's just a little larger than life, right?" Ben circled the chair, "Maybe next time, you'll listen to me before-"

The lights went out.

"Ben!" Sue yelled trying to warn him before Victor charged him. They both went flying out the window.

"We need to get him out of here." I told Sue as I focused on Reed. Sensing the cold with my mind, I imagined the molecules melting. Reed began to move as the color came back and the frost was gone.

"How did you do that?" Reed asked, "I'll explain on the way." I yelled as we ran to the elevator and out the building.

We looked at the damage of battle. Buses turned over, cars fried. When we got there Ben was on his back. Victor holding a green street light, about to kill Ben.

"I can't let you do that!" Reed said with authority.

"Reed?" Victor asked surprised. "I"ll be right with you."

Victor tried to use the pole as a lightning rod to channel his powers through it. It was about to make contact when a shield blocked his attack.

"Hello, Susan." Victor greeted annoyed that his attempt at murder was denied.

"You four are pathetic." Victor said as a fireball was hurled at him, stopping his speech. The sleeve of his outfit charred off.

Johnny came in for a landing, "You missed me."

Ben got up, we made a line. Victor was done screwing with us and done killing people.

"Had a little relapse, huh?" Johnny asked Ben, not taking his eyes off of Victor. "Welcome back." The crowd watched our battle rage on.

"This is gonna fun." Victor said groaning as he absorbed electrical energy from all around us.

People began to scream and shout, running for their lives as the electricity traveled dangerously close to them. Honestly they were stupid to stick around.

Glass shattered as the electricity traveled all around us. Victor shot Johnny, and blasted Ben as he tried to charge him.

Sue put a shield over a transformer that was struck by lightning. Victor shot a bolt of electricity at Sue to have it deflected.

"I can't hold it." Sue said grunting from the pressure. I jumped infront of her, telekinetically channeling the electricity with my hands and reverting it back to Victor, but with a telekinetic advantage. He was blasted into a light post, he growled in anger and pain.

He got back up and Reed hurled a drop box at him. It didn't even phase him.

Reed rolled like a wheel to Victor and covered him like a sheet.

"Johnny! Supernova." Reed ordered.

"I thought we agreed that was bad!" Johnny argued.

"Now!" Reed pressed as he removes himself from Victor.

"Ben!" Reed grabbed Ben, and Ben pulled Reed away from Victor. A stunned Victor didn't see Johnny spinning around in a flaming vortex. The heat was massive, Victor attempted to shoot Johnny down.

"Sue! Blake! Think you can contain it?" Reed asked, as we formed a massive cyclone of energy.

"Flame on kid." Ben said standing in the heat like it was nothing. Victor yelled in pain. I could feel blood drip from my nose as we held the shield.

As we dropped it, Johnny came flying out tired.

"Is that the best you can do? A little heat?" Victor whispered menacingly. He stood shinning from the heat, surrounded by molten pavement.

"Time for your lesson-Chem 101. What happens when you rapidly cool hot metal." Reed said as Ben kicked a fire hydrant.

"Ben!" Reed called as Ben put his foot on the stream of water, sending it Reed's way. Who directed the water into a farther blast at Victor who began to steam as he was cooled down.

When the steam finally passed, we saw a stuck Victor. "Whoa." Ben said dumbfounded.

"You done good, Kid." Ben said to Johnny. "Come on."

We gathered into a group. The crowd began to cheer and clap, at our heroic feat

"Man I love this job." Johnny said happily.

"Job, huh?" Ben asked in a gruff voice.

"Well, we have the suits." Reed and I said together.

"We can't stop the future." The speaker blasted as we had fun at a party people threw for us. A thank you from the city of New York City.

"Bartender!" I heard Johnny yell. I turned to him and saw him surrounded by girls. I wanted to rip their skin off them one cell at a time...but, Johnny deserved this. We all did.

I was out by the back of the boat, looking at the stars. It was funny. We were surrounded by all these people, yet I didn't know any of them. I felt so alone, and as I looked af Johnny having fun. Ben and Alicia, and Sue and Reed....I felt alone.

I sensed Sue and Reed come outside "Are you alright?" They asked me. I faked a smile, "Yeah..I still feel wiped. What with the storm tripling my power, it"s tiring having all this power run around inside you." I told them, as I headed inside to get a drink and I watched Reed get on one knee.

He proposed to Sue, who turned invisible. He kissed her nose, and she reappeared for the real kiss.

Despite my feelings I was happy for them. I was not going to ruin their lives with my own...I began thinking it was time for me to go.

(That's the next chapter. Hope you like it. I'm taking it a little slow with the real romance. People do that all the time, first chapter is sex. Then sex and sex again. I want to tell a story, before giving sex. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the story. Let me know what you think. I have a few ideas for stories but basically little to no time to create them.)

Next: Chapter 6

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