From the North Pole to Indiana

Published on Dec 22, 2022


From the North Pole to Indiana Chapter 12

This is a work of fiction; all characters' names are randomly generated, and the places in this story are complete works of fiction. If you disagree with two men loving each other, leave now. Yes, this is a Christmas story, so you are free to move on if you don't want to read it. However, if you're going to read it, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023

From the North Pole to Indiana

Chapter 6, Part 2

Mick's Care Package

Shea and Mick are together enjoying their cookies from Mick's mother. Shea isn't sure how to really thank Mick's mother. Maybe, it's best to just enjoy the cookies and the company of the handsome man next to him.

"Your mother has to be the nicest woman I've ever talked to. Maybe, except for my mother and grandmother, but don't tell them I said that."

Mick chuckles at his date. His mother is one of the nicest ladies in the world. She would have to be since she is the wife of Santa Claus.

"I won't tell your mother."

When Mick says something, he means it. He didn't say anything that makes it a promise, but Mick's words are his gold, and he won't go against them. As Shea eats his snickerdoodle cookie, it dons on him that he would love to have the recipe.

"Do you think your mom would give me the recipe?"

Shea could see himself attempting to bake these cookies; however, at the same time, Mick knows his mom won't share the recipe. Mick also knows his mom, though not as busy as his dad, works just as hard being supportive of her husband and helping to ensure the reindeer are taken care of every day. She is exceptionally watchful over the fawns. Knowing how busy she is, Mick hates to bother her. He uses his taste buds to analyze one of those cookies. He then pieces together a recipe for Shea that, while not true to the recipe his mom follows, will still make Shea a cookie worthy of Mrs. Claus.

"Shea, do you have a piece of paper? I think I remember the recipe that my mom uses."

Somehow, it came out of Mick's mind without any issues. In less than 10 minutes, Mick hands Shea the recipe. Shea glances over the recipe and smiles.

"So this is your mother's recipe?"

Mick gets asked.

"It's as close to her recipe as you're going to get. I can promise you that this recipe will be better than any other cookies out there."

Mick loves the expression on his guy's face. He shows genuine gratitude.

"Thanks, Mick; this is an early Christmas present."

He is going to love these making cookies from Mick's take on Mrs. Claus' cookie recipe. Right now, though, he will keep enjoying the cookies, the milk, and, more importantly, Mick.


In the back of Shea's mind is a stray thought.

`Why did Shea's mom send me a care package? It's not like we've been on that many dates. On the other hand, if she keeps me in cookies like these, it might be worth dating his hunk.'

There is more to Mick than a mom who can bake the world's best cookies. The bigger worry, at least for Shea, is the care package. He decides to bring it up rather than keep it in his mind.

"Hey, Mick, a thought just entered my head, and I don't want you to take it the wrong way. I really love these cookies that your mom made for me. But I was wondering why she sent me the care package?"

Mick looks at Shea as if he were surprised.

"It wouldn't have mattered if we had just met or had we been dating for months. My mom loves to spoil people. I guess she figured if she was going to send me a care package, she might make one for the guy I'm dating."

Shea likes feeling included. It makes him feel like a part of Mick's family. It's not a bad thing at all. Mick can tell that Shea really does love the cookies. In fact, he loves them so much that he closes the tin and puts it back into the box.

"I think I need to stop eating cookies; otherwise, I will be at the gym burning off the sugar."

The idea of watching Shea work out causes a slight blush to appear on Mick's face. Maybe, it shouldn't have, but it did. Shea takes a hint from his date and puts his cookies back in the box. Mick turns on his laptop and plays his "Christmas" playlist. The only thing missing is a fireplace.


As Mick sits down, he moves close to Shea and snuggles up close to him. Shea smiles at Mick and puts his left arm around Mick's shoulders.

"This is nice, Mick. The only thing missing would be a blanket to throw across our legs."

Mick goes to get up, but to his surprise, his guy pulls him back down to the couch.

"No need to get up."

Shea says with a smile. Mick is a little thrown off by Shea's action.

"I thought you wanted a blanket."

Mick says as he looks at the man next to him. Mick is feeling just a little confused.

"It would be nice, but I like having you next to me even more. If you get up, who am I going to cuddle with?"

Shea leans in and kisses Mick on the lips, which causes Mick to lick his lips. The guys make out on the couch as Christmas music plays. Neither guy is paying much attention to the time. Shea catches the time on his watch and quickly stands up.

"I'm sorry, Mick, but if I stay on this couch any longer, I'll lose my job."

It dons on Mick that he has work today too.

"Can you drop me off at work?"

Mick asks, hunk standing almost in front of him.

"Yeah, are you ready to go?"

Mick quickly turns off the music, closes his laptop, and grabs one box of cookies to share with his friends at work. Shea grabs his care package and heads out to the car, with Mick following behind him after grabbing his coat and keys and locking up the apartment.


It would have been easy to call their bosses and say they were sick. Shea really didn't want to leave that apartment. He loves cuddling and kisses. He needs to be careful that he doesn't get any marks on his skin from their kissing. Mick is having similar thoughts. He didn't want to leave the apartment. Something about being away from Shea just doesn't feel right. It's good to be on the same page as your date. Shea and Mick arrive at the coffee shop. After a quick kiss, Mick gets out of the car and heads inside the shop. Shea waits till his love is inside before pulling away too. He has to grab his partner and announce that they are on duty.


Shea is feeling great about the time spent at Mick's. Maybe it's the kisses or sugar coursing through his system, but Shea feels excellent. He wants to turn around and return to the coffee shop, but he doesn't want to lose his job. At least while he is out tonight, he thinks of the time spent with Mick. Mick, too, is walking on cloud nine, and it might just be that they spent a solid twenty minutes in each other's arms. It's also possible that Mick could be under the influence of sugar. Though, his Kringle genes should basically make him immune to sugar. All he can think about is how good it will feel to be back in Shea's arms. Shea arrives at the ranger station and picks up his partner.


Ethan and Shea are driving through one of the parks to check. On one of their breaks, Shea opens up the tin of cookies.

"Hey, you have got to have one of these cookies. Mick's mom sent me a whole mess of cookies in a care package. Thought I would bring some to keep us going."

Handing a cookie to his partner, Ethan immediately begins eating the snack. His smile says it all.

"You've brought me cookies before, but this is by far the best cookie I've ever had. I don't know what she put into these cookies, but dang, Shea, this is almost too good. I don't know if I would have shared these if I was given them."

Shea chuckles at his partner's comment. Once the break is over, they go back to checking the park before moving on to other responsibilities.


Mick is on his break, and he decides to text his guy. He gets out his phone and starts texting Shea.

"Hey Shea, hope you are doing okay. I am wrapping up my break and then getting back to work. Did you share some of the cookies with your partner? Can't wait to see you again, my sweet."

When the message came through on Shea's end, it gave the conservation officer a smile. The last couple of words made Shea smile. Ethan saw the smile, which caused Shea to blush a little bit. Ethan knew whatever happened had to involve the guy that Shea is dating.

"Mick, I can't wait to see you. Thanks, Babe!"

Shea responds to his guy. They haven't officially called jumped into being boyfriends, but Shea is pretty sure he wants to be Mick's boyfriend.

"You're welcome! I need to go, but please be safe!"

Shea loves that Mick is worried about him. Of course, the officer is concerned about his baker, also. The break is over, and the guys are heading out to whatever the night has planned for them.


While driving out and about, Shea and Ethan get a call on the radio. A citizen has a bird that needs a little help. The citizen found a great horned owl that needed help immediately. They were scared of being hurt by the bird or hurting the bird. Shea and Ethan head out for the home. The bird's wings were wrapped in plants and strings when they arrived. They managed to free the bird from the strings, but they still needed to get it secured so they could take it to get checked out by a wildlife vet. Shea managed to get a picture of the bird to send Mick. Mick was wowed by the bird. Kendall, Mick's; baby sister, inherited his dad's way with wildlife. She seems to have an almost empathic sense regarding any form of animal. Shea and Ethan feel pretty good about themselves for saving this bird.


When Mick gets home, he is sitting at home enjoying peace and quiet, when he receives a message from his mother.

"You're man sounds amazing. He's also charming and kind. You are going to make him very happy as well."

The text hit her son a bit. How does she know that Shea is going to make Mick happy? It's the same way Santa can tell who's naughty or nice. She is a bit of a psychic. She can see who has good and evil in their heart.

"Mom, I am thankful for your words, but can we change the subject."

His mom is taken back a little bit. She is just trying to help her son find his true love. She wants Mick to know that Shea isn't just a hot guy; he's a cute guy with a big heart. When the time comes, Shea won't have a problem finding out that Mick is a Claus and would support his future husband someday in taking on the title of Santa.

"I love you, my son. I want you to love and hold on to Shea."

Mick knows that his mom and his dad can do things that they can only they can do because they are together with one purpose. They have the power to bless the world. Christmas is a blessed to have these two blessed beings as a part of it.


Shea is home reflecting on his life. He doesn't know what happened because he went from being single to being with Mick in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Mick has changed his life in a way that no one else has. Mick has a sense of innocence about him. The guy is cute with a mix of geek in him. It's a geeky sexiness that makes him that much sexier. Having Mick in his life just feels so good. Hopefully, he won't do anything to hurt his chances with the guy he loves. Shea gets ready to shower, after which he goes to bed thinking of his babe and how much he cares about him.


I'm going to start using this email for my stories

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Next: Chapter 13

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