From the North Pole to Indiana

Published on Jan 5, 2022


From the North Pole to Indiana Chapter 4

This is a work of fiction; all characters' names are randomly generated, and the places in this story are complete works of fiction. If you disagree with two men loving each other, leave now. Yes, this is a Christmas story, so if you don't want to read it, you are free to move on. However, if you're going to read it, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Copyright © 2021

From the North Pole to Indiana

Chapter 2

Part 2

Helping Him Out

As much as Shea wants to help Mick out by dropping off his wallet. He has to work today. He's covering for a co-worker who has a sick wife and kid. A stomach bug has hit the family; first, the father, the wife, and the kid. Shea's friend was in need, so how could he ignore that? He couldn't, and that makes him a good friend. He hopes Mick will forgive him for not dropping off his wallet till after his shift. He does need to return it but after his shift. He wants to put it in his friend's hand. He knows where Mick works, and maybe that is all he needs.


Mick is in awe of his friend. There is something about Shea that makes him want to spend time with that man. Funny how he makes him feel all warm and fuzzy. Talking with him on the way home was an unexpected joy. If he could, he would have a date tomorrow with that hunk. A date would be cool, but a second or third date would be nice too. He would also enjoy a phone call just to hear that voice.


Mick is watching television, and his cell phone is sitting close by him. Out of the blue, his mom calls. He answers the phone.

"Hey, Mom!"

He is happy to hear from her.

"Mick, how are you doing? Have you seen your man from the vision yet?"

She is curious about him and this mystery man. Her son is all too happy to oblige her with the news.

"So yesterday, I was talking to one of my co-workers during our break about how I get to work every day. What we didn't know was that a guy was listening to us. He started speaking to me, and when I turned around, I saw a very handsome man. I realized right away that he was the man from the mirror. He didn't like the fact that I walk to work, so he offered me a ride to work."

She is happy to hear that the man made an appearance in her son's life. Now, Mick needs to push things a bit further.

"Did you take him up on his offer?"

She hopes that Mick is smart enough to accept the ride. Emma wants good things for her son and this handsome stranger.

"I did accept the ride, and it was great. I learned his name, learned his hobbies, and enjoyed spending time with him. He suggested that we sit and talk for a bit which we did, and it left me wanting more."

Emma knows her son has the notebook and a few items to help him out. If her son wants to see this man again, he must figure this out. Perhaps his father can talk to him or help him out.

"Have you talked about a date?"

Her fingers are crossed.

"No, we didn't talk about a date, but who knows what might happen in the near future."

She's happy to hear that there is hope for a new possible boyfriend or a possible son-in-law. She is really thinking too far ahead of herself.

"I'm going to let you go, Mom."

She ends the call and then goes to find her husband. They have much to talk about between the two of them.


She finds Nicholas in his office reading over weather reports.

"Nicholas, I just got off the phone with Mick. Mick met the guy from his cantrip. The man walked into the bakery where our son works. I understand that they even talked."

Nicholas is also happy that Mick has met this guy. Like Emma, he hopes the best for the two guys. Emma is concerned that they aren't doing enough.

"I know we've given him a lot already, but is there anything else we can do for him?"

Mick's dad doesn't know what else he can do for his son.

"I guess I could give access him to the "List," but that is all I can really do for him."

He wants to do good for all his family. Nick just isn't sure what else he can do for his son. Emma would have him give it all to him. Emma needs to take a step back. It's what is best for their son.

"Emma, I will call him once I get the weather report wrapped up."

Nicolas will do whatever he can to say or do whatever needs to be done to make his wife happy. Emma gives Nicholas a quick peck before leaving the room. Leaving him alone to work on the weather report.


Nicholas spends another hour reviewing the weather reports. He wonders what his son knows about the man his wife described to him. He calls his son to see what he knows about the stranger. Mick immediately answers the phone.

"Dad, Mom said you might call. How are you doing?"

Nicholas notices that his son sounds happier than he has been in a long time. He's right too; Mick is happy, perhaps happier than he has been in a long time.

"I'm good, Dad."

Mick can say it and mean it.

"I called to see what you know about the man from the cantrip and your shop."

Mick begins to rehash what he knows about Shea. When he is done telling his dad about Shea, he mentions that he would like to learn more about him.

"Have you tried using any of the cantrips to gather information on him?"

Mick hasn't touched his notebook since he saw Shea in the mirror. He admits that it would be neat to see what information the cantrips might reveal to him.

"Mick, the naughty or nice list is usually reserved for just kids, but I'll grant you access so you can see what it says about Shea. I expect you to keep quiet about it."

Mick is kind of worried about digging into Shea's life in this manner. It seems wrong to take advantage of his dad's tools to learn about his dream man.

"Thank you, Dad!"

Nick reminds his son again about the cantrips, then says goodbye. Mick does the same with his father.


Mick knows his dad wants him to use his cantrips to learn more about Shea. As promised, he has to access the "List." He uses the list on his phone and looks at Shea's status. It says that Mick is "nice." Anyone labeled "nice" is allowed a little bit of wiggle room; that way, they can be just a little bit bad. Then, Mick grabs a candy cane, a bowl, and a water bottle. Placing the bowl on his dining room table opens his water, and then he pours the water into the bowl. He swirls the candy cane in the water, and then he says the magic words

"Shea Butler, are you sweet or not?"

The word "sweet" appears in the water in just seconds, and Mick feels better and better about falling for Shea. He wants more, though. Mick wants to know all about his guy.


Shea is at home wondering what is going on with Mick. He doesn't know what exactly makes him want to speak with him again. No one has had this effect on him, and I mean no one. It's like Mick bugs the hell out of him but in a good way. He's being pulled to seek him out, to talk to him, and to learn what makes him tick. If he just had his phone number, then he could connect with the guy from the coffee shop. In under 25 minutes, something connected him to Mick. Shea may not know a lot about Mick, but he knows where he works, which might help him reconnect with the man.


Shea decides to call Mick's employer to see if they might give him the number for the man that is driving him nuts. The problem is, they may not give him the number. He needs to try; he really needs to try to get it. Mick's charm could really work on a person if they are receptive to his charms. If they give him the number, he'll be so happy, and they'll have no idea the role they'll play in connecting the two men.

"Hello, This is The Hearth; how can I help you?"

The woman who answered the phone sounds young and cheerful. She says a little like the woman who was sitting with Mick.

"Hi, my name is Shea Butler. I was in the coffee shop the other day, and I met Mick Owens; he was sitting with a fellow worker, a woman. Sorry, I didn't get her name. They talked about how he got to work, and I interrupted their conversation. I offered him a ride, and he accepted it. Anyway, long story short, I was hoping that maybe, I could get his phone number."

Things go quiet while April talks with the manager. April knows exactly who this person is, and she knows Mick wouldn't mind if she gave him the number. She hopes that he won't care anyway. Shea's fingers are crossed that she'll give him Mick's cell number.

"Listen, I was sitting with Mick the other day when someone interrupted our conversation. Mick thought the guy was cute, and the guy did offer him a ride home. If you send me a picture of you to prove that you're that same guy. If you are that guy, then and only then will I give you Mick's number."

She tells him her cell phone number and then gives Shea a second to add her to his contacts. In the end, she is pleasantly surprised that the caller is the guy who drove Mick home.

"Do you have a pen or pencil ready?"

Shea does have a pen ready to go. His hand is trembling a little bit out of excitement.

"Yes. Go ahead and send me the number."

April reads off Mick's number, and Shea rights it down. April hopes that he'll call right away. If he doesn't call Mick tonight, he had better call him tomorrow.

"Thank you, Thank you!"

Shea is excited. He's glad that they were okay handing over Mick's phone number. In the end, though, Shea has to get ready for work.


Mick gets a call from April. It actually surprises him a little bit.

"April, my friend, what is going on?"

She isn't sure how Mick will react to her giving Shea his number, so she crosses her fingers that he won't be mad.

"We got a call from your handsome stranger today at work."

He isn't surprised that Shea called. People call the shop all the time. On the other hand, it might surprise him why he called. He could have called for any reason.

"Why did he call?"

Mick is curious

`It would be cool if he called for me.'

What are the chances that someone would do that? Can you imagine someone calling your work just to get your number?

"He called wanting your number. I had him prove to me that he was your hunk."

Mick's heart is racing. He doesn't know what to think.

"Did you give him my number?"

She giggled a little at the question. What else is she going to do? She didn't have to give out his number, but she did. Mick might not mind his number, but she did. Mick doesn't care that his number was given out.

"Yes, I gave him your number; I figured I could always ask for forgiveness if you didn't want him to have it."

It was pretty straightforward, though, that Mick wanted him to have it. He's glad that she felt that she could do this for him. It may be the nicest thing anyone has done for him since arriving here in Indiana.

"Thank you, April!"

April smiles at the thought of Mick and the stranger coming together because of her.

"You're welcome, Mick! Now, I'm going to let you go."

She doesn't want to keep him in case Shea tries to call. If she kept them apart, she would feel awful.

"Bye, April!" Mick ends the call with his fingers crossed.


Shea is convinced that he has to meet this guy. He wants to spend time with Mick. He has thought things over and over since yesterday. He's not sure why he needs to call, but he does need to call Mick. It may not happen today, but Shea will call that guy. He wants to have a date, and he hopes that Mick will wish to have a date. He wonders if Mick is feeling the same things that he is feeling. This dating thing can be challenging.


Shea is out doing his rounds when Mick comes to his mind. He sees Mick's eyes sparkling, and it's enough to make him dig out his phone. He realizes he can't be on it while working, so he puts it away. Even with it being put away, the temptation to call is still there. What is it about Mick that makes him crave whatever is behind that smile? He still has his doubts, but he can't ignore that Mick is just so sweet. Somehow, he'll figure out this baker's assistant. Tomorrow is a new day and another chance to figure things out.


Mick is missing his wallet, but he knows where it's at, which makes things okay. It would be nice if Shea would drop it off to him. He hasn't heard from him. Oh wait, he doesn't have his number.

`He can just drop off to me at work.'

One way or another, he needs to get that wallet back. Hopefully, nothing in there would connect Mick to Santa Claus. If there is, then he has messed up big time.


I'm going to start using this email for my stories

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Next: Chapter 5

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