From the North Pole to Indiana

Published on Jun 26, 2023


From the North Pole to Indiana Chapter 13

This is a work of fiction; all characters' names are randomly generated, and the places in this story are complete works of fiction. If you disagree with two men loving each other, leave now. Yes, this is a Christmas story, so you are free to move on if you don't want to read it. However, if you're going to read it, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Copyright © 2021-2023

From the North Pole to Indiana

Chapter 7, Part 1

At Shea's

Shea is at his house, and it's around 1 o'clock in the afternoon. He's got an itch to see Mick again, so he invites him for dinner. Grabbing his phone, he gets ready to call Mick, but instead, he texts him.

"Hey Mick, this is Shea. Would you like to come to dinner? I thought we could eat around 5:00 if that's okay?"

He's unsure when Mick will respond since he's most likely at work, but Shea knows he can't sit around and wait for him to respond. There is a grocery list to make and food to buy for tonight, not to mention he needs to make the apartment look a little less like a single guy doesn't live in the house. 5 minutes later, Mick texts back:

"5 pm is fine. Do you have time for a call?"

Shea is torn between getting stuff done and talking with his guy. He can't, though.

"I don't right now, but we'll talk later. I promise."

Mick isn't happy, but he'll manage. Shea decides to clean the apartment first and then take care of the groceries list and the shopping.


Shea thinks of how to make the evening a bit more romantic. He considers a sheet fort. He thinks about candlelight and romantic music. It doesn't take him long to pass up the sheet fort and the candles. Shea doesn't want to burn down the house if they forget to put out the candles. I mean, it could happen, right? Instead of all of that, he picks a homemade dinner and each other's company. At least the house is coming along, and he can leave for the store quickly. Maybe earlier than he expected to be done. It feels good to have the house in pretty good shape. The apartment looks good, so now he sits down and gets to the list of food that he is about to make, but first, he needs a menu, so, to the web he goes.


After going through a few recipes, he finally picks a great shrimp and pasta dish. Hopefully, Mick will like it. It looks pretty darn impressive. Grabbing pen and paper, he writes down the ingredients one by one to make sure he has everything written down. He also writes down what he plans on having with the meal. After making the list, he grabs his keys to leave for the store. Shea heads out and gets into the car. He needs to buy food so that Shea can cook the meal and then enjoy the meal with his guy. It doesn't take him long to get the supplies that he needs, and before he knows it, he's home.


Grabbing his phone, his fingers find Mick's phone number.

`Come on, Mick, answer!'

Shea might be feeling a bit lonely. He wouldn't mind having Mick over as he cooks. If for no other reason than to have someone to talk to while he works in the kitchen.

"Hey, Shea, is the food ready?"

He isn't going to lie; the North Pole visitor is hungry. He's hoping his game warden is ready for him.

"No, it's not ready yet, but I was wondering if you wanted to spend time with me while I cook?"

Mick was dropped off at home just a few minutes ago and still needs to shower. He tells Shea, who is slightly disappointed but gets over it.

"Okay, Mick, I'll see you once the food is ready."

Suddenly, Mick feels that maybe he should go ahead and have Shea pick him up. He doesn't know why he feels he should suddenly change their plans.

"Shea, I don't want to sound like an airhead, but I think I'd like to get picked up now if that isn't much to ask?"

He's not upset that things have suddenly changed. He wants to have company while he cooks. Shea is smiling as he grabs his keys and heads out again.

"Do you mind if I shower at your place?"

Mick asks as he grabs his two outfits: deodorant, cologne, toothbrush, and toothpaste. He has no problem with Mick cleaning up at his house.

"Feel free! I'm headed out to pick you up. See you when I get there."

Shea wastes no time leaving the house, locking it, opening the car door, and starting the car. He leaves his driveway and heads straight for the guy destiny has decided he will have a future with, and nothing can stand in its way.


Mick wants to ensure that he doesn't keep Shea waiting, so he heads outside to wait on him. It isn't long before the sweetest man in the world arrives at the apartment complex. There are plenty of smiles between the guys when they see each other. Shea gets out and opens the car door for Mick, walking up to his guy and taking him by the hand. Together, they walk to the car. Before Shea and Mick get into the vehicle, Shea kisses Mick. Mick instantly gets lost in that kiss. Mick gets into the car, Shea closes the passenger side door, and then comes to the driver's side.

"Hey Mick, ready to go, dude?"

Mick smiles again and nods his head.

"I'm ready."

Shea heads back to his house. He's really enjoying being with the guy. The guys make small talk until they reach Shea's house.


Shea and Mick arrive at the house; Shea stops the car, removes his seat belt, and grabs the keys. He gets out of the car and walks around to the passenger door. Opening the door, he waits for Mick to exit the car door. Then the guys head up to the door; Shea unlocks the house and escorts his date into the house.

"You can go shower, and I will work on dinner."

As much as Shea would love to shower with him, he also needs to see to dinner. It doesn't take long for the meal to come together. Shea is quite happy with his pasta and shrimp. Every part of the meal is perfect. When Mick comes out of the shower, he is dressed to perfection. The next thing to do is set the table.


Mick and Shea sit down for dinner, but something is stirring in the atmosphere as they do. The food is put on the table. Mick looks in awe at the food. A strong winter storm is brewing, and it seems to have come out of nowhere.

"The food looks amazing. You really worked hard on this, Shea."

They dig into the meal, enjoying every single morsel of the food. The alarm comes across their phone. It's a powerful blizzard sweeping over the area. It's so bad that the county asks everyone to stay off the streets. Mick gets up and looks out the window. The snow is making it impossible to even see across the street.


Shea and Mick look out the window at the blowing snow. Shea glances at Mick as he wonders how best to handle tonight. He doesn't know if he should set up the couch for himself and give Mick the bed or if they should just sleep in the bed together. An alarm comes across the phones, and the guys check their phones.

"Emergency alert, the county is asking all citizens to stay in their homes. Emergency crews will begin clearing the streets once the storm has ended."

Mick gulps. He never planned to spend the night, but on the other hand, he's thankful for the opportunity to spend more time with Shea.

"So what do we do now?"

Mick asks his friend.

"Well, we stay in place."

Mick suddenly feels anxious. He never thought that he would feel like this when an opportunity to sleep with Shea came up. Shea can see Mick's face, and he knows something is up.

"Relax, Mick; I can set up the couch for you to sleep in if that is what you want?"

Shea didn't mean to sound like he was putting guilt on Mick. He wanted to offer the couch because his date looked a little stressed. It would be awesome if Mick shared his bed with him. It kind of makes him feel a little sad. But if it makes Mick feel more comfortable, he'll fix the couch. When Shea appears in the living room with a sheet and blanket, it's Mick's turn to be sad.

"You don't have to set up the couch for me. I can sleep in the bed with you unless you don't want me to?"

Shea puts the bedding on the coffee table in front of the couch before he grabs the television remote.


Shea sits down and pats the cushion next to him to invite his date to sit down next to him.

"Want to watch some television?"

Mick sits down and cuddles up next to his date. It just feels so perfectly normal to be sitting beside the hunky guy next to him. They flip through the channels for something to watch and come across a romantic movie set in the Christmas season. It's funny, but the guys feel right at home in each other's arms. Something is stirring inside of the guys, and it needs to get out.


As the closing credits are running across the screen. Shea looks at his date and takes his

"Mick, I have been going nuts ever since I met you. We started with me trying to figure out how to return that wallet to you. Then when I did get it to you, I was taken. I want something more with you; I just don't know what that something is right now. There is something about you. I don't want to lose you. Tell me what you want from me? Do you want to be with me?"

This is why Mick came to the world; he wanted to find love. From the sound of it, he's found him. He's found the man that he's been wanting and needing.

"Shea, I want to be with you."

Mick isn't sure precisely what Shea is asking him. It feels good to him, and Shea is perfect. Shea can't contain himself and kisses his guy.

"Look, Mr. Game Warden, I never want you to leave. You hear me?"

A smile breaks out on the person sitting next to him.

"I hear you."

Shea kisses Mick on the lips. It's the strangest thing ever because he feels the sparks he expected to feel, but there is a hint of peppermint, a cooling effect to that kiss.

"Someday, I want to have a family. You might want kids too someday."

Shea asked Mick, who is a Claus; of course, he wants kids. After all, what is a Claus and Christmas without kids? It's more than that, though; he wants kids.

"I want kids."

Shea and Mick both smiling are each other. Realizing they want the same things, the guys decide to shut up and enjoy cuddling on the couch.

* I'm going to start using this email for my stories

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Next: Chapter 14

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