From the North Pole to Indiana

Published on Nov 30, 2023


From the North Pole to Indiana Chapter 14

This is a work of fiction; all characters' names are randomly generated, and the places in this story are complete works of fiction. If you disagree with two men loving each other, leave now. Yes, this is a Christmas story, so you are free to move on if you don't want to read it. However, if you're going to read it, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023

From the North Pole to Indiana

Chapter 7, Part 2

"At Shea's"

Mick knows he's found what he's been looking for all these years. He's found love. Shea is everything, and he is everything that Shea has ever wanted. There is one person in his life who wants to tell about what they decided today. He grabs his special cell phone and heads for the bathroom. After the phone call, Mick is planning on going home.

"Mick, what is going on?"

Her motherly instincts tell her that something is up with her son.

"Mom, I'm at Shea's, and we've decided that we both want to be boyfriends, but we didn't use the word "boyfriend. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know before heading home."

She is bubbling with excitement for her son. She knows there won't be kids unless they adopt, but the important thing is that Mick Claus has found love. Now, she needs to speak with Nick.

"I'm so happy for you! Dad needs me, sweetie. I'll talk to you later."

Mick ends the call and returns to the guy that he loves. As he rejoins his guy, something is brewing up north, way up north.


Mrs. Claus and Mr. Claus are gathered behind shut doors in Nick's office. Mrs. Claus and Mr. Claus discussed what they could do to give Shea and Mick more time together. The only thing that Nick knows to do is whip up a massive storm. Nick summons a storm using some ancient skills taught to him by the elves. A storm that will trap their son and his boyfriend in the apartment. They intend to trap them inside the apartment, forcing them to spend time together. Mrs. Claus wanted a storm bigger than the one Mr. Claus sent down upon the city where his son lived. This blizzard will be the largest winter storm to hit in 100 years. They are getting 7 feet of snow with whiteout conditions. There is no way that Shea would risk taking Mick out in that weather. It should be hitting in about an hour, which is the same time that another storm was to hit them. A storm that would have produced 5 inches of snow will now dump 7 feet of snow. It's also coming with winds and whiteouts.


The storm is starting outside, and the winds are picking up. Shea looks out the window.

"Mick, I think someone got their wires crossed on this storm. I think we are going to get slapped."

Mick comes over and looks out the window, too. He frowns, and his heart sinks. He knows what's up.


He realizes that the word came out of his mouth. He hoped that his boyfriend didn't hear him; however, Shea did, in fact, hear him.

"What about your mom?"

Mick's boyfriend asks him. If Mick told him why, he said, "Mom!" Shea would doubtless think that Mick had lost his mind. Mick couldn't tell him this storm could only come from his mother or father.

"She wanted me to buy her something from the store, but I don't want to go out in this weather."

Shea doesn't want his boyfriend to go out on the roads. The roads have not yet been closed, but Shea knows enough to keep off the streets.

"I'm with you on that one."

Shea tells his boyfriend, and as he does, the weather gets worse. Shea walks away from the window. As he was looking outside, he thought about how much he wanted to watch the meteor storm tonight. With the storm raging outside, he gives up the idea of watching the storm. Can he talk Mick into making hot chocolate?


Shea knows the storm outside ruined his plans. He thought the meteor storm might give him a chance for romance. Now, he has another idea. They can enjoy hot chocolate and some time on the couch watching a movie.

"Mick, could you make some hot chocolate?"

Mick agrees quickly to his boyfriend's request. He enters the kitchen and goes to work, making his recipe as best as possible. When the hot chocolate is ready, Mick carefully pours it into coffee mugs. While Mick made the hot chocolate, Shea fixed the living room. He turned off the lights, picked just the right Christmas music to set the tone, and then picked his favorite Christmas movie to watch with Mick. He's hoping to spend a couple hours on the couch with him.

"Mick, bring the hot chocolate and watch a movie with me."

Mick joins Shea on the couch. They sit together, and the guys enjoy the food and the movie. The guys enjoy the film, the hot chocolate, and each other's company. When the movie finished, Shea felt tired and readied for bed.


Shea gets ready for bed. He gets up from the couch and heads to his room.

"Mick, I am going to take a shower. I don't expect you to join me, but..."

He disappears into the room and gets his underwear and a towel. Shea enters the bathroom and strips down before entering the shower. In the meantime, Mick delivers a text to one of his siblings.

"Do you know if Mom and Dad interfered in my relationship?"

The sibling was slow to respond to his brother's text. In the end, though, his sibling knew nothing. His parents were not going to share anything with their children. Shea walks out of the shower without his towel, giving his boyfriend a brief but exciting view. A view that Mick has only dreamed about. Mick has seen other naked guys before, but only in pictures or videos. He'd never seen a live naked guy before, and it caused his body to show excitement. Seeing Shea's naked body wouldn't have happened had it not been for the Claus' storm. Shea grabbed a shirt from his room. He doesn't know that Mick saw him naked. Mick tucked that image away in his mind. With his shirt and underwear on, Shea wrapped himself in a robe and walked out into the living room.


Shea, wrapped up in his robe, stood before his boyfriend. He wants to Mick's options of where to spend the night.

"Mick, you can either sleep in my bed with me or in the guest bedroom. Which one would you like?"

As he considers Shea's question, he finally decides that since he is Shea's boyfriend, he should sleep in the bedroom.

"Shea, I'm going to sleep with you."

Shea didn't want to assume that his boyfriend wanted to sleep beside him. It should be noted this was precisely what Mick's parents wanted for him.

"Let's get to bed!"

Shea suggests to his boyfriend. Mick enters the bedroom and slowly strips down to his underwear. The guys climb into bed, and they fall asleep pretty quickly. Around midnight, the weather caused the power to go out. Without power, the apartment lost its heat. This heat loss caused the guys to draw a bit closer to each other. They kept each other plenty warm, and while in their embrace, both guys were erect in their sleep.


As Mick sleeps beside Shea, his phone goes off. The first message is from his parents telling him to stay off the roads. If Mick needed a reason to suspect his parents, that message alone would be the biggest clue as to what went down in the North Pole. The second text was from one of his brothers.

"Mom and Dad were locked up inside Dad's office for hours. They were up to something, but I can't prove anything."

Maybe his brother suspects something, too, but since they don't have x-ray vision, they have no proof of what was said or done within the office. Nick's office holds some of the most powerful magic on Earth. He is capable of sending out blizzards or doing other things that are impossible in the modern age. I mean, he is Santa Claus, right? When Mick checks his messages in the morning, he'll see the truth that played out over the night. His mother and father have some explaining to do when he wakes. Perhaps when this is all over, Mick won't be angry at his parents. After all, he has his boyfriend in the bed with him. It has everything to do with the storm his parents sent down upon them.


While they sleep soundly in Shea's bed, in the office back in the North Pole within Nick's office. Mrs. Claus is quite happy with the results of her husband's magic. The elves who raised them taught him well.

"I think you outdid yourself, Nick. Do you see what I see?"

Using her own magic, they can peer into the Shea's bedroom. Shea has managed to cuddle up next to their son. Their son is surrounded by Shea's arms. Mick doesn't need protection, but Shea could give it if he did. Nick knows that there is something special within his son.

"I don't know if I have ever told you this, but when Mick was born, I knew he would one day be Santa Claus. I don't know if the world is ready for a gay Santa. They had better be. How do you feel about having a son-in-law?"

Nick says as he looks at his wife. She smiles and kisses her husband.

"You are putting a lot of faith in Shea, right?"

She is, of course, joking with her husband. She has seen the light in that young man's heart and knows he is a good person.

"Shea is the perfect companion for our son. I think we should stop spying on our son and let them be. It's time for us to go to sleep."

With one word and movement of her wrist, the sphere of magical blue ice stops displaying the bedroom. The couple turns off the lights in the office, and the pair walk out of the office as if nothing has happened. Time will tell what the future holds for Mick and Shea.


I'm going to start using this email for my stories

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