Give Me Just One Night

By moc.starcomed-av@ehconanu

Published on Sep 27, 2000


I don't know quite what to put into this dedication. I know whom I want to dedicate this section as well as the entire story to; I just don't know what to say. About six months ago, I met a guy online through the Pancreatic Cancer Center. He had just been diagnosed and I was dealing with the death of my brother. The more we talked the more we found out what we had in common and the more I knew that this was no ordinary guy. He was something very different from others I had met online and was in short a very true friend. In the months that followed, we became close friends. After he started writing his own story, which ended all too soon, I began to beg him to help me write one. Since no one else in this world worshipped Jeff Timmons more than he did, I thought he was a good one to help with this. This story is a result of that. He wrote most of this section and I only pray that I can keep up the good work. He died this past week and left a hole in the lives of everyone that he touched. In dedicating this to him I just want to say "Josh, I miss you already." The world has lost a wonderful human being and I have lost a wonderful friend.

The standard disclaimers apply. This is only a fantasy and not meant to say anything about the real life sexual preferences of Jeff Timmons or the rest of 98 Degrees. If for whatever reason you are not supposed to be reading this then leave now.

Comments, suggestions, or just hellos are welcomed at

Give Me Just One Night By Apollo

I'm not sure, what disappointed my father more, that I had not gone into politics, or that I became an entertainment lawyer. The past five generations of my family had in some way served the Commonwealth of Virginia. We had everything from mayor to governor to Senator of the United States of America and everything in between.

I had originally intended on going into politics, but at the end law school, I had a change of heart. A friend of mine talked me into attending a concert by a new group, 98 Degrees. From the moment that I saw Jeff Timmons walk on stage, I knew I had to have him. Never in my life had I seen such a good-looking man. Right then and there I made up my mind to change careers. I knew I had no talent to act or sing, so the only way I could think of to be in a position to meet him was to work in the industry.

It had taken about 3 years, but now I was finally going to really meet the man of my dreams. I was there when they signed their contracts and had met them a few other times, but never for any length of time. I had noticed that every time we had been introduced that Jeff had seemed just as interested in me as I was in him. Of course, I'm sure that it was just dreaming on my part. Now, I was going to actually get to sit by him for a whole night. Universal Records, who employed both of us, was having a charity dinner and all were commanded to attend. I had traded in just about every favor owed to me by anyone in that company, and managed to arrange it so I would sit next to him at this dinner. I figured this was my one night, and I was not going to blow it.

Oh, by the way, my name is Rick Snode. I am 26 years old 5' 10" and 160 lbs. I have dark brown hair and green eyes. I have lived here in LA for the past 2 years and have been very happy here. I have for the most part been concentrating on my career and haven't been too much into the social scene. I hoped that was about to change.

I left early from work to have enough time to get ready. I made my two best friends, Jared and Matt, come over to help me decide what to wear and make everything just perfect.

"So, what time should we expect your phone call tonight?" Matt asked me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well you are setting yourself up for such a huge fall that I figured we should be ready when you call hysterically crying because Jeff wouldn't give you a second glance let alone ask you for a date."

"Matt, I realize that it is a long shot that something like that would happen. I am just excited, how many people actually get to sit next to the person they find more attractive than anyone else on the planet. The fact that he is a celebrity just makes it that much better. I have no fantasies that we are going to walk off into the sunset together or anything. I am just thrilled to meet him." I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince Matt or myself.

"Well, I think you should just have a good time." Jared told me winking "And get Drew's autograph if at all possible. I don't see why you are so hooked on Jeff when Drew is the cute one."

"Oh please" Matt interjected "It is Nick who you should be concentrating on"

"Would the two of you just shut up and tell me which of these shirts makes me look more irresistible."

We joked and laughed as I finished getting ready. Finally, the time had come to leave and head out to the dinner. I drove my car there dropping Jared and Matt off at their house on the way. My insides shook with excitement as I walked into auditorium. I gave my name to the staff and they showed me to my seat. As we walked toward the crowd, I saw Jeff sitting there alone at the long table we were to eat at. Jeff saw me, smiled, and waved. As I reached the him, he stood up.

"Rick, it's nice to see you. They have you seated here by us." He said pointing to my name card on the table by his.

I was speechless. I couldn't believe that he even remembered who I was, let alone seem happy to see me. I reached out and took the hand that he had offered me.

"It's nice to see you too. I can't believe they have a lawyer sitting up here with the real stars." I joked shaking his hand.

"Well, I think they want all the good looking guys in one place." He said winking to me and taking his seat.

My heart raced about a million beats a minute. I reached down and pinched my leg hard under the table to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. It hurt like hell, so I figured I must be awake. I guessed I must have been taking these signals wrong. Why in the world would he be happy to see me? I wasn't having much of a time convincing myself to calm down.

"I have heard much of your new CD and I really like it." I said trying to carry on a conversation.

"Oh, well thanks. We have worked hard on this album and are very happy with the outcome.

"Where are the rest of your band mates?"

"Well they went off in all different directions but I just felt like staying put. Had to make sure my favorite lawyer found his seat all right." He said flashing me his smile.

"I should thank you then. I might never have found my seat if you didn't wave me down." I couldn't believe that I was sitting here flirting with Jeff Timmons.

"Well, we couldn't have you just roaming the halls now could we." Just as Jeff got that out Drew, Nick, and Justin came to take their seats. "Hey guys, you remember Rick Snode, our favorite lawyer. Rick, I'm sure you remember Drew, Nick, and Justin."

We all shook hands and exchanged small talk. Jeff seemed to be making every effort to include me in all of their conversations. The others acted a little annoyed that he was doing this and gave him several disapproving looks. They might not have been happy with him, but I was having the time of my life.

"What are you guys going to be performing tonight?" I asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"They only have us performing one song, so we will do "Give Me Just One Night" off our upcoming CD." Jeff responded. "We should be going up in a few minutes, but sit tight, we will be back to the table."

Sure enough, in just a few minutes they were escorted back stage to get ready to perform. I sat at the table in amazement as I watched them take the stage. As they sang, Jeff never took his eyes off me. It was almost intoxicating watching them perform, with Jeff and his beautiful blue eyes never leaving mine. As they finished I looked over at his name card sitting there next to mine and wondered if he would notice if I slipped it into my pocket as a reminder of this wonderful night. Then I remembered that both Jared and Matt wanted autographs from them and wondered how I could work this.

"Well, what did you think?" Jeff asked smiling as he took his seat next to mine.

"It was great, I really like that song" I replied and then smiled and said, "Give me just one night, I like that title" I thought to myself how lame that sounded. Maybe I should have just thrown myself on him as that would have been subtler. "Can I ask you a favor?" I added trying to change the subject.

"Sure, anything."

"I don't know what your policy on autographs is, but do you think everyone would sign their place cards for me?"

"Sure, do you have a young niece that would them?" Jeff joked, knowing that most 26-year-old guys would have some excuse for wanting the autographs of a boy band.

"Yeah, something like that." I laughed as my face turned red.

Jeff turned and asked the rest of the group to sign their cards and hand them down. They didn't even ask why, but signed them. I noticed that Drew took his napkin and wrote a small note on it and passed that, upside down, to Jeff as well. Jeff handed the cards to me and then slyly turned the napkin over to read Drew's note. I knew that I should be looking but I couldn't help myself. Jeff held the napkin in the way a five-year-old would hold a hand of cards that they are trying to keep secret but can't seem to. Trying not to be obvious I took a drink of water, leaned over a bit and read "Do you think it is a good idea to be coming onto the lawyer who wrote our contracts which contain a very specific morality clause in them regarding homosexual activity???"

Jeff took the napkin and a pen, wrote the words "Would you please trust me" on it, and handed it back down. He tired not to be obvious that they were exchanging notes. I pretended not to notice, and just watched as Boys II Men took the stage to add their contribution to the evening.

"Oh, I love them, I really admire their singing."

"I do too." I was, however, thinking how much I would rather have 98 Degrees back on stage so Jeff could sing me another song.

The rest of the evening was uneventful, save of course that I was in heaven sitting next to this gorgeous guy. Although the night was now ending, I could only think how much more I wanted it to continue. I decided that I was going to work up the nerve to ask him out for a cup of coffee or something. I was just mustering up the courage when Jeff turned to me.

"Rick, would you like to go out for a cup of coffee or something?"

I must have looked like an idiot staring at him, but it was like he had read my mind. I realized that I needed to answer him.

"Umm, sure I'd like that."

"Great, do you happen to have your car here? I came with the guys."

"Yes I do." I answered him in a very excited tone of voice, revealing my eagerness to go with him.

With that we left the auditorium and headed out into LA. We drove around trying to decide where to go and just decided on a Denny's off the highway. It was pretty run down and we concluded that there was a good chance that it would be teenage girl free and he should be safe from the crowds. Sure enough, we walked in and the place was pretty deserted. The waitress didn't give him a second look and just led us to a table.

Jeff and I sat and talked for hours. I couldn't ever remember connecting with someone so easily. I told him all about my family and their involvement in politics. When he asked why I didn't go into the family business, I just told him that I reconsidered in school and decided not to. I left out the part about seeing him in concert and falling in love right then and there, I figured too much enthusiasm might scare him off.

He talked about his family and how much he missed them and Ohio. He told me all about recording their latest album. How they had such a blast making it and were very confident that it would do well. We began to notice that the restaurant really began to be filling up with people.

Jeff look at his watch and exclaimed "Oh my god, it's 5:00 in the morning. I can't believe that we have been talking this long."

"No way! Jeeze, I have to be to work in 3 hours and I haven't even been home."

"Well, tell you what, I have an idea. Lets go to your house and I will fix you breakfast while you get ready for work, I make a mean ham and cheese omelet" Jeff offered smiling.

"That sounds wonderful." I said as we got up and headed out to my car.

We reached my house pretty quickly and I led Jeff inside.

"Wow Rick. This is a great house. Man, lawyers must make a lot more than I thought." He said joking.

"Well that, and some family investments keep me happy." I explained while leading him through the house to the kitchen, "here is your laboratory Mr. Timmons, feel free to make a big mess."

"This kitchen is huge Rick, that refrigerator is bigger than I have seen in some restaurants."

"Well, the guy that owned this before was a big chef and designed this whole thing. I don't even know what to do with half of the equipment that is in here."

"Now go and get ready and I will make you a breakfast that you never forget."

I thought to myself that I knew that statement was true. I walked into my room and saw the message light on my answering machine blinking. I knew who it was before I even pressed the button.

"Rick, this is Jared. Pick up this damn phone and let us know what is going on." After waiting a minute I heard him yell "He's not there" to Matt as he hung up the phone. I had six other messages on the machine, all from either Jared or Matt and all of them were very similar to the first. I laughed to myself as thought of how crazy this must be making them. I decided that I would call them when I got to work but I wasn't going to waste my time now.

I jumped into the shower and then hurried and got ready. I wanted to get down to the sexy man in my kitchen. I walked down stairs and into the room and halted in my tracts. Jeff was standing by the stove in his wife beater. He turned around and saw me staring at him.

I got some egg on my shirt, washed it the sink, and hung it over the chair to dry. I didn't mean to strip in your kitchen." He said flashing me his smile.

"Oh, no problem" I said although I was really thinking that he could take off any and every piece of clothing he wanted in any room of my house.

We sat and ate breakfast and talked some more.

"Jeff, this is excellent. Not only do you sing but you cook as well. What a fine catch you make."

"Thank you" he said a little embarrassed. "I was wondering if you would like to go out again tonight. I know a perfect restaurant that we can eat at. It has a great view of the ocean and at sunset, it is just beautiful."

"I would love to." I responded, shocked that he would even ask me.

"Great. I have some things to do while you are working but I should be done early. What do you say to say 7 tonight?"

"Ok, where do I need to drop you this morning?"

"I'll just call a cab after I get this kitchen cleaned up, if you don't mind me locking up after I leave."

"You are not staying to clean my kitchen Jeff, and you don't need to take a cab."

"It's not a problem Rick really. I need to get the hotel the guys are at and then we have a little business at Universal Records this morning. I could even stop by your office if you are not too busy, while I am there." Jeff said looking hopeful.

"Hey I've got an idea. Why don't you drop me at work and then you can keep my car for the day to do your running around. You've got to be back here tonight anyway."

"That's a good idea, I do have to be there this morning. I can just call the guys and have them meet me there. You don't mind me using your car?"

"Of course not, I do have a few legal forms that you need to sign first. OH, and I need some proof of insurance." I laughed in reply.

"Ok then, sounds like a plan."

We both cleaned up breakfast and then headed downtown for work. He used his cell phone to call the guys and they agreed to just meet him there. We pulled into the parking lot and I told him he was welcomed to just wait in my office until everyone else got there. I had a meeting first thing and wasn't going to be in it. We settled on that and I reached for my door handle to get out of the car when Jeff grabbed my arm.

"Before we go in there is something I would like to do." With that he leaned over and kissed me. He pulled away and looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I reached over to him and pulled him back in for a more passionate and longer kiss. When I pulled away he smiled and said, "Boy, I was hoping you were going to react that way."


Again, I have to say that I appreciate Josh helping me start this story. I pray that I can keep up what he has started. If you knew him, you know how sorely he will be missed. To die that young is such a tragedy, especially someone as full of promise as he was.

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Next: Chapter 2

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