Give Me Just One Night

By moc.starcomed-av@ehconanu

Published on Oct 14, 2000


OK Chris here it is. Thanks for the prods and letting me know that you really like the story. Thanks to everyone who is continuing to email me. A special shout out to Kent and Edna Mae. In addition, thanks to Shawn for letting me be an endless pain in the ass with this story. Shawn, I have no doubt in my mind that he would be proud of you and the way that you have handled things.

The standard disclaimers apply. This is only a fantasy and is not meant to reflect the actual sexual preferences of Jeff Timmons or Drew Lachey or the other members of 98 Degrees. If you are not supposed to be reading this, then don't, but it seems dumb that I should have to tell you that as you know your situation better than I do.

Comments, suggestions, and hello's can be sent to

Give Me Just One Night-3 By Apollo

I turned over and hit snooze on the alarm as it's endless beeping had waken me from a sound sleep. I just lay there for a moment trying to get my bearings and wake up. I decided that I would let myself drift back to sleep again when a voice startled me and reminded me that I was not alone.

"Don't tell me you are the kind of guy that just keeps hitting the snooze button and never gets up. I just hate that. The alarm went off and it's time to get up so come on and lets go."

It took me a minute to realize that it was Jeff talking to me, and another minute to understand the words he had spoken to me. I wanted to reply that I didn't want him to tell me that he was the type that was cheerful in the mornings and could form a coherent sentence before having a cup of coffee but I only replied that I was getting up.

Dinner with Jared and Matt had kept us out late and after having no sleep the night before; I was having a hard time this morning. I opened my eyes and Jeff was leaning over me. He smiled at me and then leaned down and kissed me on the mouth.

"There you are. Come on and I will get coffee going downstairs. You look like you could use it."

I just lie there and watched as he got up, slipped his boxers on, and walked out of the room. Finally I sat up and got out of bed. After taking care of necessary business, I wondered downstairs and into my kitchen. Jeff met me in the doorway with a cup of coffee, led me to a chair, and made me sit. He walked back to the stove where he informed me that he was making pancakes for breakfast. I looked at him and had to smile. He had on only his boxer shorts and an apron.

"You know that is a really good look for you." I said smiling. "I could get used to see this in the mornings."

"Is that so? Well I could get used to doing this in the mornings." He said flashing me his smiling and kissing me on the lips. "So, I am wondering if I should push my luck and ask you out again tonight?"

"Actually, I think it would be pushing your luck not to ask me out again tonight." I answered him smiling to myself.

"I was planning on having dinner with the guys tonight, I would really like to bring you along."

"I would love to."

"Nick and Jessica will be there so will Justin and his boyfriend Scott. Drew is going alone and I was going to go alone but don't have to now."

"Drew isn't seeing anyone?"

"Not right now. He broke up his long time girlfriend a while ago and hasn't had anyone since."

"I thought Drew was gay?" I asked a little confused.

"Drew isn't gay. What would make you think that? He was been with the same girlfriend forever."

"I don't know." I said hesitantly, "Just something I thought I picked up on."

"Oh great, my new boyfriend has the hots for my best friend." Jeff laughed.

"That's not what I said." I replied rolling my eyes at him, "I just thought I picked up on that."

"Well moving on, can I borrow your car again today? I need to go home today and get some things done."

"Sure, but you have to drop me off at work first."

Jeff and I finished up at the house and he dropped me off at work. The whole day all I could think about was the last couple of days. I had been alone for so long and now in such a short time I felt so comfortable with someone else. I wanted this feeling to go on forever. I was a little concerned about how I would fit into his life though. I knew that I wasn't starting a relationship with someone who went to work 8 to 5 every day like I did. Jeff traveled all over the world and had such a hectic schedule. If I pursued a relationship with him, I knew I would be spending a lot of time alone and a lot of time with only the telephone to contact him.

As much as I tried to talk myself out of falling for him, it was no use. I knew that this was right. I had to admit to myself that while I had originally just wanted to out with him because I thought he was just so incredibly gorgeous, I had become attracted to him as a person. We just fit so well together. After thinking about it most of the day, I decided that it was too right to mess with. I definitely wanted to be with him and I thought he wanted to be with me too. I decided that tonight was going to be the night that we had sex and I was going to make it as romantic as possible. The only problem was that I was not the romantic type and needed some help in that area. The first thing I could think of calling Jared, so I picked up the phone and dialed his work number.

"I need help." I said as he picked up the phone.

"Well, good afternoon Rick and how are you?" Jared replied

"Oh, yes. Hello Jared, how are you? Now will you help me?" I laughed

"I don't think I can. I'm not even sure that I am talking to you today." Jared replied in a mock hurt voice.

"What the hell did I do? I haven't even talked to you today."

"Well, after dinner last night Matt was in the mood when we got home. Half way through he yells out 'Give it to me Jeff'. Now I know that people sometimes imagine they are with other people but you are not supposed to verbalize it."

"And this is my fault how?"

"Well that's obvious. You introduced them and now he is fantasizing about him."



"Who were you thinking about last night when you guys were having sex?"

"That is so not the point. I didn't call out anyone's name."

"Did it really bother you, or are you just being a baby?"

"To tell you the truth, it didn't. Don't tell Matt that though. I've gotten flowers and candy already this morning and I want to see what I'll get later."

"You are so bad. Now, enough of you and on to me."

"Ok, how can I help you?"

"I want this to be the night Jeff and I are together for the first time and I want to do something really romantic. You have to tell me something really romantic I can do."

"You mean you guys haven't yet? Not at all? Nothing? He seemed all over you on the way home last night."

"No, we just talked the first night, and went to sleep last night. We cuddled, but that's all I wanted to do. I want the first time to be really nice. I want to do something extra special."

"Well in my opinion there is nothing more romantic than doing it on a bear skin rug in front of the fireplace with nice music playing in the background."

"Ok, first of all it is September and about 80 degrees outside. Second, I have no bearskin rug in from of my fireplace."

"Oh, you always look at the negative. Turn on your air conditioning and make the house cold and borrow our rug."

"That will sound good. Do I just say, Jeff can we run by Jared and Matt's and pick up a fake bearskin rug so we can do it in front of my fireplace in the middle of September in California."

"Look, do you want this to be romantic or not? You have to trust me. What are your plans tonight?"

"We have dinner with the rest of 98 Degrees and then home."

"Ok, Matt and I will go over to your house and set everything up. You just call us before you leave and we will have time to get the fire started and get out before you get home. It will be great. You just leave everything to us, trust us."

"All right, I will trust you."

"That's a good boy."

"Thank you Jared I owe you big time."

"It's ok, I will take it out in sexual favors."

"What makes you think I would sleep with you?"

"First of all I know you are dying to sleep with me and second of all I was talking about sleeping with your boy there." Jared said laughing.

"Oh, good bye." I laughed and hung up the phone.

Now all I needed to do was make sure that Jeff came over tonight. I decided that I had better not just leave it to chance. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the paper that he had written his cell phone number on. I picked up my phone and dialed the number.

"Hello." Jeff answered in his sweet voice.

"Hi, Jeff. This is Rick Snode."

"Umm. Rick who?"

"Rick Snode from Universal Records. The guy you have spent the last two nights with." I said a little confused that he wouldn't remember me.

"Oh, that Rick Snode." Jeff laughed "I knew who you were Rick, you didn't have to introduce yourself with first and last name."

"Well I'm sure a lot of people call you."

"Yes they do, but I'm only spent last night holding one person in bed last night."

"Well that put a smile on my face and just happens to be the reason that I am calling. Did you have to be home tonight, or do you think you could sleep over again?"

"Oh, a sleep over. Can we play games like spin the bottle or maybe play doctor?"

"I have something like that planned, but only if you are very very good tonight while we are out. You have to be on your very best behavior young man." I said in a serious tone.

"Aww, do I have to. I wanted to be a bad boy and make out with my new boyfriend in front of everyone." Jeff said pouting.

"Oh, well I think that could be arranged."

"If you can arrange that, then I can be very good in every other way." Jeff said teasing me.

"Where are you at? I can leave a little early if you can get here."

"How about right now? I'm just pulling into the parking lot."

"Great. Why don't you just stay right there and I will be out to meet you."

Chapter 4

"Would you hurry up. I told them we'd be there at 7 PM not 7 AM" Jeff teased me as I finished getting ready.

"All right, I'm coming. You want me to look perfect don't you."

"We don't have that much time Rick."

"Oh, you just so lost your date for this evening."

"Come on, I was just teasing. Now let's go or we will be later then we already are."

"I am not leaving from this spot until I get an apology for that remark." I said teasing him.

"Oh, you need an apology before you'll move, huh?" Jeff said with a wicked grin on his face.

With that Jeff came over, kissed me on the lips, and then dropped to his knees. He reached with one hand and undid my belt and then unbuttoned my pants and lowered the zipper.

"Wait a minute, I thought that you didn't want to be late."

"Rick, shut up." Jeff replied as he reached into my boxers and pulled out my semi hard cock.

"I can do that."

Jeff just looked up at me and smiled as he took my hardening tool into his mouth. The feeling of him taking me into his mouth was incredible. In one move, he swallowed all 7 inches of me before working his way back up to the tip. I was in heaven as he used his tongue on the bottom side of my cock as he moved it slowly in and out of his hot mouth. I let out a loud moan, reached down, and grabbed his head for support as he picked up the speed of his motions.

I began to rock my hips back and forth, as I felt myself being carried away by the caress of his hot mouth. I held Jeff's head still as I began to fuck his mouth for all I was worth. I ran my fingers through his hair as he grabbed my legs for support. I soon felt his fingers spreading my cheeks and felt his finger probe into the deepest part of me. The feeling of him finger fucking me along with his hot mouth was enough to send me over the edge. I stopped my motions with one final thrust and held his head tightly against me as I shot wave after wave of cum into his throat.

Jeff swallowed all that he could and then just held me in his mouth as I recovered from the intense experience. Slowly he then moved up my body until he stood and looked me in the eyes. He reached around to the back of my head and pulled me towards him. I took my tongue, cleaned the bits of cum off his lips, and then forced my way into his mouth to kiss him deeply. Then, I just collapsed into his arms and let him hold me for a minute.

"Alrighty then, that was quite some apology. I except it and am ready to head out now."

"Nope, I wanna stay in tonight and just be with you."

"Now, I told you I had something special planned and that you would have to be good tonight to get it. If we don't go then the surprise can't be set up and then I can give you your present." I told him trying to give him the same wicked smile he had given me earlier.

"In that case, let's go so we can get back and I can get my present." Jeff said flashing his smile.

We headed out to the car and after running back in to call Jared and tell him we were on our way, we were off. I was very excited both for having a chance to meet everyone again and for what I was planning later. Jeff reached over, took my hand, and kissed it as I looked out the window deep in thought.

"Penny for your thoughts." Jeff said bringing me back to reality.

"Just thinking about the last few days. I think if I'm not careful I just might fall for you Mr. Timmons." I said smiling and squeezing his hand.

"I have to make sure that you are not careful then. We have to make things even."

"What do you mean?"

"I think I've already fallen for you. I know it's only been such a short time Rick, but I know my heart and I know that I have fallen for you."

"I don't know what to say."

"Ok, I went to far. Damn I knew I would scare you with all of this so soon. I decided I wasn't going to say anything, and then boom what comes out of my mouth."

"Jeff" I said placing my finger over his mouth "I didn't know what to say, because I feel the same way. It was like you had read my mind."

"We have a lot to talk about then." Jeff said as we pulled up to the restaurant we were meeting the guys at. "But not right now." He said pointing to Drew coming over to the car as we pulled up.

"What took you guys so long?" Drew said opening my door and taking my arm to help me out of the car.

"Something came up." Jeff responded with a smile.

"Oh, yeah. I'm sure something came up all right." Drew responded laughing.

"Get your mind out of the gutter Sprout. You are so perverted. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend." Jeff teased him back.

"Oh right, like that's not what you were talking about. Giving Rick his daily dose of Sugar." Drew whispered to Jeff but loud enough for me to hear.

"Would you boys knock it off and let's go into the restaurant, I'm sure people are waiting on us." I said laughing.

"Oh god, you don't want to go in there it is sickening." Drew said making a "gag me" face.

"Oh, are the love birds up to it again?" Jeff asked

"Who are the love birds?" I asked

"Oh take your pick. Either Nick and Jessica, or Justin and Scott. They all just hang on each other." Drew said in disgust.

"Well" Jeff said moving behind and wrapping his arms around me, "I think Rick and I should join them."

"Oh god! Not you guys too." Drew said pretending to run away.

"Come on sweetie, we can have a three way." I said teasing Drew.

"Now that is the best offer I have had all day." Drew said smiling and taking my arm leading the way inside.

The restaurant was completely deserted with the exception of our party and few staff members. Everyone was seated at a large corner booth, but got up as we came towards them. Drew made all the introductions and after the hellos were said, we all down to eat. I was amazed at how friendly everyone was. I guess I expected a little resistance breaking into group.

I spent most of the night talking with Drew while Jeff talked business with Nick and Justin. I could tell that everyone was a little annoyed that Drew didn't pay more attention to them, but I was having fun so it was all right by me. After being bored with their talk for what seemed forever, I decided it was time to go home. I excused myself from the table and went into the restroom. After locking the door I pulled out my cell phone and called Jared.

"Ok, I am going to tell Jeff I am ready to leave so we should be home in about 20 minutes."

"What are you talking about? You guys are about 30 minutes away and you haven't even told him you're ready to go yet. It will be at least 40 minutes before you get home. I want to stay till the last minute to make sure your house doesn't burn down."

"I guarantee you after I whisper in his ear that I am ready to go, we will be home in 20 minutes."

"All right, but if your house burns down don't blame us." Jared laughed.

I went back to the table and sat down by Jeff. After about a minute I placed my hand on his inner thigh and moved close to whisper in his ear.

"I would really like to go home now and give you your present." I squeezed my hand on his crotch to emphasize my point.

Jeff jumped up in reaction to my squeeze and said hurriedly, "We have to go!"

"What do you mean you have to go? We are in the middle of a conversation here." Nick said rather annoyed.

"Sorry, gotta go. I'll call you later and get the gist of it from you." Jeff said taking my hand and practically sprinting to the car.

"In a bit of a hurry Jeff?" I laughed.

"Just no reason to dawdle when we can be home...ummm...getting to know each other better." Jeff said with a smile.

"You seem pretty confident that you are going to get a little when we get home." I laughed.

"I just can't think of a better present than getting to be with you for the first time." Jeff said in a serious tone.

"Oh, do you know how to smooze a person or what?"

Jeff just smiled and at me and took my hand as he drove us home. The drive seemed to take forever. I found myself just staring at him and wondering how this all happened. Just a few days ago I was fantasizing about this man, and now I was ready to have sex with him. Finally, we pulled up in the driveway and into the garage.

"Hey, did you leave the lights on in the livingroom?" Jeff asked me.

"No, you didn't?" I answered teasing with him.

"Oh my god, it's freezing in here. Rick you better call an air conditioner man, your thing is wacked out." Jeff said walking into the house.

We walked into the livingroom and stopped in the doorway. The room was beautiful. Jared and Matt had the fireplace going and candles lit all over the room. There was soft music playing and a bottle of wine chilling by the couch. Jeff stood there in amazement.

"How did you? When did you? I think I love you." He finally got out.

"Better not say that till you've sampled the merchandise." I said kissing him gently on the lips.

Jeff wrapped his arms around me and began kissing me on the neck. He had quickly learned that was my favorite spot and began making my knees buckle. We both began to undress each other as we started to lose ourselves in the moment. Finally, we stood before each other naked. In one move, Jeff took me in his arms and down on the rug in front of the fireplace. I felt the heat from his body as he lay on top of me.

I wrapped my arms around him and quickly rolled over placing myself on top of him. Jeff's look of surprise at my move quickly turned to a smile as I began kissing my way down his body. I stopped and spent time licking and kissing each nipple making them hard before continuing on to his flat stomach. I finally reached his rock hard cock and took it into my mouth.

His whole body shuddered at the feel of his cock in my hot mouth. I began to work my way up and down his hard pole causing him to moan loudly. He began to slowly thrust his hips in time with my strokes. He reached down and grabbed my head and started to increase his thrust down my throat. Much to his surprise I pulled out of his hold and off his cock.

"Not yet Jeff. I have something else in mind." I said kissing him on the mouth.

I sat up and positioned his cock at my waiting hole. I had greased his cock with my spit to help it slide in easy, but my hole resisted his thick head. I felt a familiar burn as I began to lower myself on to him. After taking in his head I stopped for a moment to adjust to the feeling before slowly lowering myself completely on to him. Once he was completely in me I leaned over and kissed him slipping my arms under him and pulling him to me.

We held each other for a moment before beginning. Jeff lay back down on the rug and began to slowly move his hips causing his cock to slowly slide in and out of me. I began to move in rhythm with him to maximize the penetration into me. Jeff reached and grabbed my cock, which was rock hard, and began to stroke it in time with our movements.

I looked down at smiled at Jeff who was completely lost in the moment. The original pain was turning to pleasure as he rubbed my prostate and stroked my cock. I threw back my head and began to give in to the feeling. Jeff picked up the rhythm of his thrusts and started moaning loudly. He began furiously jacking my cock causing me to go over the edge. I let loose a spray of cum all over his chest. My orgasm was enough to make Jeff cum. He moaned loudly and made one final thrust deep into me and shot his load.

I collapsed on to him totally spent with pleasure. I rolled us on to our sides and kissed him again. We lay there holding each other just relishing the moment. I found myself drifting off to sleep.

"I love you" Jeff whispered to me.

"I love you too" I whispered back before falling asleep.

OK, I hope it was worth the wait. Remember that Comments, suggestions, and hello's can be sent to

Oh, Shawn do you think I should mail him a copy?

Next: Chapter 4: Give Me Just One Night 5 6

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