Give Me Just One Night

By moc.starcomed-av@ehconanu

Published on Nov 26, 2000


I'm sorry that it has taken me much longer than I expected to get this section posted. This is the busy time of year for me and I have been working 16 hours shifts at work with no day off in the last two weeks. While Jeff is always on my mind, I find it hard after a long day to sit down and write about him when I'm so tired. So much easier to just think about him while laying in bed ...LOL

Continued thanks for all the emails. I really enjoy them and hearing what you think. That's about it for this part except that everyone can thank Mike for bugging me to finally get this out. I may never have completed it without his daily nagging...LOL

Remember that this is only a fantasy and not meant to imply anything about the actual sexual preferences of Jeff Timmons, Drew Lachey, Carson Daily or the rest of 98 Degrees. If you are not supposed to be reading this then don't.

Any emails can be mailed to

Give Me Just One Night-8 By Apollo

"I can't believe that you are just getting back here. We have to be at MTV in half an hour. How can you be so irresponsible?" Nick said following Jeff down the hall and into our room.

"Nick, I made it in time so just chill out. It's not like I have a history of being late for events because I'm screwing some girl behind my girlfriends back, so just lay off." Jeff replied giving Nick a mean look.

I made a mental note to myself to ask Jeff about that comment later, but didn't want to add to the situation at that moment. Our flight back from DC had been delayed and we were really running late. Everyone was set to go but us and that made Jeff crazy. If anyone was ever ready late, it wasn't Jeff.

After showering and getting dressed, we hopped into the limo and finally made it to MTV. Scott and I made it safe in the building and watched while the guys fought their way through the crowds of waiting fans.

"This is when you get to see how much they really shine." Scott told me as we waited.

"I have only seen them perform live twice and I can't wait to see them again." I told Scott beaming a big smile thinking of my man out there on stage singing to me.

"Oh Rick, you don't want to stay while they are performing here do you?" Scott asked. "Jeff will be too busy to even know that you are here, and you don't want to see all those girls just going crazy over him. This is our time to go shopping. We can hit all the big New York stores without having to worry about being mobbed. I have been looking forward to some alone time with you and am not taking no for an answer."

"God knows the way to my heart is through shopping so count me in." I answered him a little hesitantly.

"Scott! Hey man it's good to see you again." A voice said coming up behind us.

Both of us turned around to see Carson Daily come up and give Scott a hug.

"Carson, it's great to see you to. Oh, this is Jeff's friend Rick Snode, Rick this is Carson Daily."

"Jeff's friend? Oh, nice to meet you." Carson said very coldly to me.

"It's nice to meet you too." I said sticking out my hand to shake his, but he had already turned to talk with Scott again.

Just then, Jeff and the guys came bursting through the doors.

"Sure you guys run in here to safety and leave us to the wolves." Drew said out of breath and laughing.

"It looked like you guys were having too much fun for us to interrupt you." I said smiling at Drew.

"Carson! What's up" Nick shouted giving him a hug.

"Not too much. How about you guys?" Carson said not waiting for a reply before turning to Jeff and saying "Jeff, how are you doing?"

I noticed Drew rolling his eyes and then moved closer to me. I figured by now that something must have happened between Jeff and Carson. Jeff hadn't mentioned any relationship between them, so I cringed to myself wondering what I was in for now.

"Good Carson. Have you met Rick yet?" Jeff said quickly changing the subject off of him.

"Yeah, we met. You're looking good. You're working out more, right? Look at those muscles in your arms. Definitely more developed then before" Carson said squeezing his biceps and then moving in he whispered to him "and that chest...always my favorite."

"Whoa, look at the time guys. We better get upstairs." Drew said pushing me towards an open doorway and whispering "Later...later...not Jeff's fault...keep moving and let Jeff explain later."

Drew led us into a room off of the stage where everyone took a seat. Carson went over the schedule and then left us to the lunch buffet they had prepared for the group. As soon as he left the room Jeff rushed over to where I was sitting.

"It's not what it looked like." He said in a panic.

"Of course it wasn't dear." I replied sarcastically.

"Look, Carson is just a big flirt and since we like him to be on our side, so to speak, I let him flirt with me. It's really just a game that we play, it's totally harmless." Jeff tried to explain.

"And once again you didn't feel the need to tell me about it because...?" I asked him.

"I didn't even think about it Rick. I should have said something but it's just so unimportant I didn't think about it." Jeff said getting a little annoyed that I was not dropping the subject.

"Right, someone treating me rudely and then coming on to my boyfriend is so unimportant I can see why you didn't say anything." I replied just as annoyed about the subject.

"Do you think we can either drop this, or fight about it later cause we're gonna get busy pretty quick here and I would like to eat some lunch first." Jeff said looking me straight in the eyes.

"Yeah, I'm kind of tired of arguing about things you don't tell me so let's just let it go." I said deciding the fight wasn't worth it.

"Ok Rick, you ready to go?" Scott said walking up to us.

"Well, don't you want to eat something first?" I asked him

"Oh, we'll catch lunch while we shop." Scott replied holding his hand out for me.

"I don't know where you think you're going, but you're staying here." Jeff said bluntly to me.

"Excuse me? Scott, would you please excuse us for a minute?" I took a deep breath as Scott walked away in an effort to remain calm. "Jeff, I love you with all my heart so I mean this with all the love and tenderness that I have, who in the hell do you think to you are to bark orders at me like that!" I yelled as softly as I could.

"I brought you out here to be with me and to be a part of what I am doing here. You're not leaving right before I go on stage." Jeff insisted.

"Jeff, why are you acting like this? I'll stay here if it is that important to you, but I don't think I deserve this type of treatment." I was trying to calm the situation down, but Jeff was clearly upset.

"I can't believe you were going to go off shopping." Jeff said in a huff

"Jeffery Brandon Timmons, I'm trying to end an argument and you are trying to keep it going. What is wrong with you?"

"I just can't believe the way you are acting." Jeff said, raising his voice slightly

"The way I'm acting! Oh God, Jeff look at you. You're sweating like a pig." I said wiping his forehead with my hand. "Damn it Jeff, no wonder you're irritated. Were you planning on eating or were you planning to let your blood sugar just keep dropping?"

"Don't change the subject here." Jeff tried to continue our argument.

"Oh you bet I'm gonna change the subject." I told him turning away from him. "Drew! Get him some juice and make him drink it." I yelled heading over to the buffet to get him something to eat.

Traveling with Jeff for so long Drew was used to these diabetic emergencies and quickly did what I asked. By this time Nick was beside Jeff to scold him letting his blood sugar drop so low. I got him a plate and went to sit down by him and get him to eat something. I told Scott I was staying and just sat by Jeff, tenderly rubbing the back of his shoulders.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry..." Jeff started to say before I placed my fingers over his lips.

"Shhh, it's ok Jeff. I'm just glad that you're all right." I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Well, I feel terrible for the way I acted. I'm going to take you out to a very nice romantic dinner to make up for it." Jeff said smiling.

"If you insist." I laughed "I will not refuse."

"Good, now stay here and I will make the arraignments and surprise you with something special at dinner." Jeff said getting up from his seat and walking to the other end of the room with his cell phone in hand.

"So, you guys work it out, or are you still pissed about Carson?" Drew said sitting next to me.

"Right now I'm just glad that Jeff is ok. I sort of gave up on the fight about Carson." I replied still watching Jeff.

"I don't know why Carson flirts so much with Jeff. It's not like he's THAT good looking." Drew said laughing.

"Oh, I beg to differ with you Sprout." I said teasing him.

As Drew and I talk back and forth, I noticed that he was watching Carson on stage through the open door to our room.

"Drew, these seats are very uncomfortable. Let's go sit over there." I said pointing to the couch on the other side of the room.

"No, I'm fine here." Drew replied never taking his eyes off of Carson.

"You like him!" I said laughing

"Who?" Drew said very defensively

"Carson. You have a crush on Carson don't you." I said in a whisper.

"No I don't." Drew answered very bluntly

"Yes you do, I can tell. Oh, this is great. We need someone for you." I smiled

"No we don't and Rick don't you dare say anything." Drew replied nervously

"Don't you worry Drew, I'll take care of everything." I said patting him on the shoulder.

Before Drew could answer me, Nick came up and told him it was time to get ready. I watched as the guys walked out on stage and began singing. I decided that it would be great to get Drew and Carson together and came up with a plan. I walked over to the table where Jeff had laid down his cell phone. I picked up the phone and pressed redial. Luckily, the restaurant was his last call. I changed the reservation to four people and then decided I needed some extra help if I was going to pull this off.

"Scott, I need your help on something, but I can't give a very detailed explanation right now. You're just gonna have to trust me." I said smiling at him.

"What have you got up your sleeve?" Scott asked giving me a questioning look.

"Jeff and I have a dinner reservation at eight o'clock. I need you to call his cell phone at eight-thirty and ask for me. It doesn't matter what you say once I get on the phone, just tell Jeff you have to ask talk to me." I instructed him

"And that's all your gonna tell me?"

"Yep, that's it for now." I replied giving him a sly grin

"All right, but at some point I want a full explanation, ok?" Scott bargained

"Ok, I can do that." I agreed as we both took a seat to watch the boys perform.

Chapter 9

"You really want me to wear a tie?" I said whining to Jeff

"Yes, this is a very nice restaurant and everything needs to be perfect tonight." Jeff said sternly.

"Ok baby, and I agree that everything needs to be perfect." I replied smiling to myself.

We finished getting ready and headed out the door. Just as we reached the elevator Drew came out of his room and yelled for us to wait for him.

"Oh my god, Drew you look so sexy. Perfect for this evening." I said taking Drew by the arm on to the elevator.

"You are not coming with us Drew, I don't care what Rick has told you. This time I'm putting my foot down. I have a very private evening planned and you're not coming. I'm getting sick of sharing my boyfriend with you, now back off." Jeff said very angrily.

Drew stood there completely taken back by Jeff's response. They both stood looking at each other in silence and then turned and looked at me.

"Sweetie, I need to speak with you one moment." I said and then was surprised that both of them answered "Ok".

That was the last straw for Jeff and he took a swing at Drew. Luckily, Drew ducked and was not hit. I reached over and grabbed Jeff and stopped him for swinging again. I must have had a rush of adrenaline because I literally picked Jeff up and carried him to our room yelling at Drew on the way to stay put.

"I can't believe your actions. You actually tried to hit Drew!" I yelled at Jeff

"Look, you need to make a choice here. It's either him or me. I've had enough of this shit." Jeff yelled back at me "I can't believe this. How in the world could you invite Drew with us when I told you it was going to be a special night for us. Are you in love with him? I think I deserve to know."

"Have you just gone completely crazy? What the hell are you talking about? I mean I love Drew but I don't love him like that. You are the one I love and want to be with. I can't believe that you could doubt that Jeff." I said getting teary eyed.

"Rick, I don't doubt that. I just don't know what this means that you have to have Drew tag along with us everywhere. Please can't we have one night alone. I have something very important to talk about." Jeff said taking me in his arms

"I know I keep inviting him along. He is going through a very tough time right now and he really needs friends close. I promise we will have alone time tonight, but please just trust me right now. I know what I am doing." I said hugging him tightly.

"Drew just needs to come out of the closet and let people know he gay or bi or whatever he is. I think you are just leading him on by letting him spend so much time with you. He is clearly in love with you and don't waste our time by denying this." Jeff said pulling away from me.

"It's not for me to tell you about that, but if you will trust me I am trying to do something tonight and if we don't leave we will be late." I said pulling him towards the door. "And I want you to apologize to Drew before we leave and don't give me any argument about it."

We walked into the hallway and Drew was still waiting for us. Jeff walked by and turning back to look at me, he softly told Drew he was sorry and wanted him to come with us tonight. Drew was very unsure but came with us as we took a cab to the restaurant. As soon as we walked in we were promptly seated. We were sat at a square table and I quickly sat next to Jeff and instructed Drew to sit across from him. I had decided that Carson was not going to sit either next to or across from Jeff. I was going to keep him focused on Drew. Just as we were sitting Drew excused himself to the restroom.

"Is there anything else about tonight I should know?" Jeff asked looking at the empty seat.

"Well, you did invite Carson to join us baby, don't you remember?" I said giving Jeff a pleading look.

"Oh right, how could I forget? Drew is going to kill you." Jeff answered rolling his eyes at me.

Right on cue, Carson walked in and Jeff waved him over to our table. While he clearly wasn't happy to be sitting by me and not Jeff, he did take his seat.

"Well, I have to admit that I was surprised that you invited me to dinner Jeff and who is the mystery guest sitting next to me? Gee this isn't a set up or anything is it?" Carson said breaking the ice.

"Don't look at me." Jeff said under his breath.

Just then, Drew walked up to the table.

"Drew?" Carson said looking at me as I just smiled.

"Carson? Wow, weird to run into you here. How ya doing?" Drew said shaking his hand and then giving me a stern look.

"Better now that you're here." Carson said already flirting with Drew.

"Why don't you order us drinks Jeff." I said smiling to him and pinching his leg under the table.

"Yeah Jeff, I think I need a drink." Drew said giving me another glaring stare.

Jeff ordered us drinks and we all began to relax and talk. Before all of us knew it, we were actually having fun with each other. Once Carson wasn't hitting on Jeff I discovered he could be quite charming. Drew decided that we needed to order an appetizer when Jeff's cell phone rang.

"Hello." Jeff said picking up the phone.

"Jeff, this is Scott and I have to talk Rick." Scott said just as I had asked him to do.

"It's Scott and he says he has to talk to you." Jeff said handing me the phone.

"Hey Scott what's up? Really? Scott are you ok? Of course, we'll be there right away." I said into the phone while Scott just kept replying "Yeah" to me and laughing.

"What wrong? Jeff said with genuine concern

"I'm not sure. Scott said he and Justin have had a fight and that he wanted me and Justin wanted you. I think we should go." I said trying to act as serious as I could.

"Well, let's go. I can't believe they've had that serious of a fight." Drew said getting up from the table.

"No! Drew there is no sense in you going. They only asked for us. You stay here and enjoy dinner. Someone should have a good time tonight." I said winking at him.

Jeff and I got up and said goodbye to them as Drew gave me the coldest look yet. I really hoped that it worked well between them, because I think Drew was actually mad at me.

Jeff and I walked out into the street and hailed a cab. Jeff instructed the cabbie to take us back to the hotel and then sat back. We drove in silence for a few minutes before Jeff finally spoke up.

"That was a fake phone call right?" Jeff said looking a little confused.

"Yes dear, it was fake. That was the plan you see to leave them alone together at the restaurant." I said laughing.

"Ok, and now we get our alone time?" Jeff said hopeful.

"Yes Jeff, now we get our alone time." I sighed.

We finally made it back to the hotel and up to our room. Jeff opened the door and stood there in awe.

"I can't believe you did it again. How do you plan all of this without me knowing?" Jeff said looking at the room filled with candles and a fire in the fireplace.

"Wouldn't you like to know. And what have we here? It looks like dinner waiting for us." I said smiling.

"Rick, I can't believe you. Thank you for making this so special. Before anything else happens I have to talk with you about something very important." Jeff said taking me by the hand and pulling out a ring from his pocket. "Rick I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. I know we haven't known each other all that long, but I can't imagine being without you. I know that if you let me I could make you very happy for the rest of your life. Rick Justin Snode, will you marry me?"

To be continued........

I know, what a cheesy place to end it, but whatcha gonna do? Thanks for continuing to read and I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

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To Someone Special

You always complained that I put you on a pedestal I think it was fair to say you did the same thing to me You were my hero, teaching me everything. Always looking out for me, protecting me. I was your clay to shape and mold Always there with a positive word to pick you up We shared a stolen season you and I I tried so hard to be exactly what you wanted me to be But life got in the way When I fell you were so disappointed But I had a secret that I never shared You disappointed me too, crushed me to the core You learned that I was human And I learned you would not always protect me Although we could be nice to one another The good times were clearly in the past Now it is impossible for us to share anything at all I think of our time very fondly as I hope you do I simply wrote this to let you know that I still love you.

Next: Chapter 7

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