Give Me Just One Night

By moc.starcomed-av@ehconanu

Published on Dec 21, 2000


Continued thanks for all the emails. I learned this time that this story is read in England and at Columbia University. Can't ask for better then that...LOL :) A very very very special thanks to Chris for helping out this time. As he can attest this story is a mess when I'm done with it and he helped get everything in order so I could post it. Last but certainly not least, thanks to Mike who keeps this story going.

Remember that this is only my fantasy. It is not meant to comment on the actual true life sexual preference of Jeff Timmons, Drew Lachey, Carson Daily, or anyone else mentioned in the story. If you are not supposed to be reading this then leave now.

Questions, comments, suggestions, and email from Jeff and Drew can be sent to

Give Me Just One Night-11 by Apollo

Jeff and I both jumped out of the bed and ran into the hallway. Nick was standing outside of Drew's room, holding the bottle of champagne that we had ordered. Drew and Carson hadn't moved from the time the door opened. I think they thought that by not moving they were invisible to Nick.

"Nick! Come here." Jeff yelled.

"You!" Nick yelled pointing at me. "You did this. Drew wouldn't have done this before you came along."

Nick turned and charged at me and tackled me to the floor. Once on the floor he cocked his fist back and punched me in the mouth. Jeff reached down and grabbed Nick by the shirt collar and pulled him off of me. Nick flew back against the wall and then bounced forward into Jeff's fist. Nick grabbed Jeff by the shirt and started to hit him when I jumped up.

"Stop it!" I yelled. "Fine, both of you have proved you can hit. Now sit down and listen to me."

"I'm not going to sit here and listen to anything you have to say. You started all of this and now I need to go stop it."" Nick yelled back at me.

"No, you're not." I yelled reaching out and pushing him onto the bed next to Jeff. "This is very important to Drew and you are not going to talk to him tonight. When Drew is ready, he will come and talk to you. Now get comfortable because you are not leaving here tonight."

"Who in the hell do you think you are? You are not going to hold me hostage here all night. I will go and talk with my fucking brother if I want to and you're not going to stop me." Nick said getting up in my face.

"You want a piece of me Nick?! I know that everyone else here bows to your every wish, but I'm not going to. You want to leave this room, you have to go through me and I'm not afraid of you, Nick. Now you don't want to mess with me." I yelled pushing him back onto the bed.

"Now for you" I said turning to Jeff. "I appreciate what you did, but I don't need help defending myself against the likes of Nick. I am perfectly able to defend myself. I don't like violence and I don't like to use it when I don't have to," I yelled at Jeff.

I stood there shaking from the adrenaline pumping through my system. All of a sudden both Jeff and Nick burst out laughing.

"Don't like to use violence, my ass." Nick laughed "You sure pushed me around pretty good."

"I have to agree with him baby, God, where did all of that come from? Jesus, hurricane Rick, remind me not to get you mad. Don't worry, I won't step in again. Seeing you upset like that is pretty sexy."

"You two are intolerable." I said in mock disgust. "I'm going to bed."

I crawled in bed again and Jeff crawled next to me trying to cover my neck with kisses and apologizing to me.

"You know if I have to stay in here, then I get to sleep in between you two tonight." Nick said crawling in bed with us.

"I don't think so, Nick." Jeff said trying to push him away.

"Oh, let him stay." I said turning over, "I don't care as long as he keeps his hands to himself."

"You are so disgusting. I don't go in for that Rick." Nick said not very convincingly. "I just wanted in between you two so I didn't have to listen to you making out all night."

"Whatever, just go to sleep." I said, pulling the covers over my head.

Jeff reached over and turned out the light and the three of us went to sleep lying there together. I woke up at about 3 AM to the sound of someone snoring very loudly. I realized that it was Nick and that the two of us were cuddled together like Jeff and I usually lay. I laughed to myself thinking that if he was really disgusted by this that he would just die to know he was holding me tightly. I had to admit that his strong arms around me made me feel very safe. I reached over his body and grabbed Jeff's hand and pulled him towards me. He turned towards me and slipped his head under Nick's arm to place his head on Nick's chest next to mine.

"I think you are liking this too much." Jeff whispered

"Everything but the snoring." I laughed back.

"I wish we could get a picture of this." Jeff laughed as he reached over and kissed my lips.

I was the first one to wake up in the morning and found myself on my side away from Nick. He had his arms wrapped around me and his morning hard on poking between my legs. I resisted the urge to push back on him and simply slid out of bed. I carefully crept out of the room and into Drew's room. He and Carson were still sound asleep.

"Drew" I whispered, shaking him awake.

"What are you doing here? I have company, you know." Drew said turning over and snuggling with Carson.

"Drew!" I whispered as loudly as I could. "We need to talk."

"Fine, what do you want?" He said sitting up, which woke Carson as well.

"Hey Rick, did you come to join us?" Carson said, smiling.

"Oh dream on, we have a problem here." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"What is this big problem?" Drew said, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Your brother is the problem." I stated.

"Oh him, I almost forgot. He kind of freaked last night, didn't he? Oh my God, what happened to your face?" Drew said, finally taking a look at me.

"Oh, that's where Nick hit me for causing all of this to happen. That's not important, what is important is getting Carson out of here before Nick wakes up. I don't think we need another scene. Talk with Nick first and then get back with Carson if that is what you want." I explained.

"What do you mean that is not important? Nick hit you because of something I did? That is not expectable." Drew said jumping out of bed, forgetting he was totally naked. "He has gone too far this time. I am so sorry, how can he blame you for this?"

"I think first you need some underwear or a robe of something." I said barely taking my eyes off of his enormous cock. I knew he was hung, just like in my dream.

"Oh, I think he should show that thing off." Carson said proudly. "That boy has no business being a bottom with that huge thing. I mean I had to break him in, but I'm not leaving without getting a piece of that."

"Carson!" Drew said turning red, "we can do that later sweetie but right now Rick is right, you better leave and let me talk with Nick."

"Alright, I'll leave but I definitely want to see you later." Carson said in a very serious tone of voice. "Rick can you leave and let me talk with Drew alone?"

"Of course, I'll be in my room Drew and Nick is in there too." I said closing the door behind me.

After about 10 minutes I heard Drew's door open and close and then Drew walking into my room. He stopped when he saw Jeff and Nick cuddled in bed together and me sitting at the table by the window.

"Is there something I need to know about?" Drew said pointing to Jeff and Nick.

"Oh, Nick spent the night here, I wouldn't let him leave. He slept between us last night. It was really quite an experience." I told Drew smiling slyly.

"You mean you guys did it last night?" Drew said with his mouth dropping wide open.

"No, I was kidding about that, but he did sleep with us." I explained.

"But nothing happened." Nick said firmly as he sat up in bed. "Unlike what was going on in your room. You want to tell me about this before I go over and beat the shit out of that sick bastard?"

"Nick, for one thing, he is gone and for another thing, you've done enough blaming other people for this. What the hell were you thinking hitting Rick? He has been my one piece of sanity through all of this. I know this is a little late, but I am gay Nick. I have just figured this out for myself and I haven't had time to tell anyone else. I am sorry that you found out the way that you did, but it is nobody's fault. It is just who I am." Drew said, sounding upset.

"Well, you obviously found time to tell Rick about this. Drew, I'm your brother. If you had something like this to tell someone, I think it should have been me." Nick said turning away from Drew.

"Look, I didn't really tell Rick, he just knew. Just like Jeff, I didn't tell him anything I know that Rick wouldn't of either, he just knew." Drew was trying to explain himself but wasn't doing a good job of it.

"Oh, so you have to be a fag to recognize it? Is that it?" Nick replied coldly.

"No Nick, they just pay more attention to what is going on with me then you do. We haven't spent a great deal of time together lately, you know?" Drew said, looking Nick in the eyes.

"So, I turn my back and you turn gay? I don't understand it." Nick said, getting tears in his eyes.

"Well, let's go to breakfast together and we can have some time to talk about it. I want you to be ok with this. I want you to be ok with it before I have to tell the rest of the family. I need you on my side like you have always been for me." Drew said, reaching out to take Nick's hand.

Chapter 12

"Jeff, if you are late picking up the Senator from the airport we will never hear the end of it." I yelled up the stairs trying to hurry him up.

"Drew is going to be right there at the airport picking up Carson, why can't he pick up your family, they are on the same flight?" Jeff whined.

"If you want to send a stranger to pick up my family then go right ahead. If you want to ruin this Thanksgiving then go right ahead, Mr. Timmons. Or, better yet, you get your butt into this kitchen and take over making this dinner and I will go." I yelled trying to make him feel as guilty as possible.

"Fine, I'm on my way. I still don't understand why you are making everyone fly here to California the day before Thanksgiving to eat a meal and then everyone has to get back on planes tomorrow morning because we all have to be in New York on Thanksgiving Day" Jeff said, still whining about having to drive to the airport.

"To go over this again for the 100th time, when we got together you promised me one thing, Thanksgiving and Christmas in my house. You said no matter where you were in the world, you would fly home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Well, since you are working on Thanksgiving, we are celebrating it a day early, but at my house, like you promised. Besides, I told you that I am staying here to visit with my family. I am not going back to New York. This is the first time my whole family has been together in months and we are going to enjoy it." I insisted.

"Fine, I'm going. I'm on my way out the door." Jeff said, rolling his eyes at me. "Drew get your ass in here if you're going with me."

"Well, someone woke up in a bad mood." Drew said, coming out of his apartment over my garage and walking in through the kitchen door.

"You don't know the half of it, honey." I laughed "But it looks like you are going to catch the fallout from it since he can't yell at me. Have a nice ride with Grumpy and Sprout, please don't make out with Carson in front of my family."

"Oh bite me" Drew laughed back.

"Sweetie, I will leave that to Carson, but if he is too boring for you just come up and see us." I smiled sticking my tongue out at him.

Finally Jeff and Drew were on their way. I rented a van so that they would have enough room to fit everyone and their luggage. Not only were my parents coming but also my older brother and sister and their spouses. I just thought it was impersonal to send a car and not a person. Jeff, of course, saw no reason to have to ride all the way out to the airport just to meet people when they could ride to the house and we could meet them there. Needless to say I won the argument and he was on his way.

Once we got back from New York, Drew decided that now that he had a boyfriend, he needed his own place. I, of course, disagreed and we settled on renovating the apartment over the garage and doubling it in size, giving him his own place. It cost me a fortune, but I liked having him close to me. The boys had been all over the country in the last month and a half. Jeff and I were both racking up frequent flyer miles but we were surviving.

This Thanksgiving dinner would be the first time all of us were together in weeks. Today everyone was coming to my house. Jeff's parents had arrived yesterday and Nick was bringing his and Drew's parents this afternoon. Neither Justin or Scott's parents could come to California but were going to meet up with them in New York tomorrow. Now with my family on the way, we were in for a house full.

All this morning I had been trying to prepare this huge Thanksgiving dinner and also entertain Jeff's parents. I couldn't wait until my family got here and would take some of this load off of me. Jeff's parents were great, but his mother seemed very uncomfortable in my kitchen. I sent both of them to the store to pick up some last minute things and, for the first time all morning, I had my house to myself. Just as I sat down, the phone rang.

"Hello" I said, picking it up.

"Rick, this is Mom."

"Oh, are you guys on your way? How was the flight?" I asked, thinking it strange that she was calling when they would be here in just a few minutes.

"The flight was good honey, but how come you aren't here picking us up. Did you send a car or something? No one was waiting for us when we got off the plane dear and you know how your father hates to stand around in airports," My mother explained.

"Jeff and Drew left to pick you up about an hour ago, that was plenty of time to get there. They should have been waiting for you. Let me call his cell phone, hold the line for a minute." I said, picking up my cell phone and calling Jeff's.

"Hello" Jeff said, picking up his phone.

"Where the hell are you? I told you not to be late and now they're waiting for you," I said in a panic.

"Well I don't know where, we can't find flight number 1088 anywhere. Are you sure it's United Airlines? And why did you have us wait so long to leave? Traffic was bad and we barely made it." Jeff said trying to shift the blame off of him.

"What are you talking about? An hour to get to out to LAX is plenty of time. I thought you would be mad about waiting so long." I said very confused.

"You didn't tell me LAX, you said they were flying into Ontario and that's where we are." Jeff said getting upset now.

"Why the hell would they fly into Ontario, that's like 50 miles away from here and LAX is practically down the street." I said panicking. "Fine, just get home now!"

"Mom? You still there?" I said in a very soft voice.

"Yes, Rick, we are still here and we are still waiting for a ride." My mother answered, sarcastically.

"Did you guys meet up with Carson? Is everyone there together?" I asked.

"Yes Rick, everyone is here and we have our luggage and everything."

"Let me speak with Carson, please." I said knowing he would handle a crisis situation the best.

"Hey Rick! What's up man? Where's my boy at?" Carson said getting on the phone.

"Oh God, Drew and Jeff went out to the wrong airport. My parents don't like changes in plans very well so I need you to take over." I explained.

"Sure man, what do we need to do?" Carson said being very agreeable for him.

"Listen, I will have a limo there in 15 minutes. Just get a skycap and get everyone out to the curb. I will do the rest." I said trying to remain calm, knowing that my dad was probably getting upset.

"No problem Rick, we'll be there." Carson said hanging up the phone.

I immediately picked up the phone and called my work. I got in touch with a friend I had in the travel department and quickly explained the situation. She laughed at me for having a US Senator and Carson Daily waiting by the curb for a limo, but promised to pull some strings and get something done immediately if not sooner. It would cost me some autographs from the guys, but I promised that would not be a problem.

"Hey, how's our favorite guy?" Jared said as he and Matt walked in through the door.

"Either get me a cigarette or get me a drink. Better yet, get me both and do it now." I said grabbing Matt's cigarettes out of his pocket and lighting one up.

"Oh God, it must be bad if you are smoking. Tell us what happened." Matt said, snatching the cigarette from my mouth.

I explained to them what was going on and both of them had a good laugh. They were able, as always, to put things into perspective. I realized that it was pretty funny for Jeff to have gone to the wrong airport. I also knew that all of us would make it through this all right. I put both of them to work in the kitchen when it occurred to me that we hadn't heard from Jeff's parents in a while. They left before Jeff did and hadn't been back yet. I told Jared that he would have to form a search party and drive to the store looking for them. He would be able to find them because they were in Jeff's car.

Just as he was leaving the driveway, they pulled up complaining of having gotten lost. The limo pulled up right behind them. Everyone piled out of the car and hellos and introductions were made all around. I quickly moved to get everyone settled and to keep the subject off of the fact that no one met them at the airport. Of course I could count on my brother to bring it up.

"So, did you drop the ball on this airport thing, or was that Jeff?" My brother said as we all met in the livingroom.

"Mark, he just went to the wrong airport, it was a simple mistake." I said, giving him a disapproving look.

"The wrong airport, well where else would he have gone? I mean LAX is the closest airport, isn't it?" Mark said continuing to egg me on.

"He went to Ontario by mistake." I said quietly.

"Ontario, why in the world would he think that we would fly in there. My God, that is over twice the distance from here." My dad piped in taking Mark's bait.

"Well Senator Snode, I'm sure he had a good reason to think that. Rick has been running around like a chicken with its head cut off this morning, I'm sure he just told Jeff that by mistake." Jeff's dad chimed in.

"Rick, haven't you had any help this morning preparing this huge meal? Come in the kitchen and show me where you're at. Dottie and I will help get this thing on the table." My mother said glaring over at Jeff's mom.

"Sure mom, come in the kitchen. Dottie, I have been waiting for you to make your famous green bean casserole." I told my sister getting all the women in my family into the kitchen.

"Matt, could you get my dad a drink?" I asked him, giving him a 'help me, please' look.

"Sure, it's brandy, right Rich?" Matt asked him.

My mother started in on Jeff's parents as soon as we got into the kitchen.

"Why in the world hasn't that woman been helping you? Like you would tell Jeff to pick us up in Ontario. We have never flown into Ontario, why would anyone think you would tell him that? Blaming this whole airport fiasco on you." My mother said while going around the kitchen checking the status of everything.

"Mom, it wasn't exactly a fiasco, everything is ok. No damage was done and we just have to get through one day. I'm counting on you to make this a successful dinner." I replied, letting her know I didn't want her talking Jeff's parents down.

"So, are you sure that Carson is gay? He is so cute. We talked all the way out here and I think he was flirting with me." My sister said trying to help me change the subject.

"Dottie, you are married! And besides I think he was flirting with me." My sister in law said, laughing.

"Would both of you calm down? I'm positive he is gay. Trust me, I know. Now let's get to work." I said laughing with them.

"Well isn't this a site? All the Snode's in the kitchen making a delicious dinner." Jeff said walking up behind me and kissing my cheek.

"Well, there is the man of the hour." I smiled, kissing him back.

"Ok, where do I start apologizing?" Jeff laughed, going up to my mom and giving her a hug and a kiss.

"Oh Jeff, it was an honest mistake, there is no need to apologize." My mother said very convincingly.

"So already crucified me behind my back, Jane?" Jeff replied hugging my sister and sister in law.

"You fit in this family so well." My mother laughed.

"Come here Mr. Timmons." I said taking Jeff by the hand into the hallway. "Good schmoozing in there now get into the livingroom and keep our dads apart. Matt and Jared are in there serving drinks. Mark is being a jerk, and Tom isn't talking." I said kissing him on the lips for luck.

"Ok, Mark is your brother and he likes football and Tom is your brother in law and he doesn't talk much at all, right?" Jeff said trying to be funny.

"You're going to kill me, you do know that. Next time I suggest doing this again, just bitch slap me, ok." I said turning to walk back into the kitchen only to be slapped on the ass by Jeff.

I walked back into the kitchen and within five minutes I heard all the guys in the livingroom laughing, talking loud, and having a great time. I loved so much that Jeff could do that. We made the perfect combination. I worried enough for both of us and he could make things move and flow. People were always comfortable around him.

Nick and his parents arrived along with Justin and Scott, completing our group. Scott found his way into the kitchen to help us out with dinner. With all of the help I sort of worked my way out of a job and quietly slipped out of the kitchen. From the hallway I could see Jeff sitting and talking in the livingroom. I waved until I caught his attention and he slipped out of the room and into the hall with me.

"What's up?" He said putting his arms around me.

"I just had some time before dinner and thought I'd see how it was going in there." I said kissing him.

"Actually everyone is in their own little groups talking and I think I could get away for 15 minutes or so." Jeff said giving me an evil grin.

"What did you have in mind?" I said smiling back at him.

"Come up stairs and I'll show you." He said leading the way.

I followed Jeff up to our room where he shut and locked the door. He turned around and grabbed me, pulling me towards him. He bent down and putting one arm at the back of my knees scooped me up into his arms and carried me to the bed. He threw both of us onto the bed and began kissing me. I, of course, had to respond in kind. When I felt Jeff's hands on my shoulders gently pushing me down his body, I knew exactly what he had in mind.

I slowly worked my way down him undoing the buttons on his shirt as I went down. I had to agree with something that Carson had said about Jeff's chest being his favorite, it was my favorite too. Finally I made my way down to undo the button and zipper on his pants freeing his semi hard cock. I started with giving his balls a bath with my tongue. Slowly I worked my way up his shaft and down the other side. When I thought that Jeff was about to die, I finally took the head in my mouth running my tongue around the top of it.

I slowly worked my way down his hard pole, working my mouth and throat muscles together causing him to moan in pleasure. When I finally had him all the way in my mouth, I swallowed on him causing another moan. I began working my way up and down, getting into a good rhythm. I could feel his cock getting harder in my mouth as I began to massage his balls with one hand. Just as I thought he was about to cum, he stopped me saying that he didn't want to cum yet.

He sat up on the bed and slowly began to undress me in the same manner I did him. When he finally had my clothes off he began going down on me. Slowly, he took me into his mouth working his tongue up and down the underside of my cock, driving me wild. He reached under me and began to insert his fingers into me, loosening me up to take him. With his other hand, he reached up and began playing with my nipples, driving me wild.

Once I was loosened up, he slowly pulled off of my cock and lifted my legs up onto his shoulders. Slowly he started inserting his rock hard cock into me. He didn't stop until he had pushed every inch of himself into me. He stopped for a minute and asked me if I was ready to which I replied that I was. Jeff leaned over and gave me a very tender kiss on the lips and then began to slowly pull himself out of me.

He pulled out until only the head was still in me before ramming himself back into me. He began to pick up his thrusts, until he was ramming in and out of me with his balls slapping my ass. He reached down and grabbed my cock and began to jack me off in time with his thrust. Soon I was spaying my hot load all over both of us. He reached up and starting licking my cum off of his hand. This was enough to send him over the edge. With one last moan and thrust into me, he shot his load deep inside me.

With that, he collapsed on me smearing my cum in between us. I pulled him towards me, kissing him passionately on the lips. Both of us struggled to catch our breath as we lay there on the bed. As we lie there peacefully we both began to drift off to sleep.

"Rick? Are you in there honey? The turkey is ready to be carved and everything is on the table. Are you feeling all right?" My mother called from the other side of the door.

"Yeah mom, give me five minutes and I'll be down. Everything is fine." I answered in a panic.

Jeff and I both started laughing as we jumped out of bed. We jumped quickly into the shower to clean our bodies off before quickly getting dressed again. Once we made the bed again we slowly opened the door only to be greeted by Carson and Drew on the other side of it.

"Excuse me? I was told I couldn't be alone with my man until after dinner. If you guys are going to do this, then we can, too!" Drew said very seriously.

"Drew, its time for dinner. You can keep it zipped until after that." Jeff said moving past them and going downstairs.

"Well, obviously you guys didn't." Drew said turning to me. "And you had last night together."

"Oh give it up, Drew." Carson said kissing him. "Let's go eat and then we can excuse ourselves."

All of us met downstairs in the dining room. It looked like a banquet hall with everything set out. It took some doing, but we managed to get everyone served and sat down. Following strict family tradition, my father made each person in the room tell what they were thankful for that year. At the conclusion of that my mother said grace, signaling to everyone that we could finally eat.

Dinner went very smoothly. I was glad that everyone seemed to be getting along, at least enough to eat dinner together. To everyone's surprise, when dinner was over, my father announced that another tradition in our family was that anyone who had not helped cook dinner must clean up. Jeff sensed a hesitation from some of the guests and immediately jumped up and started clearing the table. Everyone slowly followed suit.

Once dinner was over we moved into the livingroom. Jeff had gotten all of the Christmas decorations out from the attic and was able to get everyone to join in trimming the tree and decorating the house. Much to my surprise, we even got the guys to sing us a few Christmas carols. All too soon Nick announced that the night needed to come to an end because they had a 4AM flight and needed to get their rest.

Everyone said their good nights and good byes and Jeff and I were left only with our families. We were able to get everyone settled pretty quickly and finally crawled into bed again.

"I can't believe how tired I am." I sighed.

"Hey, you did a lot of work today, you have a right to be tired." Jeff said comforting me.

"I knew there was some reason I kept you around. You baby me so much." I said kissing him "Wake me up before you go, ok."

"Just go to sleep and don't worry about anything." Jeff said running his fingers through my hair as I fell asleep.

I woke up to an empty bed and after looking at the clock realized that Jeff was long gone. He had left a note telling me how much he loved me and to get my rest and he would see me in a few days. I drifted back to sleep thinking of how lucky I was to have someone like him.

That's it for this time. Thanks again to Chris for helping out. I am in your debt. Well next time we get Christmas in the Big Apple, so if there are any NYC Christmas traditions I need to be aware of the NYC readers need to let me know. :)

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