Harrys Closet of Secrets

By Ben Meova

Published on Apr 1, 2007


Harry's Closet of Secrets A fantasy tribute by HungYungUn

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. The only thing that is true about the characters or those who played them in film is the reference to Harry's "cut penis". An online friend actually saw the show EQUUS and verified that Daniel Radcliffe is indeed cut! Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

This story will be posted in several parts that include five chapters per section. Comments, feedback and suggestions for the next part are welcome and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry's Closet of Secrets Part One

Chapter 1- The Welcoming

The silence was golden; perhaps the last bit of peace and quiet Harry would have at least until December. He stood in the middle of the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom and surveyed the room. He still could not believe that in just a few hours it would be filled with students and he, Harry Potter, would be their teacher. Not only would Harry be a teacher, he would be- according to The History of Hogwarts, one of the youngest teachers ever hired at age 25.

He had to pinch himself to grasp the fact that this was really happening. Indeed the owl came from Headmistress McGonagall a month before asking him if he would like to return to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the new Defense Against The Darks Arts teacher. Harry had been giving lectures, about the events the led up to the demise of Voldemort and apparently McGonagall wanted him to serve a greater purpose. Clearly adults already knew the difference between good and evil. It is the young, the students at Hogwarts, which needed his wisdom and expertise. McGonagall said as much in the letter he received a month earlier.

Harry jumped at the chance, especially since he was also to be the new head of Gryffindor House. McGonagall had confessed that while Harry was a student she had to treat him as all the other students, but in her heart, he was like a son to her. She couldn't be prouder, she said in the letter, of Harry then she would have been of her own child if she had ever had any of her own.

Harry knew he had to say yes after reading that although he felt a twinge of guilt. After he left school he had lost touch with Professor McGonagall and she really did not know everything about his personal life; a personal life that he kept well hidden. If the Daily Prophet found out the truth about Harry his career would be over. The choice between his personal life and the position he was being offered was probably the hardest task he ever had to tackle. Fighting a dragon in his fourth year was easier then saying goodbye to the one he loved.

In his fifth year at Hogwarts Harry and another classmate finally came clean with each other. After they discovered they had more in common then either of them had thought the secret friendship and eventual love grew day by day- a love that continued into their adulthood. Their love was kept secret, no one knew about their secret liaison. Even his longtime friend, Ron Weasley, who after graduation went to take on his brother's job in Romania- handling and training dragons never knew about Harry's deepest secret. He never was able to put two and two together; he never figured out that there was more to Colin Creevey wanting to be around Harry all the time then just plain hero worship.

Harry smiled to himself as he remembered that day, ten years ago, when he finally found out why Colin was so enamored with him.

After a particularly nasty detention session with Dolores Umbridge Harry had trouble sleeping. The ache on the back of his hand had him tossing and turning in his bed. Unable to relax Harry went into his trunk and retrieved the invisibility cloak his father had left to him. A walkabout may be the thing to totally exhaust him, he thought to himself, and then finally he could get some sleep before the sun came up on another day.

Slipping the cloak on he left the fifth year's dormitory and walked down the hall. When he walked past the fourth year's dorm he heard the familiar sound of a bed squeaking. Quietly he stepped into the dormitory and headed towards the squeaky bed. He mused to himself that if he could catch one of the fourth years in the act then it would make a great story to gossip to Ron about. As he approached the bed he noticed an old-fashioned camera lying next to it.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Harry to himself, "That's Colin Creevey in there!"

Harry wondered if the old curtains that surrounded the four-poster beds were simply relics that never were removed or intentionally there to provide older boys with the cover they needed at night to deal with "private matters". Certainly everyone in his dorm took advantage of the privacy provided by the musty old curtains. There were many nights when Harry laid awake, his curtains shut tight with his hand on his cock, while listening to the beds of Ron, Seamus, Dean and even Neville Longbottom making the sounds Colin's was now. Harry moved to the head of the bed where the curtain was slightly parted. As he peered through the curtain he was greeted with the sight of Colin Creevey, buck-naked and languidly stroking what looked to be a good five inches of teen wood. Suddenly Harry looked at Colin in a different way. No longer was he the annoying little twit that followed him around with his precious camera. Now Harry was seeing a beautiful boy; an angel lying in his own private paradise.

He took in the sight for a few moments longer. Colin's eyes were fixated on a couple of pictures, levitating above his eyes, of Harry. What surprised Harry, more then seeing Colin in the all, was the fact that these were pictures of Harry naked and in the shower with a half hardon. Apparently Colin had managed to sneak taking pictures of Harry when he was not looking!

"That little fuck", thought Harry as he smiled to himself, "how the hell did he do that without me knowing it?"

Harry's eyes moved down Colin's chest. He was surprised that Colin was as toned as he was. In the uniforms he just looked like a scrawny fourth year. Undressed he was starting to show definition. Harry loved the way Colin's nipples jutted out- almost attempting to reach out to one of the hovering pictures. Harry's eyes moved lower until he saw a patch of white-blonde hair that looked as soft as cotton. He watched as Colin stroked himself slowly, occasionally rubbing pre-cum around the head of his thick uncut cockhead.

Harry, now erect and feeling an urge to mimic what Colin was doing, had an idea.

"Why not let Colin see the real thing!" thought Harry to himself

Harry pulled out his wand and quietly whispered, "Secludio". This was a handy spell that made the area in which the person who cast the spell was standing sound proof and invisible to other peering eyes. If anyone else in the dorm woke up they would simply see the quiet, still bed of Colin Creevey.

He drew in a deep breath and then quietly slipped further in between the curtain and the bed. Colin didn't seem to notice anything since the rhythm and the force of his stroking had increased since Harry first peered through the curtains. As quietly as possible Harry undid his pants, feeling quite relieved that he didn't chose to wear a belt when he left his dorm. He slowly pulled down his pants and allowed his six inches to fall into his waiting hand. With his other hand he slipped off the invisibility cloak when he noted that Colin's eyes were shut tight.

Harry let out a little cough; the same sort of fake cough Umbridge employed when she was trying to get Professor McGonagall's attention. Colin's eyes flew open and locked on Harry's. Eyes wide and full of horror Colin froze in mid stroke. He didn't know what to do first- cover himself or dart out of the bed in shame. Before he could do anything Harry bent down and whispered in his ear.

"It's ok Colin, I like what I see and I thought you may like to see the real me."

Colin still unsure that this was not some sort of horrible muse that would be used against him the rest of the school year laid there motionless, his deflating cock still in his right hand. As Colin's eyes adjusted he noticed that Harry was fully erect. There before him was a penis; just not any penis but that of the boy who he fell in love with the moment he had laid eyes on him- Harry Potter. No longer afraid Colin surveyed what Harry was presenting to him.

"Want a closer look?" whispered Harry getting hornier by the minute.

"Sure but what if the other boys hear us?" queried Colin

"I used the `Secludio' charm; it creates a sound-proof secluded barrier so no one can hear or see a thing we are doing!"

With that Colin licked his soft lips and flashed a winning smile at Harry.

Harry wriggled out of his pants and boxers and then climbed on the bed. Straddling Colin's chest he gave he fourth year the ultimate view of Harry Potter's "other wand". It seemed to have a mind of it's own; occasionally bobbing up and down in anticipation of what would happen next. Colin loved the way Harry's patch of dark brown pubes extended up creating a trail of happiness that ended up encircling Harry's bellybutton. Colin ran his fingers through the hair gently following the trail up and then back down to the base of Harry's swollen cock.

Colin reached around Harry and grabbed his soft ass and pulled Harry closer. Tentatively Colin stuck out his tongue and licked a drop of precum off of Harry's cut cock. Throwing caution to the wind Colin leaned forward and took as much of Harry's six inches in his mouth as he could.

Harry was in ecstasy; it had been days since he had jerked off. Given the fact that the detentions with Umbridge had wounded his right hand- the one he always used to masturbate, he had resisted the urges for fear of more pain. Thankfully this opportunity presented itself because his balls hurt as much as the back of his hand. They definitely were full and ready to release the load that had been building up for days.

Harry was in heaven. He had fantasized about doing this sort of thing, during his nightly jerk off sessions, but he never imagined he would be having his first real experience with Colin Creevey. Not only was he thrilled that he was now straddling another boy, who seemed to be engrossed with Harry's cock, he was amazed at how sexy Colin was when he was totally nude and not in the frumpy Hogwarts uniform.

There was something about Colin's big, beautiful, blue eyes as he lovingly did his best to caress Harry's cock with his willing mouth. Seeing Colin's face seemed to enhance the feelings that were coursing through his fifteen year old body. Harry began to increase the pace of the pumping, forcing Colin to swallow him whole, while gently caressing his soft blond hair. Colin matched each thrust with a pull on his own cock, now fully erect and oozing buckets of precum. Harry felt a hand on his chest- teasing his nipple and that, as Colin would later learn, was Harry's trigger.

Harry felt the familiar precursors of orgasm begin to ignite throughout his body. Tingling with anticipation his cock began to swell in Colin's mouth. After a few more pumps and Colin gently rubbing Harry's nipple with his moistened finger Harry announced that he was ready to cum. Instead of pulling off, Colin grabbed Harry's waist tighter and urged Harry to fill him with his three day old load. Harry's body convulsed as the first shot coated the back of Colin's warm mouth. As Harry was exploding in Colin he felt warm splashes on his ass and back. Colin had shot his load too coating Harry with a generous load of boy cream.

After they both stopped shaking and caught their breath they laid side by side. Harry decided that he should be the first to speak. He promised Colin that it would stay between them and he made Colin swear to do the same. After a long kiss and a quick cleanup Harry got up and pulled his pants on.

"Better get back to my dorm before someone notices I am gone."

Colin smiled and gave Harry a hug, "I love you Harry Potter"

Harry smiled and turned to leave. He took out his wand after he was back under the invisibility cloak and quietly whispered the incantation that would restore Colin's dorm back to normal. That night was the most important in Harry's young life.

Not only did he finally share a his deepest secret with another human being he started a friendship which grew into full blown love that had lasted for ten years. That is why it was so hard to say goodbye to Colin. This was the first time, aside from summer vacations, that they were to be apart for an extended period of time. Even during the dark days of his final year at Hogwarts, when Harry almost lost his life to Voldemort, Colin always seemed to be near. Now distance would separate them. Not by choice but by necessity.

In a perfect world Harry would have had Colin nearby. Perhaps Colin could have moved to Hogsmead and they could have shared a flat there. But in the wizarding world the idea of two men romantically loving each other was discouraged and blatantly condemned by most everyone he knew. So Colin agreed that they had to be apart to protect both Harry's reputation and what they had between them. Harry relented and wanted to risk it- he would have rather been outed then lose the love of his life. Colin, the voice of reason in their adult lives, made a point that Harry could not argue with.

No one would understand the "great Harry Potter" being gay. The wizarding world had put so many expectations on him. These expectations were there from day one when Hagrid told him, on his eleventh birthday, that he was a wizard. Most of his friends expected him to marry like Ron did- he and Hermione were expecting their first child in a couple of months. Harry's lack of interest in dating women was blown off as him wanting to concentrate on his career, for the good of the wizarding world. Many surmised that once he got a bit older and the drama of the past few years died away he would find a nice woman to marry.

So there was no way Harry could come out now- no one would understand and many would shun him. So Harry and Colin carried on in secret, even into their adulthood. The only person that ever found out about them had been dead for four years now. In their sixth year Draco Malfoy had caught Harry and Colin making love. Typically Malfoy blackmailed Harry into being his "sex-slave" when Draco's girlfriend, Pansy Parkinson refused to take care of Draco's needs...but that's another story for another time.

Faced with this new challenge- a teaching position at Hogwarts and being one of the youngest teachers ever at age 25, Harry had to choose between career and Colin. The career won with Colin's blessing; how could he not love a guy as selfless as Colin Harry thought as he exited the classroom. Harry headed towards the Great Hall for his first day as Professor Potter. He checked his watch and picked up his pace. All the other students were there and the first years would arrive soon with Hagrid leading the way.

It felt weird entering the Great Hall through the teacher's door, in the back, rather then the front entrance door he had gone through many times as a student. As he approached his seat at the teacher's table he was pleasantly surprised to see another familiar face from his time as a student at Hogwarts. Apparently Professor Sprout had retired from teaching and the new Herbology teacher was none other then Harry's old classmate Neville Longbottom!

"Harry, great to see you. Minerva told me you were signing on to teach. I couldn't be happier, the students will learn a lot from you. We sure did when we had those DA meetings!"

"Thanks Neville, swell to see you as well. Great choice for Herbology teacher indeed!"

Harry settled down in his chair, relieved that he had a momentary distraction that helped get Colin out of his mind for a bit. As Neville and Harry caught up on the latest gossip the front doors opened wide and a parade of wary first year students marched down the aisle towards the sorting hat. ~ After the sorting and a few announcements by the Headmistress both Harry and Neville were introduced to the students. The only people that seemed to care were the first years. The rest were all anticipating the start of the start of the year feast.

When everyone was full and unable to eat another bite the four houses left to their dormitories leaving the teachers alone at the staff table. Harry was impressed with Neville's knowledge of Herbology and was surprised to note that the once, dorky boy from his Hogwarts class had grown into a decent looking guy. Not the best banana in the bunch but still, Harry thought, those big hands must mean something else is big. He desperately tried to rid the image of naked Neville out of his head. Fortunately Minerva McGonagall helped him do so when she handed him his class schedule.

Harry stared at the parchment and suddenly came back down to earth and out of Neville's pants. His first class, at eight o'clock tomorrow morning was the fourth years. Harry gulped and realized that he had no idea what he was going to talk about with that group. The first and second year classes were pretty simple. The fifth through seventh year classes had strict NEWT and OWL guidelines for him to follow. The third and fourth year classes and what was to be presented was left up to the instructor. Perhaps he would start where his third year DADA teacher did- with Bogarts.

As the teachers left the Great Hall Harry, almost by rote, found himself heading towards the Gryfindor common room entrance. The Fat Lady in the painting greeted him warmly and wished him lots of luck as the new head of Gryfindor House. When he stepped through the portrait the students, who were immersed in a number of different conversations, fell silent.

A curly haired seventh year student named Trevor Watson greeted Harry with a broad smile. He apparently was the house's Head Boy. He went on to tell Harry that thanks to his efforts all was well in Gryfindor House and the first years were settled in. The boy was an ass kisser for sure. He reminded Harry of Ron's brother Percy Weasley back in the day.

"That's good to hear Trevor. How about the Quidditch Team? We have a good line up this year?"

"Right sir, you were the youngest Seeker in Hogwarts history, weren't you?"

"That is correct Trevor. Who is the Captain this year?"

"Kevin Shanks, sir", replied Trevor, "I will go get him for you."

Harry tried to stop the boy from running off; he really didn't need to speak to Kevin but the Head Boy anxious to please Professor Potter went anyway. Soon he was back with the Quidditch Captain. A burly looking seventeen year old that oozed out charm from the moment he said hello. He too, groveled at the feet of his new head of house and promised that Gryfindor would have a winning season.

While the boy went on and on Harry noticed another boy, who looked to be either a third or fourth year, sitting alone in the corner. He would have to keep an eye on that one; there was something about the quiet and reserved blond boy that he couldn't put a finger on. In an attempt to sound teacher-like Harry announced that lights out were at 10pm tonight and no one was to be out of bed except for the occasional night loo breaks.

Harry laughed to himself as he was bombarded with a resounding "yes, sir!" from the students surrounding him. He remembered how his classmates would suddenly become the most cherubic angels in the world when Professor McGonagall was in the common room. Once she departed it was business as usual. The Weasley twins playing pranks and the older boys and girls making out all over the place.

As Harry left the Gryfindor common room he had a brilliant idea. He walked back to his study and fished out his invisibility cloak. None of these students knew that he had that or the Marauder's Map. Unlike any other Head of House in Hogwarts history Harry would be able to see what his charges were up to when the voice of authority was not around.

Back in his school days the real interesting stuff didn't happen until after lights out. Harry decided that 10:30pm was a good time to visit the dorms. Then he would hopefully see what really goes on when he was not in the room!

Chapter 2- When The Cat's Away...

It felt good to walk the deserted halls of Hogwarts without the old fear of Professor Snape or the old caretaker Filch catching him and then giving him detention. Yes, it was good to be an adult and a teacher to boot. He had the run of the castle; no curfew and he could enter any house's dorm he chose to. As Harry approached the Fat Lady, who was obviously flirting with the handsome new Head of House, he explained to her that he wanted to double check that all his students were sound asleep in their beds. Without asking for the password she swung her painting open and Harry climbed in.

Luckily the common room was deserted so Harry slipped on the invisibility cloak and headed for the stone stairs. He already decided that he would only check the boy's dormitories since it may be a bit embarrassing and suspect if he were caught skulking around the rooms of 17 year-old female students. His first stop was the first year's dorm. He took out his wand, pointed it at the door and silently charmed the door so it would open soundlessly.

Obviously exhausted from the excitement of the day the first years were all nestled in their beds. The second years must have been equally exhausted because when Harry checked their dorm all was quiet and serene. Harry approached the third year's dorm and heard a bit of a raucous.

"Stop starring at my bum, Livingston, we know you are dodgy"

"Am not" coyly retorted the blond boy Harry had seen sitting alone in the common room a few hours ago, "besides you have to have a bum before someone can look at it".

Harry had to laugh to himself; it was a great dig at the obviously homophobic string bean of a boy that was taunting Lonnie Livingston. The kid was right, from what Harry could see the boy had no ass to speak of! After a few more snipes another boy, who's sensibility made him sound like a male Hermione clone, urged the two to go to bed and keep quiet lest the Head Boy wake up and give them detention for creating a disturbance after hours. Once the room was settled Harry left the third year dorm and went to the fourth year's dormitory.

All was quiet there except for one bed that was obviously empty.

Harry assumed that the missing occupant went to the loo for his before bed pee. Harry left the dorm and went towards the boy's bathroom. Once inside he heard the familiar sounds of sex. In the very back stall, Harry who was now tall enough to see over the top of them, nearly fainted at the sight of the curly-haired Head Boy Trevor Watson getting head from what appeared to be a seventh year female student. What Trevor lacked in personality he made up for in cock size. Harry watched in amazement as the female student effortlessly swallowed the entire eight inches like a pro.

Harry decided to go into the next stall- he could stand on the toilet and get a better view. He had considered ripping off his cloak and startling the pompous Head Boy but Harry's loins got the better of him. Already Harry's cock was swollen and leaking copious amounts of precum. Harry got down on the floor and crawled under the door of the stall next to the couple. As he was sliding himself in his head hit something. To his horror he found the missing fourth year sitting there, buck naked with his cock in hand, starring through a tiny peephole in the partition.

The boy must have been lost in his voyeuristic ecstasy because he hardly noticed Harry's head hitting his foot. The boy looked down for a moment and decided that it was nothing and then put his eye back to the hole. Harry stood up and got a good look at the boy. He had a beautiful face with the most gorgeous black hair Harry had ever seen. It almost looked like silk. A circular patch of equally silky black pubic hair encircled the base of the boy's 5-inch cock.

Harry didn't know what to do; he couldn't risk being fired the first day on the job for jerking off in front of a fourth year. As much as he wanted to pull off the cloak and shove his cock in the boy's mouth he reminded himself that he was a teacher not a student. Those days were long gone. So Harry settled on leaning against the wall and watching the boy who was watching. Harry dared to unzip his pants, freeing his swollen cock at last, and gripped onto it tightly.

It was quite exciting watching the boy watching. Harry had never watched another boy masturbate. Sure he had seen Colin do it numerous times but he was the only one. Now with another boy inches away from him Harry's orgasm began to quicken as his ball sac tightened. Quietly he stroked his cock in time with the boy and when it was obvious the boy was about to cum Harry pointed his cock towards the floor in preparation.

Harry was thrown over the edge as he watched the boy cum. The expression on his angelic face combined with the white jets of cum that splattered the boy's chest had Harry dumping a load on the floor as well. Trying not to breath too loudly and forgetting that he had used the Muffoloto charm so the boy would not be able to hear him Harry watched as the boy surveyed the mess he had made.

In the next stall the Head Boy had apparently shot his load all over the face of the female who had exited the stall, quietly bitching about the fact that the Head Boy had just given her an unwanted facial. Both Harry and the fourth year were quiet as church mice until they were sure that the other two had left the bathroom.

The fourth year had not dared to clean up for fear of being caught spying. So before he left the stall he had a clean up . Harry nearly fainted as he watched the boy scoop up the remnants of his orgasm and then lick his fingers clean. All the while the boy was muttering the name "Trevor". Harry's suspicions were confirmed; the boy was gay and had no interest in the female. Harry wished that the boy were a bit older and not here at Hogwarts. Even in the wizarding world the age of consent was 16. The fourth year was too young for Harry but perhaps there was someone else around that would be suitable for the boy. How nice it would be to instigate a boyhood romance that paralleled that of he and Colin.

Finally dressed and ready to leave the boy opened the stall door. Lucky for Harry he turned, before he exited, to flush the toilet. Harry moved quickly and rushed out of it before the boy. On the way out of the stall the boy noticed the puddle of cum Harry had shot on the floor.

Wondering to no one in particular the boy said to himself, "Blimey, how the hell did I get it all over the floor? Must have shot more then I thought!"

Harry suppressed a laugh as the boy hurried out of the bathroom and back to his dorm.

The rest of the dorms were as they should be with each student sleeping soundly in their own beds. Harry glanced at his watch with a start. It was well after midnight and he hadn't slept a wink. What a fool he would be if he dozed off on the first day of teaching as Professor Potter. Harry quickly went towards the portrait hole and exited. This woke up the Fat Lady who Harry had to quickly silence before the castle ghosts- especially Peeves came along.

He made up a story about talking with a homesick first year student and the Fat Lady's indignant attitude softened. With a wink she hurried Harry off with a wish of sweet dreams. Harry thought that his dreams would indeed be sweet after what he saw tonight. So long as none of the students knew he had the map or the cloak he would have plenty of sweet dreams as the school year progressed.

Back in his quarters Harry stretched out on his own four-poster bed noting that the real love of his life was missing. For years now he was used to Colin being on his left side. The bed felt too empty; no one to hold, no one to talk to about the day before sleep fell upon him. With no one but himself to talk to Harry began feeling guilty about what he had done and seen tonight.

On the one hand it was pretty sneaky and rude invading the privacy of the Head Boy and the fourth year who was watching. They were kids after all; his students. But on the other hand, he thought, if the watcher would have been able to catch him and Colin going at it he would have welcomed that sight as well. Yes he was an underage student but can a law really dictate when a human being can make sexual choices for himself? Certainly Harry was able to at age 15 and Colin was when he was 14. Why not these boys?

As exhaustion took over Harry decided to let it go. He justified his actions by reminding himself that as Head Of House he had the right to inspect the quarters at any time of the day or night. No one got hurt and all were happy in the end. In fact, a plan began to hatch in Harry's head, as sleep mercifully fell upon him, that might very well end in happy endings for two people who would be sitting in the classroom of Professor Potter in just six hours from now.

Chapter 3- In The Closet

Harry tried to make himself look as teacher-like as possible. As he sat behind his desk, awaiting the first class of the day Harry still couldn't believe that he was really a Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His musings were interrupted as the fourth year students began filing into the classroom. When they were all settled in their seats Harry stood up and faced the class.

"Good Morning class, I am Professor Potter and I will be teaching you about the things you need to know to protect yourself from dark and evil wizards."

"Good Morning Professor Potter! " replied the class in unison.

Harry surveyed the class and was reminded of his fourth year at Hogwarts. That was the year his name was mysteriously put into the Goblet of Fire.

Before Harry had a chance to present an overview of what they would be studying one of the students raised their hand to ask a question."

"Yes and your name is?" queried Harry

"Andrew Perkins, sir, I wanted to ask if it is really true that you took on a Hungarian Horntail dragon when you were a fourth year at Hogwarts?"

"Well Andrew indeed I did; not by choice mind you. As we later found out an imposter, who worked for Lord Voldemort, put my name in the Goblet of Fire."

Another four hands were raised with more questions. Obviously, I am losing control of the class, thought Harry, as he noticed the black-haired boy raising his hand. Harry pointed at him and told him to identify himself and ask away.

"I am Sam Chang and I wonder if you remember my older sister Cho?"

"Well Sam it is a bit off the subject of the Dark Arts, but yes I did, how about we discuss it after class and let's get on with the lesson before the bell rings."

The others with their hands raised gave an audible sigh but were shortly in better spirits when Harry presented the first lesson of the school year.

"I thought we would start off with a fun lesson. In this closet we have a common household pest called a Bogart..."

While the students were attempting to combat the Bogart, Harry's mind drifted to the night before. All during the class he couldn't keep his eyes off of Sam Chang. No wonder he was so beautiful. If Cho is his sister he had to be. Harry remembered that he had feigned interest in Cho Chang the year before he and Colin hooked up. She certainly was beautiful and any boy would have nailed her in a heartbeat. But even at the age of 14, despite the pressures from his peers, Harry knew he was more interested in Ron undressed then Cho Chang. After class Sam stayed back to talk with Harry.

"Yeah, my sister talked about you a lot. Of course I was only a small boy at the time but I clearly remember her talking about Harry Potter and all of your adventures."

"How is Cho doing these days?" asked Harry genuinely interested

"She is doing fine, married with two kids already. Two boys so I am already an uncle."

Harry was becoming more and more enamored with this boy as the seconds ticked by. He had to figure out a way to get him and the third year he saw being harassed last night in the same room at the same time. Something deep inside Harry suggested that might be another match, albeit secret, made in Hogwarts heaven. Harry told Sam to hurry along to his next class and asked him if he could stop by after dinner to help him with something for an upcoming lesson. Sam, who was anxious to spend more time hearing about Harry's adventures, willingly agreed to meet up at 7pm.

Harry watched Sam scurry out of the classroom; the vision of him in all his glory last night still burning in his brain.

When the third years came in for their class Harry was able to get the other boy, Lonnie Livingston, to meet him in the classroom after dinner as well. Now that the plan was coming together there was just one missing piece- what shall Harry do when they get there? He had to rack his brain to come up with a time consuming project that would enable the two boys to get aquatinted. He settled on sorting through an assortment on parchments that were left by the previous teacher. That would give them time together and surely the task would become so boring that will have to find a way to communicate.

The rest of the day dragged on for Harry until mercifully dinner was being served. After dinner Harry hurried back to his classroom and at 7pm sharp the two boys arrived.

"Sam this is Lonnie- Lonnie this is Sam. I need your help sorting through these parchments. All you have to do is look for anything that has to do with Defense Against The Dark Arts lessons. The rest can be disposed of. Can you two handle that?"

"Sure Professor Potter!" both boys exclaimed in unison

"Do a good job and that will be 20 points each for Gryfindor."

So the boys set upon the task diligently while Harry sat at his desk preparing his lessons for the next day. After about 40 minutes Harry got up and told the boys that he had forgotten to go see the Headmistress. He assured them that he would be back in a half hour or so and that he trusted them to complete the task.

"Oh and feel free to use the bathroom here if you need to so you can do your business and then get back to the task straight away" advised Harry as he prepared to leave

Both boys smiled and thanked Harry after he showed them the door to his private loo. The boys promised to press on and Harry left the classroom carrying his brief case. In it he had his invisibility cloak.

One of the perks, as a Hogwarts teacher, was being able to discover things about the castle that students never get to see. When he first arrived at the castle he noticed something odd about his quarters. He had been in the DADA teacher's quarter's before- both with Professor Lockhart and Professor Lupin but he never used their bathroom. Harry had noticed a closet next to the bathroom. This was no ordinary closet. For some reason there was a window that provided a view straight into the bathroom. Harry then went into his bathroom and noticed that the window was a mirror.

Harry learned that the room was actually used, many years ago, as a detention area. Particularly bad students were housed in the room that was now Harry's bathroom. The one-way mirror was installed to keep an eye on the student. Professor McGonagall told Harry that when the rooms were renovated they chose to leave the one-way mirror in tact. They assumed that the occupant wouldn't have to worry about someone spying on them in their private quarters so the mirror stayed as part of the new bathroom. In fact it was Professor Querill that requested the mirror stay as part of his new bathroom- apparently he liked looking at himself in large mirrors.

So once Harry was out of the classroom he took out the cloak and stowed the briefcase behind a particularly large and ugly statue. Quietly he headed back towards the classroom to see what may or may not transpire while he was gone. Ever so slowly he re-entered his quarters and watched the boys. He was impressed; they kept their word and were still sorting through the piles of parchment. After about 15 minutes Lonnie announced that he had to use the loo. Sam said he had to go as well and that pumpkin juice goes right through him. They couldn't agree on who would go first so they both decided to go in together.

Harry had to act fast. Just as the boys entered the bathroom Harry opened the closet door and slipped inside. At first it looked as though nothing interesting was going to happen. With only one toilet the boys stood side by side with their backs towards Harry. Apparently they both had to go bad so they were doing it at the same time. Harry waited in the darkness of the closet. One minute then two passed by ever so slowly. After another minute Harry noticed that the boys were not zipping up and moving away from the toilet. He had to hear what they were saying. The damn window was sound proof but he did know a charm that could fix that. He took out his wand and silently said the incantation. Suddenly the hushed voices of Lonnie and Sam were filling his ears.

"That always happens when I have to piss really bad," said Sam to Lonnie

"Same here, although I wish mine would get as big as yours," replied Lonnie

"What do you mean? They look almost the same size."

Lonnie stood there for another minute; both boys looking down at each other's cocks.

"Damn thing won't go down" Harry heard Sam say, "I may have to do something to it before Professor Potter gets back."

"Oh right," said Lonnie. "I'll go back to the parchments so you can do what I think you want to do."

"You don't have to go Lonnie. Yours isn't going down either so maybe you should do the same thing."

Lonnie considered this for a moment and then turned to give Sam a big smile.

"Are you serious Sam? I mean this isn't a joke is it? The boys in my dorm are always teasing me because they know I like other boys. You aren't going to get me to do something and then run and tell the whole school that I tried to shag you?"

Sam took Lonnie's face in his hands, kissed him gently on the lips and told Lonnie that he liked boys too. The only problem is that he had never found another boy at Hogwarts that was like him.

"I always thought I was the only one," confessed Sam, "I thought I was the only weird one here at school." The boys embraced again and then lay side by side on the cool tile of the bathroom floor. Harry watched as they stroked their own cocks but soon each boy was doing the other. Harry surveyed the scene before him. Sam was as beautiful as ever. Lonnie was a bit smaller, in stature, and was sporting about 4 ½ inches of boy wood with a small patch of reddish blond hair growing around the base. The boys picked up the pace of their stroking, eyes locked on each other, as they brought themselves closer to the edge.

Harry too was aroused and gently squeezing his hardon. Harry wanted to get off but there was something too special about this pairing, something sweet and innocent, that urged him to simply watch and enjoy the view of the two boys, at last, finding out that they were not alone. It reminded Harry of the joy he felt when he discovered Colin. He too had felt like he was the only gay boy in the wizarding world. Harry had felt like a freak when he was forced to stay with the Dursleys and a freak when he was at school. While the other boys were noticing the girls Harry had his eyes on his best friend Ron.

In no time at all both boy's bodies began to shake as they shot off their loads at the same time. After they caught their breath they rolled over to face each other. A long embrace and another passionate kiss sealed the deal. A schoolboy romance was born. Not the typical one society as a whole approves of but a romance coupled with love and understanding nonetheless.

Finally Sam broke from the embrace.

"We better have a clean up before Professor Potter gets back. This won't look good at all if he catches us here!" The boys stood up and went for the bog roll- the only thing available as clean up material. Harry zipped up and threw the invisibility cloak back on. He quickly left the closet and hurried out of his quarters. After about five minutes he stowed the cloak back in the briefcase he had retrieved from behind the statue. Harry stepped into the classroom and purposely said in a loud voice, "Thank you Professor, I will see you at breakfast".

Of course Harry was talking to absolutely no one. He was letting the boys know that he was back. When he re-entered his quarters he found Lonnie and Sam at the desk sorting through the parchments.

"It looks like you boys have been working hard while I was gone!" Harry placed a lot of emphasis on the word hard.

"Oh yes sir, we have been hard at it since you were gone Professor" added Sam

Harry had to laugh to himself. Was Sam playing the same game on words Harry was? Could Sam possibly know that Harry was not the straight-laced arrow he appeared to be?

Harry dismissed the idea and continued to address the boys.

"I think you two have done enough for tonight. You must have worn yourselves out" Harry smiled wryly at Sam who wasn't quite sure how to interpret this. Surely there was no way Professor Potter could have known what he and Lonnie had done while Professor Potter was away.

Harry continued. "Go ahead and stop for tonight. If you like you can come back another time to finish the rest. After all this isn't detention; you are doing me a big favor boys. Thirty points each for Gryfindor for your hard work!"

The boys got up after thanking Harry and headed for the door.

"Professor, can we come back tomorrow night to finish up?" asked Sam

"Sure boys, anytime. I know what you two really want..." Harry let his voice trail off

Both boys froze in their tracks and both feared that somehow Harry knew what they had done.

"You two want to rack up more points for Gryfindor so we definitely win the House Cup this year!"

Both boys let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes sir, points are always a plus! Good night sir and thanks" said Sam as he and Lonnie left Harry's quarters.

As Harry was preparing for bed his owl, Hedwig, flew in the window with a small package attached. After getting a gentle nip on the finger from Hedwig he removed the package. It was from Colin. Harry unwrapped the note and read it straight away.

Harry, I hope your first few days as Professor Potter were good ones. Hope you did not work too hard. I am sure the students will learn a lot from you this year. I am being sent on assignment. The Quibbler is doing a story about dragon handlers. So I will be seeing Ron and Hermione in Romania. I will be sure to give them your best. I have been thinking Harry; those two have been your friends for 14 years now. I think it is time for you to tell them about us. They kept other secrets for you; surely they can keep this one. Well think about it my love. I enclosed a picture in case you start missing me too much. I love you Harry Potter!

Yours in life and love, Colin

Harry unwrapped the moving picture and smiled to himself. There was Colin, in all his glory, with "I LOVE YOU" written on his chest.

"Oh I do love you Colin," said Harry to know one in particular

Harry took the picture as he settled in to bed and like a schoolboy hugged it tightly as his mind began to wander through the events of the day. Harry wondered if he should write Colin back with the details of the adventures he had experienced on his first few days as Professor Potter. He didn't think Colin would be jealous but still it may be prudent to not give every detail.

He could, however, tell Colin about Sam and Lonnie; how those two remind him of the days when Colin and he were discovering they were not alone.

He looked at Colin's picture again and spoke to it as if it could actually hear him.

"You know that in my short life I have saved the Sorcerer's Stone, defeated Voldemort several times and finally purged the world of the darkest wizard of all time. I have battled a dragon; I have dealt with the Dementors and have faced all sorts of danger and evil bravely. But when it comes to admitting who I really am I am a coward."

Harry continued ...

"I have done all that but I have done nothing to combat the other evil in our world. An evil that is not unique to the wizarding world. The evils of hate that makes people like me and boys like Sam and Lonnie afraid to be exactly who they are meant to be. I am no hero Colin; I cower behind a façade because I fear what others will think and say. Maybe I can make a difference with the students here at Hogwarts. Maybe the great Harry Potter can do something to make sure the Sam's, the Lonnie's, the Colin's and the Harry's of the future are allowed to live free without people judging them or making them feel like they always have to hide in their secret closets."

Harry could have sworn the image of Colin smiled at him and gave him a wink.

That is what Harry would do. Perhaps he would not make a coming out speech in the Great hall but he could teach his students about hate and how that fuels dark and evil wizards. Maybe, just maybe, he was here to make a difference in the lives of those who fear who they are because others do not agree with what they are meant to be.

"No one, absolutely no one" resolved Harry, "will make another boy, or girl for that matter, feel bad, different or dodgy while I am here."

Everyone deserves to live free; free of the evil dark wizards try to push on the world and free of harassment or intimidation from those who think they have the right to approve or disapprove of who and what you are. Gay school kids deserve to have the same right to be who they are as much as the straight teens do. Harry made a pledge, to Colin's picture and himself, to make a difference in the lives of those that fear at Hogwarts.

Harry planted a kiss on Colin's picture and rolled over as sleep fell upon him.

Secure in his love and his new resolve he drifted off into the land of dreams where there is no hate, no worry and only the freedom to be exactly who you were meant to be.

Chapter 4- Caught in the Act

Summer quickly faded away as the chill of fall set upon the grounds of Hogwarts. As the weeks passed and Halloween neared Sam and Lonnie became regular visitors to Professor Potter's quarters. Of course Harry knew they were not there to simply visit or to be helpful. They had found a place where they could be together and Harry made sure the opportunity was always there for them. Nearly every time they came to Harry's quarters, to do a project, Harry would make up an excuse to leave. The first couple of times he went back to see what the boys would do. After some time passed, after Harry's conscious began to bother him, he left the boys alone. He felt that if he and Colin had privacy then Sam and Lonnie should as well.

The arrangement worked well. Neither of the boys came out to Harry and Harry played along. Everything was fine until one day in October when he discovered an unwanted visitor in his quarters.

It had been a normal evening; both boys were there helping Harry with a lesson he was preparing for his fifth years. As usual, after about 30 minutes, Harry excused himself. Tonight he had to see Professor Longbottom. So Harry set off leaving the boys to their own devices. Tonight he really did need to see Neville, but not as long as the boys thought. When Harry arrived back in the classroom, under the cover of his cloak, he was greeted with a startling sight.

Crouched down and looking through the keyhole of the bathroom door was the string bean boy, Marcus Long, the boy with, as Lonnie had so correctly stated, with no ass. This was the boy who spent a lot of time picking on Lonnie when no teachers were around. The boy that kept calling Lonnie names like queer, dodgy or butt fucker when only he and his bully friends were able to get Lonnie cornered.

Harry gasped in awe as he stared at Marcus on his knees, pants down around his ankles, with his eye pressed against the keyhole. Based on the way his right arm was moving it wasn't too hard to guess what Marcus was doing out of view.

Harry had to stifle a laugh. Here was the homophobic twit on his knees and getting off watching Sam and Lonnie. What a hypocrite! Harry was torn- he wanted to slip back out and sneak back in cloakless and scare the little shit. What payback that would be for Lonnie; to see the bully, the homophobe that had made his life miserable since the start of the school year there half naked with a boner in front of Professor Potter! On the other hand, exposing Marcus would also expose Sam and Lonnie. They would know that Harry knew what they did all those times Harry conveniently disappeared.

Harry moved closer to Marcus and noticed that where he had no ass he made up for it with cock size. It was long and thin oozing an inordinate amount of precum as the boy's hand stroked it slowly. Harry moved towards the closet. Luckily the door was left open. Harry went in and lifted the giant poster of Quidditch hero Victor Krum that covered the one-way mirror.

Sure enough Lonnie and Sam were 69ing; both sucking each other and lost in their passion. Conveniently for Marcus and his view through the keyhole, Sam's hairless ass was pointing straight at the door as he hovered over Lonnie.

Harry considered all the options. This may be his big chance to stop Marcus in his tracks. This may be a way to save Lonnie from months more of verbal and mental abuse by his homophobic classmate. Harry decided that he would act; Sam and Lonnie would be ok...he would make sure of that.

Harry walked out of the closet and sat down on the floor next to Marcus. Harry could hear the breathing of the boys in the bathroom increase and he knew orgasm was near. Likewise Marcus had picked up the pace; stroking his long cock with all the force and might he could muster. Harry watched as Marcus' stomach muscles tightened as the first shot of Marcus's cum hit the door. Five more squirts later Marcus sat back on his heals, eyes closed apparently enjoying the after affects of a powerful teen orgasm.

Harry removed the invisibility cloak.

"Hope you had fun, Marcus" Harry abruptly said startling the boy and making him fall backwards.

It was quite the sight to see. Marcus Long, the boy that notoriously picked on other boys he assumed were gay, on his back with his cum-sticky deflating cock pointing at his belly. Apparently the boys in the bathroom heard Harry as well and they opened the door to see what the raucous was all about.

"Seems I ran into a bit of a surprise when I came back boys."

All three looked as if they wanted to die, right there on the spot.

Harry had to think fast. It would not look good at all if he let on that he knew that Sam and Lonnie had been having sex in his bathroom; the bathroom with the one way window. Too many questions would be asked about just how close Harry was to Sam and Lonnie. Even though Harry had never laid a hand on them assumptions would be made.

"It is always that gay man that is the pervert, isn't it?" thought Harry to himself.

Harry told the two boys to go into the bathroom and he would speak to them in a few minutes. Then he turned to the boy with his pants twisted around his ankles.

"First you have to clean up the mess you made on my door" admonished Harry, "but it seems I do not have a towel or a rag handy so get on your knees and lick it off the door."

Reluctantly Marcus, the big bully, crawled towards the door and began to lick off the cum he had splattered on there minutes before.

"You like that don't you? Your cock is getting hard again!"

"No sir, it's disgusting"

"Bullocks, boy. Aren't you the boy that is always accusing Lonnie of being gay? Aren't you the one that takes every opportunity you have to make him feel bad, to threaten him? And yet you are getting a hardon eating your own cum!"

"Yes sir, that is me. But aren't you upset that they are in your bathroom doing what they were doing?"

"What were they doing Marcus? For all I know they could have just been having a pee. But as for you," Harry said pointing at Marcus's half hard cock, " it was obvious what you were doing."

Harry pressed on, loud enough for the other two boys to hear him.

"So what you do is call other boys names like fag and queer so no one finds out that you are actually the one who likes to watch other boys?"

"Yes, sir" was all Marcus was able to mutter

"Well I will not report this to the Headmistress, although I should, in fact you should be expelled. As for the other two I cannot see through walls so they are guilty of nothing. What you will do is the following. You will stop harassing Lonnie and other boys that may or may not be gay. You will apologize to Lonnie and you will make sure that your friends do the same. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir"

"And you will be here every evening for the rest of this week for detention- 7pm sharp with no excuses."

"Yes, sir"

"Now get your pants on and get back to your dorm without a word of this to anyone."

Marcus quickly pulled up his pants and without hesitation ran for the nearest exit.

Harry opened the bathroom door and found both Lonnie and Sam looking very scared and worried. Harry's heart went out to them. Still he had to think of a way to let them know what they were doing was ok without inadvertently outing himself.

"Come out here boys, we need to have a talk" Harry said gesturing towards his desk

Both boys walked out like they were on the way to the gallows; heads held low they obeyed and sat down to face Professor Potter.

"I am sure you heard what went on with Marcus."

Sam was the first to speak, "Yes sir, we did"

"Then Lonnie should know that Marcus will not be bothering him anymore. As for you two..."Harry's voice purposely trailed off

"...you have to be more careful. I don't want you two to worry. You are not in trouble for doing what I think you were doing in there. It must have been something really...interesting...for straight-laced Marcus to dump a load all over my door."

The boys looked as if they were in shock. They were expecting the worst- a lecture on the evils of being gay, the threats to send an owl to their parents and to bring them in front of the Headmistress. None of that was happening and they sat stupefied.

Harry went on," you know when I was your age I had a couple of mates that were just like you two. They had to keep who and what they were secret. Of course I knew but I never said anything. I always thought it was their own business and no one else's. I knew that they snuck off to the glen by the lake to be with each other. That didn't bother me and what you two have between you doesn't bother me either. You still seem to get the work done and you really are not harming anyone. You just have to be careful; Marcus just proved that prying eyes are everywhere. Perhaps we should block up that old keyhole."

Both boys, apparently overwhelmed by Harry's response had tears in their eyes. They both came towards Harry and hugged him with all their might.

"Thank you, sir" sputtered Lonnie

For the first time in his life Harry felt like a dad. Even though he had no children of his own he learned that it was still possible to feel the same emotions a dad feels with his own son with boys who were not his own. The boys seemed to want to hold on to Harry forever. As much as Harry was enjoying the love he was no getting from these two lads he broke away.

"Best not carry on like this for too long or someone else may come along and get the wrong idea!"

Both boys laughed and moved away.

"Time for you guys to get out of here. Oh and I hope there isn't a mess in the bathroom" Harry said with a wink.

"Don't worry, sir, we cleaned it all up" said Sam with a self-satisfied grin

The boys gathered their things and were on their way. Harry sat back in his chair and for the first time in months felt really good about what he had done today. Yes it was a bit extreme making Marcus lick up his own cum but he deserved it. Hopefully now Lonnie could go through his days at school without fear, without that gut wrenching feeling that any moment another homophobic bomb would be thrown at him. Harry made a difference in a young life today and that made him feel good inside.

The only thing that was missing was Colin. He was still in Romania and not there to share in Harry's joy. Harry summoned Hedwig as he pulled out some parchment and a quill. It was time to write Colin and to tell him about the boys.

Chapter 5- The Christmas Surprise

The Christmas break came quickly. Harry could hardly believe that half of his first year as a teacher had already passed. The castle was quiet with a good number of the students' home for the holidays. Harry was glad most of them were away. He was feeling sad because this would be the first Christmas he and Colin would spend apart. Luckily he had one old friend that was at the castle. Well kind of a friend; his former classmate, now Herbology teacher, Neville Longbottom was there to hang out with.

Although Harry and Neville shared a dorm for seven years Harry never really bothered to get to know Neville. He knew that Neville's parents were both in the Wizard Hospital because one of Voldemort's followers tortured them until they went insane. Harry knew that Neville had an aptitude for Herbology and guessed correctly that he would be teaching it one day. But beyond that Harry kept his distance. Retrospectively Harry felt bad about how he and his mates had treated Neville.

Perhaps during Christmas break, now that they were both teachers at the same school, Harry could make up for past mistakes.

So on Christmas Eve Harry invited Neville to his quarters for an after dinner brandy.

"This time of the year is always hardest on me" said Neville as he sipped his brandy "with my parents locked away it takes the `merry' out of Christmas. Of course at least my parents, for what it is worth are still alive..."

Neville bit his lip as his voice trailed off; he hoped he hadn't opened an old wound with Harry.

"Yes you are lucky in some ways I guess, but these days it is others that I miss."

"Oh you mean Ron and Hermione I suppose"

"Yeah" replied Harry quickly

Luckily he had caught himself; Neville would not understand why he would be missing Colin Creevey, the annoying by with the camera from all those years ago.

The conversation continued on as the bottle of brandy was emptied out. Both of them were feeling a bit tipsy but because it was a holiday Harry decided to bring out a bottle of Mead that Madame Rosmarta gave him on his 20th birthday.

"Mead does wild things too me Harry" admonished Neville

"Well might as well have a wild Christmas since it isn't too merry for either of us!" joked Harry as he filled Neville's glass.

"To old friends and new teachers" toasted Harry

"Yes to friends" repeated Neville "and Harry I am really glad we both are teachers here. I always considered you a good friend when we were in school."

Harry felt a big twinge of guilt. Just like his father had taunted and teased Snape, Harry along with his mates, frequently made Neville the brunt of their jokes. He should have been a better friend to Neville; he should have let him into his small circle of friends. But the past can never be revisited and changed. Even wizards couldn't do that. Well they could but tinkering with the past could cause catastrophic consequences. The present, however, was a different story. He would make an effort to really be a friend to Neville now that they were grown men of 25 and both teachers at the school they spent their childhood attending.

After a couple more glasses of Mead Neville excused himself and went into Harry's bathroom.

Harry sat in the silence and thoughts of Colin raced through his mind. He wondered what he was doing. Was he missing Harry as much as Harry was missing him? Minutes passed as Harry remembered the other holidays in which they were not apart. Birthdays, Christmas and the anniversaries; not one was missed since they became adults and started their life together.

Harry glanced at his watch and thought that it was odd that Neville was in the bathroom for at least five minutes now. Throwing caution to the wind Harry went into his secret closet and lifted the corner of the Krum poster that covered the one-way mirror and peered in on Neville.

Harry had expected to see Neville in a not quite so flattering position; sitting on the loo attempting to get rid of what was left of the Christmas Eve feast. Instead he was greeted with the surprise of his life; a surprise that nearly made him fall backwards and on to the floor in shock.

There before him was geeky Neville Longbottom sitting on the loo and stroking perhaps the biggest cock Harry had ever seen in his life.

"No wonder his last name is Longbottom" Harry mused to himself "that's the longest bottom bit I have ever seen!"

Harry wasn't kidding; in fact, despite himself he couldn't tear his eyes away from his old classmate. It had to be at least 8 or 9 inches long, thick from top to bottom with low hanging balls that looked quite full. A generous portion of black, curly pubic hair rose up from the root of Neville's cock trailing off as it approached his bellybutton. Harry adjusted his swollen cock in his pants and gave it a good long squeeze. Just as he was about to unzip a knock came at the door.

"Professor Potter?" Harry heard a small voice calling from outside the door of his quarters "An owl came for you but it couldn't get in because your windows were closed."

Apparently Neville heard the boy as well; the show was over and Neville zipped up while trying to make his still hard cock not too noticeable. Harry quickly left the closet and shut the door.

"Thank you Reginald" said Harry as he took the parchment the boy was holding out "Hope your Christmas is a good one!"

Harry knew by the yellow ribbon tied around the parchment that it was from Colin. He was dying to open it at once and read it, but thought better of it when Neville strode back into the room.

"Good news?" enquired Neville

"Don't know yet I haven't read it." replied Harry as nonchalantly as he could

More mead was poured and they toasted to things neither would probably remember in the morning. After a little while the conversation turned to relationships.

"My Gran is still trying to get me married off" slurred Neville, "she just doesn't understand that marrying a woman is just not for me."

Harry didn't know what to make of this. Did this mean that Neville was just to busy with his new career as a Herbology teacher to bother with marrying or could it mean something else? Harry dismissed the thought. If anything Neville as shy as he is just does it himself; that is why he was "entertaining" himself earlier when he was supposed to be peeing.

"How about you Harry? We always thought that you would have ended up with Cho Chang."

"Umm, well, life has just been to crazy what with Voldemort and the like. Who has time to date?"

Harry decided to press for more information; the memory of Neville's huge cock still in the back of his mind.

"What is it your Gran doesn't understand? You know you can always talk to me. We are old schoolmates after all."

Neville considered this for a moment. He had always felt bad that he never was able to be open with Harry. As far as he was concerned Harry had always been honest with him. Besides we are adults now, thought Neville, and even when we were kids I never heard Harry making fun of anyone- well all except Crabbe and Goyle. Neville took a deep breath and then turned to face Harry.

"There is something I never told you Harry, something even more secret then my parents being in the hospital and insane. I don't know if you will want to stay friends after I tell you this. You may even throw me out on my ear and that will be fine but please promise to keep this between you and me. No one at the school must hear what I tell you. They wouldn't understand and somehow it may get back to my Gran. She is old now and probably won't be here much longer. This would probably kill her."

"Ok I promise Neville, I swear it will stay here. So what is the big secret? Are you growing illegal plants in the Hogwarts greenhouses?"

"No it's nothing like that Harry. You see since I was, oh maybe age 12, I knew I was different from you lot. Jesus this is harder then I thought it would be."

"Just spit it out Neville and you will probably feel better after getting it off your chest."

Neville took another deep breath and then continued.

"Ok do you remember that boy that ran around with the camera all the time, Colin Creevey?"

Harry nodded his head and shifted in his chair at the mention of his lover. Did Neville know that he and Colin was a couple from the fifth year on?

"Well Harry what I never told anyone is that me and Colin were like lovers. We both discovered that we liked boys way better then girls and one night out by Greenhouse 2 we had sex. It was my first time and I think his too. So that is the secret. Thanks to Colin I came to terms with being gay. I hope you are ok with this and that it doesn't come as too much of a shock."

The fact that Neville just had come out to him wasn't shocking at all. In fact Harry suspected Neville for a long time but never had the courage to ask him about it. What was eating at his gut and his heart at the moment was the fact that Colin was having sex with Neville when he had told Harry that he was the only one.

"Harry are you upset?" asked Neville who was getting ready to bolt for the door in case the worst came. Harry just sat motionless for another minute or two, trying to find the words and trying to not cry in front of Neville. Harry got up and got the parchment that was delivered earlier. He sat back down in front of Neville, eyes glossing over; he looked him straight in the eye.

"You know Neville there is something I never got around to telling you as well. You see this parchment, the one that came earlier? Do you know who this is from?"

Harry didn't really expect Neville to guess.

"It's from my lover, my boyfriend of almost ten years now, Colin Creevey."

Neville sat up in his chair wide-eyed and stunned.

"You mean you...and Colin...you two...the great Harry Potter is as gay as I am?"

"Uh huh"

"And he never told you that he was doing things with me?"

"Nope, he always said I was his `one and only' and like a fool I believed him."

"Oh Harry I never knew that Colin was with you, I swear. I thought he and I were the only ones at Hogwarts. I am so sorry."

"I am not mad at you Neville. As a matter of fact I appreciate you honestly and it will be good to have another adult here I can talk to. I am hurt because I even told Colin about how Malfoy was blackmailing me- I had to do him when Pansy was on the rag otherwise he would have outed me and Colin. No wonder Colin said he understood why I had to do that; he was busy shagging with you."

Neville looked at his feet and Harry, albeit really pissed off, felt sorry for his friend.

"Listen Neville, it is not your fault. If he never told you about me you cannot blame yourself. So I am not mad at you at all. Right now though I need some time alone. I hope you understand that it's not your I am angry with and that is not why I am sending you away. I just need some time to think."

"I understand Harry and really Harry I didn't know, I swear, I never would have done anything to betray our friendship."

"I know you wouldn't have and that thought the same was true of Colin."

Neville and Harry embraced and then Neville collected his things and headed out the door. Harry finally left alone with his thoughts broke down and started crying like a baby.

"Wouldn't this be great, someone coming by now and seeing brave Harry Potter crying like an infant" he said to no one in particular.

Harry poured himself another glass of Mead after the crying subsided.

It would be a long sleepless night as he wondered if anything in his life was ever going to be certain. Was anyone honest these days or has everyone, even his lover, crossed over to the dark side of the tracks?

Soon his mind became too tired to think and sleep finally came.

When he woke up, head hurting from the night before, Colin's indiscretion was still on his mind. After a shower that washed away the cobwebs in his head Harry remembered that he didn't read the letter he received last night. He retrieved the parchment, that was laying crumpled up in a ball after Harry had apparently threw it away the night before, from the waste can and flattened it out to read it. It was a short and to the point note from Colin:

Harry, I will be backing London the day after tomorrow! I know I will see you at the Leaky Cauldron. So start packing and get down here. I will be waiting! I love you Harry Potter!

Yours in life and love, Colin

Harry, who before last night would have been overjoyed about Colin's return, considered ignoring his lover's request. He considered sending back an owl stating that he just couldn't make it but then he decided to face this like the hero he was supposed to be. So Harry made the preparations to visit London after he dropped by the Headmistresses office.

Harry decided to leave a day early; he needed a day to unwind and to forget everything...just for one day.




Next: Chapter 2

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