Harrys Closet of Secrets

By Ben Meova

Published on May 15, 2007


A fantasy tribute by HungYungUn

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

This story will hopefully wrap up around chapter 30...maybe I will do another about Harry's second year as a teacher, assuming he will come back to teach another year. Special thanks to JOEY R. who inspired and created the ADRIAN CODWELL character. Loads of thanks to all of you that have wrote in and have given me the thumbs up for this story. I really do appreciate the positive feedback and it is encouraging me to write more for you all. Comments, feedback and suggestions for the next part are welcome and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry's Closet of Secrets Part Eight

Chapter 24- The Remembering

The first thing Sam was aware of was a dull ache on the back of his head. As light entered his half closed eyes he noticed that his chest and ribs hurt as well. But beyond that, below his belly button, he didn't feel any pain at all. As he came out of his haze the sad reality began to dawn on him. He couldn't feel pain below his waist and, in fact, he couldn't feel anything at all. Desperately he tried to move his legs in an attempt to get up from what appeared to be a hospital bed. Despite his best efforts his legs would not cooperate with his brain.

Panic started to hit him; he vaguely remembered flying high in the air with the other PP members. He remembered that he was chasing the Golden Snitch and that they were playing an amateur Quidditch match. Then he remembered the dark mist and the strong wind. That sent his mind into overdrive and he was desperate to get up and get away from the intrusive thoughts- but he couldn't. He was, indeed, paralyzed below the waist.

"Help me...somebody helped me," screamed Sam hoping someone was near and would explain to him why he was no longer able to move.

Harry and Neville had left Sam's bedside to go get a cup of tea. As they approached Sam's bed in the ward they heard him calling out.

"He's awake Neville, we better go and calm him," said Harry breaking into a jog

When Sam saw Harry he felt relieved but panic still had a grip on him.

"Professor what happened? Why can't I move my legs? Where am I?" pleaded Sam

Harry sat down next to Sam and prepared to deliver the worst news he had ever had to tell a boy. Harry had wanted to wait and have Sam's parents tell him but the boy, with tears streaming down his cheeks, needed to know the truth. Sam's parents were elsewhere in the hospital, having a needed break from the 11-hour vigil that they had kept at Sam's bedside. Harry sent Neville to find Sam's parents while he prepared to deliver the news.

"From what I understand, from the other boys, a strong wind knocked you off your broom. You fell at full speed and sadly the fall injured your spinal cord and back. The damage was too severe for the Healers to fix, Sam. They tried everything but the cord was severed. When that happens nothing, even magic, can help. That is why you cannot feel anything below your waist. I am sorry Sam but you are paralyzed."

"You mean I will never be able to walk again?" asked a horrified Sam

"Right now that seems so..." replied Harry fighting back the tears as well

The tears really began to flow from the gentle eyes of young Sam Chang. Harry moved on the bed and cradled the boy in his arms. He held Sam closely and stroked the boy's hair. They stayed that way for a long time until they heard another voice in the room.

"What's going on here?" said a voice with a distinct Chinese accent

"Sam knows, sir," said Harry getting up and facing Sam's father

"Be grateful you are alive, boy," admonished Sam's father, "crying is for women and sissies"

Harry was tempted to pin Mister Chang against the wall and beat his ass until he cried. He couldn't believe how cold and insensitive he was. Sam looked with pleading eyes at Harry and urged him to restrain himself. Luckily Sam's mother and his older sister Cho came in to console Sam.

"Harry could I talk with you outside?" asked Cho after she got up from Sam's bed

"Sure, let's go to the visitor's lounge," suggested Harry

The only positive note, if there was anything positive about this day, was seeing Cho Chang again. Even though Harry's heart and his hardon was always with Ron and Colin, Harry had always felt a spiritual connection to Cho. She was one of the few people in school that he could really feel comfortable with. She never treated him like a celebrity or an enigma- he was just a good friend, just Harry to her and he was always grateful for that.

"I take it you told Sam about his condition?" asked Cho

"Yes, I did. I'm sorry...I know the family probably wanted to tell him but he was crying and screaming out for answers. I didn't know what else to do."

"It's ok, Harry, I am glad you told him. My dad would have made matters worse if he had been the one."

"Yes, I noticed he is a bit harsh..."

"Harsh?" laughed Cho, "that is an understatement. He is cold, always has been and if he knew the truth about Sam he would be even colder."

"The truth?" asked Harry feigning ignorance

"Yes, the truth, and you know what I mean since you are just like Sam. I know he is gay Harry. I have known for years and he told me about you. At first I was angry with you for not telling me when we were kids. I felt like you had used me as a cover, as a shield against being who you really are."

"I am so sorry, Cho, but..."

"No need to apologize Harry. Look Sam and I are close and we talk about everything. I have always been a cross between a substitute parent and a sister. He has told me why you kept yourself locked in the closet and how much both you and Neville have helped him and the other boys. So no hard feelings and your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks, Cho, that means a lot but I am more worried about Sam. Everything in his world is about to change...speaking of which you should get back in there with him; your father may push him over the edge, if you don't mind me saying that."

"It's fine Harry, I was just thinking the same thing. Mother can only do so much, when father decides to start running off at the mouth there is nothing she can do so I better get back in there...oh and Harry thanks for watching over Sam...you would have made a great dad" said Cho giving Harry a big hug

As she headed back towards Sam's bed Harry let everything sink in. It was almost too much for him and he was certain that Sam's accident was not an accident at all. His racing thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hiya Harry, are you alright mate?" said Ron squeezing Harry's shoulder

"Not really Ron," said Harry visibly drained, "can we take a walk and talk a bit in private?"

"Sure, if we can actually find a private place here!"

The both headed to a remote corner and sat down face to face. Ron could see the stress and the worry in Harry's face.

"Listen Ron. I need your help. Neville can help with this as well. The more I put two and two together the more I am convinced that what happened to Sam was no accident."

"I know Harry, first there was Angelo, then the thing with Patrick in the cave and now Sam. What do you need me to do?"

"I need you and Neville to distract Sam's parents for a bit. I need to talk to him in private and see what he remembers. But if his parents are there it may out him."

"What about Cho?"

"She is ok, she just told me that she knew about me and that Sam is gay. She isn't a homophobe and was grateful that I have been looking after her little brother."

"Alright Harry we can do that but I am really worried about you. You seem to be taking this hardest of all."

And Harry was, in fact ever since they had found Angelo Harry had been having nightmares that he had tried to keep hidden from Ron. When Patrick almost lost his life in the cave the dreams intensified and now Harry was plagued with a combination or worry and guilt. Eventually he had to come clean with Ron and tell him about the almost nightly nightmares.

"I know you care about all the boys in the PP,' Ron continued, "but I feel like there is a missing piece; something you haven't told me that would explain why you are so affected by all of this."

"As usual you can read me like a book, Ron," conceded Harry, "there is something I never told any of you and it goes back to when I was 12. It has to do with a mate that lived in the Dursley's neighborhood named Adrian Codwell."

"Yes, you never mentioned him. He was a Muggle mate then?" asked a puzzled Ron

"Not completely Muggle, his mum was a Squib and they were trying to raise him in the Muggle world. His parents refused to send him to Hogwarts, but that's the least of it."

Harry went on to explain that during his first summer back from Hogwarts he had met Adrian at the local park and they became friends. The Dursleys were overjoyed that Harry had made friends with a "normal" mate and hoped that he would make Harry forget about the magical world and his friends from school. When Ron and Hermione were not writing Harry had become resentful and for a time forgot about them and spent his days with Adrian. Of course when Harry found out that the house elf, Dobby, was holding back the mail he felt a twinge of guilt for assuming that Ron and Hermione didn't give a damn about him.

"That's understandable Harry," said Ron, " I would have looked for a mate as well if I felt like my other friends had abandoned me. But what does this have to do with the dreams..."

"I am getting to that Ron, hang on," replied Harry cutting off Ron's questioning

Harry told Ron that during that summer the hint of puberty was hitting him. His voice had changed seemingly overnight and a sparse growth of dark brown pubes had started encircling his cock. He told Ron that he was glad that the Dursleys had given him Dudley's spare bedroom because he was wanking nightly like a dog in heat. The odd thing was that his wanks were not about the girls at school. It was about Ron and especially Adrian.

Adrian was fifteen at the time and was absolutely gorgeous. He was taller then Harry and was naturally lite skinned although the summer sun had tanned him a bit. Harry recalled swimming at Adrian's house and the vision of him in his Speedos. He had a great body like a Greek god with curly black hair that looked like the finest silk when it was wet. His eyes were as blue-green as the deepest ocean and a nice bubble butt.

One day when they were having a swim, when Adrian's parents were not home, Harry was introduced to boy-on-boy sex. They had been swimming in the pool and tossing each other about. Harry noted that because the Dursley's never bought him new clothes and he was forced to wear Dudley's hand me downs, the swimming trunks he had on were way too loose. Eventually, after a dive in the pool, they came off. Harry floated in the water as he watched his trunks float by him. Adrian chortled and told Harry not to worry about it.

He got out of the pool and stripped off his trunks and grinned at Harry.

"Might as well join you in a skinny-dip," smiled Adrian at Harry

Harry was glued to the vision before him. Adrian presented him with an amazing lower body that any adult would kill to have. Rippled stomach muscles led to a generous patch of silky black pubes that surrounded the biggest cock Harry had ever seen on another boy. Harry thought to himself that Adrian's package belonged on a 25-year-old not a boy of 15. Even half hard it had to be at least five inches. Later, as things progressed and they did the usual boyhood measuring game, Harry would learn that Adrian's cock grew to an astounding 9 1/2 inches! Of course Harry's hormones sprung into action as he watched Adrian stretch in the sun. Harry's young 4-inch cock was swelling even harder under the water.

Adrian dived into the pool and swam around Harry. Looking back in retrospect, Harry realized that Adrian was actually showing off for him. First Adrian would float on his back, giving Harry a bird's eye view of his swelling member. Then he would float on his stomach with his twin globes, looking like soft mountains, floating with in reach of Harry and his hard cock.

Adrian eventually got out of the pool and suggested that Harry get out as well and sun bathe nude with him. Harry was reluctant. He wasn't sure if Adrian was like him or just a show off. The problem was Harry's erection. What if seeing Harry in his present state upset Adrian and he went into a homophobic attack? Harry was worried about losing the only friend he thought he had that summer.

Reluctantly he slipped out of the opposite end of the pool and took a long time drying himself. Harry's ass was facing the lounging Adrian. After he took as much time as possible, cursing the fact that his boy boner wouldn't go down, Harry took a deep breath and headed toward Adrian who was stretched out on a chase lounge chair. Harry held the towel in front of his boner but abandoned it when he approached Adrian.

There before him was his Greek god, eyes closed and his fully hard cock bypassing his belly button. Harry's cock jerked and seemed to swell harder. He laid down on the chair next to Adrian with his eyes focused on his friend's boner.

"It does that when I get out of the pool" said Adrian nonchalantly giving his hardon a squeeze, " looks like you have the same problem"

"Yes, I guess I do..." said Harry nervously

They basked in the glow of the sun for a little while but it became too hot. It was an unusually hot UK summer and soon they both headed back into the pool. Both Harry and Adrian still had hardons; at least, thought Harry, I am not the only one in the pool with a boner. The shear weight of Adrian's swelled cock made it point downward as if it were a third leg reaching for the deck of the pool. It seemed to be leading him to the edge of the pool and was the first part of Adrian's body to hit the water when he dived in.

Adrian swam close to Harry and put his arms on his shoulders. Harry nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt the tip of Adrian's cock brush against his belly.

"Wanna do something that really feels great in the pool?" asked Adrian with a grin

Harry was literally up for anything and nodded in the affirmative. Adrian dove under the water and came up between Harry's legs. When he rose up Harry was on Adrian's shoulders; his boy cock slapping the back of Adrian's neck.

"Ok now spin around Harry, turn on my shoulders so your belly is facing my face," instructed Adrian

Harry quickly obeyed; lost in the ecstasy he was feeling he automatically spun around with no reservations. Just the feel of Adrian's warm skin on his balls and ass was sending electric shocks through Harry's young body. When Harry maneuvered around his 4-inch cock was pointing at Adrian's mouth.

"Get ready for the surprise of your life, Harry," said Adrian as he took the whole of Harry's cock into his mouth

Harry knew how good a little bit of the lotion, he had nicked from his aunt, felt on his dick but he was not prepared for the warm engulfing wetness of Adrian's mouth. Throwing caution to the wind Harry started pumping in and out of Adrian's mouth. Adrian reached up and squeezed Harry's balls with one hand while he played with the sparse circle of brown pubes with the other. After a bit Adrian reached around and grabbed hold of Harry's ass, encouraging him to pump his cock into Adrian's mouth harder.

It only took a few minutes to make Harry's balls explode, emptying his sweet tasting load and coating his Muggle mate's throat. When Harry caught his breath Adrian ducked back down under the water and Harry came off his shoulders.

With no fear, now that he had face fucked the older boy, Harry reached out and took hold of Adrian's fully hard cock.

"I want to do the same to you," said Harry gently stroking his friends cock

"Alright but let's go inside" said Adrian giving Harry a peck on the cheek

They went inside into Adrian's room and Harry had him lay on his back with his legs spread. This was the first time Harry was afforded the opportunity to have an up close look at another, older boy. As opposed to the naked female pictures some of his mates at Hogwarts had snuck in, this body turned Harry on. The female body was boring to young Harry. He remembered thinking, when Dean Thomas was showing him the pictures that there was nothing interesting there. Just two oversized boobs and a hairy slit.

Adrian, on the other hand, had loads to play with.

Harry surveyed his Muggle mate and loved the way the lips, that were on his cock just minutes before, were in sort of a permanent mischievous grin. Adrian's face was perfect, nearly like the statue of David Harry had seen at the museum with the Dursleys. His chest was defined with two small, brown pointy nipples reaching out to the ceiling. Harry loved the contrast between Adrian's tanned belly and the dark pubes that surrounded the base of his cock. Harry noticed a drop of precum lazily lying on the tip of the exposed head of Adrian's uncut cock that slowly dripped just above the belly button.

Harry looked lower and took in the sight of Adrian's balls, which had tightened up enough to reveal a small trail of black hair leading to where his butthole was. It was there that Harry wanted to start as he climbed on the bed with his friend.

Harry crawled in between Adrian's spread legs and began tonguing the space that lied in between the balls and the ass. He slowly moved up and took each, slightly fuzzy, ball into his mouth, After a few minutes of that Harry started licking Adrian's shaft up and down. He then attempted to take as much of Adrian as he could but was a bit over zealous and choked. Adrian told him to slow down and to just lick his cock and squeeze his balls. Eventually Harry got his technique down and was sucking on the engorged head of Adrian's cock while fondling the full man-sized balls.

"It's gonna cum, Harry, " warned Adrian

Instead of pulling off Harry began sucking harder while stroking the bottom half of Adrian's cock. Soon shot after shot of 15-year-old boy cum was coating Harry's mouth and tongue. He savored the flavor noting that, like his, it had a faint sweet taste. Harry was ready to shoot again and he laid back as he pumped another load into Adrian's expert mouth.

After that day they regularly got together for "pool fun". The Dursley's even let Adrian stay over one night. If Uncle Vernon knew what went on in Harry's bedroom he would have hit the roof. Harry guessed that having a magical gay nephew would be even worse for the Dursleys.

When Harry met up with Dobby and Ron came to rescue him with the flying car he left willingly without saying goodbye to Adrian. Later that school year there was a blurb in the Daily Prophet about a suicide. It was the son of a known Squib, Augusta Codwell, and the story said that they had found the boy, dressed in black, hanging from a rope that was affixed to the diving board of the family pool. The note in the dead boy's hand said that the he hated his life, he felt all alone and that he was making sure no one would ever hurt him again.

At the time Harry was still deep in his closet and he explained to Ron that while he wanted to tell him and Hermione how this story affected him he couldn't. At the time he had no idea any of them were as gay as he was.

"So that is why the whole Angelo thing and the rest is haunting me. I just took off on Adrian and I never knew if he killed himself because of me or because of other things" finished Harry back in the present

Ron sat quietly for a few moments. Partly because this new revelation by Harry had taken him by surprise but mostly because the image of 12-year-old Harry pumping his cock into Adrian's face was still going through his mind and making his cock half swell. Once he willed his boner down he was ready to speak.

"I think you are putting too much of the blame on yourself Harry. There is no way of knowing why Adrian offed himself. We know that you didn't abandon Angelo. Yes he felt slighted by Neville but I don't really think he, alone, decided to hang himself."

"You are right, Ron. I know,... I know I have been through all this in my head over and over. I know I wasn't directly responsible for Adrian or Angelo but I still feel like, in some way, I indirectly was. Then there was Patrick, I put him in danger and now Sam...Sam..."

Harry couldn't finish; the tears finally came in flood. Ron reached out and took hold of his lover, gently stroking his hair and kissing away his tears.

"Harry the only way to be sure is to get to the bottom of all of this. Look at the bright side...ok well that may not be a great choice of words...look at the positive. Sam is still alive and perhaps he can tell you what he saw. What he witnessed before the fall may give us some clues."

Harry considered what Ron said and finally was able to collect himself.

"You're right, Ron and that is exactly what I am going to do," said Harry standing up to leave

Harry pulled Ron close again and kissed him on the lips.

"You know I really do love you Ronald Weasley"

"I know Harry, I have always known that and I love you too."

Chapter 25- Ghosts In The Mist

Never one to pass up something free Sam's father, with his wife and daughter in tow, willingly went with Ron and Neville who offered to buy them dinner in the hospital cafeteria. Harry had told them that he wasn't very hungry and offered to stay with Sam. Once Ron and Neville had left with Sam's family Harry was free to ask Sam some questions. He didn't want to press him too hard; perhaps recalling all the events of that fateful day would be too much for him. Still he needed to know what Sam saw so he could put the pieces together.

"Sam, do you think you can remember what you saw before you fell?" asked Harry in a gentle tone

"I kind of can, sir," said Sam trying to recall what had happened, "I remember flying really high; the Golden Snitch kept going higher and higher and Issac Isley hadn't spotted it yet. I remember feeling a real chilly wind that started getting stronger and stronger. Then there was like a dark mist around me, but it wasn't just clouds or fog. The sky was clear that day, that is why we all went out to play Quidditch."

"Could you make out anything in that mist, Sam?"

"This is going to sound strange, sir, but I could have sworn I saw faces."

"Faces?" repeated Harry perplexed

"Yes, but they weren't like real faces, they were ghostly. Very translucent and I remember two of them having red eyes."

"Can you remember what they looked like...were they all white or did they have human colours?"

"It kept changing...one second they were all white, yet dark in some ways. The next I would see a flash of detail. One had blond hair and one had jet-black hair- the two with the red eyes. They circled around me and I counted like about five more ghosts or whatever they were with them."

"Did you see what the other entities looked like?"

"They were strange- they looked like that old Muggle movie, Dracula. They had thin, pale faces and had bat wings."

"Sounds like demons...what happened next?"

"They were making the air around me spin like a tornado and I remember hearing laughter. I couldn't hold on to the broom any longer and I fell and then I guess when I landed that's when...that's when..."

Sam was starting to get choked up again facing the reality of his injury.

"Ok Sam that is enough for now. I don't want to get you upset again."

"I'm ok, Professor...why do you think they came after me?"

"I don't know Sam but I promise you this, if it is the last thing I do I will find out why. In the meantime I want you to close your eyes and rest."

"I'll try but every time I close my eyes I see myself falling again and then I remember I am a cripple now."

"For now Sam...remember that...for now. Muggle medicine has come a long way and perhaps they have a cure for you. One bad thing about magical medicine is that it is limited and hasn't changed much in thousands of years. Try to keep some hope and leave the worrying to me."

Harry took a risk and bent down and gave Sam a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, sir," said Sam with eyes moist

"I love you too Sam and Cho does too. No worries we are in your corner and are here for you. Now rest young man."

Sam closed his eyes and soon, thanks to the pain medicine, drifted back off to sleep.

When Neville and Ron arrived back with Sam's family Harry took his leave and left the hospital with Ron and Neville. Outside of the hospital they walked for a bit before they apporated back to Hogwarts. Harry told them about what Sam had disclosed and the strange creatures and ghosts he saw around him.

"I didn't know ghosts could do all that Harry," said Neville scratching his head

"Yes, I suppose they can if they have help from the demons. They don't usually bother with us magic folk but they love tormenting and controlling Muggles. What I don't understand is why they chose to target Sam. There has to be some sort of connecting thread to all this."

"I know there must be Harry," agreed Ron, "but the big question is what it is. Up until today, we were assuming that another living human being had a hand in what happened to Angelo and the incident at Camden's Cave. Now you are telling us that ghosts and demons may be involved; I don't know what to make of all this."

"Yes and the other question still remains- why? I think it's time we talk with the two ghosts that seem to know all the gossip at Hogwarts. When we get back I am going to have a long chat with Peeves and Moaning Myrtle. Perhaps they know who these mystery ghosts are."

With that they all decided to head back. With a loud crack all three apporated back to Hogwarts. Harry bid Ron farewell with a sloppy wet kiss and then he and Neville headed straight for the Headmistresses office to give her an update on Sam. They both agreed that, for now, they would keep what Sam reported quiet but both agreed that there may come a time, real soon, in which they would have to tell Minerva McGonagall about Potter's Protégés and just what that group was really all about.

After McGonagall was briefed Harry headed for Myrtle's bathroom. After a lengthy question and answer session Harry didn't know any more then when he started. Myrtle hadn't been leaving the U-bend of her toilet for the last couple of weeks. Apparently some fourth year girls had been taunting her and she was in one of her perpetual pouts. She did give Harry an idea, though. She mentioned that next week was Peeves death day party and that may be a way to flush out any new ghosts or spirits.

Harry bid Myrtle farewell and went searching for the mischievous Hogwarts ghost Peeves. He found him up to no good on the fourth floor. He was lobbing what looked like green slime at some third year Slytherins.

"Peeves you really need to stop that," admonished Harry in his best teacher-like tone

Reluctantly Peeves stopped and let the Slytherins, sticky with the green ooze, move on.

"What brings Professor Potty round here today?" asked the obnoxious ghost

"That's Professor Potter to you Peeves...I have a few questions for you"

"I didn't do it!" Peeves folded his arms and put a serious look on his face

"I am not accusing you of doing anything Peeves. I just wanted to know if you heard about or have observed any strangers around here- namely strange ghosts or demons around the castle?"

"Can't say that I have; been too busy...umm...expressing myself"

"Well be that as it may, I understand your death day party is coming up. There were some strange ghosts along with demons around the Chang boy when he was knocked from his broom. I want you to extend an open invitation to any ghost in the vicinity to come to your death day party. Maybe that way we can flush out who these ghosts are."

"Why do you need to know who they are?"

"Because I believe that they are trying to kill off some of the students."

"Oh you mean your fag students?"

"One more comment like that Peeves and I will use the Limbato charm on you" yelled Harry angrily

The Limbato charm was rarely used but when it was it would bind a spirit or ghost to a place known as Limbo where they would stay lost for eons.

"I'm sorry, Professor," cringed Peeves who knew full well that Harry Potter had the skill and the ability to banish him in a micro-second, "I will extend the invite. You can come too, it should be lots of fun with lots to eat."

Harry remembered Nearly Headless Nick's death day party from when he was a student. The thought of the ghostly buffet with all the rotting and putrid food made Harry's stomach turn.

"Perhaps I will, Peeves. In the meantime I will expect you to keep this conversation between us."

"Ok, Professor Potty...I mean Professor Potter," saluted Peeves as he drifted away through a wall

So Harry would have to wait for answers.

He would attend Peeve's party and arrive unannounced under the invisibility cloak. Perhaps the party would draw in some of the answers to the myriad of questions that kept running through Harry's head.

Days passed slowly but finally the day came for Peeve's death day party. Harry dug out his invisibility cloak and headed down for the dungeon. When he arrived he was surrounded by an assortment of ghosts. Nearly Headless Nick nearly made Harry pee on himself when Nick's head popped under the cloak.

"On a secret mission, Harry?" asked Nick trying to be cordial

"Er..yeah Nick so if you don't mind..."

"Oh right, well then see you around or not. Right, I never saw you down here...that will be my story!"

Nick drifted away and joined the other ghosts milling around the buffet table laden with rotting food. Harry learned from his last experience with a death day party that the use of an oxygen mask charm was a good idea. He took his wand out and performed the charm. Thankfully a mask with breathable air covered his mouth and nose. The unbelievably putrid smell just a faint memory.

With that taken care of Harry could concentrate on seeing just who was at Peeve's event. Most of the ghosts looked innocuous and Harry didn't see anyone that fit the description Sam had given him. These were not modern ghosts; these were ghosts that lived hundreds of years ago when Peeves was alive. After a couple of hours Harry gave up. There just was not anyone there that looked suspicious or out of place. None of the ghosts had red eyes- they all seemed to know Peeves and none of them took notice of any strangers arriving.

No closer to an answer then he was when he arrived Harry headed back to his quarters. First he made a stop at Neville's to tell him that he found nothing unusual at the party.

"Just like any mystery, Harry, the culprit always slips up or shows his face eventually."

"I know Neville, I just wish it was sooner then later. Exams are a week away and then the boys go home. They will not be together and protected and that worries me, especially if I am right and someone is indeed targeting the members of Potter's Protégés."

Harry bid Neville goodnight and then returned to his quarters. The only thing he could do was wait. Wait for the culprit to slip up; wait for another clue.

Anyone that knew Harry knew that there was one thing he hated more then dark wizards- it was waiting and not being able to solve a mystery- especially when it involved people he was close to.

Chapter 26- Bumps In The Night

The next couple of days kept Harry extremely busy. With the preparation for the final exams of his students and the daily visits to St. Mungos to check on Sam Harry was physically and emotionally exhausted. He was glad that he was finally able to have some quiet time to himself; as the Muggle saying went, thought Harry, "thank God it's Friday!

The other thing, that made his week was the news that there was an American Healer, at the American Wizard Hospital in Salem, Massachusetts that had a technique that successfully fused and repaired severed spinal cords.

The only problem for Sam's family was raising enough cash to pay for the trip to the states. They would have to fly into Boston on a Muggle plane since it was impossible to apporate with Sam in his present condition. The experience may, as Healer McNaughty said, injure his spinal cord further. Then there was the expense of the treatment. All in all the family needed at least $4000 Galleons.

Owls were sent home to the parents of every Hogwarts student asking for donations. Thus far the response was great and a total of $2500 Galleons was raised. Harry pledged another $2000 himself so whatever else came in would be extra for the Chang family. The members of Potter's Protégés took the lead in the fund drive with Lonnie Livingston being the most enthusiastic and committed. That wasn't a surprise given the fact that Lonnie and Sam, unknown to all but the members of PP, were boyfriends.

So Harry was pretty relaxed and happy; he had made plans to see Ron tomorrow. Tonight was his big chance to unwind. He took the opportunity to catch up on some reading. He had obtained a copy of DEMONS AND THE GHOSTS THAT LOVE THEM by Mayvis Malowski and Thomas Trickle. Malowski and Trickle were the authority on Demonology and ghosts that have gone bad. Their book detailed stories of both wizards and Muggles who were plagued by demons and the spirits that seemed to join forces with them.

Page 34 caught Harry's attention:

"...Madeline Puff, a 32-year-old house witch from Manchester reported that one day she was on the way to London riding her broom. She described the day as quite fair and not bad for Manchester in April. The skies were clear and there wasn't a cloud in sight. About halfway to London she said that she had suddenly felt a cold and chilling wind that became stronger and stronger. A dark mist began to surround her and the winds began to circle, at high speeds. Just before she apporated out of danger she saw the face of what were clearly demons and negative spirits. 'It was frightful to say the least,' said Puff in an interview with us, 'I felt the danger so I decided to ditch the broom and apporate out of there.'

It was a good thing that she did; it probably spared her life. What she was experiencing was a phenomenon that we hear about every once in a while. Demons and negative spirits call it "swooshing". Usually the target is random and, as one spirit we talked to suggested, it is simply a bit of fun for the demons and the negative spirits. 'Nothing is grander,' said the spirit, 'then watching some goodie two shoe witch or wizard getting swooshed'. When asked why they do this, the negative spirit's answer was predictable- 'for the hell of it.'... Wizards and witches who find themselves in the middle of a swooshing, or any other life threatening situation, should refer to page C10 in the appendix of this volume."

Harry flipped back to page C10 and continued reading.

"A sure fire way to rid yourself of pesky demons and evil spirits is to use a simple, yet effective charm, that will render the spirit or demon paralyzed and cast it off to what Muggles refer to as LIMBO. To perform the Limbato Charm you need to..."

This was the same charm Harry had threatened to use on Peeves days before. He had no idea that it could be used against demons. He considered adding the information in this book to his fourth year class curriculum next year. He flipped back to page 34 but found it hard to read on because his mind was wandering.

Once again he was beating himself up. Even though Sam was too young to apporate he could have and should have at least taught the members of PP this charm, especially when the curious events happened at Camden's Cave. From that day on Harry was not as sure as Ron was that it was totally a living human being involved in the mayhem.

Harry was spared further berating of himself when someone knocked on his door. He sat still for a moment and considered not answering. After all it was 10:30 at night. But he thought better of it. It may be Neville and the way things have gone this year, who knows what might have happened now. He got up and trudged over to the door and was surprised to see who was on the other side.

A tired and sad looking Lonnie Livingston was standing before him, dressed only in a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt.

"Lonnie what brings you here so late," asked Harry suddenly concerned, "nothing has happened has it?"

"No it's nothing like that, sir," said Lonnie easing Harry's mind, "every one is fine. I just have a bunch of things on my mind and I can't sleep. I was wondering if we could talk a bit?"

Harry had a good mind to tell the boy to go back to his dorm and they would talk in the morning. But the more he looked at the young face of Lonnie Livingston the more it became clear that perhaps Harry needed to take the time now to ease what ever was troubling the boy's mind.

"Come on in Lonnie, I was just relaxing and reading"

"Thank you, sir," said Lonnie gratefully

He came in and to Harry's surprise sat down next to him on the loveseat.

"So what seems to be troubling you, Lonnie?"

"Well it's a couple of things really. First I still feel guilty about Sam. He wanted to spend some time alone with me, the day he had the fall, but I was the one that insisted that we join the other boys in the amateur Quidditch match. If I hadn't been so selfish then Sam..."

"Lonnie," said Harry quite loudly cutting the boy off, "you have to let go of that. Just like the rest of us Sam had a choice that day. If he really didn't want to play Quidditch he would have said so. He made a choice and you were not responsible for that choice. So you have to stop blaming yourself. I bet if you talked to Sam about this he would tell you the same thing."

Harry went on to share the story about his childhood Muggle mate Adrian Codwell...minus the intimate details. In the end Lonnie agreed that it was not totally his fault that Sam decided to change his mind and do what Lonnie suggested. Neither Harry nor Lonnie were responsible for the choices and decisions Sam and Adrian made. Harry was glad Lonnie had stopped by to talk with him; through this interaction Harry let go of some of the blame he was holding onto as well.

"So do you feel a bit better now, Lonnie?" asked Harry hoping all was well and he could soon return to his quiet evening alone

"Well...I feel better about the whole thing with Sam and Quidditch but there is something else I hope you will consider helping me with."

"OK Lonnie, you know I will help in any way I can."

Lonnie stood up from the loveseat and in one quick move he pulled down his shorts revealing a nice sized teenage boner with a patch of dirty blond pubes.

Harry's mouth flung open and stayed that way for what must have been a minuet or two. He had a sudden urge to literally eat the words that had just came out of his mouth!

"Lonnie I don't think that is a good idea."

"Well sir this is the other problem," said Lonnie pointing to his boner, "No matter how many times I wank this wont go down. Every time I think about Sam it gets hard. It's almost like there is a charm on it. I thought that maybe if someone did something to it whatever is making it have a mind of its own would go away. It's horrible, sir, I got a hardon in Professor Flitwick's class and he noticed it!"

"I understand Lonnie but I am your teacher and I don't think that it is right for me to...er...fix it."

"But its not like we would be doing it to cheat on our boyfriends. It is almost like a medical procedure; I need Doctor Potter to tire it out so it won't want to do anything."

Harry was caught between a rock and a literal hard place.

He had a good idea about what had happened to the boy. Some git had put the Seven Day Stiffy curse on Lonnie. He remembered back to his fourth year when one of the Weasley twins put the curse on Malfoy's shadow Goyle. Harry laughed to himself thinking about how Goyle, who couldn't get a date if he held one at gunpoint, had to suffer through the embarrassment of a hardon that wouldn't go down. Finally, in desperation, Malfoy took him into Hogsmead and bought him a hooker to take care of the problem.

The only remedy, according to the Weasley twins, was a blowjob.

So Harry understood what the problem was with Lonnie and how it could be fixed but he didn't understand why Lonnie wanted him to fix it when there was an entire club of gay teens at the school.

"Because I am afraid, sir. If it somehow gets back to Sam that I got a blowjob from one of the other boys, while he is laying in a hospital bed paralyzed, it would crush him. I don't want to hurt him Professor so I really need your help...please Professor will you help me?"

What could Harry say? He had an adorable blond boy with a 5-inch stiffy begging him for relief. It wasn't as if, like Lonnie said, he would be doing it to cheat. He would be doing it to remedy a curse that should have never been put on the boy. So with resignation and against his better judgment Harry agreed to help.

"I'll do this, just this once but you have to swear that it stays here, I don't know how Ron will react and I don't want to lose him."

"I swear, sir," said Lonnie reaching out to hug Harry.

They moved into Harry's bedchamber and Harry had Lonnie lay down on his back. In retrospect, later on, Harry would curse himself for the way he laid down beside Lonnie. He had stretched out along side the boy; his crotch nearly in the boy's face.

As Harry provided the expert suction on Lonnie's stiffy his own cock had reacted and swelled to its full length. Given the fact that Harry had shorts on it wasn't easy to hide. Apparently Lonnie noticed it and he pulled Harry's hardon out of his shorts and began sucking. Harry alarmed by this, stopped servicing the boy and sat upright.

"Hey this was supposed to be medicinal; just me blowing you to remove the...mmmm...ah...remove the curse."

Harry was having trouble sounding convincing because the warm mouth of Lonnie Livingston was sending chills through his entire body. Obviously there was no way to get the boy off his cock so Harry went back to blowing Lonnie and concentrated on cumming. When he was close he told the boy and Lonnie announced that he was ready as well.

Like two rabbits the two of them were face fucking each other and soon teacher was taking the students cum while the student took the man juice from his teacher. After they both caught there breath Harry stood up and gathered his thoughts.

"Ok young man, that should remedy the situation. Now on your way and remember not a word to anyone about this. The only reason I allowed this was because you were afflicted with something called the Seven Day Stiffy curse. So don't go telling your mates that you had sex with Professor Potter. This was an emergency situation, understand?"

"Yes, sir, I got that and thanks, sir...I feel much better now," said Lonnie as he left Harry's quarters

A twinge of guilt was plaguing Harry but he tried to let it go. It was now 11:30pm and he abandoned the thought of reading some more. He returned to his bed and tried to go to sleep. The only problem was the noise that was coming from his closet. Every time he was nearly asleep he would hear more rattling and noise in the closet.

"Those fucking rats are going to drive me mad!" screamed Harry to no one in particular

One of the curses of an old castle is the critters that seemed to roam about it at night. In recent years the rat population seemed to grow at Hogwarts and for some reason they just loved his closet.

Harry got out of the bed and located his wand and then went over to the closet door. He aimed the wand at the closet and silently said the spell that would render every living thing in the closet immobile.

Harry opened the door and nearly fainted.

There in front of him was the last rat he had ever expected to see.



Next: Chapter 9

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