Harrys Closet of Secrets

By Ben Meova

Published on May 19, 2007


A fantasy tribute by HungYungUn

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Special thanks to JOEY R. who inspired and created the ADRIAN CODWELL character. Loads of thanks to all of you that have wrote in and have given me the thumbs up for this story. I really do appreciate the positive feedback and it is encouraging me to write more for you all. Comments, feedback and suggestions for the next part are welcome and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry's Closet of Secrets Part Nine

Chapter 27- A Ghost Of A Chance

Harry stood in horror and anger as he stared into his closet; his jaw nearly dropping so far down that it nearly hit the floor.

"You have one minute to explain to me why you are in my closet, then I am going to blast you into oblivion," yelled Harry at the unwanted guest

"That's funny, Potter, I have been floating around in oblivion for years now. It couldn't be much worse."

"Trust me, asshole, it can be," screamed Harry turning beet-red, "so why are you hiding out in my closet?"

The surprise visitor had to think quickly. He knew the older and wiser Harry Potter was not a wizard to be tangled with.

"I have been hiding from demons Harry and I came to talk to you...but it's not what you think..."

"You know what I think? I think you have been the one responsible for Angelo hanging himself, Patrick nearly suffocating and Sam being paralyzed. You were always an evil son of a bitch."

"You're wrong Harry, I have only just heard about all that...there have been whispers...I have been fleeing from the demons ever since I crossed over...I came to you to help you prevent the next tragedy."

"Why would you be doing that? Surely you don't expect me to believe that you give a damn about me or my boys. In fact, based on what you did before Voldemort disposed of you I find it hard to believe that you would do anything that would benefit me."

The boyish looking ghost stood shivering and cowering; even as a ghost he was still the biggest ratfink coward Harry had ever known.

"Because I owe you...you spared me...and things are different now."

"And you seriously expect me to believe you?"

"I had no choice Harry. Voldemort had me under his control. To say no to him would have been a death sentence."

"Thanks to me or Voldemort you got that death sentence anyway, didn't you Malfoy?"

"It wasn't your spell Harry. Yours hit Voldemort's; it was he that killed me," said Draco sadly

It was true; Harry had unconsciously let Malfoy go despite the fact that he hated his guts for being the one that almost directly led to the death of his beloved Dumbledore. It was one thing killing Voldemort; that was revenge against the evil bastard that killed his parents. But at the time Malfoy was only guilty of being an evil git; he hadn't directly murdered anyone so Harry couldn't kill him. Yes Harry did cast a spell that might have killed him but something, at the last second, jerked his arm so his aim was off.

Harry did witness Voldemort blasting Draco into oblivion. Then Harry did his part, casting another spell in frustration and sending Malfoy to the bowels of Limbo and eternal imprisonment.

For a time Harry had been unsure whether it had been him or Voldemort that killed Draco. When all was said and done Harry's spell bounced off the same spell Voldemort cast so it was actually Voldemorts wand that did Draco in.

Harry couldn't understand how Draco escaped from Limbo. Spirits were supposed to be stuck there for eternity with no escape. Even though it seemed like Draco was being truthful Harry, always terribly stubborn at times, refused to believe the reality before him.

"Look Harry I am telling you the truth. After Voldemort killed me and you sent me to Limbo my soul had a lot of time to think. I knew that all I did was the result of the conditioning I got from my father, the curse Snape put on me and the power of Voldemort."

"Bullocks, you did all you did because you were an evil git, Malfoy. From the first day I met you, when we were eleven, I saw it in your eyes...so don't expect me to believe your story this time...how did you escape Limbo?"

"It's easy when you get help; there are port holes that go in and out of there if you know where to look."

"Well isn't that fabulous, so here you are again. Come back to finish what you started when you were alive?"

"No Harry it's not what you think...I came back to...to...apologize and help," said Malfoy with all the sincerity he could muster

"Apologize and help...help who...the person or person's that have been trying to kill the boys that make up Potter's Protégés?" laughed Harry, "you're out of your mind Malfoy and you are lying. I know somehow you had a hand in the horrors that happened to some of the boys. The question is how and why."

"You are wrong Harry and I can prove it."

Harry took a minute to think.

The first thing he needed to do was to make sure the ghost of Malfoy could not escape. He silently put a blocking charm on the closet effectively trapping the ghost of Draco Malfoy in the closet. Harry's gut was telling him that perhaps the ghost of Malfoy was telling the truth but his head, his heart and his anger was telling him that Draco Malfoy was the same old lying and evil piece of scum he always had been.

There was only one person in the castle who could really determine if he was telling the truth.

Once Harry was certain the ghost of Draco Malfoy was secured in his closet he went out into his classroom and awakened the sleeping portrait of Henry Witherton, a former DADA teacher from 300 years ago.

"Henry, I need you to go get Professor Dumbledore. Tell him it is an emergency and I have the ghost of Draco Malfoy trapped in my closet."

Reluctantly the old wizard got up and left his portrait. Within minutes Dumbledore appeared in his spare portrait that Harry kept in his quarters.

"Well, well, well...we meet again Mister Malfoy," said Dumbledore in a commanding tone, "I must say you look much more whiter then you did the last time I saw you. So what brings you to Hogwarts...here to create a little more damage perhaps?"

"No sir, I told Potter that was not the case at all but he doesn't believe me."

"Can you really blame him Draco? After all you did could you possibly believe that Harry, or I for that matter, would give you even the slightest benefit of the doubt?"

"No I suppose not, sir, but there is so much you do not understand. Things that I knew nothing of until I left my body and wound up as I am now."

"Well then, perhaps we should hear it," said Dumbledore thoughtfully, "Harry, there is a charm you can use on a ghost that can determine whether they are being truthful or not. I think its time you try it on Mister Malfoy."

Dumbledore gave Harry explicit instructions on how to do the quite complicated charm that would turn the translucent white ghost of Malfoy pitch black if he dared to tell a lie. The charm would not only darken the ghost but it would cause the entity excruciating pain.

"I didn't know ghosts could feel pain?" said Harry amazed

"Yes, in fact those who get sent to what Muggles call Hell, with the demons, are frequently tortured and can feel pain. It is different from human pain, but it still is not a very pleasant way for the spirit to spend eternity. This charm is like an other worldly form of Veritaserum- once you cast the charm Malfoy will have to tell the truth or the worst will happen for him...isn't that so Draco?"

Draco nodded his head and looked fearful, "Yes and I don't want to go through that. Harry I am telling the truth so go ahead, cast the charm, I want you to know the truth."

Harry pointed his wand at Malfoy and cast the charm and then the questioning began. Harry let Dumbledore take the lead in the questioning as he kept a close eye on the floating form that used to be Draco Malfoy.

"Let's start simple, shall we?" offered Dumbledore scratching his beard, "what brings you into Harry's closet?"

"I came to apologize and help if I could, sir."

"Let's start with the apology then"

Harry was still fuming; the last thing he expected to be doing tonight was hearing some lame apology from the ghost of the boy who had tormented him for years. Malfoy may have not been a murderer but he was the reason Albus Dumbledore was sitting in a painting rather then standing beside Harry alive and well. Still, out of respect for his mentor, Harry listened to what Malfoy had to say without interruption.

Malfoy went on to explain that from his birth he was surrounded by darkness. He was born into a dark wizarding family so everything he believed, everything he knew, everything he did seemed normal and natural to him.

"It was all I knew Harry. Kids really have no choice but to learn from the example their parents give them. I was no different; from my earliest years my father and mother drilled the pure blood crap into my head and made me believe that our family, as privileged as it was, had been loads better then the average family, or worse yet, what they called the Mudblood families. Then when school started I had no idea that father had placed some of the demons he worked with by my side. He knew that at school I may be influenced into a better way of thinking so he sent two demons with me. I had no idea the creatures were with me until I crossed over. Then there was another complicating factor that drove me mad when we got older and we...well when you and I..."

"What was that Draco?" asked Dumbledore noting that the ghost had stopped himself in mid-sentence

Harry had a good idea what Malfoy was getting ready to talk about. Dumbledore always knew about Harry's private sexual life as a teen so he finally spoke out and urged Malfoy to go on.

"Dumbledore knows all about me and the things that happened between me and Colin and even the thing between you and me so go ahead, Draco."

"Well, the demons were fighting against what I was feeling deep down. I was jealous Harry. I was jealous of you and Creevey and the only way I knew I could have you was to do it in a way where you thought you had no choice. Believe me if I could have done it differently, if I could have escaped from my family and the demons that were controlling me I would have been so different."

Harry wasn't sure it was possible but it appeared that the ghost of Malfoy was close to tears. His voice sounded choked up, as if what he was saying, was really affecting him.

"I would have loved you Harry but I couldn't. My heart kept telling me to but the demons and the beliefs that were literally beat into me since I was a small child told me that I couldn't ever be with you or like you. It was the worst conflict I ever had in my life. I felt like no one really loved me. I was always second best and a failure to my father; no matter what I did it was never good enough. You hated me and my father always treated me like one of his possesions rather then a son he was proud of. So when Wormtail came to me and offered me the chance to gain high favor with Voldemort by killing Professor Dumbledore the demons convinced me that it was finally my big chance to prove I was worthy to my father. You have no idea how I regret all that Harry. As a ghost now, I have shed the demons and my true self is here and I am ashamed."

Harry looked closely at the translucent form of Draco Malfoy; despite himself Harry felt a twinge of sympathy for the ghost of Malfoy. Sure enough he was still pure white...no indications of blackness coloring him.

Could it be true...was Draco really telling the truth?

And how could Harry reconcile this?

For years he had despised the boy ghost he had trapped in his closet. Now in a blink of an eye he was supposed to forget all that and forgive, or worse yet, trust him. Harry wasn't sure he could do that but Dumbledore, sensing Harry's conflict within, asked him to patiently listen before he let his gut react.

"And what is your true self, Draco?" asked Dumbledore

"Well I don't spend my days hating or planning mischief if that is what you are asking. I guess my true self, the real soul, which was always inside me but tainted by the world I was forced to live in, the one that got twisted and manipulated by the demons and the people I trusted in my life, just wants to love. My true self wants to help Harry before another tragedy occurs...it's the only way to say to him that I did love him and that I am so, so sorry for all the things the living Draco did."

"Help prevent a tragedy?" piped in Harry, "you said you have heard whispers...what is that all about? Is someone else a target?"

"I was there, Harry when Sam was blown off his broom by the demons. He saw me and another entity. We were the two with the red eyes. The reason that happened was because, as we were trying to help Sam, the demons kept coming through our bodies. When a ghost or an angel is infiltrated with negative energy it makes our eyes glow red. I was trying to help Sam. After he fell and it was apparent that he didn't die the demons were upset. I had fled from the demons as well; I was hiding in a cloud so they couldn't detect me. But I heard them say that the next one would be the most devastating to you Harry. So after I heard that I came in here. I have been hiding for a week now and was trying to get up enough courage to reveal myself to you."

"An angel?" said Harry perplexed, "I thought angels were just myths. Of course I thought demons were as well. Who is this angel?"

"Perhaps its time you reveal yourself," said Draco looking over Harry's shoulder

Harry's eyes widened as a myriad of colors, all sparkling, surrounded his body. He was not alarmed in fact it felt quite good. After a minute or so he felt a tap on his shoulder and he heard a familiar sounding voice.

"Hello Harry, bet I am the last person you expected to see...well aside from Draco."

Harry turned around quickly and received the second shock of the night.

He was looking at a real angel, with wings and all, dressed in a blue and gold gown, and donning the face of a boy from long ago.

Harry was staring into the smiling, translucent face of Adrian Codwell.

"When I died Harry, I was sent to you" said angel Adrian,"I have been your guardian angel since you were 13 and I have to tell you that you haven't disappointed me. I have had my work cut out for me with you!"

Harry was flabbergasted; he pinched himself to make sure this wasn't some drug induced wild dream. First he had a ghost in his closet that resembled a 14-year-old Draco Malfoy but instead of it being evil and vile it turned out to be pure and apparently telling the truth. Now he was looking at his first boyfriend, floating before him with angel wings and the same smile Harry remembered from all those years ago. It was almost too much for Harry to comprehend.

"I just can't believe all this," said Harry to no one in particular

"Believe it Harry," interjected Dumbledore, "Adrian had been coming to me for years for advice about you. If you remember back I told you, when you were 14 and were forced to be in the Triwizard Tournament, that you were never alone. I was referring to Adrian at that time and it seems he has done a great job. As far as Draco is concerned the charm has proven that he is sincere and is telling the truth. So you have no choice to believe it. Like it or not, Mister Malfoy, may actually be the key to solving the mystery you so long to solve."

This still didn't sit well with Harry and Adrian sensed that.

"Harry, what you have to understand," started Adrian with a soft and calming voice, "is that some souls are assigned here for different missions. Sometimes demons or the adults that raise the person can screw up their missions. Such was the case with Draco. Despite his angel's best efforts it was a losing battle."

"But he had a choice, we all do, don't we? I had a choice as to whether I wanted to be a Slytherin or a Gryfindor. I chose the good. Malfoy chose the dark side," pointed out Harry still blown away by the fact that he was having a conversation with his guardian angel who just happened to be the first boy he fell in love with.

Adrian continued on, raising his voice slightly.

"Draco went with what he believed to be reality as taught by the first people a child trusts- his parents. When he crossed over he learned the truth. He has suffered more then you know, Harry. The fires of hell are nothing compared to the shame and guilt a spirit feels when he learns that he totally had failed in his mission here on earth. So please Harry, let the past anger go. Let the resentment go. It will only serve to harm you and others. This is not the Draco Malfoy you knew...this is Draco Malfoy in his purest form...the way he was before he was incarnate. That is who you are dealing with now so you have to let go of the anger and the past."

Harry considered this for a moment. What his angel said was true but it was so hard...so hard for Harry to let go of the year's of anger and resentment he had toward Draco Malfoy. But beyond the anger another question was pressing to be asked in Harry's head. For now he would let the anger go; Dumbledore probably expected as much. With silent resignation, given the fact that the overwhelming events of the last half hour clearly indicated that no one was lying in the room Harry softened his tone and addressed the ghost of Malfoy.

"Who is it then, Draco? Who is it that is responsible for what happened to Angelo, Patrick and now Sam?"

"I don't know Harry"

Harry studied the form of Malfoy; still no indication of blackness. He was still telling the truth.

"But you said you heard whispers...is it just the demons or do you think a human is involved."

"Demons can only do so much. They were able to do the swooshing to Sam but it's doubtful that they could have cast a barrier charm to trap Patrick or put an Imperious curse on Angelo to make him hang himself," offered Adrian sending out another blast of sparkly positive energy that made Harry shiver with delight.

"I really don't know who is responsible Harry, but maybe I can help find out," added the ghost of Draco

"How do you think you can do that?" asked Harry sincerely abandoning any hint of anger. Preventing another attack was more important to Harry then resenting Malfoy.

"I have an idea Harry," piped in Dumbledore, "it will be risky but it may be the only way to flush out the culprit. It will involve putting all the members of the PP in a vulnerable position, as well as Ron and Colin, but perhaps with Mister Malfoy's help, we can catch the person before something bad occurs."

"Well you know I trust you, sir," said Harry respectfully, " what do we need to do?"

Dumbledore told Harry that he needed to arrange another get together for the PP. Perhaps one last trip before exams to the island. Dumbledore assured Harry, as did Adrian, that there would be a lot of unseen help there and that Malfoy would remain under the charm. There would be no way for Draco to side with the demons without suffering the most horrible fate that could befall a spirit.

Exams were set for the following week so Harry would have to get the Headmistresses permission for a day trip in the morning. The morning, of course, was only six hours away so Dumbledore suggested that Harry try to sleep. Draco would remain in Harry's closet until the PP group left later that morning.

"And Harry, I heard one demon say that 'Potter wouldn't be seeing red anymore'. They may have been talking about Weasley," advised Malfoy

Harry's jaw dropped again; perhaps worse then hurting the boy's in PP the culprit was now attempting to hurt Ron if what Malfoy was saying was true. It must be the truth, thought Harry, Malfoy's ghost is still pure white. He would have to make sure Ron came with the PP trip, but was reluctant not to tell him that he may be in danger. Dumbledore seemed to read Harry's mind.

"Don't tell Mister Weasley, Harry. It may tip off the culprit."

"I won't, sir," pledged Harry despite the overwhelming urge he had to go warn Ron

Before the discussion ended Malfoy made one more request.

"Harry could you not call me Draco and certainly not Malfoy anymore. I have left that behind. Could you call me my old name, back before I was assigned to a mission here on Earth? I, believe it or not, was just like Adrian at one time- an angel. Please call me Raziel; my name means `angel of mysteries' so it would be more fitting now."

This was too much for Harry. Draco Malfoy was an angel before he came to Earth and was literally a walking demon!

"If you were an angel before how come you turned out to be such an evil git, Draco...I mean Raziel?" asked Harry

"Like I told you before Harry, we all have a choice but our choices are influenced by the others around us that shape and mold us. When I was assigned here I lost all memory of who I was...I had become the son of Lucius Malfoy plain and simple and as a result of that and the demons that infested my home things turned out the way they did. Now it is my chance to reclaim the honor I once had as Raziel by helping the only person my living self really ever loved- you Harry," said Draco staring directly into Harry's eyes

"Well then, I better get some rest. In fact I need some time to process all this so, for now, Drac...I mean Raziel...I trust you because the charm obviously doesn't lie. I just hope I am not making another mistake."

"You're not Harry," said Angel Adrian stroking the back of Harry's head

"Listen to them Harry and rest...you have a long day ahead in a few hours," added Dumbledore seconds before he strode out of his portrait.

Harry was mentally exhausted so he let everything go and with the help of his guardian angel, who he could now clearly see, and soon fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

It was thankfully a dreamless sleep but peaceful all the same.

Chapter 28- What We Don't See

The first order of business, after Harry managed to nudge himself awake, was to confirm that all he remembered from six hours before was not some sort of wild dream. Harry's Guardian Angel, Adrian quickly reminded him it was real. As Harry stood at the urinal in his bathroom, trying to pee down a morning hardon, he felt the soft touch of his angel on the back of his head.

"Morning Harry, did you sleep well?"

"Damn...I mean yes, it was ok," said Harry as he surveyed the small pool of urine that missed the loo when his angel's voice startled him.

"Hiya, Harry," added Raziel, aka Draco Malfoy, as he whizzed in front of Harry sneaking a peek at Harry's deflating cock.

"Could I at least have a private pee before you all start your morning greetings?" said an exasperated Harry throwing his hands in the air

"Sorry about that, it's been years since I have seen you and well...you're a bit furrier then I remember but still it's a beautiful cock," said the ghost of Malfoy dreamily

"Well, it's ok...I guess and ....ummm...well thank you I guess. I suppose you miss having one of your own?" replied Harry as he tried to finish his pee

"Yes, I do," said Malfoy sadly, " but seeing as how we have no need to pee or to really have sex there is no need for one. Sometimes spirits can get an ornamental penis but it doesn't do anything but look pretty."

Raziel (Draco) flew around Harry one more time for another quick look.

Amused by this Harry gave his cock a few more shakes then necessary; what the hell, he thought, might as well let him have a good look. When Draco was satisfied and flew out of the loo Harry zipped up and headed back into his bedroom.

This is going to take some getting used to, thought Harry as he started packing for the trip to his island beach.

It was one thing being able to see his Guardian Angel, who just happened to be the first boy he had a crush on when he was 12. It was another to have the ghost of Draco Malfoy, formerly an angel named Raziel, peaking at his penis at 6 in the morning.

As much as Harry wanted to continue hating Draco Malfoy the proof was in the charm Dumbledore had Harry cast on him. Everything he said last night was the truth. Harry had no choice but to trust him and his angel.

Damn this is just too weird, thought Harry as he was wiping the sleep out of his eyes, I knew about ghosts but how come I never have seen an angel?

"Because we don't reveal ourselves unless it is absolutely necessary; it's part of the rules," advised Adrian

"How did you know what I was thinking?" asked Harry

"I can read your thoughts and talk to you telepathically"

"Oh that's great, so then tell me what I am thinking now"

"You are dreading asking McGonagall for a day pass for PP students."

Adrian was right; Harry was worried about asking. Not because she may say no but because she may ask too many questions that Harry wasn't ready to answer. Gathering up his courage he and his two spiritual companions headed for McGonagall's office in the hopes Harry would catch her before she went down to the Great Hall.

When they arrived Harry asked Raziel...Harry couldn't get used to that...Malfoy to wait outside.

"This is a surprise Harry," said a slightly dishelved McGonagall, "I hope nothing is wrong on such an early Saturday morning?"

"No, m'am, everything is fine. I actually had a request. As you know the members of PP have standing permission from their parents to go on field trips. An interesting opportunity has arisen and Professor Longbottom and I would like to take the group out to see it."

"This is quite short notice," said McGonagall with pursed lips

"Well Neville said that it is a once a year Herbological event and it may benefit some of his students in their exams."

Harry hated lying but he had to. He just hoped he could get to Neville before McGonagall; he had yet to fill in Neville about last night's surprise events.

"I think that is a marvelous idea, if you don't mind the input Minerva?" added Dumbledore in his portrait that hung above McGonagall's desk

"Not at all Albus"

"I spoke with Neville this morning and it is a must see for the students."

McGonagall who was sitting at her desk and facing Harry didn't see Dumbledore give Harry a sly wink. Harry caught on quick; apparently Dumbledore had visited Neville already and filled him in about what must be done.

"Very well then Potter, when shall you all return?"

"Sometime Sunday I would presume. I want the students back early enough to get a good night sleep since it's the week before exams."

"Then off you go; hope you all have a lovely and educational time!"

Harry thanked her again and left while the going was good. Just to be sure his next stop was Neville Longbottom's quarters next to Greenhouse 3. Once again he asked Malfoy to wait back in his quarters. Since Harry, via the charm, had his spiritual fate in his hands Malfoy complied and went back to Harry's quarters to wait.

"Dumbledore told me everything Harry. Pretty cool that you have a Guardian Angel, eh?"

"Yes it's...interesting to say the least."

"But what about Malfoy? You seriously trust him now?"

Harry went on to reiterate the tale from the night before. He explained the charm Dumbledore taught him and how even if Draco wanted to lie he couldn't with the charm on him. Harry, despite himself, concluded that they were seeing the real Draco...aka Raziel...as he was before he was corrupted by the evil around him. In all his twenty-five years Harry never imagined that one day he would be defending the character of his long time nemesis Draco Malfoy.

Neville trusted Harry beyond belief; if Harry trusted the ghost of Draco Malfoy then Neville would as well. While Harry went to alert the members of the PP that they would be going on a surprise outing Neville contacted both Ron and Colin. He arranged for them to meet up at Ron's flat in Hogsmead at 11:30am but he did not tell them why they were going. Harry had stressed that, in order for the plan to work, no one but he and Neville should be privy to the truth. As Harry so accurately pointed out, they still didn't know who the culprit was and he didn't want to inadvertently tip off the wrong person, thus ruining the trap they would set for them.

Harry stood and smiled at the boys; he had to not show one iota of stress or anxiety. This had to be presented as a recreational trip. A treat that was a reward for the hard work the boys had demonstrated over the past month.

"So get ready boys, we are leaving in two hours," said Harry to his PP group, "we will all meet near the Great Hall at 10:30am sharp.

"Where are we going, sir?" asked Lonnie Livingston

"Same place as last time so you won't need your swimming trunks," winked Harry

Smiles spread throughout the group like a contagious disease. They would all be there and ready to go back to Harry's private island paradise, at least Harry was sure of that.

When Harry returned to his quarters and was packing a small bag his owl flew in with a letter attached to her.

"Thanks, Hedwig," said Harry patting her on her beak

He was surprised that it was a note from Cho Chang:

Hello Harry,

I just wanted to let you know that we are flying to the states next week with Sam. Hopefully the procedure in the Salem hospital will be a success. Sam sends his love to you and all the boys, especially Lonnie he says. I will let you know how the procedure goes, for Sam's sake I pray that it will be good news.

With Much Love,


"She's a good soul," interjected Angel Adrian startling Harry again

"Yes, she is and I feel bad that I lied to her when I was in school. In fact, I have felt bad about a lot of things lately."

"I know Harry and one of those things was my death, but you have to know Harry it wasn't your fault at all," said Angel Adrian in a soothing tone, "I know you have been blaming yourself and you shouldn't."

"But I totally abandoned you; that had to hurt you."

"It did in some ways but there was more to the story after you left and went back to Hogwarts. I made a horrible mistake Harry. I never should have given up like that; no teen should ever choose to die by their own hand. I missed doing so many things as human Adrian and I was sad for a long time after I crossed over."

"So if it wasn't me why did you hang yourself? Did something push you over the edge?"

"Yes it was something and someone actually. Do you want to know why, Harry? Will that help you forgive yourself?"

"It may help," said Harry getting more comfortable with the idea of having a telepathic conversation with a being with wings and the face of his first boyfriend, "but do you think you could show yourself again? It's easier to have a conversation with someone you can actually see."

The sparkly rainbow engulfed Harry again and in a matter of seconds the floating image of the winged Adrian was floating peacefully in front of Harry.

"Is that better, Harry?"

"Much, thank you. So you are saying that my leaving had nothing to do with your death?"

"Well it did hurt me at first but I let that go. I knew I would see you the next summer. It was something that happened after you left that did me in. That and the demons who were influencing me."

Adrian told Harry that after he had disappeared and school started back in September the pressure was on him to get a girlfriend. His parents, his mates, really everyone he knew seemed to be shoving females down his throat. His mates were noticing that he appeared to have no interest in girls. It seemed odd to Adrian's friends. Here was a gorgeous young man, who could get any girl in the school, and yet he still didn't have a girlfriend.

Then one weekend in October he was invited to a party. He wasn't going to go but his peers pressured him to attend. His father nearly bailed him out of it, but sadly his mom defended him. As far as his parents knew it was to be a supervised party- "wholesome and very Christian" is what his mother said based on the conversation she had with one of Adrian's friends who pretended to be one of the parents.

Once at the party it became clear that it was a set up and definitely not wholesome in the slightest. Lager and booze was abundant and so were the girls; all hoping to have a stiff cock or two up one of their holes before the night ended. Waiting for him was Katrina Lynde, a 15-year-old blond bombshell who had a reputation for getting fucked by anything that could get hard.

All night long she was all over him. Try as she might she couldn't get Adrian aroused; she kept sitting on his lap and grinding her bony ass into his crotch and yet didn't feel the slightest stir from Adrian's uninterested penis. When the party was breaking up he was left with a few mates and their girlfriends. He dreaded this because he knew that the "fucking hour" was near. That was the time when the couples got into their private places and did the deed. He couldn't leave because his house was at least six kilometers away and his ride was currently being groped by the female that was all over his lap.

Adrian said that he had been unaware, or just too naïve, to realize that his so-called mates were giving him a test. Instead of each of the other two couples going to their private spaces they all started making out in the same room. Adrian was horrified. Not only would he have to get a hardon and fuck Katrina he had absolutely nothing in the room to arouse him. His mates were not the best looking bananas in the bunch so he wasn't too excited about seeing them naked either.

Adrian watched and pretended to be interested in Katrina's boobs as his mates were slowly stripped by their partners. Soon everyone was naked- all except Adrian. Eventually he had no choice and he found himself naked with Katrina.

Try as he might his cock just wouldn't work. Even watching Karen Smith sucking Kyle McDonald's bulbous cock didn't get a rise out of Adrian. Katrina and those oversized boobs were turning him off. Still Katrina tried to urge Adrian's cock up.

No matter what she tried he only managed to get barely half hard. He made the excuse that the Lager, that was floating around the party, was the cause of his erectile dysfunction but the boys didn't buy it. They were the same age as him and they had plenty of booze and yet their cocks were rock hard and in one or the other hole of their respective girlfriends.

Katrina ended up doing one of the other boy and girl pairs and Adrian got dressed and left the room.

In retrospect, he thought about how ridiculous it was that gay or bi females were accepted in his peer group but any gay or bi male was a puff, a faggot. Before he left the room he watched as one girl sucked off the boy while Katrina went down on the girl. If Adrian had joined a couple and went down on the boy while the boy was eating out the girl all hell would have broke loose. The hypocrisy was incredible...two girls were ok in this world but two boys...well that was just sick to his mates.

The events of that party were broadcast all over the school and two days later some boys from school cornered him in the woods as he was heading home. Adrian would cut through a trail in the woods near his house to get home and usually it was just him and the birds in the woods. This time it was a combination of mates his age, a couple of older teens and one of the teen's little brothers that cornered him in a clearing. The youngest kid was only 11 according to Adrian.

The boys outnumbered Adrian 6 to 1 so he had no choice but to comply; there were some big and muscular guys there so fear told him to do what he was told. It was either that or the prospect of being beaten to a pulp- that option was made clear. So Adrian became their slave for the afternoon.

The older boys made Adrian strip down completely. That was humiliating in itself; despite the fact that he was being forced to do this his cock began to swell. The fact of the matter was that some of the older guys were quite cute. They all stood in a circle, including the 11-year-old and took out their cocks. Surrounded by six lengthening penises, of various sizes, Adrian was forced to crawl on his hands and knees and suck each boy off in turn.

The others were stroking their cocks as they watched each other eventually shot thick loads of cum into Adrians mouth and throat. By the time he finished up the last mature teen his lips were numb and he could taste nothing except pungent teen penis and teen cum.

The last one he came to was the 11-year-old. Adrian looked up and saw a stiff little dick, that couldn't have been more then three inches, anxiously awaiting his mouth. He really didn't want to do a 11-year-old but had no choice when one of the older boys forced his head towards the boy's crotch.

So here was Adrian, totally humiliated and on his knees sucking a dick that could do nothing except twitch in his mouth. He felt one of the boys come behind him and then he felt the stabbing pain. An obviously bigger dick, then the one that was in his mouth, was shoved up his ass. No lubricant was in the woods so his rapist was fucking him dry.

Despite the horror Adrian's dick was still moderately hard and the others noticed it. That urged the butt-fucking boy to slam into him harder. When he shot his load up Adrian's ass the other boy's took their turns. The last to go was the 11-year-old and that was the worst. Adrian's ass, already aching from the abuse by the five older teens, was poked by the little penis for what seemed to be an eternity despite his cries of protest.

Finally the mob had enough and they all got dressed and left. The trouble was that they left with Adrian's clothes so there he was, stuck in the woods, buck-naked. He had run all the way home, praying that no one saw him streak into his back garden. The only good thing was that his parents weren't home.

He was frustrated and angry; he couldn't go to the police. Well he could have, but in the mind of a 15-year-old telling the authorities what happened may have led to his outing. He feared his fundamentalist Christian father more then he feared another gang rape.

The next day at school an unknown boy handed him a piece of paper with a website address.

When he got home he logged onto the Internet and typed in the address.

There before him were pictures, apparently taken by one of the boys that abused him, on website that was titled ADRIAN'S ARSE. There were pictures of him sucking cock, and close ups of the little boys dick in his mouth. That one frightened him the most. If that somehow got to the cops he would be in jail for sure.

It was too much for him; he had had enough.

Unknown to Adrian there were at least three demons that were overpowering his angel. Despite Adrian's angel's efforts and the call for help the demons were able to influence his thoughts. They convinced Adrian that soon the whole town would know about him and they would see these pictures. He would be shamed; his father would beat him with the Bible. The police would come after him and label him a pedophile. He would be raped in jail by those who claim they are vindicating an abused boy.

The worst was going to happen; it was only a matter of time.

The demons and their negative energy made his body ache. Fear was overwhelming him and he was shaking from the shear horror of the realizations the demons were planting in his head. Finally the demons were sucessful. Adrian decided that the only possible solution was ending his life to escape the eventual horror and pain.

Adrian got up from his desk after he cleared the website in the computer's history, scrawled out a little note and then changed into his black dress pants and a black polo shirt. He thought that black was a fitting color to go out in. His world had turned dark; all hope was lost.

He went into his father's garage and found a rope. He affixed it tightly to the pool's diving board and then put it around his neck. He managed to climb on to the diving board. For a moment he reconsidered what he was about to do.

Was the diving board high enough?

Would he end up just hurting his neck and floating alive, but paralyzed in the pool?

He remembered that his father said that the board was six feet above the water. Six feet plus another half foot would ensure that Adrian's five foot, six inch body would have enough room to successfully hang.

The demons struck again, removing any more doubts and taking all hope away from Adrian for the last time.

At last he closed his eyes and clutched the note tightly in his hand. In a split second of decision he jumped off the board. The rope snapped his neck immediately and he left his body. That was when he saw the demons and his sad angel. Despite his best efforts, his angel's helpers came too late. The battle angels were there disposing of the demons but Adrian was dead; his mission had ended before its intended time.

"So you didn't get punished for killing yourself?" asked Harry, "I have heard that people that kill themselves go to what Muggles call 'Hell'"

"Not this time; everyone in my dimension understood that I had no defense against the demons so I was forgiven and soon I was sent to you, Harry."

"Well that was good news for you I bet," said Harry as more questions popped into his head

"Yes, it was and the funny and sad thing is that it is people like my earth father that probably will be in the company of demons when he crosses over. In fact most of the religious nuts, I don't care what man-made religion it is, will wind up in a pit. Take people like my earth father. He was taught by his parents that God was an evil and a miserable old bearded man that constantly contradicted himself. They say that God said "thou shalt not kill" and yet the have either closed their eyes to or encouraged mass killings and senseless wars for money or power since Christ was born."

"So there really was a Jesus?"

"Yes, but at least ninety percent of what he said and did was twisted by man and his bigotry. All he had ever talked about was love, taking care of the poor, compassion and the like. Yet these fake apostles, like my earth father, use his name to justify hating everything from abortion to gay people like you and the boys. They have taken everything he tried to say, teach and do and have twisted it into a hateful religion. That is why so many turn away from their spiritual side; the people that who are supposed to be preaching "the good news" actually turn many away with their hypocrisy. And that is not exclusive to Christianity. Fundamentalist Islamics do that as well...any man made religion really. The point is that a person's spirituality has nothing to do with what a book or a human that lived thousands of years after a prophet has died says they should believe."

"Were you agnostic then when you were alive?"

"I was convinced, based on what I heard my father preach, that if there was a God then he hated me for being a queer."

"A lot of people think that way I bet; I know I do. I never really believed in a Supreme being. I knew about ghosts, we have plenty here, but as far as a God goes I doubted it. Besides, when the Dursley's made me go to church I remember the Vicar talking about witchcraft and how evil that was. Surely I wasn't playing on the same team as their God."

"But you are Harry. It may not be in a way people like my earth father or the Vicar could comprehend but you are. So long as you do good, you don't hate, you care for those lesser then you then you are in high favor. You have proved you do that time and time again; just look at what you have done for the PP boys."

"I guess I can agree with that...so you are telling me there is a God then?"

"You have to decide that on your own, Harry, just know that it is nothing like humans, with their prejudice and bigotry, tell you it is. Oh and one other thing...Raziel...well Draco Malfoy at the time...suffered his own horrors here on Earth. Things he never told a soul about. Before you become to quick to judge him, or any other soul, make sure you have all the facts. Sometimes what you don't see is the key to understanding and to love."

Harry's head hurt; the discussion was more then he bargained for. But somewhere deep inside he felt good. In some ways, the events of the last twenty-four hours, had helped him understand himself and the world he lived in much better.

He now understood that even if he encountered a person like Draco Malfoy was in life that there may be hidden, unseen reasons for why they are the way they are.

How many times had Harry cursed Draco without digging deeper to find out what was really behind the façade he put on?

How many times was he quick to judge, to anger before he knew all the facts?

How many times did he not care about the "whole story" and had chosen to hate and despise for the sake of despising?

More times then he cared to admit it seemed.

Harry had to admit that as unnerving as the appearance of Angel Adrian and Draco...aka Raziel had been it was turning out to be one of the best occurrences in his life. There is nothing like self-realization, thought Harry. That point in a person's life when a light goes on and things that once seemed so unclear are brought into the light of day. Harry had a better understanding of his world and why things had happened in his life the way they had. It was part of his mission and despite the risks, according to his angel, he had done an exceptionally good job thus far.

It suddenly occurred to Harry that Malfoy was not around

"Where is Draco...I mean Raziel, anyhow?"

"He's back in your closet, Harry. He is still hiding from the demons; he feels safe in there."

"Well if he is coming with us he better get a move on, we are meeting the boys downstairs in ten minutes!"

All of Potter's Protégés, minus poor Sam of course, were waiting expectantly by the Great hall at 10:30am. They left the castle and headed for Hogsmead and Ron's flat. When they arrived they all rested as the adults had a chat.

"So this really is a surprise, Harry," said Colin with a smile, "I had to rearrange my schedule a bit but its worth it. The last time on the island was a blast. Plus I have missed my snake!"

"Your snake?" asked Harry confused

"Yes...MY...SNAKE," replied Colin grabbing hold of Neville's crotch

"Ah...ok...got ya," laughed Harry

After a few more laughs they were ready to grab on to the Port Key.

In a flash they were on their way to Harry's private island and to the answers Harry hoped would be revealing themselves soon, so the mystery would be solved once and for all before it was really too late.

Chapter 29- The Naked Truth

Just like the last time, the boy's were in heaven. No sooner did they arrive at Harry's private part of the island they stripped down and headed for the warm water. The sight of eleven naked boys bouncing around the beach got all four of the adults horny and soon they were naked as well.

Assuming that the boys would be occupied for a while all four of them took part in a little bit of, what Harry called, "stress relief". They hadn't bothered going into their tents; the boys were far enough away and playing in the water. It felt good to be making love in the warmth of the sun with the fresh breeze blowing on their bare bodies.

Harry was 69ing with Ron as Neville was doing the same with Colin. Both couples were into the sex and totally oblivious to what was happening around them. For both couples it had been weeks since they all were together and had the opportunity and the time to do more then just a quickie.

Lost in their passions they didn't notice that all the members of Potter's Protégés had exited the water and were now surrounding them with their teen boners in their hands. Harry was the first to notice the feet that were surrounding him. He looked up from Ron's dripping cock at the lustful faces of the Isley twins; their identical cocks swelling in each other's hands.

"Oh..hi boys...seems you have caught us at an unusually compromising time, you all shouldn't be seeing this. Why don't you all go into your tent and have a bit of fun?" suggested Harry

"Please let us watch, sir," asked the squeaky voice of Issac Isley, "my brother and I have never seen grownups doing it before. If you don't mind me saying so, sir, you and Mister Weasley are hot. So are the other two...I didn't know dicks got that big!"

Harry thought for a moment and looked at the other three for help.

"Why not, Harry," said Ron with a grin, "they have seen plenty already. Besides they may learn a thing or two. You did say McGonagall hoped this trip would be `educational'! Oh and thank you for the compliment Issac."

Harry had to laugh; Ron was right there were really no secrets between the adults and the boys. They all were willingly standing there with hardons and apparently were not forced to sneak up on the four adults. Why not let them get an eyeful; what can it hurt? And besides the teens had seen all there was to see the last time they visited the island when they played that sex game with them. It was probably just my ingrained guilt, thought Harry, that is making me want to balk at this. With that Harry decided to let things proceed without worry.

"Ok but you all just watch this time," admonished Harry as he returned to the half hard cock of his lover, "but this will be the last free show you all get."

All the teens grinned, and or moaned, as their neighbor stroked their hard cocks.

All in all it turned out well.

The boys with their various partners shot their loads all over the four adults. One by one they jerked their loads all over the bodies of the adults. That made the grown-ups sexual heat burn hotter and soon the adults deposited their loads in their lover's mouths.

"That was hot, Harry," said Ron in the shower washing Harry's back, "I never thought being watched could be such a turn on."

"So long as you liked it I am happy baby," replied Harry turning around to give Ron a kiss

Now that the inevitable sexual release had been quelled for the teens and the grown-ups and everyone had a clean up another matter was on their minds.


Ron and Neville took charge of the cooking while Harry and Colin drank some Mead and watched the teens play on the beach. Harry wondered why Colin was so unusually quiet. They weren't having much of a conversation but Harry just assumed that Colin was tired. When he shot his load in Neville's mouth his body was shaking like he was having a seizure. No doubt it had been a while and the major orgasm must have worn Colin out.

"You're awfully quiet, Colin, is everything alright?" asked Harry

"Oh right, sorry about that...just have my mind on work. I know, I know that's not allowed on Harry Island," replied Colin forcing a smile

"Well forget about work; it smells like the food is ready. Let's go think about that," suggested Harry

The food was indeed ready and they all stuffed themselves with a variety of summertime foods. When all the plates were clean they all headed to their tents for a lay down.

Harry was grateful for the rest. Obviously he hadn't got much sleep in the last 24 hours so he gladly dozed off in Ron's arms.

Meanwhile Harry's angel and the ghost of Draco Malfoy were hovering above Harry and Ron. Both stayed well hidden during the excursion to the island

"It's going to happen soon," said Adrian telepathically to Draco...aka Raziel

"Shouldn't we warn him, then?" asked Draco

"Ah, you probably don't remember, Raziel, but we cannot interfere with the course of human events. It will all be clear for Harry soon. As frustrating as it is we only guide we don't influence like the demons do."

Raziel...aka Draco...was receiving his lessons from Adrian so he could, in time, get his wings back. He nodded at Adrian understanding why they couldn't wake up Harry themselves and get him on his way.

About an hour later Neville shook Harry awake.

"Harry, wake up," shouted Neville, "Lonnie Livingston has wandered off and no one has any idea where he has gotten off to."

Shit, thought Harry as he sat up in bed, we have to watch these kids like hawks.

"Where was he last seen, Neville?" asked Harry wiping the sleep out of his eyes

"He was sitting by himself out by the fire...well what was left of it. The boys think he might have gone to collect more firewood."

"Oh that's just fabulous...let me get Ron up and I will meet you and Colin outside in five minutes. Go tell the rest of the boys that they are all to stay in their tents...no questions asked."

Neville went out to get Colin and inform the rest of the PP. Soon a very weary Ron and Harry joined the other two adults near the fading fire.

"Ok well I suppose we should go search. Ron and I will look down the beach and you and Colin can look around the woods," instructed Harry

"I think it might be quicker and better if we all split up and search, Harry," suggested Colin

"Well given what happened last time don't you think it's better that we search in pairs?" questioned Harry

He missed Colin's response because the quite loud, albeit telepathic, voice of Angel Adrian filled his head.

"Split up Harry...it's the best thing to do at this point."

"You think so?" said Harry aloud

"Think what?" asked Ron confused

"Oh...well...nothing...perhaps Colin is right. We can cover more ground if we split up and search for Lonnie."

The four of them split up and headed in different directions. All agreed that instead of the beach they all should concentrate on the nearby woods. If Lonnie went to get firewood he would be there, said Harry as they all went to search.

"Wasn't that `interfering with the course of human events' when you just told Harry to listen to Colin?" asked a confused Draco

"Not really, Raziel...that was a nudge...come on we need to stay with Harry," answered Adrian with a smile

Twenty minutes into the search a familiar, panicky voice caught Harry's attention. He froze on the spot; the horror and the realization of what may actually be happening hit Harry like a brick.

It was Ron calling for help.

"Help Harry...come quick I need help..." Ron's voice shouted from a distance of about 500 feet from Harry

Neville heard it too and came running over to Harry. They both took off at a run towards the area where they heard Ron's voice coming from. They reached a small clearing in the woods and stopped in their tracks in absolute shock.

"Holy shit...holy shit," whispered Harry

That was the last thing Neville heard before both he and Harry were knocked unconscious.


On Danny's ding-dong:

I am still getting mail with the black and white pic of Dan Radcliffe in the buff. Earlier in the story I mentioned that Harry is cut. I did that for two reasons. First of all, as you may have read in one of the earlier parts, a friend of mine was in the second row of the theatre for the play EQUUS and clearly Dan looked cut. Dan's mom is of the Jewish faith (according to bio's of Dan I have read) and I believe his dad is not. From what I understand, it is Hebrew tradition the kids in mixed faith marriages like that be subject to the religion of the mother. Thus a circumcision was done on Dan eight days after birth (I think that is right). The other reason that I made MY HARRY CHARACTER cut and most all of the other UK guys uncut was to give Harry one more thing that was unique; yet another feature that set him apart from everyone else. As far as the pictures go, there were a few shots with a horse and one of Dan's ass that were taken as promotional shots before the play opened. They did not take any black and white pictures. The black and white picture is a photoshop creation; I actually have the pic of the model who belongs to the penis that was attached to Danny. I also obtained two color photoshop pics that show Danny's alleged weeny. Because he is under age in places like...oh let's say the sexually shamed USA, where we are deathly afraid of seeing a penis, no shots of him flashing his cock were taken. Perhaps we will get lucky and he will remake the movie. Until a brave soul with a dig cam snaps a few shots at the play, the look and the condition of Danny's penis remains a mystery...cut or uncut I think he has turned into a pretty hot man and I would take it with skin or without!


Next: Chapter 10

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