Harrys Closet of Secrets

By Ben Meova

Published on Apr 23, 2007


Harry's Closet of Secrets

A fantasy tribute by HungYungUn

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Loads of thanks to all of you that have wrote in and have given me the thumbs up for this story. I really do appreciate the positive feedback and it is encouraging me to write more for you all. Comments, feedback and suggestions for the next part are welcome and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry's Closet of Secrets Part Six

Chapter 17- No One is to Blame

The school was quiet and Harry was glad about that. So many people had been in and out to see him- asking questions or just offering support. Harry was grateful for all the kind words from students and the staff. The whole ordeal had hit him pretty hard and the shock had not worn off. The silence in his quarters gave him a chance to think and to consider a few things.

It had been two weeks since Harry had broken up with Colin and Sir Nicholas found the lifeless body hanging in a third floor corridor room. The school, still in session, was somber. The students, most unaware of the real reasons for the suicide, were not affected as much as they would have been if the truth were told.

Since no magic was used the Ministry was at a loss; they couldn't really determine the why's of the death. Most assumed it was depression, but found it odd that a wizard chose such an archaic, Muggle-like way to end it all. Even odder was the fact that the body was draped in a black robe and was wearing a black hood. There was some sort of significance to that but Harry just couldn't figure out what it was. He wished that his old crime-fighting partner, Hermione, was there to help him decipher the clues.

Then there were the notes- one made sense to Harry and the other was a mystery.

Spread out before him were two bits of parchment.

One was a note that was found in the hand of the hanging body and it simply said:

"This is not the life I want. If I can't be with whom I want to be with then to hell with everything. Sorry to those I left behind and sorry to the PP."

This one made sense to Harry especially since there was a reference to the "PP". But Harry couldn't tell anyone what the real significance of that was; it would stir up more problems then the situation warranted.

The other note, that was lying on Harry's desk, a note that was not there before he had left for Neville's on the day they found the body, had a simpler message on it:

"One down and eleven to go"

Harry had no idea where the second note came from. It was on his desk when he finally was led back to his quarters after he broke down unmasking the hanging body.

He couldn't identify the handwriting; letters were cut out of a newspaper and pasted to form the words. For a moment he had thought that it was from Draco Malfoy, but then dismissed the idea when he, once again, recalled how he saw Malfoy disintegrate. Malfoy had to be dead so the person who left the message had to be someone that was alive and in the castle.

But who would be so cold and callous to leave such a note?

Clearly it had to do with the PP but what was the motivation? Perhaps it was a spurned student, which was not asked to join because they didn't realize what type of group it was, or something worse- a homophobic killer on the loose in the castle. The only other option, that ran through Harry's mind, was that it was simply a tasteless prank by someone who didn't revere him like the rest of the wizarding world seemed to.

He surely had dealt with that in his past.

Death threats, lies printed in the Daily Prophet to discredit Harry and his character, were just some of the things those who remained loyal to the once powerful, but now dead, Dark Lord Voldemort used in attempts to hurt him.

The note had to be from someone like that, Harry thought, this was a suicide- plain and simple. Someone had left this sick note to rub salt into Harry's emotional wounds; he was sure of that.

He stared at the parchment until his eyes literally hurt. His mind was ready to explode from all the scenarios that were going through his head. His maddening thought process was interrupted when there was a knock on his door.

He got up and let the visitor in thankful for the break his mind was getting.

"Are you ok Harry?" asked Colin genuinely concerned

"I guess so," said Harry flatly and accepting a hug from Colin, "This all has been hard Colin. Not only the boy killing himself but the whole thing between you and me. If this has taught me one thing it has shown me that you can't leave things unsaid or unresolved."

"Let it go Harry; at least the bit between us. I will admit I still am hurting but at least we can be friends. That's a positive start, right? I have to tell you, even though I don't have to report to you anymore, that since Angelo hung himself I have been spending time with Neville."

"That's good Colin and you have my blessing with that; I know that if I never came back around you would have stayed with Neville. I know you love me, but be honest Colin, you fell in love with Neville when I was gone. You always have been in love with the idea of Harry Potter loving you- ever since you were 11 and came to Hogwarts. You fell in real love with Neville when I was fighting Voldemort. Maybe we both have wound up where we were meant to be."

"Perhaps that is true but I do love you whether you believe it or not. And remember it was you who left me, again, and went to Ron- your first real love. I just went to Neville because I needed a friend to help get through the pain and now he needs me. But let's not have a row today; I came to talk to you about Neville. I am really getting worried about him. He is quiet, almost too quiet if you know what I mean."

Ever since the discovery of Angelo's lifeless body Neville had been replaying the last conversation the two of them had. Well it really wasn't a conversation. It was Neville losing his temper- a rare occasion if there ever was one. Despite the fact that Harry, Ron and Colin told him that the argument might have just been the final excuse Neville blamed himself for the boy's choice to off himself.

The fact of the matter was that it wasn't Neville's fault at all.

In fact Harry had told Neville that in a lot of these cases, albeit more prevalent in the Muggle world, there usually is a host of other factors that are well hidden that no one ever knows about. There was more to this story of Angelo and the worst possible choice he made then met the eye.

"Is he still taking all the blame for Angelo's decision to commit suicide?" asked Harry relieved that the discussion of their breakup was now off the table.

"He still thinks it is all his fault," said Colin with a touch of sadness in his voice, "I explained to him that it was probably something other then their row that triggered the boy's final solution. The last straw or the excuse may have been Neville yelling and rejecting him for a final time but there may have been a lot more that was buried deep within the boy's soul."

"Of course you are right and as a matter of fact I have been telling him the same thing. No one ever really knows why someone takes that final step and chooses to give up. Maybe we missed a larger cry for help. Maybe there were things in the home life away from school that factored in. Unless his ghost comes back around we will never know. I will make it a point to go down and see Neville again if you think it will help."

"It will Harry and if you could bring Ron all the better. The more there to cheer him up the better. If he sees you are alright with me being with him that may lift his spirits."

Harry agreed to set up a time with Ron to visit Neville as Colin said his goodbyes and headed out the door.

Harry had a little bit of time alone before the PP group was to meet. It was the first meeting since one of their own- Angelo Marquez hung himself to death.

Chapter 18- The Slytherin Spy

A month after all of the drama things had pretty well got back to normal- well everything except Harry's personal life. He and Ron were still seeing each other and thankfully Neville, with help from all of his friends, stopped blaming himself and was happily getting to know his new boyfriend- Colin.

The PP meetings had brightened up as well. At first the boys were really sad and hurt. Sad because they lost one of their members and hurt because Angelo didn't confide in them. Perhaps they could have helped. So the boys made a pact with each other to never let depression overtake them and to never, ever use the worst solution- suicide if life got too overwhelming.

Those promises from his boys made Harry feel good as well knowing that, with any luck, there would be no other member of PP dying at their own hands.

"So do you guys want to go on another field trip now that we are enjoying a bit of warmer May weather?" asked Harry as he smiled at the eleven boys that made up Potter's Proteges.

Considering the fun the boys had on the last trip they all whole-heartedly agreed to go on another next week. Harry told them that he would get the permission slips ready for them to send home.

"The destination of this trip is a surprise", Harry informed the boys, "but I know you boys will love it! OK, that's all for tonight. Everyone get go straight back to your dorms, please."

Harry and Neville said their goodbyes to the boys as they filed out in pairs. The only one that was not leaving was the redheaded Slytherin boy, Patrick Donnelly.

"Sir, could I talk to you in private?" asked Patrick dropping a subtle hint to Neville that it may be a good time to leave

"Oh right, I will leave you two to talk," said Neville getting up to leave, "I have to water the Creeping Cactus or it will start getting bitchy and shooting out its spikes."

When Harry and Patrick were alone they sat down in the privacy of Harry's sitting room.

"You know what you have been telling us about honesty, sir?" asked Patrick

"Yes, I do. As sad as it was that Angelo chose not to really talk to any of us about the abusive life he had at home it still was a reminder that we all need to be honest and speak up when something is on our minds. So I take it that is why you want to have a chat; is something bothering you?"

"Well yes, sort of, it doesn't have to do with me really. It is just something I overheard. But I am going to have to be honest and tell you how I wound up hearing it" said Patrick looking down at the floor

Harry was amazed with Patrick. Harry never thought that there was an honest bone in any of the kids the sorting hat put into Slytherin. Still Harry was as honest as he could be and the sorting hat wanted to put him in Slytherin all those years ago. It just goes to show, thought Harry, that you can't judge a book by its cover...or the house that the sorting hat puts students in.

"OK Patrick, let's hear what is on your mind," said Harry soothingly, "and I have to tell you, the more I see you the more I think you should have been a Gryfindor."

"Well the sorting hat wanted me in Gryfindor but because my father was a Slytherin I sort of begged the hat to put me there" admitted Patrick

That sounds familiar, thought Harry as the boy started telling his story.

"...and this is the part where I have to be honest and admit what I have been doing. You see ever since I stopped being a total git with Sam we found out that we have a lot in common. Well a lot when it comes to sex, sir. We both get really turned on when we are watching other boys and they don't know we are watching. So we have been sneaking out in the evenings and following some of the other boys when they head towards the lake. We follow the ones that go towards that abandoned shack because we know they are going there to have some fun if you know what I mean"

"Yes, I get the idea- the shack is the secret place where you boys go to have sex" said Harry flatly, grateful for the boy's honesty but still unsure of what the point was, "Alright so you overheard one of the PP members saying something?"

"Well no...well maybe, sir...I don't know. Please let me finish, ok?" pleaded Patrick

"I'm sorry Patrick. Go ahead and tell me everything and I promise not to interrupt" smiled Harry

Patrick took Harry literally and did, indeed, tell him everything- in detail!

Patrick went on to describe how he and Sam had followed two of the newer PP members down to the empty shack at the lake one night. They were following Thomas Greer, a cute sixth year teen with silky light brown hair and the bluest eyes you have ever seen and Rafael Ortega, another hot fifth year from Hufflepuff whose cock had a slight bend to the left when it was hard. Both boys, according to Patrick, were hotter with their clothes off then with their clothes on.

Sam and Patrick were peeping through the cracks of the shack's old and tattered walls. They watched as Thomas was being fed Rafael's fat uncut cock. Sam guessed that it had to be at least a quite healthy eight inches.

Not bad for a fifteen-year-old boy, thought Harry while his cock started to harden in his shorts. Harry knew Rafael well and always had looked at him like he was a god. Nearly everything on him was perfect. A perfect face with a perfect smile and what appeared to be a body, albeit hidden by the school uniform, which would make Adonis feel inferior.

Patrick went on to say that Thomas was sucking his new boyfriend like a pro, alternately squeezing Rafael's full balls from time to time. They could tell that while Thomas was sucking Rafael he was also slipping a finger or two up his teen boyfriend's ass. Rafael was grinding his ass into Tom's fingers seemingly begging for something bigger to be up his ass as soon as possible.

Sam and Patrick were getting hot as well and both pulled out their cocks and were stroking each other as they watched Thomas turn Rafael around and bury his face in the boy's nearly hairless ass.

Both Sam and Patrick were happy that the two in the shack had turned on the light; it was twilight and the view inside was beginning to fade. Patrick said that he nearly fainted when Thomas spread Rafael's ass cheeks and he was able to see a pink little hole that seemed to be clenching and unclenching in anticipation of what was coming next.

Eventually they got a good look at what Thomas was packing. It wasn't nearly as long but just as fat as Raffy's cock. The only difference was that his balls were huge and looked like they were going to explode anytime. Both Patrick and Sam marveled at how well Rafael was sucking Thomas. He deep throated the whole of his boyfriends six and a half inch uncut cock. Sam loved how Rafael played with the soft patch of light brown pubes that were encircling the base of Thomas' cock as he was enjoying his face fucking.

Patrick told Harry that finally he and Sam couldn't take it anymore. When they saw Rafael sitting on Tom's cock, bouncing up and down with a look of shear ecstasy on his face, both Sam and Patrick wanted some of the same. Patrick slid his cock into Sam's willing ass and fucked him slowly while Sam looked through the crack in the wall and described the action inside in a hushed voice. The combination of Sam's tight ass and the destails of what Sam was seeing the other two teen doing was bringing Patrick closer and closer to the edge.

Finally the boys inside the shack shot their teen loads. The first to cum was Rafael, showering his boyfriend's chest with what looked to be a week's worth of teen juice. Thomas slid out from under Rafael and aimed his cock at his lover's face. In no time white jets of cum landed on Rafael's face and lips.

The contrast between the beautiful tan color of Rafael's skin and the white gobs of cum sent Sam over the edge; his cock leaking precum that dripped down on to his balls. With his eye to the crack in the wall, and Patrick's cock up his ass, Sam came all over the wall and soon Patrick sent his load up Sam's ass. Patrick added that it was perhaps the best cum he had ever had; his body literally shook for at least two minutes after he shot his load.

The two inside the shack had a quick clean up and then hurried out and back to the castle. Patrick and Sam agreed that they would split up and go back to the castle in different directions so they both, if the worst happened, wouldn't get caught out together.

"Er...well that sounds like one hell of a story, but you all shouldn't have been out after hours. I am supposed to give you two detention for that but perhaps not this time. Still I don't understand what it was you were getting at by telling me this story in such detail. I still haven't heard anything about what you overheard," said Harry totally unaware that Patrick had suddenly gone quiet and was staring at Harry's crotch.

Finally Patrick cleared his throat.

"Umm, sir, pardon me for saying this but...that really is a nice cock, Professor" said Patrick sheepishly pointing at Harry's lap

Harry looked down and finally realized that the boner he had gotten while listening to Patrick's detailed account of the teen's sexcapades was sticking out of the leg of his shorts.

"Oh damn, sorry about that...it's just that...well the story was hot and my imagination got carried away," said Harry red-faced and adjusting the shorts so his hardon was back inside

Not only had Patrick's story made Harry's cock swell, the memory of his days as a Hogwarts student and that shack urged his cock to leak precum. He was remembering the day that he had followed Seamus Finnegan down to that shack. Seamus met Susan Bones there for an apparent secret get together. Harry had watched through the crack as Susan sucked off his dorm mate. Harry had been amazed that for such a little guy Seamus was pretty well hung. He had good-sized balls and at least five or six inches of a thick cut cock that looked tasty indeed.

Of course Harry had taken out his own 14-year-old cock as he watched Susan take the whole of Seamus' cock down to the big bush of black pubes that surrounded it. Harry had to laugh to himself because when Seamus came all over his belly Harry had shot his load as well. The trouble was that Harry was a bit too loud and the two in the shack noticed. Harry had to make a run for it; he got behind a tree just as Seamus came out to see who was outside the shack.

The funny bit was the sight of Seamus standing there with his pants half down, his half-hard cock poking through the hole in his boxers with the last remnants of teen cum dripping off of it. Seamus looked wildly around and saw no one. Convinced he imagined what he heard he finally realized that he had ran out into the open with his cock hanging out. Red-faced he pulled up his pants and ran straight back to the castle leaving poor Susan in the shack alone!

"That's ok Professor I am hard too - see?" said Patrick squeezing his cock through his shorts

Harry was cursing himself. After all that happened with Angelo and Neville he didn't want to encourage anything like it with Patrick. What made it worse was the fact that, as evidenced by Ron, Harry had a thing for redheaded boys. His cock wouldn't go down; the memory of Patrick feeding Sam his long cock and the scene with Seamus still buried deep in his collection of erotic memories.

As much as he wanted to reach over and take out Patrick's cock he resisted. Partly because of Ron but mostly because he felt that it was better for his boy's in the PP to form intimate relationships with others nearer to their age. If the world wasn't so sex shamed and if no one ever had a problem with a 25-year-old loving a 15-year old then perhaps Angelo wouldn't have done what he did. Harry was convinced that getting the love and choosing to have sex with Neville was not nearly as bad, for Angelo, as being humiliated and beaten by his father.

But sadly both the Muggle and the wizarding world didn't think like Harry. It was a crime to love someone under the legal age of consent. Angelo could have received all the love he was craving from Neville, and would perhaps be alive today, but homophobes and sexually shamed politicians prevented all that. So it was better for the boys to seek out others, near their age, so they could get the love they needed without fear of the one they loved being sent off to Azkaban and being labeled a pedophile for life.

Harry tried to redirect Patrick's attention from his crotch and back to the reason for the story telling.

"So Patrick, you haven't told me what you overheard. Did Thomas or Rafael say something you think I should know?"

"No it wasn't them, sir," said Patrick returning to the conversation, but annoyingly for Harry, still squeezing his cock through his shorts, "after Sam had left I stayed there for a few minutes. I had shorts on that day and my hardon wouldn't go down; I didn't want to get caught going back into the castle with an obvious boner. So I waited for a few minutes and then I heard a the voice."

"Did you recognize the voice?" asked Harry trying to look Patrick in the eyes instead of the balls

"I couldn't tell you who it was sir...I didn't even see anyone...I just heard one voice say `that one will be next' and I have no idea what that meant. It was almost as if it was talking to someone else and not to me. I searched all around the area and no one was there."

Harry's cock instantly deflated. This was odd indeed and now some more questions needed to be answered.

Who was spying on Sam and Patrick spying Thamas and Rafael?

What or who would be next for what?

Harry thought about it for a minute.

When he put the pieces together he was able to come up with a couple of logical conclusions. The place where the old shack by the lake exists was once a dense forest. Years ago it had been cleared and one of the workers had been accidentally killed when a large oak tree fell on him. It was pretty well known that the ghost of that man still hung around the shack. It was also a fact that he seemed to be stuck- endlessly replaying the last thing he was doing before he was killed.

"I don't know what the voice meant. Maybe it wasn't intended for you or the other boy's. Maybe it has to do with something else. There are a lot of ghosts down by the lake and one that haunts that shack. Perhaps you heard him reliving something out of his past. I wouldn't worry too much about it; I think the one that `will be next' is probably the tree that killed Armanius Sledge years ago. It was probably his voice you heard; that was probably the last thing he said before the tree...that was to be cut down next...fell on him and crushed him to bits," explained Harry

"So you think it was just the ghost of that guy and nothing to do with me or the others?" asked Patrick looking a bit more relieved

"Yes, that's what I think so don't worry. Oh and as far as the sneaking out goes I will pretend I didn't hear about that tonight. All of you boys need to be very careful. If you are caught that will be the end of the PP and we don't want that to happen."

"OK sir I will try not to worry about it then; I trust you and I will tell Sam that we can't sneak out anymore...unless you want to come with us as our chaperone! " promised Patrick with a wink

Harry got lost for a few seconds imagining watching Sam and Patrick watching two other boys. His cock jerked in his shorts again despite himself. Harry stood up and Patrick did the same. As they walked towards the door Harry regained his sensibility.

"Being a chaperone for that adventure, here at school, may not be a great idea I am afraid. Oddly enough I trust you too Patrick...so let's keep the accidental appearance of my `other wand' quiet and not mention it to the other boys. Now off you go... straight to your dorm and no detours," said Harry squeezing Patrick on his shoulder.

"I promise I won't tell the other boys how yummy your `other wand' is, sir" said Patrick sexily licking his lips

Harry blushed a deep red as the Patrick left his quarters.

When he was alone again Harry replayed the story that he just heard. Even though he told Patrick not to worry his gut was telling him to be concerned. The way Angelo had been draped in a black robe and hood still bothered Harry even though the Ministry authorities closed the case and ruled it as a simple suicide.

The theory that it was actually the old lumberjack ghost reliving his last few minutes on earth made sense. The "one that would be next" was no doubt the tree that his partner was about to take down. That made sense indeed. What didn't make sense was the sinking feeling in Harry's gut that was telling him that there was more to this then met the eye. He had had this exact feeling before. In fact he first realized that he had the ability to intuitively recognize potential danger was in his first year of Hogwarts when he saved the Sorcerer's Stone from Professor Querill.

Harry needed some help with this. There were only two people that were able to help him sort out clues when he got these gut feelings. One was Hermione but she, of course, was no longer at Hogwarts.

There was only one person in the castle that was an expert at deciphering clues.

His painting hung above McGonagall's desk.

It was time to visit the portrait of Albus Dumbledore again.

Chapter 19- Fear Of The Father

Harry was glad he had decided to go see his old mentor and friend Albus Dumbledore. It wasn't the same as it used to be; it was so impersonal talking to a portrait but it still had the same results. Even though Dumbledore was literally dead his common sense and wisdom lived on.

"I think you may be right, Harry. It had to be Armanius Sledge but there is one way to find out for sure. Sledge had a thick Scottish accent. Ask Donnelly if the voice had a thick accent like that. If it did that will confirm your theory. If not, well then, we may have to consider other possibilities."

"Other possibilities?" questioned Harry

"Yes, it still may be possible that someone has found out what Potter's Proteges is really about and they may be trying to rid the school of what they consider to be undesirables. Just like Voldemort and his followers wanted to rid Hogwarts of students who weren't pure bloods there could be a student that doesn't want gay teens at our school. I must admit that the possibility is remote but we have to keep that in mind all the same."

Harry shuddered at that thought. Could someone be that homophobic and evil to actually kill the gay teens, one by one, under his charge? He dismissed that thought and thanked Dumbledore and set out for the Slytherin Common room.

Once there he had to deal with Sir Coddingham, the snotty and arrogant portrait that guarded the entrance to the Slytherin common room.

"Password?" asked the man in the painting with a twisted smile

"I am a teacher so I don't need a password, do I?" said Harry indignantly

"Well the head of house says you do," replied the old knight with his arms folded

"Well I will tell you what, unless you want to be blasted into fifty billion specks of assorted colors you will open the door- the password is open up or you are history" shouted Harry

With a sour expression on his face the painting relented and opened the doorway for Harry. When he stepped in a host of Slytherin students looked at him as if he were a thief in the night. He ignored their scathing looks and addressed them.

"I need to speak to Patrick Donnelly. I am sure one of you will get him for me otherwise I may have to deduct some points..." Harry let his voice trail off and a couple of Slytherins went to get Patrick.

When Patrick appeared Harry asked him to escort him to his quarters. Patrick who had jerked off, at least several times, thinking about Professor Potter's "other wand" readily agreed to go with him. When they got into the privacy of Harry's quarters the two sat down and Harry offered the boy some tea.

"I wanted to talk to you here because it has to do with the voice you heard while you were out spying. I am sure you don't want your Slytherin mates to know about your sexual adventures with Sam," said Harry giving Patrick a wink, "What I need you to do is remember back to that day and specifically the voice that you heard. Do you remember if the voice had a thick Scottish accent?"

"No it didn't, sir," said Patrick decisively, "I clearly remember it having an accent that resembled English nobility...why...is that important?"

Harry paused for a moment; there was no point in worrying the boy over things Harry wasn't certain of. Harry decided to downplay its significance and smiled at Patrick.

"Not very, it's just that Armanius Sledge had a thick Scottish accent so it must have been someone else you heard...no big deal really...just one of the other ghosts that hang around there...sometimes with ghosts their voices are choppy. You can only hear bits and pieces of their echoes...I am sure that is what it was..." said Harry trying not to look concerned.

"But if it isn't important, why did you come and get me and ask me about it?" asked a puzzled Patrick

"Oh, well..." replied Harry thinking quickly on his feet, "...if it was Sledge I was going to try to contact him and help him cross over. But it wasn't so that is that and we can let it go."

"Ok, I'll let it go," said Patrick relaxing a bit, "I have something to ask you, sir...it's a favor really."

"What's on your mind Patrick?"

"Well do you think there is any way I can be taken out of Slytherin House and be put in Gryfindor? Malcolm Masshit has been really busting my nuts lately. He and his friends keep threatening me and calling me a traitor since I am the only Slytherin in Potter's Proteges."

"Threatening you? How is he threatening you, Patrick?" asked a concerned Harry

"Mostly will physical threats or telling my father that I joined your group and that I am not loyal to the principles of Salazar Slytherin. Father has never been a big Harry Potter fan I am afraid and he would kill me if he knew I was loyal to you."

Harry looked at Patrick for a moment. He saw sincerity in his eyes. Harry thought to himself that what Patrick's father was doing to him was probably one of the worst things a parent could do. Namely putting their hates or prejudices on their own kids and forcing them to be who they want them to be instead of allowing them to think freely and choose for themselves. If Patrick's father was a total git and still revered Voldemort and hated Harry he shouldn't intimidate his son into thinking the same way. It was just wrong and the sadness and the fear in Patrick's eyes proved that.

"I will see what I can do. It is highly unusual and I will have to talk to the Headmistress about it. How about we sort that out when we get back from the trip? "

"Ok sir, I suppose I can put up with the gits for a few more days. Thanks again, Professor"

"My pleasure " said Harry with a smile as Patrick got up to leave.

Harry kept on smiling to himself after Patrick was gone. Things sure never do change at this school, he thought. There were so many things that happened around the school and in the dorms that were below the teacher's radars. Harry could think of a number of things that went on when he was a student; things that would have absolutely curled Severus Snape's greasy hair. Aside from the kind of situation Patrick had described Harry was certain that if the teachers really knew about all the sex that went on in the castle chastity belts would be part of the school uniform right away. Certainly things, especially teen hormones, hadn't changed that much since he was a student.

Harry sat back and remembered the time, in his second year, when he caught Oliver Wood after a particularly long Quidditch practice having a bit of fun with himself.

Harry had decided to practice longer then the rest of the team. By the time he had enough all the other team members were long gone and back in the castle. When Harry made his way back to the team changing room, he was surprised to find the team's captain, Oliver Wood, sitting on the bench, stark naked and stoking his hardon.

Harry's jaw dropped as he surveyed the muscular body of Oliver Wood. Perfectly toned with a generous bush of brown pubes that encircled his cock and balls Wood was stunning. Of course Harry's cock swelled immediately and he was squeezing it through his pants as well. He watched as Wood took one of the bludger bats and started poking it down where his ass was.

At 12 years old Harry wasn't really bold enough to let Wood know he was there so he just watched. Harry had recently sprouted the first signs of puberty with a thin round circle of pubes making a halo around his cock. He had one wet dream and had learned the joys of masturbation but this was the first time he actually saw an older boy doing it.

It didn't take Harry long at all and soon his Quidditch trousers were sticky with his boy load. Ready for round two Harry squeezed his cock some more as he watched Wood masturbate furiously, finally shooting a huge load that splashed on his chest and his face.

Harry made a quick get away and after a few minutes he came back to the changing room. He coughed loudly alerting Wood that he was there.

"Oh, hiya Harry, hard practice today, eh?" said Wood grinning at Harry as he left the changing room.

Hard indeed, thought Harry, now wondering if he and Ron might be able to hook up with Oliver Wood for a three way.

Perhaps he would ask Ron about that after the got back from this weekend's trip with Potter's Proteges.

Chapter 20- Voices In The Night

Harry was happy to see the weekend arrive. The day had finally come for he, Ron, Neville and Colin to take the PP group on another field trip. They all met at Ron's place in Hogsmead and were gathered around in Ron's small sitting room.

"Attention everyone...attention" yelled Harry over the din of conversations, "for those of you that have never seen one this is a portkey. Now when you travel by portkey it can be a bit unnerving the first time. I promise you all that it is a safe way to travel and nothing bad will happen."

They all stared at what seemed to be an old beach ball. The students still had no idea where they were going. Ron had thought it would be nifty to use a beach ball as a portkey subtly giving the teens a hint as to where they were going. Only Harry and Ron knew where the portkey was set to take the group.

Harry had everyone gather around and touch the ball. It was quite the juggling act to squeeze together a total of 15 people to touch the inflatable ball. When they all were touching Harry told them at the count of three they would be off and to hang on tightly to the bags they had strapped around their shoulders.

In a split second the entire group was whooshed up and into what appeared to be some sort of psychedelic portal. Finally they were landing. They had arrived at a remote island with a sandy white beach and warm blazing sun.

When they all got back on their feet Harry addressed the boys.

"Welcome to Crystal Cove, the place where wizards that are into a more...natural setting...come to enjoy sun and sand."

Neville pulled Harry aside with a look of disbelief on his face," McGonagall actually let you take the students...here...to this place?"

Harry laughed, "Of course not, I told her we were taking the boys to the Amazon jungle to search for more herbs and plants."

"Oh well then that makes sense Harry," smiled Neville, "she did seem to be support the idea of taking the boys out for another Herbology study trip. Then, when we get back, I better make sure I gather some of the Amazonian roots I have in the greenhouse before we go to see her. And we had better show the group them as well just in case she asks them about it."

Harry smiled to himself. If Neville wasn't paranoid about something then he wouldn't be Neville. His worrisome nature always gave Neville a childlike innocence that Harry found endearing in his adult life.

The reason Neville was alarmed became perfectly clear to all the members of PP. As their eyes adjusted to the brightness of the sun it was obvious that they were the only people dressed on the beach.

"All these blokes are naked!" exclaimed Lonnie Livingston rubbing his crotch

"Well that is because this a naturalist beach- no clothing allowed boys. I thought you all may have liked it as a treat but mind you it is uncouth to walk around here with boners so try to keep your bits under control. Let's head for the camping area and then we can do like the natives do. We have our own private section of the island so anything goes group!"

They headed to set up the tents. Once again there was an odd man out but Patrick asked to stay with Harry and Ron. Despite Ron's protests Harry agreed to let Patrick share their tent with them. He would explain later his concerns for the boy's safety and the voice Patrick had heard, by the lakeside shack, a few weeks before.

When they all were settled in everyone emerged from their temporary dwellings wearing nothing but a smile.

Harry and Neville, and probably Ron and Colin as well, had to keep their cocks under control. It was the first time they had seen the whole group of PP's totally naked. It was as if Harry was looking at a work of art. He studied the group of teens and wondered at the slight variations in each boys body. From the color of the pubic hair to the shape of the bodies overall it was surely a collection of beauty that any artist, is his right mind, would appreciate.

Conversely it was the first time the boys had seen their teachers and their lovers naked. Both Neville and Ron's low hanging balls and big cocks seemed to be an attention getter, making some of the boys get half hardons. Harry heard one of the boy's comment on the subject noting that he would never bitch again about the possibilty of Professor Longbotoom being up his ass.

They all headed for the beach and the whole lot of them splashed into the crisp, clean blue water of their weekend Caribbean getaway.

The fact that on this part of the island there were no other wizards around added to the sense of freedom the teens and the adults were feeling. Even Neville, who worried about everything, seemed to let all his inhibitions go as he splashed around with the teens and Colin. This was, thought Harry, one of the best investments he had ever made with the money his parents had left him. Harry, a few years back, had purchased it, intending to surprise Colin with it on their tenth anniversary that never came.

Now it was Ron's surprise.

"You really own this part of the island Harry?" asked Ron holding Harry around the waist

"Sure do love and since we are together so do you; what's mine is yours Ron. But I want Colin and Neville to consider it their own, as well, if that is ok with you."

"That's fine, Harry. They are like family so why not" said Ron planting a long and passionate kiss on Harry's lips, "so long as we can come here alone from time to time."

Harry loved Ron; he always had and the combination of the sun and the shear romance of the place heated Harry up. He opened his mouth and joined Ron in a passionate kiss. They were grinding their hard cocks together, unaware that everyone else in the water had stopped their play to watch them makeout.

The two of them must have inspired the rest of the group because soon Neville was making out with Colin. Sam was hugging and kissing Lonnie. Thomas and Rafael were grinding their boners together while Marcus Long and Alan Keyes were doing the same. Patrick was in a three-way hug and grind with Eric Lynn and Stevie Millsack. Andrew Kelley and Earl Craig were the boldest. Harry and Ron, not too far away, could tell that they were taking turns diving underwater and sucking each other's cocks.

Ron broke away from Harry when he noticed that all the others were getting hot and heavy in the soothing waters of Crystal Cove.

"Harry do you think we should be doing this with the boys...well with the boys here...I mean it can't be good for them to see their teachers getting hardons and kissing their boyfriends," asked Ron blushing a bit

Harry considered it for a moment. In some ways it did seem odd, but Colin and Neville didn't seem to mind it. In fact they were almost giving the others a show. During the last PP meeting both Neville and Harry decided that it was time to be honest with the boys. So they admitted the obvious- that they too were gay and they let the teens meet Colin and Ron. Everything was in the open now and there were no secrets.

All the boys were jerking each other off under the water while they watched Colin sucking the whole length of Neville's cock. Harry was even turned on watching his ex-lover suck his best friend on the faculty as Neville floated on his back.

What the hell, thought Harry, we are here to take the shame out of sex and the boy's gayness. If we hide what we are doing like it is something dirty or something that needs to be hidden because of a silly age restriction then what message will that send to the group?

"Let them get a good eyeful and we will too; they just love you and Neville. I don't think any of them have seen cocks as big as you two have," finally replied Harry, "besides it doesn't seem to be hurting anyone and they seem to be enjoying watching Colin and Neville. I know I am!"

"Well that's fine but you remember you are supposed to be watching me now," said Ron with a fake pout

Harry kissed Ron on the forhead and then dived under the water and took Ron's hard cock in his mouth. After a minute or so he came above the water and smiled at Ron.

"Is that the type of attention you want, baby?" cooed Harry

"That and more Harry!" said Ron diving down to get a taste of Harry

Everyone was into pleasing their partners in the water. The only time the making out stopped was when they all stopped to watch as Patrick lifted up Eric Lynn and held him up as he sucked on his young cock. Harry nearly blew his load right there. Eventualy everyone went back to pleasing their partners in the warm water of the private island getaway.

They all carried on with their individual partners for a little while longer until most, especially Ron, were waterlogged.

"How about we all go out of the water?" asked Ron who seemed to be getting into the voyeurism game as much as the rest. Harry could tell Ron wanted out of the water so he could get a better look at the action.

"OK everyone, let's calm down for a bit. Ron and I are getting soggy in here so let's go back on the beach," called Harry to everyone

Apparently they all thought it was a good idea because they started heading for the shore. Harry's cock swelled harder as he watched eleven, firm teen asses heading towards land.

"This is kind of hot, don't you two think?" asked Neville coming over to join Harry and Ron

"Yeah it is, I just wonder if we should let the boys have their fun and retire to our tent?" suggested Harry

"You mean you want to do a four way?" asked Neville

"Yeah why not, look I am not jealous about you and Colin. I am really happy that since it didn't work out for us that he wound up back with you. Besides Ron has been fantasizing about doing this anyhow, haven't you baby?" winked Harry

Ron's face turned into a deep crimson. Yes, he had talked to Harry about the four of them having a four way but he was still getting comfortable with the idea of having a male lover and being himself.

"Umm...yeah...I guess," said Ron in a barely audible voice

So Harry gathered all the students around him. Most of the teens were still at least half hard and horny.

"Ok guys you all can have some of your own fun, we are going to be in my tent if there are any emergencies" announced Harry

"Don't go, sir" called out Sam Chang, "we all want to watch you all; maybe we can learn a few things. It could be like a sex education class."

All the other students piped in with support for Sam's idea.

The four adults told the boys to hang on as they discussed Sam's proposal.

Ron feigned at being too shy to do it in front of the boys but Harry knew better. Ron had always loved showing off. He used to make sure everyone, in the school showers, got a good look at his big cock. Colin and Neville were into doing the four way but were a bit unsure about having an audience. Harry told Neville that his cock would probably be the star of the show and that they might as well let the boys watch since they had seen stuff already.

"We can't make the sex shameful with the boys and besides there is no law on this island that says there is any kind of age of consent, so no one will be breaking any law. It may be the only time these boys will have the chance to freely do what they want instead of the government telling them what they should do with their bodies and sex lives" said Harry

Nevillee looked back at Colin, "What do you think...should we do it?"

"I've been ready to `do it' for at least a half hour now," said Colin sexily rubbing his hardon in the crack of Neville's ass

"Ok, then let's do it," said Neville grabbing on to Harry and Ron

They went to the common tent that was set up. It was huge inside with love seats conveniently placed in a circle. Harry pulled out his wand and conjured up a king size mattress that landed in the center of the room. The pairs of teens each found their own seats, ready for the show of their lives. Patrick was perfectly happy watching Sam and Lonnie...he was in voyeur heaven.

The four adults had another small conference and came up with a fun game for the boys. They felt bad that Patrick was not paired up with anyone so they decided to give him a special job to do.

"Ok here is what we will do so it is fun for all. Patrick will be the director- you can tell us what you want us to do but there is going to be no fucking. That sort of sex is a private affair- something truly intimate between lovers. Beyond that everything goes; well everything that is not too odd or bizarre," announced Harry

Patrick loved being the director.

As the other boys jerked each other's cock's in anticipation Patrick had Ron and Harry in a 69 position. Neville and Colin were doing the same. After all the adults were rock hard and face fucking their respective lovers Patrick announced the next thing he wanted to see.

"Ok now Professor Potter you do Professor Longbottom. Mister Weasley you do Mister Creevey."

They all switched places and started really getting into the game. This was a hot moment for Harry; it was the first time he had a taste of Neville's beautiful fat cock in front of Ron and Colin. harry had never felt more liberated then he did at this moment. Colin was equally pleased to get a taste of Ron. Harry was really getting turned on seeing the boys getting off on them.

What was even hotter was the way Colin was licking the precum off the tip of Ron's fat cockhead. He looked like an angel doing the thing he loved best. Sucking cock was Colin's favorite thing to do in bed. Harry was happy that the four friends could get into sex like this without jealousy or hard feelings cropping up.

Meanwhile the other teen couples were taking turns sucking each other. Harry looked up and got an eyeful of Sam Chang pumping his cock into Lonnie Livingston's mouth while focusing on Harry's cock slipping in between Neville's lips.

After a few minutes of that Patrick had the adults do a four-way suck chain.

Ron was sucking Colin while Colin was sucking Neville. Neville was sucking Harry while Harry had Ron's cock in his mouth. You could hear nothing in the room except the sound of cocksucking. Heads were bobbing up and down on their favorite penises. Neville was lost in ecstasy; never in his life did he think he would be part of something like this. Ron got into showing off, making sure everyone had a clear shot of his cock and bouncing balls. Colin was enjoying himself too- he was with the two men he loved and another friend, Ron, who was becoming a best mate as well.

Again Patrick who was going around to all the teen couples and sampling each boy's cock changed the game a few minutes later.

"Ok now we will make it real interesting" announced Patrick breathlessly

He went around the room and selected Sam, Rafael and Thomas and had them join the adults in the center of the room.

"Sam you will go down on Mister Creevey, Rafael you take care of Professor Longbottom and Thomas you suck of Mister Weasley... and I am going to check out Professor Potter's wand. The rest of you come closer and circle around us."

The other boys gathered around the eight people on the king sized mattress and watched probably one of the hottest scenes they had ever seen in their young lives. Harry looked up and saw the remaining seven members of the PP sroking their cocks and feeling up the bodies of the couple that was closest to them. Harry felt Sam Chang's fingers slide up the crack of his ass. Harry pushed his ass back allowing Sam to slip one of his thin fingers in. Harry was in heaven; as he lay above Patrick, fucking his cock into the teen's warm mouth Sam was finger fucking his ass. Electric sensations flooded through every inch of Harry's body. The other three adults were having similar experiences as they fed their cocks to the willing teens.

After a while Patrick took his mouth off of Harry's cock and commanded everyone to switch.

Sam, Rafael, Thomas and Patrick went on their backs as the adults swallowed their young cocks. After a few more minutes of getting their cocks serviced, by the adults, all of the teens were ready to explode.

"I want everyone to cum at the same time," panted Patrick who was slowly bucking his hips as he face fucked Harry, "but all of you watchers have to wait until we all cum."

So all on the floor switched to jerking each other off. Laying side by side, with their cocks aimed at each other's bellies, the eight stroked their partner's cocks urging the inevitable orgasm to come.

The first pair to explode was Ron and Thomas, each coating each other's bellies with a generous load of cum. Next Colin and Sam did the same followed by Neville and Rafael. Finally Harry blasted a load on to Patrick's face, Patrick had dove down to swallow Harry's cum. The last to go was the director; Patrick unloaded several jets of teen cum on his belly.

Soon the rest of the boy's blasted off coating those on the floor with spurt after spurt of teen cum.

After everyone caught their breath they all headed for the shower tents for cleanup. After that they had a cookout which was fun except for Neville nearly setting his pubes on fire when a spark from the fire flew into them. The time had passed quickly; nighttime had arrived and all retired to their own tents to rest up for the next day of fun.

In Harry's tent, Patrick was cuddling in between Ron and Harry.

"Mister Weasley I want to thank you for letting me stay with you two" said Patrick kissing Ron's cheek

"Not a problem Patrick," said Ron squeezing Patrick's balls, "just remember Harry belongs to me!"

They all had a laugh over that. Harry knew that Ron was being a smart ass and knew damn well that Harry wouldn't leave Ron for a teen. The three of them ended up lying on their sides. Patrick was nuzzled up against Ron and Harry against Patrick.

Patrick made the first move and slid his cock into Ron's ass. Ron was expecting this because as Patrick was reaching around and stroking Ron's hardon Ron was rubbing his ass on Patrick's hard cock. Harry had noticed the activity in the bed and slid his cock up Patrick's ass. In no time Patrick, sandwiched in between Harry and Ron, was having the best sexual experience he had ever had.

He never had considered how hot it would be to have a cock up his ass while he was fucking someone else's ass. To give Ron some equal topping time, Harry suggested that they turn over. Patrick gasped as Ron buried his fat cock into his ass. Patrick quickly shoved his bone up Harry's waiting ass.

Soon all three of them shot another load and then collapsed in a collective cuddle from shear exhaustion.

Ron was the first to drop off to sleep. Harry could hear his slow breathing- a sound that had become familiar to Harry. Soon Patrick was asleep as well. Harry lay awake for a while longer reviewing what he had allowed to happen today.

Part of him felt guilty.

It was the part of him that had been conditioned by society. The part that said that sex between people in their mid-twenties and people in their mid-teens was taboo. But logically he thought that all of the teens chose to participate. If any couple had balked they would have been free to go. Likewise, it seemed as if Ron, Colin and Neville enjoyed what they did as well.

Hopefully, thought Harry, this will bring us all closer together. No one was hurt and everyone had a good time so what really was the harm?

Once again Harry recalled how Neville rejecting Angelo, out of fear, contributed to the boy's decision to kill himself. For the life of him he couldn't understand why people didn't understand that it was better to allow a teen to chose and love who he wants rather then to reject everything the teen feels and needs.

"These people always say they are protecting the children," muttered Harry under his breath, "but do they really? They didn't protect Angelo by making laws that turned Neville into a paranoid mess. Angelo was the predator- seeking out sex from his teacher. But they always make it seem like it is the adult that goes after the teen. They never stop to consider the possibility that maybe some teens want to have sex with someone older and experienced. So do they really protect these teens or do they just make them do what they want so they can feel comfortable?"

The whole idea of taking the choice away from pubescent teens was a sore spot with Harry.

Clearly Angelo had decided what he had wanted; Neville had not persued him or encouraged him as far as Harry knew. It was solely Angelo's choice; a choice that was forbidden by law and society as a whiole, but still a choice the teen boy made. Hopefully what he allowed to occur today helped the teens in PP. At least for one weekend they would be free to choose instead of being told what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.

Harry decided to go check on the rest of the group. In each tent the couples were cuddling and sleeping soundly. They were probably happier then they had ever been in their lives. Resting easy in their lover's arms it appeared as if no one was harmed, traumatized or scarred by any of the events of the day.

Satisfied that allwas well with the teens Harry went back to his tent. Harry closed his eyes, a big smile on his face as he prepared to join Ron and Patrick in a restful night's sleep.

As he was drifting off it seemed his mind was playing tricks on him.

He could have sworn he heard someone whispering in their tent. Harry got up and turned on the light. No one was in the room and both Ron and Patrick were still sound asleep. He looked outside and there seemed to be no one there as well. Deciding that it was the exhaustion that was making him hear things he went back to the bed.

Again he closed his eyes preparing to sleep.

Once again he heard the whisper. It seemed like it was saying the same thing over and over.

When the whisper got louder Harry realized that it wasn't a voice he was imagining. Somehow it was real even though no one appeared to be there.

"Who are you?" called out Harry to the mystery voice

It ignored him and repeated what it had been saying over and over.

"...the odd will be even...the odd will be even...the odd will be even..."

"What the hell does that mean?" whispered Harry trying not to wake the other two

He got no answer, so he covered his head with the pillow. It must be an echo of a ghost that died around here, thought Harry as he tried to drown out the repetitive voice.

Finally it had stopped leaving Harry wide-awake and wondering what this new voice in the night meant and why it chose to talk to him.

Again he shook it off as a random ghost whose mutterings were meaningless to him. The words meant nothing to him so finally he allowed his mind to rest and drifted off to sleep.

When daylight came, Harry rolled over and opened his eyes. He saw his lover, Ron laying on his back and gently snoring.

It took a few minutes for him to realize that Patrick was not in the bed.

Reluctantly, Harry got up to see where Patrick had gone.

He checked all the possible places- the other PP members tents, the shower tent, the common room tent, the beach, the water...everywhere.

Yet Patrick was no where to be found. He could have wandered off to the other side of the island, thought Harry, maybe Patrick went there to have a look at the people over there.

That seemed like the logical conclusion.

But Harry's gut, once again, was telling a different story.

He went and woke up Ron, Neville and Colin and prepared to go find the boy that got away.



Next: Chapter 7

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