Hey Mikey!

By Steve Thomas

Published on Apr 13, 2009


This is a work of pure fiction, but based on the author's feelings,beliefs, and in some cases, experience. Come to think of it -- it mightnot be all that pure! There may be graphic sexual encounters at timesbetween males, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If youare too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kindif story, shame on you for reading it - - please stop here. If not, - -ENJOY!

Cast of characters:

Michael Timothy Headly -- That's me!

Spike -- (Diane, my big sister)

Mary -- My mom

Tom -- My father.

Gilbert Blank -- Friend from Woodland

Joey Gray -- Gilbert's "little brother"

Bobby Pepper -- New friend

Arlo Gates - Orienteer

Randy Samson -- Arlo's roomie

James Samson (Jay) Randy's adopted brother and ... My Twin!

... From Chapter 13:

"... how much do you guys look alike?" Asked Randy.

"Well, with our shirts on, I doubt most people can tell us apart. I know that whenever we are together, we can't take our eyes from each other ... it's so freaky!"

"With your shirts on?" He said

"Well, yeah. You can't see my six pack like you can his. I have more of a swimmers build with some fat on my sides and covering my abs. Not much, but enough that -- well -- as a wrestler, he's leaner. I KNOW You can feel that!"

"Actually you're right." He said, feeling my tummy. "So, anyway -- depending on how Jay-Jay takes what my dad has to say -- he may be more or ... less ... receptive to -- what I want and what I think you want as well."

As he talked, he let his hand stay on my abdomen. My boner grew up and touched it. He jerked it away. "Sorry, I didn't mean - "

"It's okay, Randy -- it's really okay!" I said. You ARE my brother as far as I'm concerned. And I love you every bit as much as any brother could!" And I kissed his lips. Surprisingly, he kissed me back, more passionately than I expected.

"I love you too ... BROTHER!" He said. He pulled me close to him, and we fell asleep that way.

Chapter 14

"So why didn't your friends just come on the same flight with you?" Asked my mother.

"Um -- well -- their parents wanted to make their reservations. And I think maybe they might be having their Thanksgiving tonight. And -- I wanted to just be with my family for one night."

"Michael -- have you found someone -- to -- be with?" Asked my dad, almost shyly.

"You mean like a boyfriend?"

"Er -- yeah -- like that." He said.

"Well -- not exactly. There are a couple that - "

"Oh, I hope you're not being too promiscuous, Michael!" Said my mom. "That can be so dangerous!"

"No really -- there have only been a couple. One of them is straight."

"Wha-aat?" Said my dad. "Straight guys don't - "

"Guys today are much more open to playing -- both gay and straight -- just for the fun of it." Piped in my sister. "'Course that means that girls these days have to be just as careful as guys do, when it comes to STD's! And we also have to be careful about getting HIV -- which didn't used to even be an issue."

Diane had picked me up at the airport. She nearly had to pick me up ... off the floor. She waited at the curb in her car -- which I recognized -- but when she stopped and got out, I nearly fell over ... looking at her newly trimmed down body. She looked spectacular! She saw my look and said, "Thanks -- that's exactly what I needed!"

"Geez!" Said my dad. "I'm sorry I asked. Well, I guess the best advice I should give to my son is -- please be careful! And apparently to my daughter as well!"

"Why do I get the idea that you two are keeping something from us?" asked my mom.

"Maybe it's because we are!" Said my sister coyly.

"Oh my! How long do we have to wait?"

"Well, if we haven't told you by the time Jay gets here -- and Randy -- you'll figure it out." I said grinning.

"Well, I'm glad they're coming in tomorrow morning! I don't know if I could wait much longer than that! And Diane is taking you to get them?"

"Yup!" I said. "Um -- Diane -- you don't think we've built this up too much do you?" I said teasing.

"Definitely not! This is going to blow both Mom and Dad out of the water."

"You two are just cruel! You must have gotten that mean streak from your father!" Said Mom. Dad howled!

The next morning, we picked up my brothers and of course Diane was overwhelmed when she saw Jay. "I know you told me that you two were identical, but I didn't expect this!"

She was so blown away by my twin, she hardly even saw the tall handsome guy who was holding his arm.

That is ... until she did!

"Oh! And you're Randy!" She said.

"She's looking you up and down -- and smiling her approval!" Said Jay. "I have to tell him things he deserves to see." He explained to my sister, grinning.

"Very nice to meet you, Randy." Said Diane.

Randy reached out his right hand and she offered hers and then he covered it with his left hand, and almost fondled it. I'm not certain if she saw his eyes close behind his dark glasses. "You have such soft hands!" He purred, then he turned red.

"I could say the same," she said, "and you also have a very cute ... blush!"

That made Randy blush deeper.

Diane then looked at Jay again. "Oh-My-God!" She said. "Mikey told me that you two were identical, but -- I guess I didn't expect anything quite so -- so -- identical! I feel this overwhelming desire to hug you!"

She didn't really mean to hug him, it's just the way she communicates ... saying whatever is in her head. But Jay took her seriously and came to her and almost shyly, offered his arms. Not in the least shy herself, my sister grabbed him and bear hugged him. Which might have felt better to Randy, she having such a nice form now. But I guess Jay liked it, because he sighed a little.

"Omigod! You feel like my Mikey and ... you even smell like him!"

"He does, doesn't he?" said Randy. "And from the sigh I heard from my brother, I guess I missed something great!"

"Well, if that was meant to be a hint, it wasn't very subtle!" Said Diane. She pulled Randy to her and hugged him close. Her hands started down toward his butt, but she stopped. When they finished, they both were blushing.

"Don't feel alone, Rand!" Said Jay. She's at least as red as you are!"

"Do you HAVE to do that?" Said my sis to my twin, grinning.

"You have an unfair advantage!" Said Jay.

"I'll take every advantage I can get!" She said. "Now -- how are we going to pop this on Mom and Dad?"

"I've got it all figured out." I said.

When we got home, Diane led Jay and Randy into the house, and I carried the luggage -- hanging back for a moment.

I stayed outside until my parents came to the living room. Diane said, "Mom, Dad, this is Mike's room mate, Randy." Randy took a cautious step forward, as urged by his brother, and extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you both." Said Randy.

"Nice to meet you, Randy. But I thought that there were two of you -- wasn't your brother coming too? Said my mom.

"This IS my brother." Said Randy, at which time I stepped in with the luggage.

"Hi Mom and Dad." I said, as if nothing was unique. I walked up beside my twin. I guess you've met my brother ... and his brother?"

"Is this -- is this -- some kind of trick?" Said my mom.

"If it is, it's very convincing!" Said my dad.

"I think I need to sit down." Said my mom, grabbing the arm of a chair as she almost slumped into it. "So -- now -- which of you is which?"

As if we had practiced it, (we didn't!) we both pointed at the other and said in unison, "He's my brother."

Dad was still dumb struck, but Diane laughed and said, "I'm glad to know that because it'd be really weird if you weren't!"

Then we told them the whole story of how I first met Randy and because he couldn't see me, we didn't find out about Jay and me until the party. Well, okay, we didn't tell them the WHOLE story. We left some parts out -- especially the ones about the musical beds we were playing!

"We had no idea that there were two of you." Said my dad.

"Did they tell you that we were with another family for a couple weeks?"

"Yes, but not that you were twins."

"It sure answers some questions!" said my mom.

"What questions?"

"When you were little you used to cry out for someone -- it sounded like Shawn. Whatever it was, you could not be consoled when you were needing this Shawn -- if that's what you were saying."

Just then Jay let out a huge gulping sob. All eyes were on him. He turned red and then started to cry. When he could get his voice back, he started to say something then choked and put his face in his hands.

My mom couldn't stand it. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around this clone of her son. "It's okay sweetheart -- what are you remembering?" She said.

"I -- I -- I -- used to dr -- dr - dream that I was Shawn -- when I was little. I -- I -- I -- completely forgot about it until this moment."

I started to get goose bumps as he continued, and as something deep within me seemed to be bubbling up. Jay looked at me and continued, "You were named Ronnie -- I think. That's who I always called out for!"

"Yes!" I said loudly, and tears immediately sprang from my eyes. "Yes! I can almost -- OMIGOSH! Shawnie, I mean Jay -- you used to hug me and pat me when I cried. Was that when we were only two weeks old?"

"You did the same for me. "It sometimes seemed like hours before anyone would pay attention to us -- or pick us up."

"We were told that the mother that adopted you became mentally unstable when she was given the responsibility of being a mother." Said my mom. "I wish they had given ME the chance to raise both of you!" She smiled at both of us, obviously not knowing which of us to look lovingly at.

"Is it even possible to remember things from two weeks old?" I asked.

"Obviously it is!" Said Jay. "At least for some people."

"It takes an experience as we've had today to bring memories like that up!" Said my mom. Then she got another perplexed look. "How can I tell you two apart?" She said, slightly exasperated.

Well, if our shirts are off -- Jay has delicious --- oops I mean -- well -- he has washboard abs!" I said feeling my face and ears heat up.

"You've got them too!" Said Jay. "I know, I've felt -- er -- oh! And there's that little mole - "

"Oh! Yeah! I have a mole right here!" I said, pointing just above my lip.

"That's what I'll look for!" Said my mom. "You must all be hungry!" she was as anxious as anyone to change the subject. "There's peanut butter and onion sandwiches in the kitchen for brunch."

"What kind of sandwiches?!" Said Jay.

"You'll like them dear! The onions are very sweet."

"You're pretty brave, springing those on guests that we've never met!" said Diane.

"They happen to be my favorite son's favorite lunch sandwich!"

"Mom IS right!" I said. "They ARE very good. You'll like them Jay. There's lots of mayo too."

"Peanut butter, onion and mayo sandwich, huh? Well -- I'm game for anything." Said Randy. "But I can tell from my brother's breathing that he's worried!"

Diane grabbed Randy by the hand and started for the kitchen. He didn't move. "What's wrong, Randy?" She asked.

"Step over here -- beside me. Let me take your arm like this. That way you can lead me instead of dragging me. It's safer for both of us."

"Oh -- okay!" She said, and even I could hear the smile on her face. She did as she was told and I saw behind his dark glasses that Randy closed his eyes as he smiled.

As they walked to the kitchen, She said, "Do you want to take a walk with me after lunch -- or are you too tired from traveling?"

"I slept most of the flight out here."

"I wish I did!" Said Jay, yawning. "I can't sleep on planes!"

"Well, we have nothing planned until turkey time this afternoon. You can rest or do whatever you please until that time."

I KNEW what I'd please to do!

The first bite that Jay took of his sandwich, (a very small bite!) he seemed to chew and roll it around in his mouth for at least 30 seconds. Then he smiled, swallowed and said, "I LOVE this sandwich! It almost seems like there's apples in it!"

"The onions are very sweet and sliced thick, as they are, they are crunchy like apples." Said my dad. Mom was very pleased that like me -- Jay went back for seconds. Also seconds on the potato salad and the chips. By the time we finished, everyone was holding their tummies and almost purring.

"If you weren't sleepy before eating, you probably are by now!"

"I know I am!" Said Randy yawning.

"So, did you want to walk later?" Said my sis, the pout sounding in her voice.

"No -- not at all! A walk is what I NEED!" He said. Before he could change his mind, Diane was at his side pulling him up. He eagerly took her arm. She placed her other hand on his and they went out the door.

"I've never seen Diane take to someone quite like Randy." Said my mom.

"I doubt there IS anyone quite like Randy.! My brother is something special!" Said Jay, with pride.

"Well, obviously you are too, Sweetheart." Said my mom to my twin. He blushed. I felt it!

"So -- have you two gotten enough of each other?" Asked my dad.

"Huh?" We said in unison.

"Well, you've been nearly inseparable since you got here. Do you find you need your space sometimes?"

"I could never get enough of him!" I thought.

"Me neither!"

I heard it as clearly as if he had said it aloud ... which he didn't. I did a double-take of him and he looked like someone had slapped his face.

"Are you alright, Jay?" Said my mom. "You suddenly looked sick -- or something."

"I'm fine, Ma'am. Just still trying to get used to this whole thing." He forced a smile.

I think it was forced ... I can't say why ... I just sort of knew.

"Well, I better get these the kitchen cleaned up from the sandwiches."

"Oh, please let us do that, Mrs. Headly!" Said Jay.

"Oh, it seems so strange for you to call me that! At least call me Mary."

"I`d like to call you Mom -- but it may be less confusing for you if I called you Mary. Thanks!"

"Don't you worry about that. You can call me Mom any time you want. And besides getting the few things put away from the sandwiches, it's no big thing. Tom and I have to be in the kitchen anyway, to get ready for Thanksgiving dinner. You boys enjoy your time together!"

"Thanks Mrs. -- er -- Mom!"

"Thanks Mom!" I said and Mom and Dad went into the kitchen. I pulled Jay to the bedroom. "Let's go out for a walk. I want to show you Williams. It's nothing compared to Chicago, but well -- it's home for me!"

We pulled on our jackets and stepped out the door. I first took him the 3 blocks away to Mrs. Rowler's property. I was showing him with pride the landscaping that I helped develop, and then that I alone maintained. While we were admiring it, Mrs. Rowler came out of the house.

"Michael? Is that you? It looks like two of you!" She said as she walked toward us. "Oh! It IS two of you! Oh my! I never knew -- that you -- um -- which of you is which?"

We had already rehearsed it: "He's my brother!" We said pointing to each other.

She looked confused, then as if it all suddenly made sense, she said, "OOooohh! Hat's nice! Well -- Happy Thanksgiving!"

She walked back into the house and I was pointing out some of the bushes and trees that I had planted when we heard a very familiar "VROOM!" behind us. And then, "Mike! Is that you?" I turned and it was Bobby, in his Corvette, and beside him was (as my sis had told me) his new boyfriend, Gary.

Then Jay turned. "What -- Mikey? What the fu -- what's -- wait a minute!" Said Bobby.

Both of them were standing up in the sports car by this time and their eyes and mouths were gaping open.

"Dude!" Said Gary.

"Hi Bobby! Hey Gary." I said. "This is my brother, Jay."

"No shit, it is!" Said Gary. "You musta fallen into a cloning machine!"

"Jay, this is Bobby, the first straight guy I ever -- well, I guess that didn't turn out like I figured!" I laughed. "He was the one I told you about who went on that trip up to Eureka with me."

"OHhhh! He was your first - "

"No! He was with us -- he and the little dude with the big - "

"Oh, yeah -- you told me -- with the dick that nearly reached his knees! He must have been proud of that puppy!"

"PLEASE!" Said Gary, looking pissed. "Don't remind me! That little piss ant came here a couple weekends ago, hoping to hook up with my boy here!" he said as he sat back down.

"Now Gare! Be nice." Said Bobby, also sitting and trying to smooth his friends feathers. "He wasn't looking to hook up. He and Gilbert were just cruising through. That pickup truck still looks like he just drove it off the lot. He keeps it pristine."

"Well, I better not hear of you ever - " said Gary, ever the loud mouthed footballer -- even if he was gay!

"Shut up, Butt hole!" said Bobby. "He can't hold a candle to the major leaguer you have in here!" Bobby said. grabbing Gary's crotch. Gary blushed. "Besides, he is a confirmed bottom. He can't get that snake hard enough to do any serious damage!" Laughed Bobby.

"Well, we gotta go." Said Bobby. "Great to see you. And great to meet YOU, Jay -- er -- which ever of you IS Jay!"

We both pointed to the other and said, "He is!" and laughed.

"See you Bob-Bob!" I said -- calling Bobby by the name that Gary thought was his property -- just to irritate Gary. They peeled rubber and were around the corner in 2 seconds.

"Wow! I hope that Bobby never gets that guy really pissed!" said Jay.

"Bobby is a lot smaller than Gary, but he knows how to handle him."

"And I know how to handle you!" Said Jay, as he started to grab my jewels. I ducked away, brushing his hand aside.

"Hey! Not here! This is my town!" I said, defensively, then felt terrible as I saw hurt on his face. "Hey, Babe! We can make up for it tonight ... quietly of course!" I added, hoping against hope that maybe he was having a change of heart.

We walked a few more blocks and then turned toward home. "Mikey -- I -- I -- fell a little -- um -- well -- I know how you feel -- about me and -- I kind of -- um -- feel the same -- maybe -- a little -- but -- it still seems not right -- or something."

"I know."

"You feel the same?"

"N-not exactly, but -- I can feel ... what you feel -- kind of ... does that make sense?"

"It does and I think it's one of the reasons I feel like -- um -- I'm getting more used to this feeling -- because feeling what you feel is helping me feel some of my own feelings. I think I may have turned some of them off -- or something -- when I first thought -- no -- that's not it. I didn't even think about it. But I felt for a long time that I was -- gay -- before I could even admit it enough to think about it -- to myself."

"I know that one personally!" I said.

"Mikey -- I -- I -- want to -- try it -- with you -- and I'm not quite sure how that would work. I'm still in high school -- for another 6 months. How can we be -- close -- when we aren't that -- close?"

"But Jay-jay!" I said, not thinking. I thought about it immediately as it came out of my mouth and was afraid of another rebuke -- about using Randy's name for him. Instead, his face softened and his eyes got glassy -- and he smiled. "Jay -- we WILL be close. You live just across town. If you were any closer, it'd be hard for me to even study. And you -- you need to do well so you can graduate and come live with me and Randy."

"I -- never thought about it that way. We could be boyfriends! But what worries me is -- what ABOUT Randy?"

"Huh?" I said.

"Well -- I know that you and Randy have been -- um -- close -- and stuff. And also with his other roomie -- um -- Arlo. I mean -- I don't know if I want - "

"Jay, if I am with you, I won't be sleeping around with anyone else!"

"But -- that's what worries me."

"You're worried I won't be able to keep it in my pants?" I searched his face, which seemed to be telling a whole different story than what I presumed was coming out of his mouth.

"No. I'm worried about Randy. I don't want to -- hurt him. I think he likes you -- a lot! And it's obvious that Arlo likes you -- and my brother!"

"Oh! That wasn't what I thought you were saying -- at all!" I said, as we walked behind the bleachers at the Williams High school. I stopped and then he did too.

He grinned. "It's nice to know that you can't hear all my thoughts! But seriously -- on one hand, I don't feel right about any of this. I don't like that I am gay. I wish I weren't. But at the same time, if I wasn't -- I'd not have these thoughts -- these wonderful feelings -- for you -- and I definitely don't want to give them up! And also -- I want my brother as well! You've had him in ways I haven't -- probably."

"I'm really lost here now Jay.

"Please call me Jay-Jay!"

I wanted to just grab him and kiss him -- which is what I did, after looking around to make sure we were alone. I pulled him further under the bleachers and kissed him deeply. I backed him into the darkness and unbuttoned his Levis. I wanted to pull his shirts off, but it was too cold in the shadows. He again kissed me deeply and then mimicked what I had done.

We kissed some more, our strong erections pressing against each other. Both of us were thrusting, and I felt my cum quickly rising, and knew that his must be too. I then dropped to my knees and took all of it in. He gasped and cried out. I bobbed very fast and then went all the way down to his pubes and I felt him going all the way down my throat.

He started to buck and gasp and hug my head as he cast his jizz directly down to my tummy. Finally he just pulled my head in and thrust as far in as he could and I felt him spasm as his last drops were oozing out. I swallowed over and over, knowing the good feeling that would give him. I held my breath as long as I could, then pulled up, gasping myself. I came back up and his eyes were streaming. Then he kissed me again.

"Ohhh -- Mikey! That was -- the most -- excellent -- thing -- that's ever happened to me. Omigosh, I never knew I could feel this much love for anyone. I am so glad you were my first!" And he hugged me close and cried -- as far as I could tell -- because of the overwhelming happiness he felt. I felt it too, giving my twin that kind of pleasure.

"Oh! You -- I mean -- you need to have a -- a -- turn!" He said.

"I'll get my turn soon enough. Just enjoy the few moments we have here before we should be going home to Thanksgiving dinner -- or -- someone else comes."


Before we got home. He said, "Randy and I -- used to -- I mean -- he'd hump me in his sleep."

"I know. He's done it to me, thinking it was you."

"But he'd get us both off that way. Only -- I was never sleeping. He always apologized to me. I never told him how much I liked it or how much I looked forward to it. Does this mean that I can't love my brother any more?"

"I -- I'm not sure I can answer that for you." I said. Funny thing is -- I didn't really care if he still wanted to have fun with his brother ... but I didn't say it. Maybe he felt it from me."

Notes: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to make love to another you? Comments are welcomed -- to Steve at stevethomas535@hotmail.com. Thanks and ... love, Steve

Next: Chapter 15

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