Hey Mikey!

By Steve Thomas

Published on Jan 30, 2009



This is a work of pure fiction, but based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases, experience. Come to think of it -- it might not be all that pure! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between males, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If you are too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kind if story, shame on you for reading it - - please stop here. If not, - -ENJOY!

Cast of characters:

Michael Timothy Headly -- That's me!

Spike -- (Diane, my big sister)

Mary -- My mom

Tom -- My father.

Gilbert -- Guy in Frisco

Joey -- Urinal guy

... From Chapter 2:

"So -- your friends stayed over last night? How quaint!" Said my sister.

The door opened and Joey came in -- luckily with the towel around him.

"Hey, Dude!" He said to my sister. He walked to the bed and dropped the towel. I cringed until I saw that he had put on the shorts. He started to dry his hair. Spike left. Joey handed me the boxers. "These don't really work too well." He said, then I saw it. He was hanging lower than the shorts I'd given him. I got some briefs and he dropped the shorts, revealing himself one more time. It almost made me drool.

"Yeah, Dude, I never can quite get used to it either!" Said Gilbert.

After getting himself safely stowed, Joey went back in to the bathroom to comb his hair. Gilbert closed my door and wrapped himself around me and we kissed again. "I could get used to that!" He said.

"Me too!" I said.

Chapter 3

"I -- eh -- heh -- guess I'm not exactly a virgin any more!" I said before we went to the kitchen for Mom's breakfast.

Mom had gone out of her way to make it nice. I dunno if she noticed that both of the other guys looked hungry (both were fairly and obviously -- skinny!). Or whether somehow she picked up on their less fortunate living conditions. Joey said, "Thanks so much Mrs. - "

Uh-oh! Mom could well wonder why I'd be bringing home someone and they don't even know our last name! "Oh, please! You don't have to call me Mrs. Headly. Just call me Mary!"

Tears sprang to Joey's eyes. "I wish you could adopt me! My mom never does this for me!"

My mom looked at me pensively, with a little pout on her lips. "It's okay Mom." Was all I said. I'd have to tell her later what had changed my attitude. Both Spike and I had really given both Mom and Dad a load of crap over the way they told me I was adopted. I got a graphic illustration on how some people treat their children since yesterday! Spike looked like she was going to make a rude remark; I caught her attention and shook my head.

"Well, you just eat to your heart's content, Sweetheart." Said my mom. "Both of you! There's plenty of everything."

Both Joey and Gilbert swallowed hard and took another bite, daring not to look up and show their glassy eyes.

"We both thank you, Mrs. Headly! You are more than kind!"

"Good! Then maybe I can expect you back here often!"

Later after they went home, my mom said, "Well, you seem to have accepted your adoption thing a lot better now. Does that have anything to do with your new friends?"

"It has everything to do with them. Mom, I'm sorry that I reacted the way I did. You and Dad have never treated me anything but like any son would want to be treated. But ... it was a shock."

"I know that, and we both are sorry now that we handled it the way we did. All that crap about choosing you and all; It sounds nice but -- the bottom line is, we just had so much trouble getting pregnant with Diane and then the whole pregnancy was trouble, both of our lives being risked in the her birth. We couldn't do that again. So we adopted. And we wanted a boy. We got you when you were 3 days old. All we were told was that the parents were not druggies."

"Michael, you could not be loved any more under any circumstances!" Said my dad.

"I know that, dad. I'm sorry it took me having to see a couple guys -- Joey and Gilbert -- and how their parents just don't seem to care about them ... at all! It's sad! Joey's not adopted, but Gilbert is -- but the main thing is -- neither of them has what I have -- parents who care! Thanks!"

"Mikey, I want to tell you," said my mom, "we are so impressed with your kindness to these boys! And you actually found them at a church dance! You make us proud!"

OMIGOSH!! THAT made me feel like a snake! How can I ever tell them the truth now?

"Well, I didn't meet Joey's parents, but at least Gilbert's dad isn't malicious." I said. I wanted to add, "about his gayness". But then that would bring another barrage of questions. I'm not ready for that!

"I don't know why they'd be malicious. He seems like a delightful young man. And you said Joey's not his brother?"

"No. He just looks out for him."

Okay, let's get off this subject already!

"So, I guess I'll go and mow Mrs. Rowler's lawn today. It's really growing fast."

"She has a well." My dad said. "So she's not restricted in her water usage. You like working outside, don't you Michael?"

"I love it! I'm gonna miss it up in Chicago. What's it like up there in the fall?"

I had never been to Chicago. Dad met mom there, at Northwestern, and that's where they were married. Diane was born there, and I was adopted just before they moved out here to California.

"Nothing like here, I'm afraid." Said my mom.

"You're afraid? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Chicago is - - different. I don't suppose you will be bothered by it much just going to school there, but -- everything they do is motivated by some corrupt political agenda." My dad said. "That's really the reason we left. But you're gonna be surprised by the winters."

"Bad?" I said.

"There again, living on Campus and not having to commute, it won't be so bad for you. I -- we -- didn't have the benefit of a scholarship -- as you do. Winters can be bitterly cold. You can take some of my winter clothes -- you know coats and such -- that are boxed up in the storage room. Oh, you'll want to buy your own, but until that time, even some fall days can be pretty brisk. Take advantage of the sun while you have it, Son!"

"The sun certainly seems to like you, Michael!" Said Mom. "You look nice with your tan and your sun-bleached hair. You'll definitely stand out as a California boy!"

"Yeah, a California boy from the sticks!" I said.

"Williams is a nice community! At least you never had to deal with some of the stuff we did in Illinois." Said Mom.

"And thank GOD you didn't have to deal with some of the things that many kids do now! I can't imagine how parents in southern California deal with -- well -- even in the bay area -- the rampant homosexuality! How can a parent deal with that?"

"Deal with -- er -- what, Dad?" I asked, again wishing this conversation would go away!

"Well -- YOU never had to deal with it in school, did you? Did you know even one Homosexual at Williams High?"

"N-not that I knew about."

"TELL THEM, MIKEY!" I heard Spike's voice in my head.

"I'm sure there must have been some." I said. "But I never knew who they were. Heh! I guess my gaydar wasn't very well honed."

"Your what?"

"Never mind. I just didn't know who they were ... if there were others -- I MEAN -- if -- um -- SOME of the other guys -- were -- um gay."


"Well, you probably would not even feel comfortable taking your shirt off in public -- even mowing the lawn -- if you thought that some queer was looking at you." Dad said.

"And you surely look nice with your shirt off, Michael!" Said Mom.

"Maybe a little too nice! You may want to be careful about that. Even in Chicago, they seem to be taking over."

"Dad -- it's not -- like it used to be. People don't -- um -- worry about that nowadays. I mean it's not as if you can catch it from -- um -- them."

"YOU HYPOCRITE!" the voice yelled in my head.

"And we don't refer to them as queers, dad. We -- I mean -- er -- they just -- are what they are -- and we -- I mean -- um -- we -- um can't be categorizing them -- like that."

"Well, you see there? That's what they teach you in school. You just be careful at the university! They're not so secretive about it there! Even when WE were there! I'm sure it's much worse now!"

"Well at least I'll maybe know when I meet one!" I said, angrily. Calm down, Mikey, calm down.



"You're right, Michael," started my mom. I was all ears. "You should be kind toward them. But you don't have to accept them -- and what they are."


"Um -- well -- I better go mow that lawn, before it gets too hot!" I started for my room to put my work shoes on.

"We love you so much Michael!" My mom said. "And we're proud of you!"

I wondered how proud they would be - - if they knew. Someday they'll have to know. Not today! Not any time soon!

I was blissfully mowing Mrs. Rowler's lawn, trying to immerse myself in thoughts of last night, how sexy Gilbert is and what he might teach me. I sure will be an attentive learner! And of course cutting perfectly criss-crossed rows on the lawn. Anything to try to block out that conversation with Mom and Dad. I don't WANT to feel that kind of vitriol toward them!

As I was thinking about last night with Gilbert, I didn't really take notice of how my shorts were being stretched and tented in front -- until I heard, "Hi Michael!"

I turned and the Wier twins, Cheryl and Carol were standing on the sidewalk. As soon as I turned their eyes went directly to my crotch, then back up to my eyes. I felt my cheeks burning! And I guess that extra blood rushing to my cheeks must have been drawn directly out of that other stiff area down below ... it quickly deflated!

"We missed you at the all night party. Did you go?"

Time for a little evasive measures. "I -- um -- who did you go with?" I asked.

"Larry Winnows and Daryl Sturgeon took us." Said -- one of them. (I never could tell them apart!)

"Did you have fun?"

"Oh -- it was a long night! Kind of boring!" Said the other.

"Maria told us that was because we spent too much time with Larry and Daryl!" said the first. "We would have had more fun if we just went stag."

There's my out! "You're probably right. My sister told me that it would probably be a drag and she took me to the city for the night."

"Ohhhh! Did you see the Castro?"

"Yeah -- it was pretty hard to find. We had to stop and ask someone. Well, I better get back to work. Nice to see you!"

I turned and started the mower back up and pushed it away from them. By the time I turned, they were walking away. They are so damned pretty! I wished that I was attracted to them!

But ... I'm not!

As I was crossing back in the other direction (Mrs. Rowler insisted on that criss-cross mow -- paid extra for it!) I heard a horn honk. I turned and it was Bobby Pepper -- the school's star wrestler -- a year behind me -- in the only Corvette at our school. Why would he be honking at me? I hardly knew him.

I waved then panicked -- until I felt that there was no wood down below this time. He motioned me over.

"Wow, Headly -- you been working out? You look -- well -- you look good! You ever think about wrestling? Coach would probably love you to try out for the team next year."

"I graduated in June, Bobby." I said.

"What? You were a senior? I'll be fucked!"

"Is that what you wanted?" I thought! "Hey, well, thanks anyway, Bobby! You look pretty good yourself!"

Should I have said that? Well -- he said it first!

"Thanks! What are you doing in September?" He asked.

"I'll be going to Illinois. I am going to Northwestern."

"Very cool! Well great to see you -- and -- um -- we should hang out some time."

"I think I'd like to `hang out' with you, Bobby!" I thought. "See yah!"

I began to rack my brain. Had I ever seen Bobby with a girl? Well, with his parents' money and his -- looks -- he probably dates them regardless of -- what am I saying?!! Bobby Pepper is NOT gay!

"He might be! He IS on the wrestling team!"

Who said that? Did I just think it? Guess so. I wonder ... I doubt I'll see him again though. I pretty much just blew him off!

OMIGOSH! I'd love to "blow him off"! Maybe he was serious about hanging out -- I mean -- spending some time together, at least. But how can I do anything now -- without it seeming ...

After trimming up Mrs. Rowler's shrubs, I loaded up the trailer and went to the pool -- to cool off a little. Damn, it's hot! They opened the high school pool to the community during the summer.

I found two parking spots way in the back -- where I could park the trailer, then went to the pool. As soon as I got into the men's changing area, there was Bobby again -- with Gary Gosling. Bobby spoke first.

"Man you look hot, Micheal!"

"Bobby!" Said Gary. "That was gay!"

"Dude -- oh! Heh! I guess it DID sound that way! I saw Mikey earlier -- mowing old lady Rowler's lawn. He's just all sweaty and -- he looks hot!"

"Yeah, it still sounds gay! I think you got the hots -- for him! Better watch your behind Mikey!" Said Gary.

"SHUT UP! Did you know he graduated in June?" said Bobby

"Well, he WAS a senior!" Said Gary. "Your loss, I guess, Bob-bob!" Gary just wouldn't let it go! Bobby headed to the shower.

"You WERE going to shower off before going in the pool, weren't you?" said Gary. "Don't bend over in front of Bobby!" He said as he went out to the pool.

Bobby didn't even hear that last remark. When I got into the shower, Bobby was wringing out his swim trunks. Which means -- it wasn't ON him. He looked at me and smiled. I felt blood rush into my dick! I willed it to stop. Gotta get out the chorine from my trunks." He said. "That Gary is a dick! Sorry!"

"Sorry -- for what?" I asked.

"He's such a homophobe! I hope that you don't think I'm that way!"

"Um -- er -- why -- why -- would I um care?" I asked.

"Oh -- well, I mean -- I thought -- I mean -- well -- you just never know when someone is -- I mean -- you know ... some say when a guy is that much of a homophobe -- he's trying to hide something!"

"And what are you trying to hide, Bobby Pepper?" I thought. "I've heard that. Do YOU think he's gay?" I said.

"I -- I dunno. He could be. What do I care? He's a jerk sometimes, but -- he's an okay guy -- I guess - that's all I care about."

"Do you think I'm gay?"


"Did you think I was gay? Just now when you asked me if I thought YOU were a homophobe. You seemed pretty worried I might think so. Did you think I was gay?"

"Oh -- well -- I er -- I guess you could -- I mean -- does it really matter? No, it does not!"

"In Williams, it matters a lot. Most guys are like Gary!" I said. "And I don't think that most guys are gay -- in Williams."

Bobby walked right up to me -- nose to nose. If I didn't have my swim suit on, we'd have practically been head-to-head -- down below! "Are you gay?" He whispered.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He said, suddenly more into this that he was 5 seconds earlier.

"The truth is ... I'd probably not tell you if I was!"

"Um -- oh!" said Bobby, obviously disappointed that I didn't tell him anything juicy.

"Oh -- and I guess you got your wish!" I said.


"Earlier you said you wanted to hang out with me. I guess you did it!" I said, laughing, as I pointed at his groin. Funny thing was -- his dick was fully filled out -- not quite standing up. He turned red. "See you around, Bobby." I said, thoroughly believing that I may never see him again. I was walking out to the pool, when I felt his hand grab my arm. I turned and tears were streaking his face.

"Please don't tell Gary about this!"

"I don't even know Gary!" I said. "I hardly know you!" I said, and turned again.

"Please!" He pleaded. Something in his voice struck a chord. I turned and his face was blood red -- so were his eyes. "Please -- stay here! I need to -- to -- to talk -- to -- someone -- and -- I -- I dunno -- I think maybe you will not tell anyone!"

"Dude! Take it easy!" I said. A family walked in. "Put some clothes on Bob!" I almost whispered. "I have to go out, otherwise Gary WILL wonder what happened. Wait for me behind the bleachers -- okay?"

"Kay!" He croaked.

I went out and swam a few laps and as I got out, Gary appeared. "Did you two have a nice shower together?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, trying not to sound even interested.

"You were in there for a long time!" He said.

"Yeah, I was! I was trying to decide whether to come out here or not! Did you know that guys that are such homophobes often are trying to compensate for something?"


"Are you gay, Gary? I mean if you are it's okay -- I don't care -- but you were a LIT-TLE too phobic in there! We WERE kind of wondering!"

"WHAT?! Pepper thinks I'm gay?! Hey! I was just kiddin' dude! Please -- don't get the wrong idea!"

"Like I said, I don't even care. I won't be around after September anyway. You don't need to worry about me!"

"But -- DUDE -- tell Bobby I ain't gay!"

"Bobby?" I said innocently. "I don't even know him!"

"But he was -- he was - "

"He was just hoping that I might join the wrestling team next year. He didn't even know I graduated! I dunno how YOU knew that. I hardly even knew you! You been watchin' me?"

"No -- dude -- don't even make jokes like that!"

"Well, if I were you, I'd stop making jokes like you were making. It does seem a little gay, you know!"

I paused for a moment and just before turning to go, I said, "You like him a lot, don't you?"

"Yeah!" He said, scuffing the floor with his foot. Then his composure changed completely. "Wait - DUDE! What're you sayin'! I mean - no! I mean -- just -- Oh -- you were shittin' me! Haha! See you around."

"Or not!" I added.

"Where'd you park?" I asked Bobby. "I didn't notice your car when I got here and I just looked for it."

"It -- was there earlier. You just must have not seen it. But I moved it. If Gary came out and saw it -- and not me -- he'd come looking!"

"He likes you, dude?"


"Look, I maybe am assuming something here, but -- "

"I'm -- um -- I think I might be gay!"

"That's what I figured. I think that Gary feels the same."

"He's gay?"

"I think he's wondering about it. I know that he likes you, though -- he told me!"


"What?" I asked.

"I don't WANT him to like me -- not in that way!"

"Wow!" I said. I was going to say something else, but he continued.

"I want YOU to like me -- in that way. And -- well, maybe I'm the one assuming now but -- Are you gay?"

"That's the second time you asked me that in the last two hours. Bobby, I'm leaving in September. I won't be back for 4 years -- if ever. Whether or not I am gay shouldn't be an issue."

"But it is an issue -- for me. I WANT you to be gay."

"Maybe you just want someone to -- experiment with." I said.


"Do you KNOW you're gay?"

"I think -- I mean -- well -- yes, I'm pretty sure -- that I am!"

"And -- why don't you want Gary to like you?"

He put his hand on my shoulder. "Mikey -- can I call you that? -- I -- wish I knew if he liked me. I'm afraid -- no! I'm terrified -- to ask him. What if he isn't -- I mean what if he doesn't -- like me ... in that way?"

I covered his hand with my own. "Would you like me to find out for you?" I asked.

He looked deeply into my eyes, from one to the other -- "I dunno! I'm scared. I'm scared he'd say no -- to me."

"Bobby -- I already asked him -- I tricked him -- but I asked and he said yeah -- he DOES like you." By this time we were whispering and our faces were within the distance that we could have -- we DID - kiss!

"I wanna suck your dick!" He said suddenly.

"Now that's just plain silly!" I said.

"Isn't that what gay guys do?"

"I think so -- I've never done it -- or had it done to me." That was true!

"I thought you were gay."

"So you've implied." I said, smiling.

"But -- you just kissed me."

"No -- you kissed ME. But -- I did find it -- nice."

"Look, I don't care if you're gay -- I just want to suck it!"

"What if it's diseased?" I asked.

"It is??!! What happened?!"

"I didn't say that it is. I asked you -- what if it is?"


"I'm trying to make a point, Bobby."

"Yeah -- that Bobby Pepper is fucked up!"

"No, not at all. Look we've pretty much established that you think you might be gay. And -- obviously -- for some reason -- you seem to trust me - "

"Because I seem to think you might be gay too!"

I smiled. "You ARE a cutie pie! But the point I wanted to make is ... DUDE! You need to be careful! It doesn't matter how much you may trust me -- or anyone! Don't go begging to suck -- or anything else -- unless you know that they are clean.

"I dunno when what you're asking me is innocent boyhood experimentation," I continued, " -- and when it should be considered more serious. I never did it as a boy, but I now know that some have -- and do. But I'm over 18 now and so that too puts you out of my reach.

"Bobby, you don't know how hard it is for me to turn you down! I've always thought you were kind of cute! My body is screaming out to -- take advantage of your confusion and your hormonal overload -- and do some experimenting of my own! Can we possibly just be friends?"

We were sitting down by this time, on the grass under the bleachers. We weren't even touching. He was about to answer when we heard something to our left. We looked and Gary Gosling was standing, looking at us. I wondered how long he had been there.

"Hi Gary -- what's up?"

He moved to us, his face not really revealing anything he may have been thinking. "What're you guys doing here under the bleachers?"

"Bobby wanted to talk a little, and this was a cool place to do it."

"What about?"

Bobby started to say something, but I quickly said, "Well, if he wanted you to know, he would have invited you too. This is between Bobby and me." Bobby gave me a grateful look.

"If this about being gay, I already figured it out." Bobby's face went white. "Bobby -- don't do anything stupid. We've been friends like -- forever but -- if you want to start doing things like that -- I'm not sure if -- if -- I want you doing them -- with someone else."

Bobby looked confused at first, then his jaw dropped. "What -- what -- are you -- um -- telling me -- what're you saying Gare?"

Gary looked nervously between Bobby and me, then seemed to make a decision. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Bobby -- I've wondered for a long time if you are gay. I was so wrapped up in it -- because -- Dude! I love you! But I never expected that I'd someday have these kind of feelings -- for you!"

"Gare! What -- I mean -- omigod! If your telling me what I think you are -- um -- oh crap! Why now?"

"It so blew me away back in the pool changing room! When I saw you -- or it seemed to me that -- you were flirting with Michael -- it made me jealous! When I walked out to the pool, I was so -- mixed up and -- pissed -- at you -- at Michael -- and ... At me! How could I be feeling jealous! It took me awhile to realize that's what it was!"

"Sounds to me like you two have some things to discuss." I said. "Gary -- I already told Bobby -- what you told me. But he couldn't believe it. By the look on his face -- I think you better just tell him!"

"Bobby -- I really like you! I really do!" Said Gary.

"I'll see you two around -- maybe." I said. "Bobby -- any time you want to talk ... "

I turned and walked away. Bobby hollered after me, "But -- you never told me if you were gay!"

I looked around quickly to see if anyone else was near enough to hear Bobby. "Shh!" I said. ""No, I guess I didn't, did I?"

Notes: Was Mikey being sensible -- or saving himself for Gilbert, maybe? Comments may be emailed to Steve at stevethomas535@hotmail.com. Thanks and ... Love, Steve

Next: Chapter 4

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