In the Groove

By C H

Published on Apr 19, 2000


The story below is a complete work of fiction, and does not reveal anything of the true sexualities of Britney Spears and the other characters.



"And five and six and seven and eight....." the choreographer recited, matching the dancers step for step. Clad in a red sports bra, white bandana, and red/white Adidas sweatpants, Jasmine sweated and grinded in the air-conditioned studio. Half of the dancers were running through the routine while the other half were stretching out their limbs on the barre. The instrumental blared out of the speakers, vibrating Jasmine's soul. "Dum Dum Dum Dum-Dum-Dum"---- for the fourth time, they ran through the routine, all smiles at what two days of practice had evolved into.

Jasmine watched herself in the mirror intently until it was time for the other half of dancers to rehearse. She ran her steps through her head again, looking down at the floor, biting her lip in concentration. She started bouncing around in place, energized, singing to the instrumental: "Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night..."

"Hey, that's my line!" a voice said, laughing.

Jasmine, slightly blushing, looked at Britney who had joined her in front of the mirror.

"They're ALL your lines!" Jasmine laughed, fighting an urge to towel off Brit's face; it was glowing from her exertions on the barre. "Man, you've been working it, girl! Here, use my towel."

"Oh, that's okay. I don't mind sweating when I'm having fun," Britney said, wiggling her eyebrows, peering into Jasmine's eyes. "You're all sweaty too!" she continued, touching Jasmine's arm. They both made a confused face and backed away from each other, shocked at the jolt they both felt from the physical contact.

"Alright, ummm, see you. I'll be over there, okay...." Jasmine said, blushing again.

Britney nodded, blushing as well, trying to cover it up with her famous megawatt smile. Jasmine waved a goodbye and ran over to the barre where her group was, images of Britney running through her head.

Next: Chapter 2

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