In the Groove

By C H

Published on Jun 1, 2000


"SORRY!" Kid Capri yelled, holding his hands up, and the music began playing again as Britney stormed over to Jasmine and Sarah, Jasmine shoving Sarah away.

"I said, what the hell are you doing, Bitch?" Brit repeated, getting right in Sarah's face, uncaring that everywhere, guests had risen and were looking on with interest and shock.

"Why do you care, Spears?" Sarah challenged, smirking, waiting.

" I care because she's my girlfriend! Don't you have enough women, you slut?"

"Jealousy doesn't become you. Well, excuse the hell out of me. Your "girlfriend" told me she was "just your dancer".....private dancer is more like it. She needs to stop hiding, as do you." Sarah said, getting louder with each word.She walked out calmly, smiling, the crowd watching her every move. Then they all looked back at Britney and Jasmine.

Britney's father had found his wife by then, and watched in disbelief as his daughter argued with another woman over a woman. He threw his gift on the table and threw his hands up. Putting his hands to his temples, he stormed away, Linda running after him.

Jasmine's face flamed, aware they were the center of attention. Britney turned to Jasmine, her face reflecting fury and hurt. "Is that what you said? That you were just my dancer?"

"No, I didn't. When she - can we go somewhere to talk?" Jasmine asked.

"No! Right here, right now. I don't care who's around," Britney said, looking down at the lower level of the club, and at the door...her father was there, arguing with her mother. Her heart sank. "Why did you let her kiss you?" she continued.

"Britney, I didn't LET her. She just did it. It was so quick...oh, damn baby! Didn't you see me pushing her away?"

"No," Britney said as her manager, Johnny Wright, approached her. His face was full of concern.

"B, are you okay?" He pulled her to the side. "B, this was not the best time to --ahem---come out of the closet."

"Johnny, there never is a "best time." I didn't mean for it to come out like this way either, but here it is. Now you know why I never took to your hooking me up with Justin."

Johnny looked at her closely, as if for the first time. "Are you aware of what this may do to your career? Baby, the whole town'll be on this before the party is over."

Britney gazed around the party, but no one seemed to be watching her now. She noticed Jas, alone and aloof, off to the side. She ached for her, feeling the same way. Swinging her gaze back to Johnny, she realised he was waiting for her answer, cell phone in hand."I'm aware of it, Johnny. I think my declaration of my sexuality, a key part of me, will only make my music stronger. We both know it hasn't been up to par." He nodded.

"Well, .....I'm behind you, B; I'm behind you." He hugged her, noticing the slight fear of the future in her big brown eyes.

"Thank you for caring, Johnny. Oh god, I'm getting tears in my eyes," Britney whispered, blinking them away quickly, looking for Jasmine. Johnny smiled and got on his cell phone to call her pr people, his arm still around her.

"It's almost time for the birthday girl to blow out the candles!" the emcee announced. Justin from Nsync came over to Jasmine.

"Hi, how are you?"

"Fine, and you?" Jasmine replied, looking into his surprisingly calm face.

"Um... a little surprised and shocked, like everyone else," he said, laughing.

"Oh, why?" Jasmine asked smiling, already knowing the answer.

"I didn't know that Britney was --" he looked over at her, saying goodbye to Mr. Wright --"bisexual-- lesbian?" He licked his lips. "And all this time, I never..well, I won't go so far as to say that . There were signs. She'd agree with me about how hot Tyra and Janet was all the time."

Britney walked back over to them, and hugged Justin deeply, Justin resting his head in her shoulder, comforting her. Then she want to Jasmine, smiling shakily. She took her hand and led her over to a table. She sat her down and pulled a chair over next to hers. She took Jasmine's hands into her own.

"Well, it's out now."

"Yeah, it's out."

They looked at each other, and smiled, sighing.

"Look, Britney. I didn't out and out say who I was to her because we hadn't discussed how open we were going to be about it. I know you are in the public eye, much more than I am!!!! That's why. Do you understand?" Jasmine said firmly.

"Yes, baby, I do. To you, I will admit it...I am scared. But hopefully, people will look at my work as an artist rather than my bedroom acts. If's been a nice ride." There was a pause.

Britney continued, "Of course, I didn't quite want it to come out this way. But I had been hiding for a while. Sarah was one of the few stars that suspected, more or less, even though I hadn't said anything about it. And of course, Justin," she said,shrugging her shoulders.

"So are you not....caring about what this could do to your career?"

" I care about you more," Britney said seriously.

" I care about you too, but I don't know if I want you sacrificing your career in any way because of something beautiful that's viewed by others as scandalous,"Jasmine said loudly.

"If not now, Jas...when? I'm not going to live my life half-cocked, uncomfortable. That has never been my style."

"OKAY, BIRTHDAY GIRL, COME ON OUT......" the emcee said.

"..... Of the closet," Britney added, laughing. She stood up, and held out her hand for Jasmine. "Come on baby, I'm cool with this. Really. Are you?"

"Yes, I am. I'm cool with it, ice cold."

They hopped down the stairs and went over to the cake, which had a Britney's face on it. Britney's mom came up behind them. "Your dad is waiting for you at the hotel, baby. He couldn't come," she lied.

"It's okay, mom...I saw him come and leave. He was pretty mad, wasn't he?"

"Yes, he was, but I let him know it was your life to lead. All this - " she gestured around at all the celebrities and hoopla---" or not, you are still our Britney Jean." They hugged. Linda looked at Jasmine again. "Who are you again, young lady?"

"I'm Jasmine Hall....Britney's girlfriend."

"I'm Britney Jean, Jasmine's girlfriend."

Everyone started singing the "Happy Birthday" song. Britney looked around shyly at the revelers. None seemed to be looking down at her, but instead, with human respect. Sometimes she didn't feel famous, and this was one of those times. She leaned over the cake, closed her eyes, and made her wish. She wished for a long ,happy, unrestricted life with herself, Britney Jean Spears....and whomever was free enough to come along. She looked over at Jas when she came back up, the cameras blinding her. The cake was cut, the party continued, as if no confrontation had happened.


Next: Chapter 16

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