In the Groove

By C H

Published on Jun 27, 2000


"Okay, so what time does "Entertainment Tonight" come on?" Julie, Jasmine's sister, asked as she walked into the Hall family's living room, Healthy Choice dinner in hand.

"Um, in a few minutes. They say it's breaking news about "Barbie" Spears, and Jasmine is on tour with her, so I thought we should watch. To just make sure she's okay," Porsha,Jasmine's mother, said, scanning the Prevue channel.

"When was the last time she called?" Julie asked, noting her mother's semi-crazed expression.

"Last month sometime. I really hope this works out for her, this dance thing.I don't support her. She never went to college...what if she twists something, or breaks her back.....that would be it..." Jas's mom trailed off.

Jasmine's father, Marc, joined the family in the den, wondering why they weren't watching the 49ers game, as had been planned. He frowned when he realised they were watching "Entertainment Tonight".

"What are we watching this for?"

"Because they said they had something to announce about Britney Spears. Maybe she died or something."

Jasmine stood outside the hotel in Sweden, in the phone booth. They were in Sweden to record for Britney's upcoming album. She searched her messy purse for her calling card, the rain pelting the booth. For some reason, she felt lonely for her family, even though they didn't really understand or appreciate her existense. But she needed very badly to feel some sort of connection. They HAD been there with her through her bad times; they had caused most of them. Finally, she found the card, and went through the motions of placing the call. The auto-operator announced "It is 7:00 where you are calling." A wave of fear trickled through her body. Her family made her so nervous sometimes. Ring......Ring.....

"Goddamnit! Who knocked me off the computer NOW?" Bridgette, Jasmine's baby sister, said. " I was in the middle of a good fanfic....uh....nevermind...." She picked up the phone quickly. "Hello?"

"Uh, Bridgette?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"Jasmine! You should know my voice! I know yours! Why did it take you so long to pick up? Did you guys just get back in?" Jas asked, strangely longing to be at her cozy home....used-to-be-home.

"No, everyone's right here. I was online, reading this good story.They're in the den watching....something, the game i think. Do you want to speak to mom?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Okay, hold on. Moooooooooommmm............Jassssssssss." Bridgette drew out, running the phone over to her mom on the couch.



"Jasmine! I was just thinking about you! We're watching "E.T." ..they're talking about Britney right now....."

Jasmine gulped, wondering what they were saying about her.

"Jasmine, you're on tv! Do you see yourself? You're holding hands with......Britney....."

"Huh? I am? I'm in Sweden.... Oh, my....." Jas said, realising what her family was seeing.

"JASMINE IS WHAT???OMG.... JASMINE IS GAY!!!!" Julie yelled, her fork falling out of her mouth. Her father leaped from his ez-chair.

" Jasmine?"

"Is Jasmine on the phone right now? Oh My God, let me speak to her." Julie demanded. Her mother held her back.

Bridgette waited in the den for the conversation to end so she could get back online. 'Jasmine's gay, whoop-de-doo' she thought.

"I'm still here."

"Is it true, baby? And Britney too?" her father asked, getting on an extension.

Julie was in the corner, complaining and crying hysterically: "On top of everything else, she's gay. What a weirdo I have for a sister. And she can't just be gay in Las Vegas. No, she has to be flaming for the whole damn world to see, with that stiff pop star." She wiped the tears from her eyes, but they continued to run.

"Yes, it's true. It's true, valid.We love each other. That's why I......called," she forced out.

The phone disconnected.

Jasmine pursed her lips, closing her eyes tight to hold her feelings in until she got back to the Waldorf. Alex, her fellow dancer, studied her from his hotel room window, feeling bad for her.

Britney stared into Max Martin's face as he scribbled on the paper that she'd been singing from. She watched him draw through words, add on, and erase over and over.

This was the 4th and,hopefully, final song they were recording from Sweden. From there, the rest would be done at the Hit Factory in New York. So far, they'd done "..Oops", "Stronger" and "Lucky". Out of them all, she loved " "Lucky" the best. Max really had a way of digging into her soul and finding lyrics that reached out to her. But this song in particular that they were recording, was not up to her par. They were just messing around with this one, it was an alternate for a B-side for a single.

"'s try this one now."

Britney grinned, got up, and went into the booth.

She sighed, and began.

"Hit me baby cause sometimes you drive me crazy.........." she tossed the paper down.

She screamed in frustration.

"Max, is this a joke? You're kidding, right??? Right?"

"Britney, this is how Johnny wants it."

"Johnny who?"

"Your manager? Remember?" He began laughing.

"I don't think so! But yeah, how could I forget him?"

She smiled.

"Look, i was just trying to cheer you up. I mean, you've been hitting the songs fantastic, and that makes you say...... good song. But you haven't smiled once. I don't want you to turn into a machine."

"Max, I have a song that I wrote that I'd like to do acapella for you."

"Okay, shoot B."

She went over to her purse and got the song out she'd printed off the disk. She'd just written it last night in the tub. (Author's note. I wrote this.)


By: Britney Spears 1. I see you grooving in the club And I can tell you ain't no scrub... So darlin please look this way Cause I just really wanna say...

Chorus: Please,please light my fire It's all about sexual desire Girl, I'm getting damn tired Being alone with this desire......

  1. I know where we can be alone Just follow me to my private home Go up the stairs,unplug the phone Turn down the sheets, cause girl it's on....

Chorus: Please,Please light my fire It's all about sexual desire Girl, I'm getting damn tired Being alone with this desire.


I'm not into wasting time With this hectic life of mine So it's about time to start this rhyme Come out from behind Yourself and let's get to the grind Girl....

Chorus until end..

Britney sang her heart out until the end. When she was done, she felt releived. Max was staring at her.

"What did you think, Max?"

"Britney, that's a very...mature song. Um....are you singing "girl" instead of "boy"?"

"Yes, I am."

"What prompted you to write this song?"

"Oh, I was just fooling around last night, and it just came out."

"Oh. What about the girl part?"

Britney felt as if everyone had beat her sexuality to death. She sighed and explained that she was bi.

"Oh, I see," Max said. "Well,I like the song. We can work with it, see what we can change around....."

Britney cleared her throat. "What do you mean, change? The content?"

"I mean the rhyme meter."

"Oh, okay!" Britney sat up straight. She also had some other song ideas, but those she would present in New York next week.......

"Britney, you have visitors."

"Dad?" she asked, shocked. ""


Next: Chapter 19

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