In the Groove

By C H

Published on Jun 6, 2000


After they'd sat down to eat cake and chicken parmesean, the party guests rose again to dance and talk the evening away. Britney was sitting with NYSNC, Johnny Wright, her mother Linda, big brother Bryan and baby sister Jamie Lynn. Bryan and Jamie Lynn were talking amongst themselves as her sister tried to make sense of what had started the fight between "Boo-boo" (Britney's nickname) and "Buffy".

"But why did she get all mad at "Buffy"? I like "Buffy"." Jamie Lynn asked.

Bryan sighed. He didn't know what to tell her, really. Of course, it had thrown him for a loop to realise his sister loved women. Tonight was the first he'd ever known of her being bi. All these years....he'd never guessed. He'd always hoped to hook his best friend up with her, who'd been in love with her for years. Britney had never been interested,instead making him a friend.He hoped one day to be the best man at their wedding. Now he saw those visions drifting away as his little sister looked up at him with those brown Spears eyes. He rubbed his muscular arms, feeling cold even though he was inside a warm room.

"Jamie, she got mad because "Buffy" was kissing Jasmine."

"Who is Jasmine?" she asked, confused.

Bryan pointed across the table at her. "Her."

"Oh, that pretty dancer-woman? Well...why did Britney get mad, though?"

Bryan cleared his throat. Jamie was young, and this was a sexual thing. His parents hadn't discussed sex with her yet. As it was, she'd had to beg and cry to come to this party. Britney had intervened on her behalf. There were some times that her folks wouldn't let her see Britney on tv cause of things she wore. Like when Rolling Stone came to the house, she'd had to stay at a friend's house the whole time. He looked at Britney and Jasmine, and back at his sister.

"I'm not sure, Jamie. Ask mom, okay?"

"Okay," Jamie said, looking at her sister hold Jasmine's hand. Hmmm... she thought to herself. I'm asking Britney.

After dinner, the music became hard and fast, then it slowed down again as the hours drifted by. Jas and Brit danced and danced, oftentimes being cut in on by Justin or somebody else, who wanted to look at teh two of them close up. Jasmine danced with a lot of the young hollywood set, like Freddie Prinze Jr., who asked her about herself and -- her and Britney, of course, as if half-believing what they'd seen and heard. Jasmine didn't know why they couldn't. It was no big deal, it was real, they were curious. Jasmine asked them about themselves as well, enjoying the smell of their aftershave and muscular frames.

"What is it like being in the public eye so much?" she asked Seth Green. She tilted her head back as he dipped her, and brought her back up.

"It's like you have brocoli stuck in your front teeth and you're making a big speech, and no one tells you. Ever. That's just about how it feels." He smiled, adding on "Do you see any brocoli?"

"No, but I bet it's still there," Jasmine said, getting a whole new perspective on her and Britney's situation. It would be so much easier if they weren't open...or would it? Well, she wouldn't think about that, it was out now.

Seth continued, "That's why I can't believe Britney did that. That's like, one of the first rules anyone in the public eye learns: Don't play show and tell unless you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. I didn't think she'd have the guts to do something like that. I can just imagine mothers of teenage daughters across the world questioning their daughters sexuality."

"You're probably right, Seth. But it's up to those girls and those mothers to deal with it. Believe me, it's a topic that would have come up regardless. It's not like we're saying "BE GAY!" We can all deal. The public will deal with it. Remember Clinton? Is Monica banned for life?"

They laughed. Seth said "I wanted to hold up a "Spears Smackdown" sign! "

"Did you know Sarah was bi/lesbian?"

"Yeah, I knew, but her manager made her keep it a secret. But she flaunted it anyway, it's just the cameras never caught onto it. She even thought her character was gonna hook up with another woman, but then the writers changed it to two supporting characters."

"Interesting. Was she mad?"

"Not really. She pitched a fit, but it wasn't a major one. She's...aware of herself being in teh spotlight. But a lot of times, if you're honest with yourself, the public won't come down on you so hard. It's so hard to know what's gonna happen then,'s all human."

"Hi, mind if I cut in?" Britney asked them, popping up.

"No, not at all, Barbie... ow! I mean Britney," Seth said after Britney playfully hit him.

"Thanks for watching her for me."

"No prob, Barb.....Britney," Seth said, hugging her goodnight, then Jasmine.

"He is so cool. I mean, I always liked how he was on tv, but in person, he's the same," Jasmine said, smiling happily.

"Yeah, he is. Wait, is,my song is on!!!! OMG, let's dance!" Britney exclaimed.

"And this time, no interruptions,"Jasmine added, melting into Britney's strong arms as Lenny Kravitz's "I Belong To You" started with its first chorus:

" I Belong to You And You Belong to Me, too You make my life complete... You make my life sooo sweet..."

The girls molded and pressed their bodies together, undulating against one another.....Jasmine put her head in the crook of Britney's neck, inhaling her perfume...the sweet, sweet scent of Britney. She chuckled to herself. Who'd ever thought she'd be living out loud? She checked her watch, reminding herself that she had a birthday surprise in store for Britney.

Britney pressed herself into Jasmine, needing reassurance of Jasmine's presence, needing reassurance that...everything she'd been through this evening was worth it all. Worth risking it all. Maybe that's what being a woman is all about. Risking it all and still hanging around to watch teh pieces fall into the right or wrong places. Looking around, she wasn't sure if the pieces were wrong or right yet, but she knew she wouldn't take this evening back for anything. In the end, it was all about what made her happy.


Next: Chapter 17

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