Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Jul 24, 1999


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers. Let's Get It On.........

Lances' Love

Part 1

"Hey Mellissa, no you didn't wake me."

"Well I just called to ask if we are still going out tonight."

"Of course I have been saying that we should get together and go out and have fun, other than at work."

"I know, oh yeah I just got off the phone with Michelle. She is looking forward to see you tonight in regular clothes."

"Really why is that because Scott's not going to be back here untill Christmas."

"Come on Chris, you know she has liked you since you got hired at Delchamps."

"Oh I almost forgot I have to get ready to go to work now. I have 40 minutes to get ready and get to work."

"Well I will see you then I have to be there in about a hour and a half. Tell Michelle I said Hi when you get there."

"K, Talk to you then babes bye."

When I got off the phone with Mellissa I quickly jumped into the shower and did the usual wash, Shampoo, and so forth. I was really horny but I didn't have time to take care of it at the time. I jumped out and dried off put my boxers on then grabbed my wife beater and put it on. I glanced at the clock it said I still had thirty minutes so I had to hurry up since it was a thirt y minute drive from where I live. I brushed my hair as I was walking out of the house so I could get going. I got to Delchamps minutes before I was supposed to. I walked in and all I got was...

"Chris can you clock in we really need your help." Lynn said to me in a hurry.

"Yeah, I sure can Lynn," I said as I was pratically pushed to the time clock to clock in.

Ater I clocked in I was ushered to a register and was handed a till(meaning drawer) as soon as I got on the intercom and anounced that my lane was open I got about four people running into my lane. The first person through my line was a really cute navy guy. He was going to write a check for what he bought and I had no pen. So I looked to my right and there Michelle was.

"Hey Michelle, do you got a pen I can use I don't have one with me," I said as she looked at me.

"yeah but I best get it back, you got it," she said throwing the pen at me.

"Thanks" I said as the pen hit me in the head. I felt like a total idiot and all in front of the navy guy. I handed him the pen. After about a few hours we finally got caught up with the customers and business slowed down. I was tired of standing so I looked at my watch and it said that it was 2 o'clock which meant I got to take a fifteen minute break. As I walked out side I saw Mellissa running and she didn't see me and ran into me and knocked me down.

"OH MY GOD, Chris are you ok. I am so I am running late and I just wasn't looking," she said while helping me up off the ground.

"Calm down I am fine but you best go and clock in now." I said as she ran to the time clock to clock in. Right after she did clock in Lynn called her into the office so I knew she was going to get yelled at but Lynn had a reason to do so. Mellissa came out of the office with her till and went to the register on the left of me.

Lynn calls over the intercom,"Chris clear the lot please, Chris clear the lot."

I hated to clear the lot it is really hot out and I have to gather all the carts. I was clearing the lot when a huge bus pulled into the parking lot. I was a erally big bus with a lot of windows but I couldn't really see anyone I could just make out figures. The door opened and the most beautiful thing walked out and it took me a minute to realize who it was. It is L-L-L-Lance form N'Sync I said to myself. He just walked out of the bus and the rest of N'Sync walked out behind him. I was off in my own mind thinking of how many times I have fantisized about him.

"Hello, hello, is anyone in there," Lance said as I was coming out of my shocked stage.

I didn't want to scare him so I played it calm to the best of my ability. "Hello sir, can I help you."

All the guys laughed and they kept saying over and over he called you sir. "No, no, no my name is Lance not sir."

"Yes s...Lance" Isaid as I almost forgot.

"Well you know my name what is yours." he said so perfectly and yet it sounded curious.

"Hi, my name is Chris," I said as I extended my hand for a hand shake. I was so happy that Lance accepted his hands felt so warm and soft. As we were shaking hands I was staring at his eyes and almost got lost in them. I shook myself out of it and decided we had shaked hands long enough. "Who are you friends back there who like to laugh," Isaid pointing at the rest of N'sync.

Lance looking rather shocked and amazed said"You don't know who we are?"

"Actually I do know that ya'll are N'sync but I a have not been formerly introduced," Lance looked at me a let out a little chuckle and said well this is Joey. The one with the wild hair is also named Chris. The man who looks like a bean pole over there is Justin. As Lance said that all of them bust out in laughter except Justin.

JC walked up to me and decided to introduce himself,"Hi my name is JC, it is a pleasure to meet you Chris."

I must admit JC is very charming but I still prefer Lance anyday of the week. Everyone started to calm down just a little. When I finally got the nerve to ask them what they were doing down here in Pensacola, Florida.

Lance walked up to me to answer my question"Well we have about a month to our selves for what we want to do and well we wanted to see some nice beaches. And...."

Justin cut him off "we heard that Pensacola and Perdido Key have some of the most beautiful beaches as well as some hot hunnies."

"Well to put it bluntly that is what we are doing down here. It is just that we don't know where to go here none of us have ever been here. Will you hold on for a second while I talk to the guys." Lance said staring straight into my eyes.

"Yeah sure that's no problem"

"Hey guys I really like this guy," Lance said.

"I like his hair" Chris said commenting on my bleach blonde top and shaved brown hair all around my head.

"What are you getting at Lance" JC said as he looked at Lance.

"Well he is a fan because he does know who we are but yet he also treats us like we weren't even famous."

"Lance what are you trying to get to may I ask." JC said rather getting annoyed with Lance beating around the bush.

"I was going to say do ya'll mind if he maybe shows us around while we are here. I mean he seems cool and we do need more friends." Lance said as he looked at eahc of the guys one at a time.

"Cool with me" Justin said.

"Ditto here" Was all Joey said.

"We are going to have to do something about his name it is already taken by the best looking guy here" Chris said as the other guys started to laugh really hard. It took them a minute to calm down from what Chris said. When they finally stop laughing they all looked at JC.

"Well JC" everyone said almost in unison.

"Fine" Jc finally said.

I was still standing there very patiently as they talked among themselves. They finally broke they're litte huddle and they all turned to me and Lance approached me.

"Can we call you anything other than Chris" He said as he was still walking up to me.

"Well there is only one other name that I actually respond to but it is a corny nickname." I said blushing really bad.

"It can't be that bad" Justin said.

"Well I used to work at McD's a while back and I had lots of friends there but we had a problem we had three Chris's and it always happened we would work together. Well one was Spinny the other was Chris R. And well Mine is Crispy Chicken beause my name is Chris Parsons."

They started to laugh yet again and I turned blood red and was so embarrassed. They calmed down and said that was cool.

"Why do you ask" I said to Lance staring in his eyes.

"Well we were hoping that you would show us around Pensacola and hang out with us."

"That would be cool, I can take ya'll to alot of places it will be lot's of fun." I said trying to control myself from becoming a crazzed fan.

"What time do you get off work" Lance fianlly asked me.

"Well if everthing works out alright 5" I said.

"Well we can meet you back here at 5 till then we are going to hang out at Johnson's beach and we will talk to you later then." Lance said as he looked me up and down.

I think it was just all in my mind. He wouldn't actually be looking at me up and down. I mean I am only 5 foot 6, 155 lbs, but I do have a few good qualities. I have clear skin, a perfect all over tan, I am sorta muscular at least I am in my legs and arms, plus I have some piercing Hazel eyes with two brown rings one around the edge of my eye and the other right next to the pupil. I was still in shock still because he wanted me to take them around town and have some fun just hanging out.

I still stood there saying good bye and waving at them as they got in the bus and drove off. I didn't stop till Mellissa tapped me on the shoulder and asked me who I was waving to. I snapped out of my trance and apoligized.

"It is cool but who were you waving at anyway."

"I am going to hang out with N'sync tonight and I am not kidding." I said very excited and it showed.

"Chris, What about me and Michelle you did promise to go out with us tonight."

"Damn I forgot I am so sorry I mean.... Hey why don't ya'll just come with us it will be fun we can all go out and do karoke together who knows one of them might actually be able to take you away from Jeff." I said as she punched me.

"No one will ever take me away from Jeff. What's wrong you look some what sad now," she said as she put her hand back on my shoulder.

"I just thought of something that's all,"

"What is it I am here to talk to and you can tell me anything."


"Of course anything"

"Mellissa I..I ..I am... am.."

"You are scared because they are famous that is cool."

"No I am Bi and I have a huge crush on Lance,"

"Oh my god, why didn't you ever tell me before."

"I was so scared that you wouldn't like me I need friends so much and I really liked you. I mean whenever we are together we have so much fun even if it is at work." I said as tears just started to flow down my face.

"Chris no matter what I am here for you and I am glad that you finally opened up to me we will be even closer know. We will not tell Michelle though she would flip and probably tell everyone."

"Then no we can't tell her anything."

"Listen just go back inside and go back to the breakroom and just relax I am going to go get Michelle and we will get carts as soon as we are done I will be back there to talk."

I did as she said and went straight to the breakroom and sat down and just sat there quite and thinking. I was not bothered at least untill Mellissa finally cam up stairs to talk to me and said that she had to talkto Lynn about me and why her and Michelle got the carts.

"Are we still going to go to the Karoke bar tonight. Michelle was wondering plus she doesn't believe the whole N'Sync thing."

"DO you, I mean do you believe me"

"Yes I do I saw the big bus and you talking to a group of people."

"We need to get back to work. Did you and Michelle talk to Lynn and find out if ya'll can get off at five with me." I said as I stood up and started walking to the door.

"Yeah she said it is cool for this one time only."

I shook my head and headed down the stairs to get back to work. Before I knew it five was upon me and I didn't realize what time it was till the guys walked into Delchamps. I thought Michelle was about to give birth to a cow when I walked over to them and said hey and told them that I had made plans for that night.

"Crispy" Justin shouted out of nowhere.

"What!!!!" Mellisa said as she walked up to my side.

"It is a long story but that is my nickname. Well Mellissa this is Lance, Joey, Justin, JC, and Chris. Guys this is Mellissa."

"Hello" was all Mellissa could get out.



"Heeeelllllllloooooo Nurse"

"Hello" JC said as he took her hand and gently kissed it.

"Hello" was all Mellissa could get out.

"Oh yeah the one over there with her mouth on the ground that is Michelle. She is also going to go out with us to night. That is if ya'll don't mind if they come along." I said as Justin started to laugh and Chris just elbowed him in the side to get him to shut up.

"It won't be a problem, listen we will let ya'll get done here and then we will meet ya'll outside at the bus." Lance said as the walked back outside.

"Chris I can see why you like Lance he is so hot" Mellissa whispered in my ear.

"Hands off, he is mine you can have any of the others. Besides I think JC has a thing for you and he does have his that certain something." I said into her ear as I walked back to my register so I could count my till.

I finished then Mellissa. Me and Mellissa had to help Michelle she was still in shock about the whole thing. We finished in about 10 minutes so we walked out to meet the other guys.

"Lance I was going to tell ya'll that we had planned on going and doing Karoke tonight but if ya'll don't want to we can figure something else out."

"No that sounds great. Right guys," He said over his shoulder towards the others.

"yeah that will be awesome" was the response we got from them.

We had agreed that we would meet back at the Delchamps on Mobile Hwy and not the one we worked at. The guys had to check into a hotel. That is if they could find a good one. I made a comment about how big my house was but they didn't seem to catch on. So I bluntly put it ya'll can stay with me at my house it has 5 guest rooms. So they agreed and I told Mellissa she was lucky. She would have had to take me home because my car was picked up earlier to be put in the shop to get the engine rebuilt. I got the grand tour of the bus as we drove to my house. I thought the bus was big from the outside it seemed huge from the inside. We finally got to my place at 5:45 and we weren't meeting the girls till 8 so we still had plenty of time. I helped the guys get unloaded off the bus and the bus drove off when I started to open the door to my house. I showed them where the kitchen, living room, bath rooms, and there rooms. The last person to put in a room was Lance because his room connected to the bathroom, My bathroom. The other guys had to share the other two bathrooms. They unpacked and while they did that I jumped in the shower. I had just finished and turned the water off when Lance walked in with nothing but a towel on. When he saw me standing in the shower naked he dropped his towel and with it so did my mouth.

Comments are welcome be it good or bad it is still a comment. I hope to hear from you so I can keep writing the story. If you have any Idea's just Email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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