Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Jul 30, 1999


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers. Let's Get It On.........

Lances Love Part three

Lance ran out to the room as tears were forming in his eyes. JC has always gotten what he wanted. Lance was lucky if he got anything he wanted. So why should things be different when people are involved. Lance went back in his room and laid in his bed crying. Lance cried so much that he cried himself to sleep.

I had a wonderful dream that night to. I dreamed that in the middle of the night Lance had gotten into bed with me and just held me all night long. As I awoke I felt arms around me. It wasn't a dream I thought to myself. The man I dreamed so much about was right beside me holding me. As I opened my eyes I was shocked to see JC lying next to me. I was so afraid something happened. I thought back to what happened last night. I don't remember anything I slept all night I couldn't have done anything with JC. Or could I have done something. I slowly got up out of bed and as I did JC awoke.

"Morning JC" I said while giving him an evil eye.

"HEY umm I can't believe we fell asleep talking last night." I hope this works JC thought to him self knowing he was telling a lie.

"JC, we got home last night and went striaght to bed and that was it I never talked to you. Why do you wanna lie to me I thought we were friends." I said feeling betrayed and hurt.

"We are friends but since I met you I really liked you and you started to look at me and I just thought that you were gay. I am sorry that was wrong for me to say." JC said as he felt sad that he had made a huge mistake.

Lance finally woke up and went into the bathroom to take a leak. When he entered the bathroom he heard JC and myself talking. Then he remembered what had happened and started to become upset again.

"Listen JC, one yes I did look at you because you are very attractive and you are very charming but....." I said as I sat back down next to JC on the bed. Lance really wanted to say something but he thought that we would get mad at the fact that he was evesdropping.

"But your not gay I understand I am so sorry I will go to a motel today and you won't have to deal with me anymore." JC said as tears started to form in his beautiful eyes.

"I wasn't going to say that." I said as I put my hand on Jc's hand and looked him straight in the eye.

"Then you do like me..." JC said as hope filled his hole body.

"JC I didn't say that either. Yes I do like guys but I am Bi. But I have really strong feelings for someone else." I said still looking him in the eyes. I could see tears forming in his eyes with every word that breezed though my mouth. As Lance stood near the door to my room he just heard the words that he longed to hear. But he thought to himself that there was no way that I could have feelings for him. But still the thought did cross his mind more than once within the past few moments.

"It's Mellissa or it could be Michelle. Which is it huh. Tell me I need to know." JC said starting to get angry. As JC said those words Lances' heart fell into the thought of having to see me and either one of the girls together. He really liked them both they were so nice and sweet. But they were also not him.

"No, Mellissa is just a close friend besides she isn't single. She is very happy with her man, Jeff. I did like Michelle but it couldn't work out. She also has a boyfriend but even if she didn't we are to different to work out our problems so it could never be. I don't know how to tell you this." I said starting to wonder if I should really tell him the truth. Lance picked his heart off the floor and put it back in place with the words I said it gave him renewed hope.

"Tell me what? Oh I got it know I don't know why I was so blind to see. You like Justin. Figures he is the one everyone wants." JC said as he pulled his hand from under mine almost as in disgust. Lance was really starting to get emotional by this point. The ups and downs of hope and pain just started to be to much for him to handle. But he wanted to know who it was I had such strong feelings for.

"LANCE!!!!I like Lance a little more everyday that I see him and he doesn't even notice it." I just basically yelled his name and calmed down and finished what I had to say. Lance was so shocked. He leaned on the door and it swung open and he fell on the floor. He hit the floor with a loud thuddddd. JC and myself just looked at him. Did he hear what I just said. OH my god that would just ruin everything.

"You called," Lance said as he stood up. I just about lost my head. Lance was standing in my room in a tight wife beater and a pair of grey boxer briefs that just clung to his nicely sized package that I have wanted for a while now.

"Yeah I was trying to wake you up so we could figure out what we want to do. Want to do today that is." I said as I started to blush. JC just looked at me and seemed so mad. Then his glance turned to Lance. Did Lance hear everything that was just said between the two of us or was he just trying to be funny in his odd way JC thought.

"Well I am awake. So what do you have planned." Lance said with a huge sexy smile plastered across his face.

"Nothing that is why I called you in here." I said kinda scared to tell him the truth. JC looked back at me and knew what he had to do but was it right.

"Lance I can tell you what he wants to do." JC said with a devilish grin that scared me to no length.

"Hey Lance can I talk to you in your room in just a minute I have got to talk to JC in private for a minute." I said as soon as JC finished what he had to say. I watched as Lance walked out the room through the bathroom.

"What are you scared to tell him. You seem so sure of your feelings. What's wrong with you you just had the chance to tell him everything." JC said as he seemed to get really angry with me. I wasn't sure if he was angry at me or with himself though.

"Yes I am scared I care so much for him it isn't funy anymore. Plus my feelings are very strong and I am positive that I would love to some how make a relationship out of this. You tell me this weren't you scared earlier when you told me??" I said in a calm and quite tone. Even though I was extremely pissed at him.

"Fine I will admit that I was very scared to tell you."

"Then you know what I mean. I just really want to know why are you doing this to me and to yourself. Just think it over for a minute. Why do you want me to hate. Wait you want me to hate you so you won't have to deal with me or see me again. No luck!!!! JC listen I do want to be your friend and I just want you to know that I am here for you but only as a friend and that is all it can be." I said as I slowly started to calm myself. I was afraid that I just might loose Lance if he knew what was going on.

"That is true it is going to hurt me alot to see you. But I have to realize that I am not the one you want. I want you to be happy and I am glad that you feel that way about Lance. He really needs someone to care for him that way but I honestly with no trying to mess with you. I don't think that he is gay or bi. Even though I have never seen him with a girl before."JC said while wiping the last tear from his face.

"JC thank you for seeing my point of view. I think it is time for me to go and let Lance in on what has been going on. Especially since it is about him."

"Well get to it I have to get back to my room and get dressed."

"See ya later man. I better get to Lance and just try to pull the truth out of me and tell him the truth." I said as I grabbed my robe and put it on so I could talk to Lance and not be half nude. Not that I wouldn't mind being half naked with Lance but I didn't want him to notice if I got a hardon that could ring a bell.

"What was going on in there." Lance said as he was a little mad that I put the robe on. Lance loved my well built chest in and definately out of shirts.

"Well before I go into all that I just have to tell you I care for you Lance Bass. I mean I wish I could kiss you, hug you more than just a friend, and just to lay next to you in bed naked up against each other." I said all that with in one breath. I thought I made a huge mistake when I looked at Lances face. He was so shocked and I don't think that it was a good shocked.


All Comments welcome. I would like to say hello to DCKevin for his encouraging email that meant alot to me. He is the first author to email me but I sure hope he isn't the last. I still want to hear from all who read it I enjoy what I am doing and so I want to let it keep being entertaining. If you have any story ideas for this or anything I will give you 5 seconds of applause for it as well. Thank you for reading my story. Email all comments to


Next: Chapter 4

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