Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Aug 19, 1999


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers. Please let me know what you think of this story -- I really want to hear from you. Let's Get It On.........

Lances Love

Part 5

"Justin, hey I was jus..." Lance started to say but Justin cut him off.

"I knew it, I thought you two were looking rather oddly at each other. Besides you have never been interested in the girls that much so we all kinda figured that you were gay along time ago. JC was the only one that didn't believe our suspicions. I still can't believe this. I never would have thought that Lance would be payment for us to staying here." Justin said as he started to laugh really hard. I couldn't help but laugh but Lance didn't find it very funny.

"What do you want Justin!?! What are you doing up so early anyway you never get up this early unless you have to and there is no need to get up we are on vacation." Lance said somewhat coldly that we were interupted. I think that it was wrong of Lance to just say that all of a sudden and it just sounded so rude. "AND What do you mean ya'll figured out that I was gay. I never said I was gay and don't think that just because you walked in here and saw me kissing Chris that I am gay. That was just me experimenting and it was a big mistake." Lance said so coldly and mad that it scared me so much. It took me a minute to figure out that he said he wasn't gay and that the kiss that we just had meant nothing. It meant worse than nothing it meant a tiny ameoba on shit. I just can't believe that the man of my dreams would say something to totally murderize me like that. I could tell by the look on Justins face that he was shocked as well. Man how could he be so crude and not even think about pour Chris' feelings.

I ran out of the room and grabbed my suitcase and ran for the door. I didn't know it but Justin was following me the whole way and even got in the car with me. I drove to Jamies house. I was half way there when I realized that Justin was sitting next to me in the car. I was driving but I was so surprised I could see anything through all the tears I had in my eyes. Justin just sat there looking at me with pure concern on his face. I got to Jamies and used my key to let me and Justin in.

"Jamie are you home." I said still with tears running down my face. I walked into her bedroom to find that the bed was made and her room was all picked up and straightened up. I walked into the bathroom and saw how much of a wreck I was. I had to say that I looked bad real bad. Justin just sat on the couch and waited till I came back out in the living room. I was just staring at myself and pondering what just happened at my place. The whole thing was just so screwed up. I thought I lost him, then I had him, then I lost him again. I just stood in the bathroom and cried for about a hour. Then I finally calmed down and walked back into the living room to find Justin sitting on the couch playing with Jamies cat, Piper. I walked to the kitchen table to find a note. It was written by Jamie, it was to me.

Crispy, 8-7-99

Hey boy, listen if you are reading this you have found out that I am not here in Pcola. I got a call from Nicole tonight and she was real upset and everything. She got kicked out of her parents place last night and well she is staying with her sister but she doesn't know how long that will last. I am going to see her down in Biloxi for a few days. So I asked Dink to come by and feed Piper but that is only because I couldn't get a hold of you. So if you are reading this call my mom and tell her that you will take care of Piper and that Dink doesn't have to. I will probably be back in town Monday or Tuesday. Nicole will probably be with me. I am hoping so much that this might mean that we can hook up and stay that way for awhile. She called me over all of her friends there. SO that has to mean something, right. Well listen I will be calling home sometime tomorrow. So if you are there I hope to talk to you and fill you in on everything that is going on here. I gotta get going now or I will not make it there intime to meet Nicole.

Love ya,

James :)

I was really upset to find out that Jamie was not going to be here. I came here not only to get away from Lance but to talk to her. I will have to wait for her to call. I walked over to the couch and flopped on the couch right next to Justin. For some reason Justin reminded me of Lance, and I can't figure out why. They don't look nothing alike. I just looked at him and started to cry. I leaned my head against Justins shoulder and just cried.

"Chris listen for a minute. Something is really wrong with this whole picture. Lance has never acted like this before in his life. He has always been so shy and quite. He is the last person that I would ever think of exploding like that." Justin said as I tried to stop crying. Justin seemed so much more mature than everyone gives him credit for. He actually made alot of sense.

"I know you are probably right. You have known him alot longer than me. It just hurts me so much to think of him." I said as I stopped crying and started to realize that it wasn't helping the situation.

"Yes I have known him longer. I also know that there is something between the two of you. I was really serious about the whole thing. The two of you can't just remain friends it is either he will fight with himself and refuse everything. Then it just might all work out." Justin said looking at me with a face full of concern. He really does care about Lance. Why does Lance run from him like this. Lance really needs to just be true to himself and let Chris into his life.


What the hell was I thinking? Why did I blow up like that? I like Chris, he is a great guy and I mean it is just that. I am so confused. He never wants to speak to me again and I know that. I wouldn't want to speak to myself if I did that to myself. Justin only told me the truth. The truth that I wouldn't admit to myself. If the guys have thought that I was gay for years and well the group is still together. They have treated me the same way for all this time. So why shouldn't I just come out officially. Chris is to good for me to just let go. I have to find him and talk to him as soon as possible.

"Lance what was all that noise about and where is Chris." JC said as he entered my room to find Lance sitting on my bed with a sad look on his face.

"He, he left" Lance couldn't help but start to cry.

"What do you mean that he left. What did you say to him. I asked you not to fuck with him." JC said as he knew that he was right.

"I made a mistake JC. I had him and I made a huge mistake." the tears didn't stop in fact they got worse.

"Lance listen to me what did you say to him to make him leave."

"I didn't mean to but Justin walked in on us while we were kissing and"

"AND what Lance" JC said as he started to raise his voice.

"I was scared. I am scared. JC I just..I said I wasn't gay. I have been lying to him, to you, and to myself." Lance said as he stood and just hugged JC. Lance really needed to be comforted at a time like this.

"Lance I am so sorry I raised my voice at you I shouldn't have. I really like Chris and well he really likes you. I just want him and you to be happy. I am also sorry that I haven't told you that I was gay until now. Unlike you I have know for sometime now but I was scared that you and the others wouldn't accept me for who I was but I don't care now we need to come clean with everyone else." JC said as he returned a very loving hug to Lance.

"JC" Lance said still shivering.

"SHHH don't talk"

The two just stood in my room and and held each other. JC felt so bad about yelling at Lance. Lance was going threw so much and I didn't help him one bit. Why was I so hard on him. It is a very difficult time for him. I just need to be hear for him. It would have been so much easier if I had someone to talk to and comfort me. JC thought as he just held Lance tight.

Back at Jamies......

I just sat there staring at Justin. I reached out for Justin. He knew that I needed a hug and didn't mind giving me one. In the middle of the embrace the phone rang. I jumped at the sound. I think it actually startled me. I jumped up and answered the phone.

"Hello, James place." I said as I put the phone against my ear.

"Crispy oh my god, you are there I am so glad to hear your voice. I have so much to tell you."

"Well I have alot to tell you as well."

"Well me and Nicole are finally a couple and it is for good this time. She is coming back to live with me. She is asleep now I kinda wore her out last night."

"James when will you be back I need you. I need you here to tell me everything is ok. James I really need to talk to you but I can't do it on the phone please I need you. Come home please come home for me." I said as I started to cry again. I knew it couldn't help but it made me feel better.

"Crispy are you ok. What's wrong. I will wake Nicole up and I will be there in two hours three tops I swear. Please just stay there I will be there soon. When I get there we will talk. I promise to you I will talk to you as long as you need to. But I gotta go now mmmbye." Jamie said with so much concern and worry about me and my well being.

"Bye, I love you and hurry back." I said as Justin just grabbed me and held me as I hung up the phone.

I sat there in Justins arms for about a hour. He did care about what was going on with me and Lance. I don't know why I thought that he wouldn't. Him and Lance have known each other for four years and they have been friends since then. I am glad Justin is here he is the only reason I haven't gone crazy yet.

"Chris are you going to be ok. I mean I understand what you are going through. I just wish that Lance could see what a great guy you are." Justin said as he leaned in to kiss me.

"Woooo, Justin what are you doing. I care alot about Lance and I thought you knew that. I am not interested in you. Justin please don't make this any harder than it already is." I said as I stood and moved to the other couch.

"I..I...don't know what came over me. I got caught up in the moment. I am so sorry about that. I don't want to ruin what you might have with Lance. I haven't been close to anyone in a very long time. Please forgive me and let us just forget that this just happened." Justin said while just letting himself go and stop putting up a front.

"Justin it is ok. I am not mad. You have been here trying to comfort me for most of the day. I want you to know that you never tried to kiss me. Because you never did. Isn't that right." I winked at Justin as I finished my what I had to say.

"Yeah it never happened. Thank you so much." Justin said.

"So why haven't you come out yet I mean JC is, Lance might be but can't make his mind up."

"What JC is no way you have to be joking."

"No I am not. He confessed to me when he came on to me. I then told him that I cared to much about Lance to do anything with him. Wait you mean that he never told you he was, oh shit I shouldn't have said anything." I was shocked to see that Justin didn't know. JC and Justin have been bestfriends for years longer than any of the others.

"I had no idea. JC never told me that. I thought I was his bestfriend. The two of us have known each other for six years now and he never once mentioned it." Justin said he sounded so hurt that I knew that about JC and he didn't have a clue.

"He was probably just scared like Lance but he has to deal with it sometime or another. I don't think that he thought that you would accept him for him."

"He has always told me everything at least I thought he did. I am not mad though I never told him that I have the hugest crush on him. I have always looked up to him and after the first year I started to feel more than just friendship for him. I just couldn't bring myself to say anything about it to him."

"Well both of you have kept secrets from each other even though it was the same secret. You shouldn't be mad at him. He didn't mean any harm." I wish I could have not said anything I didn't know that it would have made such a huge fuss.


I am sorry that it took so long for this chapter to come out. I was asked to make my chapters a little longer so I did. I hope everyone enjoys it. Please let me know what you think! Please send me some feedback! Send all comments to


Next: Chapter 6

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