Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Aug 16, 2000


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers.Let's Get It O n.........

Lances Love

Part 16

I was in so much pain. I felt the blood rushing out of my head. The pain was so emense. The pain was coming from my heart though. The thought that I couldn't be by Lances side was killing me. I heard someone screaming. It was Mandi. She was the one that hit me. Then All I remember is blackness. The darkness was so inviting. Did I want to struggle or surrender. Then I heard another voice. One that just recently became all so familar. It was Lance.

"Please baby fight, fight it don't leave me now. I can't go on in life knowing that you died trying to be here with me. I am here please come back to me." Lance said as tears flowed down his face and splashing on my chest.

That's my love crying above me. Praying that I fight the darkness. For him I will fight it and promise it that I will be back to it's embracing arms another day when it is truelly my time. Now is not my time. I am still needed on Earth to love and be loved. I open my eyes and raise my hand to Lances face and wipe away his tears.

"What!! Nurse, Doctor he's awake. HE IS AWAKE!!!!!!" Lance shouted with all of his might to alert everyone that I was still alive. Within seconds there were doctors and nurses everywhere all telling Lance to get back in his bed that they would take care of me. Lance cried even more now than before. The tears came in buckets but this time of happiness.

"Mr. Parsons do you hear me?"

"Yes sir I do"

"That is good. You gave everyone quite a scare."

"I didn't mean to sir"

"It's all right now. One of the nurses just went to get you something to eat from the cafeteria. After you eat I suggest you get some rest and I will be back to check on you in the morning."

"Yes sir"

I ate and as the doctor instructed I slept. Lance didn't even bother me he just laid in his bed across from me and stared with a smile on his face. What more could I want other than him. I was in love with the man of my dreams and I didn't care about what had happened to me.

.............Outside the the room in the hall......

"Doctor may I go inside to see him?"

"He's asleep right now Ma'am"

"I understand but I need to see him. I won't be in there long just long enough to see for myself that he is still breathing and ok."

"I guess it's ok"

Mandi walks in the dark room. She stands in the dark waiting for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. She doesn't turn the light on in fear that it might awaken Chris from his needed rest. Her eyes soon adjust to the dark. She walks over to the bed and cries as she watches Chris sleep.

"GOD, I didn't mean to hit him. Please let him make it through all this. I would't be here now if it wasn't for him and how much he loves me, and looks after me. Please look after him and take care of him. Chris I know you can hear me right now. I love you and would never do anything to hurt you. I am so sorry please forgive me please." Mandi says outloud as her tears flow like rain on a spring day.

"I am sure he does." Lance said as to comfort Mandi.

"Who said that??"

"It's me Lance"

"Lance??" Mandi says as she aproaches his bed slowly.

"I am sorry we haven't met yet. My name is James Lansten Bass." Lance said as he sat up in his bed.

"OMG. Chris is sharing a room with you. When he wakes up he is going to be in shock. I hope you don't mind me saying this but he has the hugest crush on you. I mean ever since I met him he has been awe struck by you. I know he will probably faint when he sees you."

"Actually it was more like weak and couldn't speak." Lance laughed a bit remembering the day he met me.

"What are you talking about. Chris already knows you are in his room."

"Yeah he does and actually I had specifically asked to share a room with my fiance and well the hospital said it wasn't a problem and there he is sleeping like a baby."

"WHAT FIANCE. This is just to much for me to even comprehend right now."

"I met Chris during our break down in Pensacola. He was so nice to let us stay with him at his place. It ended up we kinda hooked up. I love him and he loves me. He got hit trying to get here to see me. I was in a car accident. And the nurse misinterpreted my condition. I was just uncouncoius and was on so many drugs I was out cold. I am fine now."

"Chris must be so happy right now. His dream man is in love with him. I am so happy for him."

"He is, I promise to keep him that way as well. He means the world to me. I would do anything for him."

"Will you please do one thing for me. Tell him that I stopped by and that I love him."

"I will. It's not a problem. I am sure he does know though."

"It will make me feel better." Mandi said as she walked out of the room into the well lit hall way.

Lance sat in his bed watching me. Wanting to hold me but afraid of what pain it might put me in. The night passed and still sat watching me. I slowly started to stir. I opened my eyes to white lights I thought I had truelly died till I heard his voice.

"Well good morning. I was wondering if you were ever going to wake up."

"Hey baby. EMMMM"

"You ok"

"Yeah just a bit sore is all. I also have a throbbing headache. You look like shit. Did you stay awake all night."

"Yep all night watching you sleep. Listen I am not as bad as the nurse made me out to be. He realized after he hung up with you that he was wrong and tried to call you back and he couldn't get you because you had already left."

"I needed to be here no matter what your condition. I just wish it wasn't like this."

"So do I. You had a visitor last night while you slept. We had a very nice conversation. She wanted me to tell you she loves you and she would never hurt you on purpose."

"Mandi! I know she hit me I heard her scream after I got hit and before I lost conscienceness."

"Knock, knock I don't mean to interupt here but I just needed to check on Mr. Parsons here."

"It's ok doctor, you didn't interupt anything more important then my baby."

"Well Mr. Parsons, I think we are through the idea of you having a concusion. I think you will be fine but I do want to check into that a little more before I let you leave. The most drastic part of it was the blood loss. If you would have been just five more minutes later then you arrived you would have bleed to death. You are a very lucky young man."

"You don't have to tell me that sir." I said as I stared in to my loves eyes.

Six hours and three tests later. I am allowed to leave and Lance was released two hours before me but refused to leave my side no matter what I said. We walked out to the waiting room to find everyone and I mean everyone. Lani, Mandi, Chris, JC, Justin, Joey, Heather, Eric, Jamie, Erin, and Christine. They were all over the place sleeping, reading, watching tv, or drinking coffee.

"I'm B-a-c-k."

"SON OF A BITCH you had me scared to death. Don't you ever do that again." Jamie said as she jumped up and grabbed me into a hug.

"Ouch becareful I am still bruised from hell and back. I don't plan on getting run over ever again trust me. At least not now that I know what it feels like. And let me tell you it really hurts like hell too."

"Chris you are ok. I am so sorry." Mandi says as she comes flying at me.

"WHOA, be gentle." I said as I flinched and tried to prepare for he impact. She stopped inches away from me.

"Oh yeah sorry. I am so glad you are ok."

"Ok everyone I am so tired of this environment. I really need to get back to my room and change and well.....How about a party to celebrate my being ok and Lances too."


OK everyone. I know I know it took a lifetime and then some to get this chapter out. I have heard from so many devoted readers I couldn't ignore them anymore. I hope this will satisfy yall for now. Email all comments to

Next: Chapter 17

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