Lances Search


Published on Apr 15, 2001


"Uhh, Justin," Lance said while soaking up his cum with the towel, "how was it for you? I mean, did I do OK?"

Welcome to "Lance's Search," a multi-chapter exploration of a young man discovering himself. As much as I would suspect otherwise, I have no actual proof of the sexual orientations of Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake or JC Chasez. Consequently anything you read in this story is the product of the mind of its author. That said, this story attempts to take a realistic look into the thoughts and feelings of a guy as he discovers the pains and the joys associated with loving his fellow man... or his fellow band mate as the case may be.

If you have any comments, please e-mail them to Otherwise, enjoy the story.


Previously on Lance's Search...

Justin sat back down on the bed, right up against Lance. "Oh man, you rocked! You got me going big time and I really liked grabbing onto that pole of yours and working it like my personal plaything. I just hope I wasn't too forward for you."

"No, man. Not at all. I just wondered, you know, how I did seeing as this was my first time, and well you've..."

"...Done the deed before?"

"Well, yeah."

"You did great. Of course, you know the saying, 'practice makes perfect.'"

"Guess I've got a lot of practicing to make up."

"And lucky for you, I happen to be a great coach."

Chapter 10

Lance sat quietly on the bus, staring out the window, lost in his thoughts. The other guys were scattered through the vehicle. It sounded as if Chris, Joey and Justin were involved in a Nintendo tournament of some sort. JC had a set of headphones on and appeared to be working out some music in his head.

Lance wondered whether JC had something else on his mind beyond music. Lately he seemed more distant from the rest of the guys than usual. Whenever they were in a city overnight, JC would be with the other guys in the clubs for awhile, but then mysteriously disappear, not to be seen by the others until breakfast time. He couldn't imagine that Josh was keeping any big secrets from the rest of the group. And other than the occasional hangover in the morning, Lance didn't think JC showed any signs of abusing drugs. It just seemed that JC was maybe trying to isolate himself.

Lance chuckled to himself. 'Like I have room to talk,' he thought. Although he and Justin had become much better friends than ever during the past few days, Lance remembered feeling isolated as well - all alone with a secret he was afraid to share.

But now with Justin, Lance had someone he could be intimate with - but not so much in the sense of sexual intimacy. This was also an intellectual intimacy -- sharing all one's thoughts and feelings with someone for the first time in his life. The two engaged in long discussions, everything from who they found hot to how they wanted to live their lives as gay men.

Lance was a big believer in finding the one great love of your life and spending eternity with that person. Justin was a bit more cynical. For now, good sex was his goal. Romance could come later when his life wasn't quite so crazy.

Regardless, the duo continued to participate in mutual masturbation sessions. Lance had not become bold enough to try anything more. Justin was in no rush to take Lance to another level. Sure, he thought about the pleasures he could have with Lance's tool in his mouth or up his ass, but for now, just being able to play with that marvelous cock was enough.

"Earth to Lance."

"Huh? Oh, hey, Curly."

"Learning how to be a zombie?"

"Naw, just thinking and looking at the scenery," Lance said.

"Well, the scenery ain't that great, so you must be heavy into thinking. What's going on under that spikey blond hair of yours?"


"Uh, no. After all we've been through over the past few weeks, I'd rather you lied to me."

"Sarcasm doesn't become you, ya know."

"Yeah, but at least I've got a killer smile and a hot body."

"Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that misconception of yours."


"Sorry, couldn't help myself."

"So why you so deep in thought?"

"I'm thinking we need to talk about JC."

"JC? You think something's wrong?"

"Yo, Timberlake! Get your rear up here. You're up!" Joey yelled.

"Chill out, man. Be right there," Justin yelled back.

"We'll talk later," Lance said.

"You sure, man? I can blow them off for now."

"Yeah, let's wait until we get to the hotel."

"K. Meanwhile, loosen up," Justin said as he headed back to the game room part of the bus.

Lance decided to get up and wander around the bus. He checked in with the driver. Lance always liked to be friendly with the driver and make him feel like a part of the team. He found out they were less than an hour from their destination for the night. That was the good news. The bad news was that fans apparently discovered which hotel they were using.

The blond shared the information with the three gamers, who all responded with groans, then he went off to alert JC of the upcoming gauntlet.

He found him in the same spot as before. Still with the headphones going. He waved at JC to get his attention.

"Hey, Scoop. We there already?"

"Not quite yet, but we've got an intelligence report from the front. An army of teeny boppers are camped out around the hotel."

JC rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I could really do without that tonight."

"You OK?"

"Yeah, just tired, I guess."

"You sure that's all? I mean, you haven't quite been yourself lately."

"I know, but really, Scoop, I'm doing fine."

"OK, but if there's anything you want to talk about or whatever, I'm there for you, Josh."

JC looked up into Lance's green eyes and stared for a moment. With a broken smile on his face, JC responded quietly, "Thanks, James. I may take you up on that sometime."

Lance smiled back. He saw something in JC's look that made him tingle a bit. Made him feel good. He wasn't sure why. "No problem, bro. Anytime you're up to it."

With that, Lance headed back up front with the others to watch their mayhem. 'What is it about JC's stare that can make me feel so strange? Am I attracted to him? Is he giving off some kind of signal to me?' But Lance didn't have long to think. The video game wasn't going so well for Chris, so the oldest group member decided it was time to start a pillow fight instead. Lance protested he had nothing to do with the video games, but he was in the room, so the others determined he was fair game. Once engaged, though, Lance gave as well as he got.

It wasn't long before the bus made it to Ground Zero. Fortunately the hotel called in some police to supplement the boys' security team. But the pathway to the hotel door was long and thin. The five boys girded themselves as best they could, then made a run for it with the help of their bodyguards. Once inside the hotel, they were led to a room near the office. The guys had a routine they followed in these situations, checking in with each other to make sure no one got hurt. JC looked annoyed, but otherwise OK. Justin said he thought he nearly lost part of his shirt.

Room assignments were made. Each guy had a room to himself. They were clustered on a wing that could be sealed off, if necessary. Their staff and bodyguards all had rooms in the same wing. Lance had just gotten settled in his room when the telephone rang.


"Lanceypoo, what did you want to talk about?"

"Hey, stop with the name calling, boy."

"Who you calling a boy?" Justin replied with more giggles than anger. "I think you've seen that I'm all man."

"Well, ya know, I've never really looked at it all that closely, maybe it's just a prop."

"I'll give you a prop all right. So what'd you want?"

"Let me come down there, or you want to join me here?"

"Why don't I meet you at your place. See you in a couple after I get cleaned up."

Several minutes later Justin knocked at the door. Lance was just coming out of the bathroom after doing some cleaning up of his own. He was bare from the waist up. Justin let out a cat call when Lance opened the door.

"Stop it! Get in here you perv."

"Takes one to know one. So, whatsup? You wanted to talk about JC?"

"Yeah, he just seems to be really distant lately. Not really hanging out with the rest of us except when he has to. Silent most of the time. It doesn't seem normal. I'm wondering if there is a problem."

"JC always has had a moody side, at least as long as I've know him. But yeah, he does seem a little more out of it than usual."

"You think it has anything to do with us?"

"With us? Whadda mean?"

"I don't know. Maybe he sees us spending more time together and he feels left out. Maybe he thinks I'm messing with something of his. Maybe he suspects were doing something and he wanted you for himself."

"Who me?" Justin chuckles. "I don't think so. I mean, Josh and I are best of friends, really more like brothers. You know I said I really lusted after a bunch of the guys on MMC. Man, there were some hotties. Matt. Tony. Jason. Even Kevin, Ryan and TJ got me hot. You wanted to know how I discovered jerking off? I kind of spied on Matt one day. He'd go off by himself at times. I decided to see where he went. Well I got an eyeful. He was banging away on his pecker. He never knew I was watching, but I stayed there until the end. Saw him squirting out a good load of cum. Of course, I had to try it out for myself that night. I've always been grateful to Matt, but I never let on that I saw him.

"JC though, that's another story all together. JC was always different for me. It was like we had always been related. Weird, actually. And I'm pretty sure he thinks of me as his brother too."

"I don't know. Maybe that's not it, then. But something is bugging him. You think he'd warm up to his 'baby brother' and tell him?"

"I don't know, man. He can be a hard nut to crack, but I can try. Speaking of nuts, though, I've got a couple about ready to burst," Justin said with an evil grin.

"Never get enough, do you?"

"No way. Besides, you apparently need to check out my tool a little closer so you can see it ain't no prop."

Lance laughed. "I guess you're right."

"You know it," Justin said as he grabbed Lance's crotch through his pants. Lance jumped a bit, but certainly didn't move away from his younger band mate. He smiled back and reached for the bulge in Justin's pants.

It didn't take long for Lance's pants and underwear to fall to the floor. Justin's clothes joined the pile as well. The guys lay down on Lance's bed in their usual position and began the slow jacking of each other. It wasn't long before Lance interrupted the motions.



"I want to do more. I want to suck you."

Justin just smiled and shook his head yes. Lance responded with the biggest smile that Justin thought he had ever seen from him. Then Lance scooted down the bed and got up on his knees. He positioned himself between Justin's legs, which were stretched out for the occasion. He grabbed Justin's cock with his right hand and began the familiar pumping motion. Steadying himself with his left arm, Lance bent toward the hard rod in front of him.

Lance breathed in the odor. It was sweet in a peculiar way. Manly. He liked it. While his nose was taking in the scent, his eyes were dancing around taking in this beautiful penis. He had never been this close to a cock, and now he was just inches away. He could see every tiny bump, every vein, the bulging underside, and the contrasts between the soft, velvety head and the hard-as-rock shaft. Then Lance's tongue seemed to act independently of his mind. It stretched out and carefully licked the head. It caressed the slit and then moved on to the ridge of the head. His tongue seemed to instinctively know where to go. Perhaps because he was a man too, and knew all the right spots. The tongue continued its travels, this time down the underside of the cock. When it reached the bottom of the shaft, it found a whole new playground - Justin's balls. The tongue bathed the ball sac, drawing moans from Justin. Actually, Justin had been moaning all along, but Lance was too enraptured with his own pleasure and explorations to even notice.

Lance began to move his mouth away from the balls. His tongue followed a trail up the right side of Justin's now-twitching cock. When his mouth returned to the peak, Lance took a moment, jacked Justin's rod hard a couple of times, then opened wide and engulfed Justin's cock. He took only the head at first. He swirled his tongue around it and bobbed his head around. Justin moaned even louder now and his legs moved around in response to the pleasure.

Lance was totally thrilled with Justin's reaction. He wondered why he hadn't taken this step earlier. Lance's own penis was as hard as it could be from the excitement of having a cock in his mouth. This was better than any piece of candy. He would forgo French toast forever if he could only have such ecstasy in his mouth all the time. He could feel Justin wriggling under him as he gently moved his hips up and down a bit. Lance took the hint. He slowly moved his mouth further down on the shaft, letting his tongue have a field day in the process. Lance's head moved up and then down again. He was enjoying this. His head movements began to look like a precision piston. Up and down. Up and down. He was in heaven.

Then suddenly he felt Justin's hands on the side of his head, encouraging him to dislodge the cock from his hungry mouth. "Whoa, James. Hold on a minute."

"Getting you too close?"

"Not exactly. Just one problem with your technique. You gotta keep those shiny white teeth from dragging. They can hurt a precious commodity."

"Oh, man, I'm sorry. I didn't even think about that."

"Hey, it's your first time. We all gotta learn sometime. Let me demonstrate."

In what seemed like one fluid, continuous move, Justin rolled Lance's back over to the bed, turned him around and bent over to Lance's rigid flesh. Justin began licking the object. Unknown sensations went through Lance's body like a lightning bolt. Just as Lance didn't think his body could ever feel better, Justin took Lance's rod completely in his mouth in one quick movement. Lance actually shivered as he let out a whimper not of pain, but of total pleasure. It was warm and wet, and the most erotic experience of Lance's young life. His body was rigid and limp all at the same time. He found his hips beginning to grind and sway upward, meeting Justin's downward thrusts. He opened his eyes, looked down and saw Justin's head enthusiastically bobbing up and down. The sight and the sensations were too much to bear any longer.

"Justin, I'm .... I'm coming." The slender blond's back arched up off the bed. His eyes shut tight as the only sensation filling his brain was coming from his groin. Then it happened. One. Two. Three, maybe more spurts. Lance was having an orgasm in Justin's mouth. Then, slowly, the sensation began to subside. His back lowered to the bed and he could feel Justin's head slowing down while his own chest moved quicker, exchanging air in short breaths. Suddenly the sensation on his cock was too much to take. He had to pry Justin's head off his cock, then pulled him up to his face.

They had never kissed before, but for some reason, Lance had to have Justin's lips on his. They locked their lips together for quite awhile with Lance every once in a while getting out an "oh, my God, Justin."

Finally, the two mouths separated and Justin rested his head on Lance's shoulder. Lance was nearly dumbfounded. He had just experienced his first blow job and his first kiss, probably not in the order he thought it would come. But it didn't matter. His body felt so good and it was enjoying the warmth and weight of Justin on top of it. He remembered saying "Thanks," but then he drifted off into sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 11

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