Lances Search


Published on Jul 23, 2001


Welcome to "Lance's Search," a multi-chapter exploration of a young man discovering himself. As much as I would suspect otherwise, I have no actual proof of the sexual orientations of Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake or JC Chasez. Consequently anything you read in this story is the product of the mind of its author. That said, this story attempts to take a realistic look into the thoughts and feelings of a guy as he discovers the pains and the joys associated with loving his fellow man... or his fellow band mate as the case may be.

If you have any comments, please e-mail them to Otherwise, enjoy the story.


Previously on Lance's Search...

"Oh. Forgot. I'll need to go home for my trunks," JC said.

"Don't worry about it, JC," Justin interjected. "I'll bet Lance has some trunks you could use."

Lance gave Justin a death stare, but didn't say anything immediately.

"That would be great, if it's OK with Lance," JC said.

"Yeah. I'm sure I can find you something."

"OK then. Let's head for the grocery store," JC said.

With that, the guys all filed out Lance's front door and agreed on a time to return. Justin whispered to Lance. "Watch yourself." Then he made tracks for his car before Lance could respond either verbally or physically.

"You want to stop off somewhere for lunch on the way?" JC asked Lance.

"How about we hit a drive-up window and head for a park?"

"Good idea, buddy. Let's roll."

Chapter 23

Neither JC nor Lance enjoyed going to drive-up windows and talking into some PA system that the help really didn't know how to use. But they could remain fairly anonymous that way and avoid the onrush of fans. So they placed their orders, paid at the first window and picked up at the second, all without being noticed.

They headed for a nearby park. "If you turn right, the road takes you to a pretty secluded area. I've been back in that area many times," JC told Lance.

Lance pulled off into a makeshift parking spot and the boys headed for a nearby picnic table in the shadows of some big trees. While they ate, they talked. They talked about everything and nothing at all. It was the loosest Lance had seen JC in some time, and he liked it. They laughed and kidded with each other. JC told him things about his family that he'd never heard before. Lance found himself sharing more information too. The time passed by quickly. Before they knew it, they had been sitting there for more than an hour and a half.

Lance's bladder got the best of him. "Is there a restroom nearby?"

"Yeah, if you go down that trail about thirty yards, you'll see it on the right. You want to leave of trail of bread crumbs in case you get lost?" JC asked with a chuckle.

"I think I can manage, thanks." With that said, Lance headed down the path, then on the right he spotted the small building, almost hidden by growth around it. While he had gone in search of the restroom to empty his bladder, after the short walk he realized he also needed to take a dump. There were two toilet stalls in the restroom. It appeared someone was already in the one farthest from the door, so Lance headed in the first stall, closed and locked the door. He undid his belt, unbuttoned his jeans and pushed down both the jeans and his boxer briefs. He sat down and began to let Mother Nature take its course as fluid and solids were released into the bowl.

It was about this time that Lance began to study his surroundings. Lots of graffiti on the stall walls. Some phone numbers. A lot of times and dates. Some drawings of male genitals. Then he noticed it. The hole. It was on the wall between the two stalls and a little bigger than the size of a golf ball. Curiosity got the better of Lance. He bent forward a little and carefully peered through the hole. On the other side was an older man, at least that's what he thought based on the view. And the man was stroking his meat. He was uncut. Probably about 6 inches long. And it became clear to Lance that the man knew he was watching the action.

Lance wasn't sure what to do. He had finished evacuating the waste products from his body. But he just sat there, transfixed by the sight. Lance's tool had become fully erect watching the other man, but he couldn't bring himself to stroke it.

Suddenly the guy stopped stroking and moved around. Lance's torso bolted back as his heart started beating rapidly. It looked like he was trying to see under the stall walls. Lance remained still. Then the man stood up and the next thing Lance knew, he had stuck his hard rod through the hole in the wall. He shook it up and down a few times, as if an invitation for Lance to take hold of the penis. But Lance didn't move. He was hardly even breathing.

Eventually the mystery cock disappeared from the hole and the man sat back down on the toilet. It took Lance a second to regain his composure, once he did he wiped himself clean as quickly as he could. He forced his still rigid cock into his boxer briefs and pants. Flushed. Stopped briefly at the sink to at least moisten his hands and then was out of the building, heading rather quickly back down the path JC had set him on.

On the way back to the picnic table, Lance remembered JC said he came to this part of the park many times. Could it be that JC knew what was in store for Lance? Does he participate in whatever the older man was doing? When he spotted Lance sitting on the bench with his back to the table and stretched out, he let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"I was beginning to wonder if I needed to call out a search party," JC said after spotting his friend. "You have any problems?"

"Uhhh, no. No. Just took me longer than I expected. You ready to get out of here?"

"Yeah, guess we better be making tracks to the grocery store."

JC was still talking a mile a minute during the trip for groceries. Lance, on the other hand, was more subdued, but JC didn't seem to notice. He kept replaying in his head what he had seen in that park restroom. Lance reasoned that the older guy wanted him to play with his cock or even suck it off. But Lance certainly wasn't ready for that kind of scene. He and Justin had played around with each other for weeks and Lance enjoyed that. But something about that older man showing off his meat affected Lance. It made him more determined than ever to find a way to get JC into a relationship with him. Lance didn't want to go through life alone, getting sex in a restroom or paying someone for a roll in the hay. He feared JC was on that course and Lance knew he must try to rescue JC from this loveless life. Just like that... dream...he kept having. Is this what it meant? Maybe his subconscious had known all along.

As they neared the grocery store, the boys discussed what all they needed to purchase. They divided their list up with each responsible for certain items in hopes of making their stay in the store as short as possible. JC insisted they also divide the cost of the groceries, even though Lance protested he was the host and should take care of it. JC won the argument by getting into another line and paying for the items he had.

"You know, that really wasn't necessary, Josh."

"I know, Scoop, but I wanted to do it. Let's just leave it at that."

"Thanks," Lance replied with a smile. JC smiled back. After an awkward pause, the two loaded their purchases in Lance's vehicle and headed off. "Did you want me to drop you off at your place?"

"Don't need to. Besides, someone has to help you get all this food ready for tonight. You don't want to spend all night in the kitchen by yourself."

Once home, the guys decided they had enough time to swim and lounge around the pool before preparing the food for that night. There was the little matter of swim trunks for JC. Living in Florida, Lance had several pairs. Never in his life had he owned a pair of Speedos, but he sure wished he did now to let JC borrow. Instead, Lance pulled out a couple of pairs of board trunks and tossed one over to JC.

"Thanks, man. I really appreciate it."

"No problem," Lance replied as he began purposely undressing in front of JC, hoping his bandmate would do the same. He could tell JC was staring at him out of the corner of his eye. 'Come on, Josh, let me take a look,' Lance thought to himself.

"Uhhh, I'll just go in the bathroom to get changed to give you some privacy."

"Sure. Sure. That's fine." That's what Lance said out loud. To himself he was thinking, 'Damn. I must've screwed up. I shouldn't have tried to push it. Stupid move, Bass! Now he just thinks I'm some kind of exhibitionist.'

Finished dressing, Lance yelled through the bathroom door. "Hey, JC. I'm headed on downstairs."

"Uhh, OK. I'll... down in a few."

Still beating himself up mentally, Lance didn't pay much attention to the fact that JC made it sound like he had interrupted something. 'Probably taking a dump,' he thought, and left it at that.

A few minutes later JC made his way outside. The duo swam around for a while then got out to enjoy the lounge chairs where they allowed the sun to dry them slowly. Not a lot of conversation during this time, yet Lance didn't see any reason to fill the void. The silence was comfortable. Just lying there with JC in a chair a few feet away had its own calming effect. It seemed as if JC was feeling the same thing with a grin on his face.

When Lance closed his eyes, he still had visions of JC. Sights from this day and other days. But the ringing of the telephone rudely interrupted the dreams. Lance had forgotten to bring a phone outside, so the blond made a dash to the house. When he returned to the pool, he told JC the other guys would probably be arriving here in about an hour.

"Time to head to the kitchen then. Last one there gets garbage detail," JC shouted as he sprinted for the door.

"Hey! No fair," Lance said as he tried to catch up. But even though he lost the race, Lance couldn't help but smile.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 24

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