Lances Search


Published on Mar 4, 2001


Welcome to "Lance's Search," a multi-chapter exploration of a young man discovering himself. As much as I would suspect otherwise, I have no actual proof of the sexual orientations of Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake or JC Chasez. Consequently anything you read in this story is the product of the mind of its author. That said, this story attempts to take a realistic look into the thoughts and feelings of a guy as he discovers the pains and the joys associated with loving his fellow man... or his fellow band mate as the case may be. And yes, that means it will take a few chapters before we get to any sex (don't worry it will be worth it). And it will take more chapters before Lance actually achieves the goal of his search.

Thanks to those who have written to me about the story. Your support is appreciated. If you have any comments, please e-mail them to Otherwise, enjoy the story.


Chapter 4

Lance wondered why there would be so many results listed under this search for +NSYNC + Lance Bass +gay. He had to know what it was all about. As it turned out, some of those links just led him to sites that had all the words, but didn't say anything about Lance being gay.

But others really intrigued him. There were sites listed where people were totally convinced Lance was gay. Others were just as convinced that Lance was as straight as an arrow. And what really got Lance was that many of those claiming he was gay were girls. Female fans! He didn't get it. He could understand guys wanting him to be gay, but girls?

More to the point, he didn't know whether he was disgusted or delighted by the discussion. But there was a bigger problem. All of these people had made up their minds on the issue. The person they were discussing simply didn't know. "How can these people be so sure when I'm not?"

Lance continued exploring on the net. People pointing out tiny things: a glance here, a quote there, a move that someone or another interpreted as evidence of his gayness. God, how is it these people have so much time to hunt for such minute details?

There were picture sites. He had to admit that some of them were kind of funny. And looking back, he could see how someone might find more in a picture than was really there. In a lot of those group shots, the photographer told the guys how and where to stand. They would tell us where our hands should be and whose arm should be draped around whom. But Lance also had to admit that he always enjoyed it when JC or Justin had their arms around his shoulder. It felt like a brotherly kind of thing to do. Hey, these guys were his brothers.

Siblings or not, Lance became aware of his growing erection while visiting these sites. Without even thinking, his hand began rubbing the cloth covering his hardened organ. Lance was enjoying the feeling. He hadn't even jacked off for a couple of days. Never liked to do it on the bus and simply hadn't had time today. But now, his right hand slipped under the elastic band of his boxer briefs, until he reached the tip of his cock head.

Lance closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as the familiar pleasure of his hand on his cock began to overtake all other senses. His fingertips glided down the length of his turgid shaft, continuing on to his ball sac. With his left hand, he began to tug at the waistband of his underwear, lifting his rear off of the seat long enough to slide the boxer briefs down past his butt, cock and balls.

With the new-found freedom, Lance's right-hand fingers surrounded his shaft. Slowly he began that rhythm discovered by all guys sometime during their youths. His hand slowly pumped up and down. He opened his eyes, focusing on the picture currently on screen. It was one of those with JC practically climbing on Lance's back. The blond started making up his own version of that picture, one that would end much differently from what really happened.

The pleasure was really building in Lance's groin. A slight moan escaped from his mouth.


Lance jumped. "What the hell?"

BANG, BANG, BANG! "Lance, you up? It's Justin."

When Lance jumped he tipped over a half-empty can of Dr. Pepper, sending its contents to the floor. "God, at least I didn't get Justin's keyboard messed up like he warned."

BANG, BANG BANG! "Come on, dude, I know you can't be sleeping already."

"Just a sec, man," Lance responded as he pulled up his boxer briefs and quickly got a towel and put it on the floor. He started heading for the door when he realized what was on the computer screen.

"What's the matter, you naked in there or something?"

Lance quit out of the web browser and disconnected quickly. Fortunately by now, there really wasn't much left of his hard-on, deflated by all of the activity mixed with panic. He swung the door open quickly. Justin was standing there with a big grin on his face.

"Man, you scared the shit out of me banging on the door like that," Lance said glaring at the youth.

"Oh, Lance, my man, such language! What would Mama Bass have to say about that?"

"Shut up, dude! You made me spill my drink on the floor," he said, pointing to where the towel was now soaking up what remained of the Dr. Pepper. "What are you doing here at ... what time is it anyway?"

"It's 3 a.m. Remember I said I'd stop by after making the rounds of the clubs? I knew you'd still be up playing with my 'puter."

"Yeah, yeah, so you were right. Big deal. Now get outta here. Remember we've got a concert to do tomorrow ... I mean tonight."

"K. I'll go catch my ZZZs. But you better too, Scoop. Stop checking out those porn sites and give my computer and that towel a rest," Justin with a laugh while heading down the hall to his room.

Lance slowly closed the door behind him and leaned on it with a big sigh. "What just happened?" He just now noticed how fast his heart was beating. He had nearly been caught. Caught at what? He knew the other guys jerked off all the time. He had even walked in on JC doing it once. He remembered being more embarrassed about it than JC was.

What was Justin thinking? Visiting porn sites? And that crack about giving the towel a rest? Lance ran his hands through his hair. "I gotta get to bed."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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