Lances Search


Published on May 6, 2001


Welcome to "Lance's Search," a multi-chapter exploration of a young man discovering himself. As much as I would suspect otherwise, I have no actual proof of the sexual orientations of Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake or JC Chasez. Consequently anything you read in this story is the product of the mind of its author. That said, this story attempts to take a realistic look into the thoughts and feelings of a guy as he discovers the pains and the joys associated with loving his fellow man... or his fellow band mate as the case may be.

Thanks to those who have written to me about Lance's Search. I appreciate the feedback.

If you have any comments, please e-mail them to Otherwise, enjoy the story.


Previously on Lance's Search...

"You a member?" an older man said from a booth window just inside the doorway.


"Are you a member here, honey?"

"Uhh, no. No, I'm not. I haven't been here before."

"Oh, some fresh meat hitting the floor. That'll be $5 to get in."

"Yeah, sure," Lance said as he fumbled around for his money. 'What did he mean by fresh meat?'

The man took Lance's $5. "Go on in honey, and be sure to play safe."

"Yeah, thanks." Lance turned and headed the few steps to the next door. A buzzer sounded, releasing the door lock and Lance reached for the doorknob. What he saw inside the room took him by surprise.

Chapter 13

Lance's concern and curiosity had gotten the better of him. He had followed JC to this building, paid $5 to a strange man in a booth and then walked into what seemed to be another world.

Dance music pulsated through the room at a volume beyond what Lance was used to. No in-ear monitors to filter out unwanted sounds. Smoke filled the hot air. Lights flashed on and off and danced around the room. He could make out a bar at one end of the large room. People packed the dance floor. He could tell many of them were working up a sweat, yet the smell of cologne overpowered any body odor.

Lance felt something was different about this place, but he couldn't put his finger on it yet. He did notice there were more guys here than girls. A lot more guys. For that matter, it seemed like guys were dancing with guys.

"Hey, handsome, haven't seen you here before," said a rather sultry voice to his right. Lance turned to face the voice. It was a woman. At least he thought it was. Certainly the person was dressed like a woman.

"First time here," he replied. "Looking for a friend."

"Hmmmm, what a nice deep Southern voice you have. Talk to me some more and I'll be your friend."

"No, I mean I'm looking for a friend of mine who came in here."

"Well, ain't he the lucky boy then? You know I always loved those Southern accents. Just makes me tingle all over listening to that drawl. Say something else."

"Ahh, look, I'd really like to talk more, but it's kind of important that I find my friend."

"Oh my, there's that tingling again. Anything this girl can do to help you?"

"No thanks. I'll find him." Lance began to walk away, then turned back around. "Forgive me, but there's just something different about you. You don't look like most women I know."

"Well, my Southern hottie, I've got things most girls you know don't have. Care to head for a room to find out what it is?" the female said in seductive tones.

"Uhhh, no thanks." Lance blushed as he walked away from that woman, not that anyone would spot the blush under those lights. He continued wandering around, searching. He felt eyes on him wherever he walked. No one else seemed to be ready to approach him, but he could tell everyone he passed was looking him all over. He wasn't sure what he had walked into. He hoped no one could identify him, although there didn't seem to be any of the typical NSYNC fans in sight. This place was packed and even getting around was difficult. Lance could have sworn a couple of times that some hands lingered on his body while he was squeezing through a crowd.

He finally reached the bar area. He searched for any sign of JC. A lot of slender, handsome men, but none of them were JC. Then he noticed something. Two guys at the bar were kissing. Not a friendly peck on the cheeks either. Full-on mouth to mouth kissing. Passionate kissing. Just like he and Justin had done. Lance's eyes almost popped out of his head. It was at this point that Lance finally understood. He was in a gay bar. "Oh, my God," Lance said quietly to himself. He just stood there for a moment. "Oh man, that means that woman probably wasn't a woman. God, I can be so dense at times."

Suddenly a wave of panic came over Lance. What if someone recognizes me? It couldn't be good for his career if the media got wind of this. 'But what about JC? I swear I saw him come into this building. I didn't see any other doors he could have gone in.' Lance decided there was no time to think about JC now. He slowly turned around and headed back down the gauntlet he endured to get this far. Lance might as well thought he was in a cage with tigers, trying not to attract attention and cautiously heading for the exit. More hands lingering on his body. More eyes checking him out. Someone even felt him up. Lance's mind was on overload. He wanted out of this place now.

He had nearly made it to the door when something, or rather someone, attracted his attention. Atop a platform in the middle of the dance floor were two guys dancing rather suggestively and with wild abandon. Lance thought there was something strangely familiar about the dancing of the guy with his back toward him. His dance partner was a nice-looking blond boy with spiky hair who was probably just a few inches shorter than the other guy. The two bodies kept rubbing up against each other in time with the beat. Lance found it strangely erotic just watching these two. He could feel the rise inside his pants just from watching. Then the other dancer turned around. It was...

"," Lance said aloud to no one in particular. He just stood there in stunned silence, transfixed by what he saw. "I gotta get out of here." He finally forced his body to obey and moved quickly through the door, down the small hallway with the guy in the booth, out the front door, down the few steps, across the street and down a block or two before his body declared a halt. Lance leaned up against a building. His mind was racing faster than even his body had been. 'What did all of this mean? Did I really see what I thought I saw?'

"I need to just get back to the hotel. I need time to figure this one out." With that, he walked a little further, then found a taxi - a rather fortunate find seeing as Lance wasn't exactly sure about the way to the hotel.

He was the first member of the group to return for the night. Lance desperately hoped Justin would be back, but knew his arrival was probably still a couple of hours away. He decided to leave a message with the front desk, asking Justin to give him a call when he got in.

Lance's mind was still racing. He certainly wasn't going to fall asleep soon. He powered up his computer and signed on to the net. Recently he had discovered an archive on the Internet called Nifty. It was full of stories Lance had never even dreamed could be written. The Boy Bands category had attracted his attention. The combinations of the guys, even crossovers between competing bands, amused him. For example, this one series about Justin and Nick Carter was pretty hot. The two were going to get married in that story. He and Justin had joked around about that one a lot. "If only it were so," Justin would say wistfully.

For some reason though, Lance had become particularly attached to stories that paired him off with JC. He found those stories stirred up feelings in him like no other. Even now just thinking about one of those stories caused movement in his pants. Lance's cock was taking on blood.

"No, I can't do this now," he said. He decided to lie down on the bed and wait for Justin to return. But Lance's eyelids began to droop. Eventually they shut tight. The next thing Lance knew, he could hear his telephone ring.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 14

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