Mark Cohen

Published on Sep 24, 2012


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with BDSM, CBT, Water Sports, Scat, Anal and Oran sex between consenting and non consenting men. All names are also fiction. All places and or events never happened. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to read this story in your State or Province, you should leave this site now.

Chapter 1

My name is Jeremy Simpson. My Dad was Samuel Simpson, CEO of Simpson Steel and Shipyards. So I guess you could say I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I never wanted for anything. I had an older brother, also a Samuel after my Father. He was five years my senior. My Mom died giving birth to me. That was probably why I hardly ever saw my Dad or older brother. I was raised by a Black Nanny.

When I was six I was packed off to an all boy's school. I only came home for Christmas. My summer vacations were spent at a boy's camp. The only friends I had were from school or the boy's camp.

In junior high things started to change for me. For one, I sprouted like a weed. I grew almost ten inches in one year and gained about 50 pounds. That made me the biggest kid in junior high, but I was also terrible at sports. The only sport I was good at was swimming.

Other things were happening to me too. Although we all talked about girls, sometimes that's all we talked about, none of us had much chance to even see a girl let alone do anything with one. For me, even though I joined in the banter, all my interest was was the boys. I didn't know what that meant, but I'd spend many times in the washrooms jacking off thinking about playing with boys cocks.

When I finished Junior High I was sent to an exclusive high School. This school catered to the very, very rich only. Before in elementary and junior high we had been in dorm rooms with up to twelve boys to a room, but here only four guys shared a room. We also had to join a sports team. Because I was good only at swimming I joined the swimming team. This was where I met my dream boat.

His name was Norval and he was a God. I was dumb struck the first time I saw him and fell in love on the spot. He was about six feet tall and had the perfect swimmers build. Long muscled legs, smooth chest, long arms with just the perfect amount of muscle. He had the bluest eyes I had ever seen, but the big bulge in his swim shorts drew me in like a fly to fly paper. I could only mumble a hello when the coach introduced us.

Now this was back in 1925 and swimming shorts didn't show much, even when wet, but what they did show told me Norval had a pretty big cock.

Weather he had a sixth sense or not I never knew but he seemed to take a liking to me right off. In the pool we were pretty evenly matched and that made us the fastest swimmers on the team. The coach noticed and so we trained together almost all the time. I couldn't have been happier. Just getting close to him made me feel all funny inside and kept me horny all the time.

Things started to change for Norval and me as we prepared for a big swim meet against a rival school. One day after practice the coach told us both we could train extra after school every day if we wanted. So we agreed.

After a particularly hard training session, I was so tired I could hardly walk. I staggered into the shower room, stripped off my shorts and stood under a hot shower letting all the pain wash away. Normally I was very careful to make sure no one saw me nude, coz I'd normally get hard seeing all the nude guys showering. This time I never even thought about what I was doing. I came abruptly back to reality when Norval spoke up.

"Wow Jer! You're in great shape."

I opened my eyes and Norval was under the next shower head, totally nude and looking at me. I got instantly hard.

"Wow! That's nice too." He said and then gripped my hard cock.

I almost fainted on the spot and lost it all. I just dropped to my knees and put his very hard cock right into my mouth.

"Oh God Jer." He said as his hips pumped forward.

I could not believe how good that cock felt in my mouth. So smooth, so hard yet spongy. I loved it as he slowly moved his cock in and out of my mouth. I felt his cock thicken in my mouth and then he yelled and I tasted the sweetest nectar I had ever had before. I loved it so much I started to suck harder to get more of that nectar. Norval quickly stepped back.

"Whoa, I get kind of sensitive after coming."

I was still on my knees and I looked up at him. Tears started down my face as I realized what I had just done. Now I was going to the butt of everyone in the school. Norval pulled me up.

"Hey, easy Jer. It's okay and I'm glad I'm not the only one here."

"What, what do you mean?" I said between sobs.

"This." He dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth.

The shock of him doing that blew my mind and being as horny as I was I think he only sucked for a few seconds before I blew in his mouth. He sucked it all up and swallowed. I almost fainted and slumped against the wall of the shower. He stood up smiling.

"You taste fantastic Jer. Just what I thought you might."

I was speechless. He took my hand and led me over to one of the benches.

"Jer, I thought you might be like me from the first day. I wanted to ask, but was scared I'd get branded as a fag if you weren't."

"I fell in love with you the first day Norval."

We were both hard again and without a thought went down to the floor and started to suck each other. This is what I wanted to all the time from now on. We both got off again and then after a quick shower dressed in silence.

"So now what do we do?" I asked.

"Well first lets see if we can room together. Coach will probably ok it, but we need permission from the House committee."

I don't know where it came from, but my next words really opened his eyes.

"I want you to fuck me Norval."

"Took the words right out of my mouth." He burst out laughing.

"Oh Wow! Really?"

"Yeah Jer, I've dreamed of nothing else for along time." "Well how are your marks, I mean in your other classes?"

"Not as good as they could be."

"Well mine are pretty good. Maybe we can use that as an excuse to get a room together. Me tutoring you."

"Alright. Great idea,"

Three days later we had a room together and could suck each other with no one knowing. That brought back our next dream. I wanted Norval to fuck me and he wanted me to fuck him.

"I don't think we should do this at the school. I'll call my Uncle Mark and see if we can use his house the first time."

"Who is your Uncle?"

"Well he's not really my Uncle, but he is just like us. He knows my Dad and I've spent some time at his house and even sucked him off. He'll let us do it at his place, although he might like to watch."

"Jesus, you been sucking before. You were my first."

"Jer, I think I was eight when I figured out I liked to suck cocks. There were never any girls or women in our house. My Mom and Dad are divorced, so I was raised by my Dad's butler. I sucked my Uncle off when I was ten I think. I even asked him to fuck me once, but he said to wait until I found someone I really liked. Now I found you and want you to fuck me."

"So how many guys have you sucked, not that it matters to me.

"Well Uncle Mike and his butler, he's black. Some of Uncle Mark's friends. You and a couple of boys when I was in junior high." "You sucked off a black guy? How was it?"

"Their real big, but his cock was real smooth. Nice sweet load too. You want to try him? We could ask when we visit my Uncle."

"You mean he'd let me?"

"Oh sure. I think My Uncle and him are lovers. At least they both sleep together."

"I know my Uncle would let you suck him off. Hell maybe we could get to suck lots of guys."

"I'm not sure about that, but I guess we could think about it."

Getting away for a weekend was pretty easy. As long as we had a real place to go to, we could get weekend passes. Norval called his Uncle and he invited us all over for a long weekend. So we would leave on Thursday evening and be back before class on Monday. Three whole days together away from school.

Well I got an inkling of how rich his Uncle Mark was when we were picked up by a long black Cadillac limo. Instead of shaking the black drivers hand, Norval hugged him and I think even groped him.

"You'll never change Norval." The black driver laughed.

I was even more astounded when we climbed in back and Norval handed me a cold beer. This was prohibition and booze of any kind was illegal. Norval just laughed.

The house, ha, should I say mansion we arrived at was in the country and was even walled. We drove through an iron gate and along a long road to the house proper. It was huge. Whoever his Uncle was, he was very rich.

The man who came down the steps to meet us was to my mind very young, maybe thirty or thirty five.

"Hi. Welcome to my home. I'm Mark Cohen. So this is the young man that has stolen your heart Norval. You sure know how to pick them."

"Eddy, put their bags in the Rushmore suite."

"Yes Sir."

"Come on boys. Come on in."

The inside was even grander than the outside. Rich tapestries covered the walls along with paintings, some even nude. Dark polished wood smelled of money. Mark led us into a library off the main entrance. He grabbed three beers, handed us one and sat down.

"So what do you boys want to do this weekend?"

"Well Uncle, I want Jer to fuck me and he wants me to fuck him."

I think I turned several shades of red when Norval said that.

Mark just laughed.

"So first time for each other?"


Cool, well the rooms not sound proof, but it should be okay for your needs. Don't worry Jer, if Norval really loves you, I think you both will be fine and I don't care one way or the other."

"Now, this is a long weekend and I usually have lots of people showing up. Norval you have met most of them, but I hope you new boy friend won't be offended by what goes on here."

"I guess I need to thank you for letting us come over here. Can I suck you off?"

Norval's mouth dropped open and Mark laughed out loud.

"That's what I like. A man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to ask. Sure Jer. Here or in private?"

"Well I have already sucked Norval off lots and liked it, so here is okay, if its okay with you Norval."

"Sure love. Go for it."

Mark stood up and pulled the colorful shirt off over his head. Undid his pants and let them drop. Pulled down his boxers and removed them and then sat down. Wow, he was way bigger than Norval and he looked like he was circumcised. He slowly jacked until it was hard. I was shaking all over.

Norval stood up and quickly undressed. He then helped me undress. Seeing Norval hard got me hard and very horny real quick. Mark just had a smile on his face. Before I could move Eddy walked into the library. Norval was quick to grab him by the cock. Eddy just dropped his pants and Norval was on his cock in a second. That broke my resistance and I was between Marks legs in a heart beat, his cock sliding into my mouth. He really was bigger and longer, but it felt so right. I sucked and licked his cock as he moaned.

"Better just play with the head Jer, I'm getting close."

As I licked and sucked his big knob, he fired into my mouth. Although very salty I just sucked and swallowed. He never stopped me after he came and I continued until he was soft.

"You taste real good Uncle Mark." I said as I remained kneeling at his feet.

"Here Jer, try Eddy."

I turned to see a beautiful thick black cock barely inches from my mouth. Without hesitation I sucked on it. Wow so smooth, like silk, but very thick, I could only get about three inches in my mouth. Eddy never forced it, just let me take what I could. I saw from the corner of my eye Mark going down on Norval. I though I had a fire hose in my mouth when Eddy came, there was so much. Some even leaked out onto his shaft. After swallowing all I could I licked up what had slipped out.

"Wow boy. You suck good."

I thought about how that cock would feel in my ass and my cock fired onto the floor.

"After Norval fucks me, I want you and Uncle Mark to fuck me too."

"Okay." Eddy said smiling.

After everyone was done we sat and had another beer. Seeing all those cocks, just got me hard again. I knew what I wanted next. I looked at Norval and I guess his sixth sense knew what I wanted. He stood up and took my hand and led me out of the library and up the stairs.

I figure our first time we would be alone, but I was barely lying on the bed when Mark and Eddy walked in.

"First time Norval you really need to go slow. It can be very painful otherwise." Mark said. I didn't care weather he went slow or fast. All I wanted was his cock inside me.

"Just fuck me already."

I felt something being spread around my hole and then felt Norval's cock at my hole.

"Shove it in. Fuck me Love." I almost screamed.

I felt his cock right at my hole and then the most pain I have ever felt seared my body. As I opened my mouth to scream Eddy's thick cock filled my mouth. I thought some one had shoved a knife into my ass it hurt so much. I thought I heard Norval say its all the way in but my mind was numb from the pain. It went on and on and I wondered why I had wished for this to happen. I felt his hot load fill me but he just continued. The second time he came he pulled out and Eddy lifted off my face.

"You okay love?"

"God that hurt. Are you going to do it again?"

"Well I need to recover for a while. Do you still want Uncle Mark and Eddy?"


I almost regretted my words as I watched Mark climb onto the bed. His ten inch cock leading the way. He never bothered to lube up his cock, just brought it to my hole. The pain started again as he slowly entered me. I noticed the pain was only on my hole, once he was inside it felt different, not painful, just sort of an ache like I had a big turd in my ass. Once he started to fuck me, even the pain at my hole disappeared and it started to feel real good. It still hurt when his head hit the very top of my ass but otherwise it was okay. "Harder, faster Uncle Mark." I moaned.

God I was beginning to love it and wanted it to never end. But end it did as I felt the hot load of semen fill my ass. Mark pulled out as I just laid like a wet rag on the bed. I hardly even noticed when Eddy entered me, but still yelled for him to fuck me long and hard. After Eddy pulled out, both just left Norval and I together.

Norval helped me into the shower and was able to wash me out inside. He then fucked me standing up in the shower. He pulled out before he came and I sucked him off.

"God that felt good that time love."

"Well you got to fuck me now."

We went back to bed and Norval laid down and pulled his legs back. I did as he had done, covered his hole with Vaseline and then my cock. He stuffed a sock in his mouth as I pushed the head of my cock into his hole. His back arched and a muffled scream came from his mouth. I pushed harder and felt my cock slide into his very hot hole. Just that feeling alone sent me over the top and I blew inside him. He pulled the sock out.

"Again love. Fuck me again."

Considering I was still hard I had already decided to fuck him again. I started slow but he kept yelling for harder and faster. That brought me off quickly, but I was astounded I was still hard. I pulled out and bent to suck his cock. He turned quickly and took my cock into his mouth too. I could not believe what he was doing, my cock was covered in cumm and shit from inside his ass. He just sucked as I sucked him. I was sure I'd never get off a third time in less than hour, but his mouth on my cock and his in my mouth brought me up real quick. It was almost painful when I came a third time. As I came he blew in my mouth. That was something I would never tire of, his sweet sperm in my mouth. We just rolled up together and went to sleep.

I'm not sure how long we slept but were awakened by a knock at our door. We both sat up on the bed. A much older guy walked in.

"Hi Charlie. Uncle Mark invite you out too?" Norval said.

"Yeah, he said you were up here with your new boyfriend."

Charlie was nude and a bit over weight. But he had a long cock hanging between his legs. Seeing that cock got me instantly hard. Norval I saw was hard too. He walked right up to where we were sitting.

"Either of you two want to take care of this for me." He lifted his cock up.

Without a thought I leaned forward and took it into my mouth. He became pretty aggressive.

"Wow boy. You got a hot mouth. Come on take it. Take it all."

He started to fuck my face, forcing his cock into my throat, which made me gag and choke. That never bothered him as he hammered my mouth. When he came is was bitter and sour, but I just swallowed. When he was done he just pulled out, patted me on the head and laughing left.

"Fuck I hate doing him." Norval said.

"Yeah he's real bad tasting."

"Taste doesn't bother me its how he like to ram it down your throat."

"Well that too, but Love this is still a dream come true. You want to fuck me again?"

"Well lets get some real food and see who else my Uncle brought over. Look some of these guys can be real assholes, but most will let you suck them off."

I'll make sure to tell you which guys to avoid."

Okay love."

We dressed and went and met most of his Uncles friends. He pointed out those to avoid and after eating went back to our room. Norval locked our door. After he fucked me and came inside once he fucked me again and I sucked him off, even knowing the last place his cock was, was inside me. I fucked him twice and he sucked me off. We then just slept in each others arms.

In the morning we fucked each other in the shower. After we used a hose attached to the shower to clean ourselves out inside. I think I could have spent the whole day in bed with Norval. I got hard just being close to him. He did too.

We headed down for breakfast after dressing. Mark and Eddy were the only ones at breakfast.

"So what happened to all your guests? Usually they spend all weekend Uncle."

"Some will be back this afternoon. After you two love birds hit your nest most left. So what do you too have planned besides fucking each others brains out." He laughed.

"Well I want you and Eddy to fuck me like you did Jer."

"Well okay. Are you okay with that Jer?"

"Sure coz I might get you to fuck me again or maybe just suck you both off."

"Boy are you two real horny boys."

"Uncle, you have done so much for me. I never see my Dad and Jer doesn't either. That's all both of us ever dreamed of. I want you to fuck me Uncle as much as I like Jer fucking me. Hell I'd like to be fucked by anyone and I know Jer would too. And sucking we both love that too."

I told Jer he could probably suck lots of guys here and now that we have both been fucked, we both love it too."

"Jesus, I should pimp you guys out. I'd make a fortune." Mark laughed.

"Sure, why not, as long as we get a cut." I said.

"Whoa, wait a minute. I'm not going to be your pimp."

"Why not Uncle? We love to get fucked and we love to suck. All the money we have comes from trusts set up by our dads. So we'd have our own money to spend on what we want. Besides then you and Eddy could use us anytime." Norval said.

"Are you two serious about this?"

Norval and I looked at each other and then nodded together.

"Yes Uncle, we are serious. You set it up and anyone can fuck us or we will suck them off, you figure out what to charge and give us a cut."

He just shook his head and then he and Eddy left us alone.

"Wow, I never even thought about getting paid to get fucked, but it would be so cool and we'd even make lots of money." I said. "Yeah and we'd get lots of what we both want. We'd have to be careful though, I don't want to catch anything."

"Yeah the guys would have wear rubbers to fuck us. Think your Uncle will go for it?"


Well nothing was said during the rest of the weekend. We both got fucked by Eddy and Mark again and we both sucked off lots of guys. It was a real good weekend.

We spent quite a few weekends at Marks and even got fucked and sucked lots of guys. We had all but forgotten the idea of getting paid for what we loved to do. Summer was coming and Norval and I planned to spend the summer together at his Dads house down in Key West. His Dad was never there so we'd have the place to ourselves.

Exams were over and we were packing to leave when Uncle Mark called and invited us to spend the summer with him at his summer home in Georgia. We accepted immediately. Both of us were thinking with our cocks.

We took the train down and stopped in Washington for the fourth of July. We had a great time and then headed south in Uncle Marks limo. Uncle Marks house in Georgia was if anything bigger than his home outside New York. It was an old plantation house right on the ocean. It was still a plantation and we saw many blacks working around the plantation. They weren't slaves anymore although I guess some were still treated that way. The way some were dressed we could see they were hung real good too.

I'm sure Norval and I were thinking the same thing as we smiled at each other.

Eddy's was only black cock either of us had ever had. After being shown our room, we met with Uncle Mark and Eddy in the big library. After everyone had a cool drink Mark brought it all back to us.

"So are you two still interested in making money with your mouth or ass?"

We were both quick to answer yes, at the same time. And then we laughed.

"Okay. I have set it up for you guys. Don't say I never tried to talk you out of this. Your going to be some sore puppies after a few nights here. That room I gave you is for your own use. I have set two rooms over the Barn for your nocturnal fun. I'm charging fifty dollars for a blow job and a hundred for a fuck. You two get 20 percent. There are condoms in your rooms, but weather you use them is up to you."

"Okay, when do we start?" Norval asked.

"First a few rules okay. First off, there's no backing out once we start. You two will spend every night Tuesday to Saturday in those rooms all night. There is a shower set up for you to wash or clean yourselves out after each trick. Now you two are not the only boy hookers here. There are two black boys working too. They mostly get white guys doing them. You guys will probably get a lot of black guys. You saw all those people working the plantation, well they are paid very well and the plantation makes real good money, but being as there are not many women here they need an outlet. Your going to be their outlet. You spend your night there and days here inside. Your going to sleeping lots during the day.

As to when you can start is right now. There's probably a line up already for you two. Eddy will show where to go. Have fun guys, see you in the morning."

Eddy walked us down to the barn. Inside on the main floor it did look like a barn. Upstairs it all changed. Four big bedrooms with king sized bed and attached bathroom. There was huge tub of Vaseline and a gross of condoms on the bedside table. Eddy told us to undress completely and hang our clothes in the small closet. He told us each patron would have a card that said what they wanted. Either blow job or fuck. He said he would be close by in case we had any trouble.

Norval and I kissed and then we went into our separate rooms. I was just a little scared about what I had got myself into.

I had barely sat down when the first customer walked in. He was about seventeen I thought, but had a real nice looking cock showing in his shorts. He handed me a card that said BJ. I told him to undress and lay on the bed. When he was laying down I sat on the edge of the bed. I was shaking a bit as I leaned over and took his soft cock into my mouth. All the things I remembered about Eddy's cock came back. He didn't stay soft for long and soon I had a silky smooth cock filling my mouth. God I loved the feel of these cocks. He must have been super horny, it didn't take him any time at all to blow his salty sweet load in my mouth. Even as I pulled off he remained very hard.

"Do you want another one?"

"I only afford once, but thanks you very good."

He got up and dressed and left. I figured I'd have to talk to Eddy about seconds with each customer. From then on time seemed to stand still. I sucked off a lot of black cocks, some came quick while others lasted a long time. I preferred they lasted a long time. I loved the feel of black cocks in my mouth and throat. I did get fucked a few times, but mostly just sucked. Some of the cocks I sucked I would have loved to have in my ass. I even puked once in the toilet after having ten or twelve guys cumm in my stomach. I only used the shower once all night. After pissing one time Eddy came in and said it was morning.

I asked Eddy about guys who came quick, if I could blow them twice. He said for sure as many times as a customer wanted. Even fucking he said. I met Norval for breakfast although I wasn't that hungry. We compared notes on our tricks. He too sucked more than he got fucked, but still loved it all.

The days turned into weeks and I never tired of what I was doing. Neither did Norval and even said he could do it seven days a week. I even had a few black guys, mostly young that wanted me to fuck them. I loved that too, they were so smooth inside. I always sucked guys off after fucking them and some left pretty good tips.

Norval and I always fucked each other before we showered and then slept. To me and Norval it was all just routine and Uncle Mark was astounded that we could just continue. After six weeks of spending almost our entire summer getting fucked or sucking, we prepared to head back to school. I'd definitely miss all the great cocks I had had in my mouth and ass.

We were sitting in the library. Uncle Mark had been a stockbroker, but had got out and cashed out. He had tons of money plus the two houses, plantation and even a big yacht. He was a very good accountant and had kept a very good track of all we had done that summer.

"You two are unbelievable. Another summer like this one you could almost retire. Want to know the exact figures?"

"Sure why not."

"Okay. Norval you gave 964 blowjobs and you were fucked 245 times. That gives you $14,540.00.

Jer, you did a little better with 1009 cocks sucked and 295 guys fucked. For a grand total of $15,910.00."

"Well I wish we could just continue." I said.

"Well I can set up a few tricks for you guys on weekends back in New York, but we have to be real careful."

"Well do it Uncle. You aren't going to pay us in cash are you?"

"No, I'll set accounts for you both down here. I'll get you checks so you can draw on it."


We went back to school very happy by what we had done over the summer. You might have thought it would be out of our systems, but all we thought and talked about was who else we could find to suck or fuck or vice versa. We had to be very careful. If anyone found out we were homosexuals, we could be locked up in a loony bin for the rest of our lives.

Last year we had had a four bed room. This year as sophomores we had a two bed room, which was great. We watched and looked at all the guys. Some were hung real great, while most were average or less. No one appeared to be like us. At least we had each other.

We did spend almost every weekend at Uncle Marks. We did add to our cash sometimes, but not often although we got fucked lots and sucked lots of cocks.

About half way through the year a new guy transferred from a school in Texas. His Dad was an oilman and had shit loads of money. Like Norval and me, he didn't have a Mom. We didn't know why and didn't ask. Everyone called him Red. He had the reddest hair I had every seen. He was also build very much like Norval. Figures he was also a swimmer and almost as fast as Norval and I. The coach noticed and soon the three of us were teamed to train together.

Now that put a bit of a crimp in our routine. Norval and I still trained after hours in the pool and now Red joined us. He wasn't modest about getting naked after our training and we both saw his long, but thin cock, almost buried in his red pubes. It was a Thursday night and Norval and I were happy. Tomorrow were going to Uncle Marks. We were playing a little grab ass in the shower and on one of my grabs got Norval by the cock. He got instantly hard. I had forgot Red was showering with us and when I looked up saw Red's long cock very hard. I was so shocked I stopped and just looked. When he saw me looking he turned away.

I whispered to Norval what I had seen.

Norval smiled and walked to Red. He wrapped his arms around him and grabbed his cock. As he turned him I dropped and slipped his cock into my mouth. As soon as his cock was in my mouth, he thrust his hips forward and all his cock was buried in my throat. After sucking so many cocks, I never even gagged anymore. God it felt good, so smooth and so firm. Even with Norval holding him he became almost frenzied as he hammered my mouth. I just let it happen, I loved to suck so much. He didn't take long to come and his load totally filled my mouth. Sweet too, I just swallowed as fast as I could.

As soon as he finished, he broke Norval's grip and turned to the wall and started to cry. Both of us were quick to get beside him.

"Hey Red. I'm sorry. If your not into it, I really am sorry man."

"You don't understand he wailed."

"What do you mean Red?"

"I wanted it to happen. I have wanted it to happen since the first time I saw you guys. I just knew you were like me but was so scared everyone would find out. Now my Dad will really send me to a crazy house." He cried. Norval and I wrapped our arms around Red and led him to the bench in the change room. WE sat down with him between us.

"No ones going to find out Red. We're not going to tell anyone. So your Dad won't know anything."

"Really! You mean you guys won't tell anyone I'm a fag?"

"Of course not. They might find out we're fags too." I chuckled.

"Come on, lets get dressed and go up to our room." Norval said.

We got dressed and headed up to our room. We sat Red down and asked him to tell us all.

"Well my Dad has a big ranch and also owns an oil company. I always played with the nigger boys when I was young."

"Red we don't use that word. We have some good friends who are black."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Well I played with the black boys. Some times we even jacked together and sucked each other. When I got older I found I liked to suck boys cocks. One day my Dad caught me and told me if he ever saw it again he's have me committed. Well I guess he heard about me doing it again and sent me here. He told me if I ever did anything like I had again he'd send me to a loony bin for the rest of my life. I know I'm a fag, but just can't help it. I wish I was different. Then I saw you two and just knew you were like me, but was so scared my Dad would find out, I never said anything."

With Red sitting between us, I was very hard and I could see he was too. I reached over and gripped his cock.

Red looked at me.

"Will you fuck me? It's been a while, but I have dreamed of it every night."

"Well we won't tonight Red, but how about you coming to my Uncles place this weekend. We could do it there."

"Are you sure it would be okay?" He asked.

Norval burst out laughing.

"Yeah Red, it would be okay. Uncle Mark is just like us. Even his butler is a fag."

"That would be so cool. Can I suck you guys off now?"

"Sure and I want to suck you too Red." Norval said.

Well we spent a couple of hours in a daisy chain of sucking. I loved Red's long cock in my mouth and loved how he tasted. He was real good cock sucker too and got Norval and I off twice. Very late he staggered back to his dorm room.

"Boy is he sweet and I love his length too. Going to feel real nice when he fucks us." Norval smiled.

"Glad you said us Love."

"It will always be us Jer."

Norval and I slept in each others arms that night. Totally sated from all the sucking we had done.

Friday seemed to drag by slowly. Dead on five o'clock, Eddy showed up with the Limo. He never commented on Red as he climbed in the Limo.

Uncle Mark greeted him like he was a long lost brother. We knew Mark would accept him, coz he knew we'd never bring anyone that wasn't like us. We went into the library and sat down. Uncle Mark got us all a cold beer.

"Wow Red. Your one good looking guy. I have to admit, I once had a thing for red heads until I met Eddy."

"So Red where are you from?"

"Well my Dad has a Ranch outside El Paso Texas. He also owns Hampton Oil."

"I know you, but you were only about ten when I met you. Your Walter Hampton, the son of David Hampton. I have several thousand shares of Hampton Oil. Your Dad's about the richest guy in the Country."

"Yeah well he found out I like boys and sent me to Excelsior."

"Well I for one am glad he did." I said.

"Me too Red." Norval said.

Red turned almost as red in the face as his hair was. Everyone just laughed.

Red looked real nervous and I figured someone needed to break the ice so to speak.

"Uncle Mark, it's been too long since the last time and I need to thank you for letting Red come over this weekend."

Mark knew immediately what I wanted and why. He stood up and dropped his pants and boxers. He pulled off his shirt.

"You want it Jer? Come and help yourself."

Uncle Mark had about ten inches of real thick meat. Him and Eddy were about the only two guys I couldn't swallow all of, but I always tried. I was between Marks legs in a flash, that smooth cock sliding into my throat instantly. I always still gagged but never stopped. I always got him off real quick too and loved how he tasted. When I finished and stood up, Red was sitting with his mouth open. I walked in front of him and dropped my pants. I didn't wear underwear when I came to Marks's place.

"You want this Red?" I flipped my hard cock at him.

Without even a word he leaned forward and took my cock into his mouth. I leaned over and braced myself on the chair. Red just held my hips as he bobbed on my cock. Leaning over like I was left another target open for attention. I only knew it was Uncle Mark when his cock slid into my tight hole. It always hurt the first time, but soon I was in heaven. Red was bobbing on my cock and Mark was plowing my hole. I hoped it would never end. Red was a real great cocksucker and brought me off real fast. That caused Uncle Mark to come inside me. As Mark pulled out I turned and started to suck his cock. Norval had taught me about this and I loved the taste of me and Mark on his cock. Then I felt something I had never felt before and almost came again. Red was licking my hole with his tongue. God it felt great.

When he sat back, I turned and kissed him. Tasting me again and some of Red and Uncle Mark, did cause my balls to fire all over Red.

"Wow! That was so hot." I groaned.

"God Red you know a lot more than I do. I've never done that before." Uncle Mark said.

"Well I learned it from some Negro boys in Texas. I hated it at first, but now I kind of like it." "Well I definitely want to try it." Norval said.

"Well." I said and then turned and wagged my ass at Norval.

Norval took my meaning and very quickly entered me. I guess the ice was truly broken as I watched Uncle Mark push his thick cock into Red. Red gurgled a scream around Eddy's fat cock. Norval fucked me with hard fast strokes, just the way I liked it. He didn't take long to come either. When he pulled out he dropped and started to lick my hole. That got me even harder, god it felt good. Norval stood up and turned his cute butt to me. I just moved forward and entered him. I was so horny I only made three thrusts before I blew. Still hard I continued to fuck him as I watched Eddy enter Red. Red was doing a good job of sucking Marks cock. Watching all this going on pushed me to fuck Norval harder, which brought me off a third time. My cock wilted and I pulled out. Norval stayed in place as I kneeled behind him. I spread his cheeks closed my eyes and ran my tongue over his open hole. Wow! What a taste. Eddy, Me, Norval all in one. I just couldn't stop after the first lick and dug my tongue into him. I'd have to thank Red later for showing me another part of Norval I could get. It wasn't long until we were all just sitting exhausted after an hour of continuous sex. To think we were still in the library made it even more bizarre.

Eddy got everyone a beer and then sprawled in one of the stuffed chairs.

"Damn Red, you are one very hot guy."

"I just never thought there were so many guys like me."

"Red, you haven't met even a few of Uncle Mark's friends it. Just wait until the weekend really gets started." I laughed.

"So Eddy, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Well I figured I'd bar-b-cue some steaks tonight." "Oh wow. That's great. My Dad used to bar-b-cue whole cows at home. Can I help?" Red said.

"Sure Red. Come on."

Without even thinking about it, Red got up and followed Eddy's muscular ass. He never even bothered to put on his shorts. I wondered if he'd get to fuck Eddy.

"Well guys, if your into it you can make some big bucks this weekend. I got a few guys that like fuck young guys. These guys are much older than your used to, so if you want to pass it's okay."

"Oh sure Uncle." Norval said.

"Well I'm charging them a thousand bucks each to fuck you and do anything they want so you better be prepared to even lick their butts if they ask. You'll probably get fucked a few times by each and suck them lots too."

"Cool. I kind of like doing the ass thing. Norval tasted real good." I said.

"Yeah I liked your butt too love. Especially when I tasted Uncle too."

"Okay guys. I'll set it up. You can use the two bedrooms at the end of the hall. We'll keep Red busy, although from the looks of it he won't have any problems."

Well the weekend went off real good. I did get fucked about 15 times and sucked at least that many times. The only thing I hated was when I had to drink one guys piss. That was the worst. One guy called licking his ass rimming, so that's what I call it now. Red was like a kid in a candy store. I think he got fucked and fucked at least ten guys including Mark and Eddy a few times too. Mark said he tried rimming but really was not something he liked even though Eddy had no problem.

We were all sitting in the library enjoying our last beer. Mark handed me and Norval 500 dollars. Red looked kind of weird at us.

"I'll explain later Red." I whispered to him.

After finishing our beer, Eddy drove us back to the School.

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Next: Chapter 2

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