Mark Cohen

Published on Nov 28, 2012


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with BDSM, CBT, Water Sports, Scat, Anal and Oran sex between consenting and non consenting men. All names are also fiction. All places and or events never happened. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to read this story in your State or Province, you should leave this site now.

Chapter 11

Uncle Mark never commented on my statement about getting hard when I hanged the four boys. In fact all he talked about was how well the second house was doing.

My mind was in a real turmoil. I had killed four boys while Uncle Mark and Eddy had watched. I knew now Uncle Mark really had something to hold over my head. I knew I could never go anywhere anymore. Uncle Mark had me lock, stock and barrel.

Surprising to me, Vien and Billy were very animated about what had happened and I had to admonish them not to ever speak about it.

Uncle Mark dismissed all of us and told me to take a couple of days off.

A couple of days to do what? Think about what I had become?

I was still brooding about what I had done in my cabin. Billy was making dinner as Vien and I sat on the couch. Vien was snuggled up close.

"Jeremy, you should not worry about the four boys. Uncle Mark just showed what would happen to any boy or anyone that crossed him. Many peoples die in my country all the time and some for no reason. I have seen before."

"But why did I get hard? Even before I did it I was hard thinking about killing those boys. I must be a born killer too."

"Well Vien and Billy must be the same. We get hard too."

As we were sitting talking someone knocked on the door. Vien bounced up to answer it. Eddy walked in.

"Hi Jeremy. Got a cold beer for a thirsty wanderer."

"Sure Eddy." Vien ran into the kitchen and got two beers.

"I suppose you are here to tell me to keep my mouth shut about what happened?"

"Not at all Jeremy. Just the opposite really. I came to explain to you why it happened."

I just looked at Eddy. He had been with Uncle Mark for like forever.

"Jeremy, ever since the first day you arrived at this house, Mark has been pushing you in one direction. He has trained you to become the perfect boy toy. But you have trained many more boys to be exactly like you. Every boy that has come to this house over the last four years has part of your training in them. He's left you alone for the most part to become what you wanted to be. You love to get fucked, love to suck, you even love to eat shit and drink piss. Uncle Mark never made you do all those things. You learned to do them on your own. He just pushed you in the right direction. Have you ever even wondered why your Uncle Mark loves you so much?"

"I guess coz I make him lots of money."

Eddy laughed out loud and then smacked Vien on the butt and told him to get some more beer.

"Jeremy, Mark Cohen doesn't need a penny of what is made here or any of the other houses he owns. He doesn't need the Corporation to back him. You were right about him having money in the Markets. To the tune of more than 300 million. If he pulled it all out at once, he could drive the market down by himself."

"Mark is also one of the most ruthless gangsters in the country. You think he made you kill those four boys so he would have something to hold over your head? Your wrong. He doesn't want a hold on you. Jeremy Mark loves you deep inside, more than he has ever loved anyone. You are his heir apparent to everything he owns now and in the future. He's been grooming you to take over for years."

"He has no interest in women so will never sire a son. As far as he's concerned you are his Son now."

Wow, I thought. I never even dreamed of this.

"Mark wanted to take those four boys back to school, line them up in front of every student and cut their nuts off. Sam vetoed that idea. So he said lets see if Jeremy would do it. Sam tried to talk him out of it, but Mark said you would do anything to please him. He was right."

"They weren't the first and I'm sure there will be many more and someday I am sure you will order it. You enjoyed it and I have to say Uncle Mark, Sam and I enjoyed it as well. So I guess its part of us all."

"Your Uncle told me to tell you to study hard because the moment you get your degrees you will be the Manager of this house, the one down the road and the Academy."

"Holy Fuck!" I said. "Then you really be my Master." Vien said.

"And Master of every boy here, the other house and the school." Eddy said.

Just thinking about it got me hard. To have such power over anyone I wanted almost made me come in my shorts. Eddy could see it in my face.

"I think you might be more ruthless than even Mark." Eddy said.

"Vien, you better suck your Master off before he makes a mess in his shorts."

Vien was very quick to get my cock out and bury it in his throat. He never took long to get me off. I ruffled his hair when he was done and he looked at me like I was some kind of God.

"Better go help out Eddy Vien."

Vien even surprised me when he took almost all of Eddy's monster sausage down his throat. He gave Eddy a real good blow job. Eddy loved every second.

"Damn he is just as good as any of the boys in the other house." Eddy said.

That told me Eddy was probably getting sucked and fucking boys Asian boys at the other place.

"Will you be staying for dinner Eddy?" I asked.

"No, but I will have another beer." Vien bounced off the floor and ran to the kitchen. He was back in a flash.

Without even a thought, Eddy pulled Vien onto his soft cock and drained his bladder. Vien then came to me and drained mine.

"Thank you Master." Vien said.

"That boy sure loves you Jeremy."

"I love him too Eddy."

A little later Eddy left and I had time to digest all that had been said and left unsaid. I screwed both boys and had both of them screw me. In the morning I ate out both boys and Vien did me. After a shower we headed up for breakfast. Vien did his usual thing to get his cock to go down.

Over the next few weeks, Uncle Mark made many trips into New York. I knew was probably liquidating his stocks, but we never talked about it. I took a more active interest in what was going on in all three places. There was never a shortage of boys available and sometimes was hard pressed to keep all busy. I even sent a few from the school to the second House. It helped to increase business, with white, black and Asian boys in the whore house.

In June 1929, I wrote my finals for my degree. Mark took me, Vien and Billy to Jamaica to celebrate. I had never been out of the country before. What an eye opener.


In this story I have never mentioned STD's. I know in the early 20th Century STD's were prevalent in all countries and some times in almost epidemic proportions. For this story they don't exist.

Jamaica was still part of the British Empire in 1929. The population were direct descendants of the Slaves brought here during the Royal Navies anti-slavery patrols of the 18th and 19th century and were still almost slaves to the white landowners of Jamaica. Uncle Mark had extensive land holdings in Jamaica. Although free, the blacks were paid such a low wage you could still call them slaves.

To the landowners and Mark it was pretty simple. Either you worked at that very minimum wage or you starved. Uncle Mark owned two large sugar plantations and three distilleries. Rum distilleries. That was where Billy learned to like rum. Uncle Mark also controlled much of the prostitution in Jamaica as well. Billy had been born from the sex between a black whore and a white man.

Owning two plantations gave Uncle Mark an almost unlimited supply of either boys or girls to fill his whore houses.

The first thing I noticed as we landed was the heat. It was a wet hot and I was instantly sweating. The other thing I noticed was the smell. The smell came form the thousands of unwashed bodies, plus the cargo being loaded and unloaded and the pall the seemed to hang over the dock area.

Here blacks did everything. They unloaded our luggage and stowed on the car waiting for us. The driver of the car was black and in uniform. Every where I turned I saw blacks doing all the work as whites supervised.

Once inside the car it was quite a bit cooler but the smell still permeated the inside of the car. I just watched fascinated by all the activity going on. Uncle Mark just sat smiling.

After leaving the dock area we drove through the city. There were more whites on the street, but not that many. Still more blacks than whites for sure. After leaving the city we climbed up a road cut through the thick foliage. The smell changed too, to a spicy smell mixed with the wet smell of the forest around us. After several miles we pulled into a long driveway. This one paved with red stone.

The house we arrived at was not in the style of the mansions at home. It's brilliant white walls almost hurt the eyes. I guessed it was more English than American.

As we pulled up to the house, young black males seemed to come from every where. One opened our door while others unloaded our baggage and took it into the house. All bowed to us. One boy ran up to Eddy and bowed. Eddy just picked him up and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. I wondered if he was Eddy's son. I found out later he was the youngest of five son's Eddy had here. That told me more about Eddy.

As we walked up the steps an older black male walked out and bowed.

"Master Mark. It is so good to see you again." He said.

"Hello Henry. How are you doing?"

"I am fine Master Mark." Mark draped an arm over Henry's shoulder as they walked into the house. We all followed.

Inside was a lot cooler than outside.

Henry turned to two of the boys waiting with our bags.

"Edward, you and Bernie will be Master Jeremy's servants while he is here."

Both boys picked up the bags I indicated and headed up the stairs. Vien and Billy went to follow.

"Hold on Vien and Billy. You boys are on holiday too." Uncle Mark said.

"Charlie, you and Moses will be Vien's and Billy's servants for their stay."

"Yes Master." Both boys said and took the small bags from Vien and Billy. The four of them headed up the stairs.

"They will show you your room later Jeremy. Come into the Den."

I followed Uncle Mark, Eddy and Henry into the den. Henry made cool drinks and then retired from the room.

"Sit down Jeremy and relax and I'll fill you in on what I do here on the Island."

"First off I own two plantations here and employ almost 5,000 blacks on both. I also have three distilleries, Rum distilleries. Most of the Rum goes to Europe right now, but I have heard rumors the Prohibition Laws will be repealed and then I can Ship to the US."

"I also have several whore houses catering to both whites and blacks."

"Someday you will control everything Jeremy."

When I opened my mouth, he held up his hand.

"Let me finish first Jeremy."

"Those two boys sent to your room you can use as you wish. Bernie is still a virgin. Eddy and I both agreed you should be the one to break him in. He's one of Eddy's Son's."

My eyes got real big at that and both Eddy and Mark just laughed.

"Don't worry what I think Jeremy. Bernie knew it would happen sooner or later. All boys here are expected to put out one way or the other." Eddy said.

"You can also, if you choose use any boy here or for that matter in the any of the whore houses. After all you own them now. Yes Jeremy, if Eddy hasn't told you, you are my heir. Eventually you will own an Empire almost. Thanks to you I got out of the Market and like you I think it is over priced. Your Father is still in it up to elbows. If it drops he's going to be in debt to the tune of several hundred million dollars. He'll lose everything."

"Screw my Father." I said.

"Do you want the Shipyard Jeremy? If he wasn't in debt to the eyeballs, it would be making money."

"Sure. That would be ironic. I'd be able to fire my own father."

"Over the next few weeks here, I'll show you everything. Maybe even let you start getting your feet wet with a few decisions."

"Uncle Mark, I'm not sure I can handle all that you want me too. Just running the two Houses and Academy I'm having trouble with. I got more boys now than I know what to do with."

"Ever think about sending them to some of the other houses around the States. They could all use more. That was why we went that way at the Academy."

"I didn't know I could do that."

"I tell you what to do. Send messages to all the Houses, telling them they can go to New York and pick any boys they want. That way you keep everyone happy."

I had another question that had been nagging at my mind for a while, but didn't know how to ask Uncle Mark.

"I can see your mind is working Jeremy. So tell me what the problem is."

"What do I do with boys that get to old to make any money for the House?"

"Well you can pay them off and send them on their way and hope that they never mention the House or Academy or you can call Sam to take care of them."

"Okay Uncle Mark." I said.

In my mind I already knew that would be his answer. The six boys he took away had stopped making real money a while before and had been mostly used in the playroom.

"Eddy was right about you Jeremy. You just might be more ruthless than me."

"It's not that Uncle Mark. You said many times I'm pretty smart. Well I am in some things. Those six boys you took away were not making much money at the house. I couldn't see then why you would take them to another house if they weren't going to make money. So I guess I knew what happened to them. Even here you said you have several thousand blacks working. So you can replace any that don't make money in the whore houses. Here maybe you can get them doing other things, but in the States there has to be many as they get older that don't know anything else. I know you can't just let them go."

"Jeremy, your friends you can promote."

"Thank you Uncle Mark."

I had been worried about Norval and Red. Also Sam and Jason would soon be too old for the House. Customers like young looking boys mostly.

Eddy got up, excused himself and left the Den. Uncle Mark mixed two more drinks, handed me one and sat down beside me. "Jeremy, I have another problem that I think you already have a solution for. Sam has told me he wants to retire while he's still young enough to enjoy his money. I need a replacement, or I should say you need a replacement for him."

I just looked at Uncle Mark. How could I have a solution to his problem? I didn't know anyone that could do as Sam had done. Then I did. I knew someone who would absolutely anything I asked him. It must have shown on my face.

"Do you think he would work out Jeremy?"

"I don't know Uncle Mark. I guess I'll have to ask him."

"Well finish your drink and then go ask him. After come to the barn down by the Stables. One of your boys can show you the way."

I finished my drink and one of the house boys showed me where Vien had his room. I knocked on the door and Vien let me in. It looked like Vien and the black boy had been having fun, both were nude.

"Having fun love?"

"Yeah, these boys will do anything." He giggled.

"Well I need to talk to you. Get dressed and come with me."

Vien quickly pulled on his shorts and t-shirt. We walked out of the room and down stairs.

"Vien I need to ask you if you will do something for Uncle Mark."

"Jeremy you tell Vien. Vien do. I will always do anything for you Jeremy. No matter. Vien Jeremy's boy."

"Do you know who Sam is Vien?"

"Yes. Sam Uncle Marks man. He do, do...

"Yes Vien. Sam is going to stop working for Uncle Mark so he needs someone else to do as Sam did. Could you do it Vien?"

"If you ask me Jeremy. I always do as you ask." He adjusted himself.

He turned toward me and I felt his hand on my cock. I was already almost hard. When I checked Vien he was hard.

"You like idea Vien."

"Jeremy I get hard when you hanged those boys. You did too. So you like me. I like you."

"Yes Vien."

I took Vien over to some chairs on the deck and sat down.

Jeremy I would need help to hang boys and I never use gun before. Could I use knife?"

"I guess you can use anything you like Vien, but once you start you can never say no to Uncle Mark."

"Vien never say no to Jeremy."

I called one of the boys on the veranda over and asked him to show me where the stables were. We walked off the Veranda and down a gravel path. He pointed it out to me. Uncle Mark and Eddy were standing by the big doors. We walked up to them.

"Did Jeremy talk to you Vien?" "Yes Sir."

"You have no problem with what he asked you?"

"I will always do anything Jeremy asks me Sir."

"Very well. The two men in the cell block ran away. They got away with it the first time but were warned if they did it again they would suffer greatly. You can take care of them for Jeremy."

"Yes Sir." He headed for the stable. I followed.

We were almost to the Stable door when Vien turned and ran back to Eddy. I saw them whispering and then Eddy smiled and nodded his head. He handed Vien something and Vien ran back to me.

The Stable was not really a stable. Both walls were lined with steel cages. All appeared to be empty. The two condemned men were chained to posts in the center of the long aisle. Both were also much older than I thought they would be. All they had on were tattered, dirty shorts.

Vien probably would not have had problem hanging them if he had wanted. A hoist attached to a block and tackle hung down from a roof beam. He ignored it as he walked around the Stable.

He walked to a wall and grabbed a couple of lengths of raw hide. He then tied both men's legs back tight against the pole. I saw a flicker of silver, then Vien dropped first one and then the others tattered shorts on the floor.

Damn. Both were hung real good, with thick uncut cocks and from the way they hung, I figured they had big balls too. Love to suck either of them.

"They probably don't taste good Jeremy. They old." Vien must have been reading my thoughts.

Both of them were looking at Vien with absolute hate in their eyes.

It was obvious to me that Vien wasn't sure what to do next. He looked at both men for a bit and then looked around the stable. He walked to a table and cut two long strips of burlap from a bag.

"Master Jeremy. Will you help Vien?"

"Of course love. What do you need?" I walked over closer.

The thick musky, sweaty odor of the two men assailed my nostrils. I got instantly hard.

"When Vien say, put gag on this one." Vien said.

I put the strip of burlap around the man's throat.

I watched as Vien grabbed the man's cock and jacked it once. He then grabbed the big balls and pulled them forward. I saw a flick of silver and the black man let out a blood curdling scream. Before I got even think, Vien shoved the two balls in the man's mouth.

"Now Jeremy. Gag him tight."

Even as I gagged him he struggled. Vien still had his fingers in the guys mouth. As soon as the gag was tight, he pulled his fingers out. The man convulsed as his own balls chocked him.

The second man was screaming even before Vien got to him. Soon both were chocking on their balls. I think as an after thought, Vien sliced off their cocks. Blood shot from the stumps. They died very quickly after losing their dicks. Vien pushed me away and then pulled down my shorts and sucked me off. I'm glad he did, I was almost ready to blow in my shorts. I returned the favor to Vien.

We both washed our hands and Vien washed the long sharp stiletto he had in his hands.

"Next time Vien not wear white." He said.

His white shorts and t-shirt were stained with the men's blood.

"Good idea Vien."

The `Crash of 1929', brought many changes. Broadlawns was the first to fall and shut it's doors in the spring of 1930. The Academy went next. It was no longer necessary to look for or train boys. Thousands could be found on the street that would do anything for a warm bed and a good meal. The Crash sent the US into a great depression. Millions lost their jobs as businesses closed their door. That also caused a real loss at most of our whore houses. No one could afford even twenty dollars to fuck a tight boys ass.

The house at the farm burned to the ground one day. Helped by several gallons of gasoline that Vien had poured inside the house. With out telephone or fire service, all the workers at the farm could do was stand and watch. None knew of the forty odd boy toys that died in the fire. In fact no one would know for almost thirty years.

My Father, after shooting his secretary and several other office workers jumped from his seventeenth floor office window. I inherited the shipyard. It became one of the few legal businesses that made money for the Corporation.

Mark never really retired completely. I ran the Corporation and used my old friends in positions all over the States. He lived almost exclusively in Jamaica. I visited many times and still was able to enjoy thick black cocks in my mouth or ass or both at the same time.

Billy died of a heart attack one night in my bed. He's buried at the house he served for almost 10 years.

The House on Pontiac Lake went back to being an exclusive men's club and the membership list was a who's who of the rich and famous of New York and beyond. Although most came to just get away from the bustle of the New York business scene, some still came for love of tight boy asses or hot mouths. I lived at the house when I was in the US.

It was taken as fact that Vien was my exclusive lover. We were always together, except when Vien travelled on company business. No one knew what Vien did except myself, Uncle Mark and Eddy.

As World War 2 approached business picked up. More people were working and had more money to spend. With Prohibition gone, Uncle Marks Distilleries were shipping vast quantities of rum and spirits to the US. The shipyard was working around the clock.

It also brought a change in the Corporation. As well as prostitution, both male and female, gambling, loan sharking and smuggling started to add dollars to the company.

I no longer had anything to do with anything even though I was considered the President of Operations for the whole US. In reality I knew I was the fall guy if anything went wrong. I still had a few boys in my bed and still travelled to Jamaica to enjoy big black cocks when I wished. Vien was still my henchman, doing anything I asked without question. Some people figured you could walk from shore to shore in Lake Pontiac just on all the bodies in cement shoes that covered the bottom.

World War 2 brought on more changes as the corporation went into more legal ventures. The illegal still brought in loads of cash and that became a big problem. What to do with the ill gotten gains? Most was sent to Jamaica, but even there, there was only so much you could invest in.

The Corporation moved into Cuba, building hotels and gambling casinos. We also started to smuggle boys and girls into Cuba and the US to fill the need in our whore houses. Like Vien, I loved the Asian boys tight asses and hot mouths. I even took on several as my servants. They travelled with me where ever I went.

Our investments in Douglas Aircraft, Ship Building, Oil refineries, Construction Companies meant our legitimate businesses were making almost as much as our criminal activities. This all changed abruptly as WW2 came to an end. I was lucky to sell off my shares in the Shipyard before the end, but held everything else.

The end of WW2 brought changes in Jamaica too. Jamaica had 100 percent employment during the war, but when the British Navy cut back after the war it had almost 100 percent unemployment. The rioting scared most whites off the Island. Uncle Mark and Eddy were killed in a race riot in Kingston. I inherited everything.

I promptly sold off both Plantations, only keeping the Manor House. I also sold off two of my distilleries. Now I wasn't either a major landowner or the owner of the whore houses. They were taken over by blacks. Uncle Sam also started to look at the corporation.

I divested myself of anything illegal, just working at the legal businesses that I now owned. Making sure my taxes were paid I semi-retired to cool the FBI's investigation.

MY problem was simple. I lived at the house in New York State. In the safe in the basement was about 300 million in US greenbacks. If they ever raided the house, I'd end up in jail for the rest of my life.

Vien said it all. "Time to go Jeremy. We take Jason. We take your boys and Jason's and money."

WE packed the money and left in three vehicles. Red and Norval had got out long before and owned a Marina in Galveston Texas. We headed there.

We chartered a yacht in Galveston and sailed for Cuba. After several months headed for Jamaica. Things had settled down although unemployment was still high. I moved back into the big Manor House.

There was one thing I learned early when we moved to Jamaica. Blacks on the Island Nation had for the most part the biggest dicks I had ever seen. Not all were hung like horses, but most were. I became along with my other boys, size queens. Here I could get any number of blacks to screw my ass or suck their huge cocks any time I wanted. Most would even let me screw their black asses and suck my cock. That also led to my more deviant things I liked.

Uncle Mark had taught me real well. I loved the taste of sperm. I loved a big black cock in my ass. I also loved to drink their acidic piss and swallow their rancid shit. Nothing ever changed for all the years I spent on what I called my Island paradise.

I never set foot back in the US. Almost all the young boy toys that I had met and loved when I was at Excelsior Academy made good in the business world. Several visited me on the Island. I had divested myself of all holdings I had in the original corporation. Although it was now a public owned Corporation I still held stocks in it. It plus my distillery in Jamaica was my only income. Good thing too, Uncle Sam had finally started to look at the old corporation and had found 40 skeletons in the old whore house. With my name no longer associated with the company, I saved my life and that of several others.

Now retired, all I did was enjoy what Uncle Mark had taught me. Getting fucked or sucking. Eating shit and drinking piss anytime I wanted. I think he would have been proud of me and my accomplishments.

Almost anytime of day you could find me with a cock in my ass or one in my throat or both at the same time. Vien beside me.

"I guess I never grew out of being some one's boy toy or toilet boy."

The End.

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