Mark Cohen

Published on Oct 17, 2012


Mark Cohen

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with BDSM, CBT, Water Sports, Scat, Anal and Oran sex between consenting and non consenting men. All names are also fiction. All places and or events never happened. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to read this story in your State or Province, you should leave this site now.

Chapter 8

I went out and sat down in the library. Norval was talking, so I didn't interrupt him. He was after all in charge of assignments now. Billy was sitting by the only empty chair. I sat down as he stood up.

"Bring me a beer Billy." He bounded off.

When I looked at all the boys in the library, I couldn't help thinking man are there a lot of hot looking guys that I would love to fuck or suck. Then it dawned on me that I could if I wanted have any or as many in my bed as I wanted anytime.

Uncle Mark had handed me an envelope as I left his den. It was for a special request. I figured it might be hard to fill now that Norval no longer worked the basement. After reading over the request again I knew it might be real difficult to fill. The request was for a 16 year old. There were only six 16 year old boys here. I didn't have time to bring a boy from someplace else, besides Uncle Mark told me to get one of the boys here to fill it.

Even though this was a Saturday, there was no one coming in the afternoon so Norval told them to do as they liked for the afternoon. I asked the six youngest boys to stay.

"Okay. First off I`d like to say you guys look hot in those skirts. All of you look good enough to eat and I just might later. Now Norval said you were free to do as you please this afternoon, but I'd like to talk to You Sam first and in a while Aaron and Killen. All three of you have decided to stay out here permanently. I want to talk about what you will be doing during the week."

Well Killen was going to get his wish. I was going to fuck him. Also Sam was going to get fucked by Harold while he sucked me off in front of his Father. That should drive the old man nuts.

But first I needed a volunteer. A volunteer that would allow his cock and balls and maybe ass get fried by electricity. The Electric chair had been adopted for executions and some guy had figured that lower amounts of electricity could be used to cause real pain in the nuts and cock. He had invented a chair just to do that and now one sat in the basement waiting a volunteer or not so volunteer as a subject. If none volunteered I would pick one.

The Fellow that invented this infernal machine was a friend of Uncle Marks and had originally asked for a young Negro boy, to test the limits of his machine. Mark had vetoed that knowing the boy might be killed. He, like a lot of people still considered blacks as less than human. I never did and neither I knew did Uncle Mark even though some had died in the basement. He no longer had to worry about the State Police Commissioner because he was locked up downstairs.

I explained to all the boys what I wanted and even before I was done Jimmy jumped up.

"I'll do it. Norval has been playing with me in the basement and I kind of like it."

"God, you got to be sure Baby. I don't know what's going to happen. I don't want to lose you love."

"Will you be there too Jeremy?"

"Yes I will."

"Well you can make sure nothing happens then." He giggled.


"Now Norval hasn't told you yet, but all of you will be in the Playroom to night. So I'd get some rest if you can."

"Okay you can all take off. Sam you stay." They all trooped out talking.

"Sam, you said you really didn't want or care what happens to your Dad. Would you like to really piss him off?"

"Sure. That would be great Jeremy. What do you want me to do?"

"Well have you ever had Harold?"

"No, but I would sure like to feel his cock inside me."

"Well this is what I want to do before Uncle Mark moves him."

I explained everything.

"Okay, you go find Harold and bring him to the basement."

I went down and pulled a cot over in front of Jed's cell. He was nude sitting on his bed. I almost laughed when I saw his dick. For a guy as built as him I thought he would be hung like a horse, but all he had was about a four inch soft cock. Even I had more than him.

"What the fuck do you want cocksucker?' He snarled.

"From you nothing. Hell I've seen 16 year old boys with bigger dicks than you have."

"So come to gloat then?"

"Actually I came to show you something you might enjoy." I laughed.

I undressed and sat on one end of the cot. Harold walked out with Sam ahead of him. Sam had his hands cuffed behind his back.

"On your knees boy on the cot." Harold pushed Sam.

Sam was a real good actor, there were even tears on his face.

Sam crawled onto the Cot. I grabbed his head and pulled him onto my cock. As he started to suck me, Harold undressed and climbed onto the cot, his long thick cock real hard.

"You like to beat and screw blackboys. Well your going to see what I like to do to my new fuck toy." Harold said to Jed.

Jed screamed a long string of swear words. I didn't know there were that many. Harold just laughed.

Sam fought his way out of my mouth and screamed.

Harold just brought his cock up to Sam's butt and hammered into him. Sam screamed and then moaned. "Oh yeah Harold fuck me. That feels so good. God I love big black cocks." He moaned.

Jed went almost berserk and if the steel bars had not been there I'm sure we'd all be dead.

Sam went back to sucking my cock as Harold fucked him. I came pretty quick. When Harold was ready he pulled out and Sam turned and sucked him off. Harold then let him go. Sam walked to his father's cell.

"See Dad. I love to get fucked and I especially love big black cocks. Harold owns me now and I will do anything he says. Jeremy taught me everything and I love him too." He then just left with Harold.

"Well I'm done here Jed. Have a nice trip to hell." I walked out as he screamed his head off.

I walked back to the library. As usual Billy was waiting for me. He got me another beer. When he got close I pulled him onto my lap.

That made him very happy. I was sure he loved me. Hell all the guys loved me and I didn't think I was that good a catch. Not like I had a big cock like my Uncle and Eddy or even as big as Norval or Red. In reality I was almost the smallest guy here. I think maybe Jimmy and Andy might be smaller.

"Billy, I talked to Uncle Mark. He said Eddy only said he would tan your butt to make sure you knew were my servant and my servant only. From now on you will call me the same as the other boys. That's either Jer or Jeremy. The only people you will call Master is customers."

"Okay Jeremy." He had a sad look in his eyes.

"Are you mad I make you call me by my name?"

"It's not that Jeremy. All my life I have had someone who was my Master. Uncle Mark, bought me from a whore house in Jamaica. Then when some big guys at his plantation were going to fuck me to death coz I was a white nigger, he moved me inside. He brought me here just to be your servant. I don't mind being your Slave Jeremy. I just prefer to call you my Master."

"Okay Billy, when were alone, you can call me Master, but in front of the boys, I'm just Jeremy."

"Okay." He smiled and I kissed him.

"Now lets go over to my new House. We'll see what we need."

"I better put on long pants, it real cold outside." He said.

"Don't need them Billy. There is a tunnel from the basement to the house."


I was surprised when I walked into the basement. Jed was gone from the cells. Also there was funny looking contraption in the Dungeon. Uncle Mark said it was chair, but it didn't look like a chair. More like an `L' shaped seat. There was a pad on both the seat part and I guess for the back. There were also cuffs I figured were for the wrists and another set for the ankles. Well I'd have to wait and see how it worked. We walked to the door to the tunnel. I switched on the lights. It was pretty cold in the tunnel, but it was only about 100 feet long. Once we were in the house it was real warm.

Billy loved the house, especially because there was only one bed. We checked the kitchen too and saw there was a lot to eat.

"I can cook real good too Master." He said. "Well that I am glad."

"Master, can I say something?"

"Sure Billy. You can say anything you like to me."

"Well this morning, I didn't want to dump in your mouth. It's my job to do things for you. You're not supposed to do them for me."

"Billy, Mark taught me or made me learn everything. I hated to do that at first. Norval told me he had been doing it for a while. I really thought it was gross. I really didn't even like to drink guys pee. Well Uncle Mark told me it was something I had better get used to, coz it was going to happen to me eventually. Some customers like to shit in a boy's mouth. Well I had this customer that made me lick his butt after he took a dump. I hated it, but I also got hard doing it. Then he fucked me and I had to clean his cock. It was covered with my shit and his cumm. I got hard again when I sucked his cock clean. He called me a shit eater and said he was going to shit in my mouth the next time he came to the house. That's when Uncle Mark told me I might as well get used to it. Norval and Steven shit in my mouth all the next week. It was only after I had fucked them both before they did it that I could handle it. Now it doesn't bother me much. So you see my little servant, when you do me, I'm, going to be doing you."

"Will you fuck me now Master?"

"I sure will Billy and after you can fuck me."

"I never done that before Master."

"Well time you learned." I laughed.

We were both naked pretty quick and I was sitting on the bed with Billy standing in front of me.

"Billy, you said you were a white Negro. What does that mean?"

"Well my Mom was a white whore. My Dad or Dad's I guess were black. I was really black when I was born, but as I got older I kept getting whiter. By the time I was 10 I was like a white boy. One of the black guys that owned the whore house, raped me. He then made me do guys, just like the other girls. Uncle Mark found me there when I was twelve and brought me to his house down south."

"Well I think you are a very good looking young man Billy."

"Let's fuck Master." Well considering how hard I was looking at his body, I hadn't planed to stop.

"Okay. On the bed Billy."

"I want to do it all for you Master. Please lay down on your back Master."

Well I figured he wanted to suck first, which I had no problem with. I just lay back waiting.

He climbed onto me facing me.

"Momma teach me this way. Niggers like dog fuck. Even priest like dog fuck. This way better."

He reached back and lifted my cock as he slid back. As soon as he centered my cock on his hole he just sat up. I felt my cock slide into his very hot sheath. Even before he did anything, I could feel the muscles inside his ass squeezing and massaging my dick. If he kept it up I'd blow just from what I was feeling. He leaned forward and my cock slowly pulled out. Then he sat back down. It felt really good.

"I like your cock Master I feels so good inside me."

I just moaned as he kept slowly moving up and down. I could not believe how good it felt and I knew I'd blow pretty quickly. He then just stopped, not moving or doing anything. He'd then start again. He'd bring to the point where I wanted to blow and then stop. He really was driving me crazy. He'd bring me up and let me down. It went on for almost a half hour before he started to bounce on my cock. Always moving side to side as he fucked himself on my cock. Finally he just sat down and I think I blew the biggest load of my life. He just lay over me and hugged me.

"I love you Master. You do me real good."

He lifted off my cock and turned around. He bent over and started to suck my cock. His very cute ass was right in front of my face. I reached up, spread his cheeks and dove in with my tongue. The taste drove me to dig deeper. He sat up and drove his ass tight to my face.

"Master." He almost screamed as first one then two and a third slimy shits slid into my mouth.

I just couldn't stop. I just licked and tongued his hole. I wanted more. God I was truly crazy that I loved what Billy had pushed into my mouth. He then leaned for ward and sucked my cock. As soon as his lips touched my cock I blew again. He just sucked it all up. As I started to go soft, he turned and smiled.

"You like what Billy give you Master?"

"Yes Billy. Everything of you tastes good."

He leaned over and kissed me, running his tongue into my mouth.

"Hmm, you taste good too Master." He just lay over me as we came down from the rush.

"We better shower quick Master. Soon time for Jimmy in basement." I looked at my watch. Damn we had been at it for over an hour. We really did need to hurry. After a quick shower we dressed and headed for the main house.

When we walked into the basement, Uncle Mark and Norval were standing talking to someone I had never seen. Jimmy was standing nude next to them. He wasn't even hard. I walked to Jimmy.

"You sure you want to do this Jimmy. I could get Billy to do it."

"That's okay love. It sounds like fun."

"Jeremy, this is Mr. Stone. He'll tell us how it works. Jimmy sit down on the bench."

"Mr. Stone quickly cuffed Jimmy's hands and feet. He then slid the back, back until Jimmy's cock, balls and crack were pushed forward. He then moved two boards by his legs. They spread his legs wide open. That was what they were for, I thought.

"Okay, there is another strap for his waist and chest to keep him from moving around. I'll put the wires on first then strap him down."

First he took a wire with what looked like a ball bearing soldered to a wire. It was pretty big, but he just pushed the ball into Jimmy's hole. Jimmy giggled when it went in. He then put a cage like affair over Jimmy's balls and sack. It separated his balls in the sack and had a strap that covered each ball. He attached a wire to each ball.

"This might work better if you actually put a needle into the balls. Now I am not going to use anything on his tits or ears. I need a better transformer to reduce the amps more. Don't want to electrocute him." He chuckled.

He then put straps around Jimmy's now hard cock. One pushed right to the base and the other around his head. Another wire went into each. He then taped a wire to his thigh.

"That's how he is hooked up."

It looked pretty simple to me.

"Now this knob controls the voltage. The amps are set at one amp. That's the lowest this transformer will go. Each click on here is 5 volts. So it goes from 5-100 volts. Later I think once we reduce the amps, we could go as high as a thousand volts."

He flipped a switch and a red and green light came on.

"Ready boy?"

Jimmy nodded.

He turned the knob to 5 volts. Jimmy just sat, not moving.

"Feel anything?"

"Kind of like someone was massaging my nuts and ass."

"That's how it should feel. The skin on your cock is a little bit thicker."

He turned the knob to 10 volts. Jimmy's body slammed forward in the restraints and he screamed. He flipped the machine off.

"Forgot the other straps. Don't want him to hurt himself."

He strapped Jimmy's waist and chest down. Then he flipped on the switch again. Jimmy screamed and tried to move. The screams just went on and on. He flipped the switch off the Jimmy stopped screaming. "The thing about this kind of torture is that when the power is on it really hurts. But turn it off and there is no pain."

"What level would you like me to try next?"

"Go to 25 volts." Uncle Mark said.

I watched as he turned the dial to 25 volts. He then switched on the power. Jimmy's whole body spasmed off the board. He screamed like a banshee. When I looked at his cock and balls they looked normal. His cock was real hard and almost purple. He left it on for almost thirty seconds, then switched it off.

Jimmy slumped in the restraints. Perspiration streamed off his face and he panted real hard.

"You okay Love?" I asked.

IT took him a while to answer.

"I guess, it sure hurts when the power is on."

"I could tell." I giggled.

Uncle Mark turned the dial all the way up and switched on the power.

The howl that came from Jimmy could probably be heard at the school ten miles away. His body squirmed and tears streamed down his face. Then he shot his load. The first shot went near 6 feet and the next two about four feet. The rest dribbled down his cock. When it hit the ring on his cock he howled once and slumped faint. Mark switched the power off.

"Sorry Jeremy, but just had to know."

We unstrapped Jimmy and I carried him up stairs. I put him in my bedroom. He came awake screaming, but stopped. I pulled him into my arms.

"It's over love. Never again. I promise."

He fought to get out of my arms. He then reached down and grabbed his cock and then his balls.

"I thought my balls and cock had exploded."

"Well your cock did. You shot 6 feet." I laughed.

"Not funny. It really hurt Jeremy."

"I know love. I know."

We had a quick shower and headed down for dinner. I knew something was on Jimmy's mind. He almost looked scared when he looked at me. I'd have to talk to him later.

Everyone was in the Library, even Uncle Mark and Eddy.

"Okay, before you start Norval. I have few things to say."

"Jimmy, you are excused from working tonight."

"Why? I'm okay Uncle Mark."

"Well I thought you might want to spend it with someone else."

Before Jimmy could say anything.

"Hello Jimmy. How are you?"

Jimmy's head swiveled so fast I thought his head would come off.

"DAD!" He screamed and came out of his chair like shot. I don't think his feet even touched the ground before he was in his Dad's arms.

That was real love between Father and Son. Something I wished I could say about my Dad. They hugged each other and even kissed.

"Damn son you're getting almost too big for me."

I'm not sure his dad even noticed he had his arm around Jimmy's bare butt. Jimmy had on one of the skirts. They walked over and sat down where Jimmy had been. Both had tears in their eyes.

Weather it was excitement or something else I saw Jimmy had a hard on. He noticed it too about the same time as his dad. He quickly tried to cover it up. His Dad laughed.

"Boy are you getting bigger everywhere." He chuckled.

"Sorry Dad."

"Nothing to be sorry about Son. If its for me I'm happy. Now where's this Jeremy, you've been talking about so much?"

"Sorry to interrupt, but boys your needed in the playroom. No regulars tonight so Harold. You Sonny and John can join the boys too. Eddy could you open the bar please. Mark you can help Eddy tonight."

Every one just got up and left. Norval went to Join Red on the desk.

Uncle Mark excused himself.

Just myself, Billy, Jimmy and his Dad were left.

"Billy, being Billy got up.

"Would you like anything Sir?"

"Your Jeremy?" Mr. Douglas asked.

"No, I'm Jeremy's servant." He giggled.

"That's Jeremy there."

Mr. Douglas set Jimmy down and walked to my chair. Before I could even move he reached down, grabbed one of my arms and pulled me up. I was momentarily scared I might just get the crap beat out of me. Instead he pulled me into his arms and hugged me.

"I am so happy you pulled Jimmy out of his shell and brought him out. You have made me a very happy Father."

He held me as he walked back to where Jimmy was sitting. Jimmy looked surprised too. I guess he thought his Dad was going to mad at me too. WE sat down with his Dad on one side of me and Jimmy on the other.

"Billy is it? Come and sit down Son. I have something to say to you all."

"Jeremy, you looked scared when I pulled you up. You don't need to be scared of anything. I was pretty sure Jimmy was queer when he was younger, but I didn't want to push him either way. I sent him to Excelsior in hopes that he would find his own way. I'm glad he found you Jeremy and you did bring him out."

"Jimmy, I have to confess, I like young teen age boys. That was why your Mother and I divorced. She knew I liked young boys and I knew she liked young men, for her preferably black boys. I really did love her and our divorce was friendly. She got a big settlement in cash and stocks and agreed not to say anything about my particular tastes and I promised to stay quiet about her love of Black boys. When Mark Cohen approached me about his company, I had no idea you were already coming here. I jumped at the chance and now I am one of his biggest investors."

"So I hear you're going to write your grade 12 exams and graduate two years earlier?"

"Yeah Dad. Jeremy and Steven too. There's also another boy that's probably smarter than me. I want Andy to write them too. Then we could go to University together."

"You in love with this Andy, Son?"

He looked at me and tears started down his face. Now I knew what he was so afraid of earlier. He was in love with Andy and didn't want to tell me.

I wrapped my arms around Jimmy.

"Jimmy, I'm not mad. Hell I think I'm in love with all the boys here. If you have found someone special, go with your heart love. I'll still love you and I'll love Andy too."

Jimmy wrapped his arms around me tight and then kissed me.

"Thanks Jeremy. I really do love you. It's just I feel something funny inside when I'm with Andy."

"Well that's settled. Billy get me a beer and get everyone else what they want. And have something yourself."

"So planning on University Son?"

"Yeah, Uncle Mark already paid my tuition to New York State. Jeremy too if he wants. Steven is going to New York too. He's going into law. I want to talk Mechanical Engineering and Andy wants Electrical Engineering." "So got your whole life planned eh?"

"Well not exactly. I really want to go to MIT. There after I have two years of Mechanical Engineering I can take Aeronautical Engineering."

"Well your smart enough son, but why Aeronautical Engineering?"

"Coz then I could work for you. I have seen all the sketches of what you want to build Dad. I could help you then."

"Those are just dreams Jimmy."

"Well dreams can come true. My dreams came true when I met Jeremy. So yours can too Dad."

"I have another Dream Dad."

"What's that Son?"

"I want to go to bed with you. I want to love you every way Dad."

"That's one of my dreams too Son. I just didn't know how to ask."

"Jimmy, you can use the bedroom at the top of the stairs. Do you want me to send Andy up too?"

"Well maybe in a couple of hours Jeremy." He giggled.

"Okay, I'll send him up about midnight."

"Cool. Come on Dad." Father and Son walked out of the library hand in hand.

Wish my Dad had asked me to sleep with him.

I pulled Billy onto my lap.

"Guess it's just you and me Billy."

"Billy, you must never talk about anything that goes on around here."

"Of course not Master."

"Well let's go see how things are going."

As we stood up to go check on stuff, Uncle Mark stepped into the library.

"Jeremy, come to my office please."

Quick left turn and we followed Uncle Mark into his Den.

As I walked into the Den behind Mark, an Asian, what I thought was a young boy stood up.

"Jeremy, this is Len Yuen. He's Chinese and is part of the kitchen staff. The quarters above the garage are not ready. I want you put him up in your Cabin until they are. There will be three more boys coming to help him and a chef I have hired."

"Len, this is Jeremy. He's your boss from now on."

Len just bowed.

"Hi Len." I put out my hand. He gently shook it.

"Jeremy, I told you I'd have man come up from the plantation to act in my behalf while I'm away. I've thought about that and changed my mind again. I'm having four men come up. They will act as inside and outside security during the week. Mark will still have his regular job here on weekends. You will still be my house boss. "Okay Uncle Mark."

"Uncle Mark, did you keep that machine here or did he take it with him?"

"Why Jer? You want to try it?"

"Well no, well maybe sometime, but there's a boy at school who's a real wiz bang at electrical stuff. He fixed an old radio we had at school. Jimmy told me he's almost as smart as him. Maybe he could take a look at the machine and see if he knew how to refine it."

"Well it's still here. Is the boy out here this weekend?"

"Sure. It's Andy. He's in the playroom."

"Billy bring Andy to my office."

Andy walked in with Billy.

"You sent for me Sir."

"Jeremy tells me you're a real wiz bang with electrical stuff. Is that right?"

"I guess Sir. I fixed our old radio and rewired some lights in our dorm that didn't work."

"Well I have a machine in the basement Jeremy thinks you might be able to make better. Want to have a look?"

"Okay Sir."

We walked down to the basement. Uncle Mark explained what the machine did and what he wanted.

"Wow! You'd really have to be careful. Only takes about a half amp to kill someone. That's how the Electric Chair works, but they use lots more voltage."

"Well this uses about one amp and up to 100 volts."

"Well there's better transformers in Radio's than that. Other wise you'd just blow all the tubes."

"So you think you could make this work better?"

"I could try Sir."

"Well I think you will find everything you need over in the corner. That's where Eddy does all his repairs if he can. Billy, take Len and get him settled. Jeremy you can stay here and see if you can help Andy."

"Okay Uncle Mark." I had another thought too. Maybe Andy could try it out on me.

Uncle Mark smiled and left us alone. Maybe he could read my thoughts.

Billy took off with Len and I followed Andy over to the corner.

"Are you sure can do this Andy?"

"Oh sure. Even make it better."

I was pretty astounded how fast Andy worked. In not time he had the machine taken apart. He checked how it was wired and then pulled one of the old radios and tore it apart. Pretty soon he had parts all over the table.

"What I really need is some other stuff too Jeremy, but I can make it better with this stuff here. If you can get Uncle Mark to pick up some other stuff for me I can make it so all the wires can have different juice going through them. Then you could even use it on your tits too. Bet that would really hurt." He giggled and then stopped and looked at me.

"What Andy?"

"Jimmy thinks I am as smart as him or even smarter. I'm not. I'm barely passing my courses at school. Sure I know a lot about electrical stuff, but that's really all I am interested in. I didn't want to come to Excelsior, all I wanted was to go to a trade school or something. My Dad made me come here. He thought maybe some of the smarts would rub off on me."

"Jimmy says he loves me, but I'm not really sure what love is. I guess I love to suck and fuck him and I love it when I get fucked. I guess if I was in love with anyone it would be you. I just don't want to hurt Jimmy. He has his mind so set on going to MIT and making me come along. It would be great, but its really not what I want to do."

"What do you want to do Andy?"

"Well I'm pretty sure my Dad knew I was Queer. He's a member of Broadlawns but doesn't golf. He is also on the board of Directors for the school, so he knows what goes on there. Given a choice, I'd rather be out here all the time. I'd like to quit school and work full time for Uncle Mark."

All the time he had been talking he had also been working. He finally just stopped and waited. I had not said anything.

"I'm not sure Uncle Mark would let you quit. What are you going to say to Jimmy? I'm pretty sure what ever you say he'll understand. I guess you should really tell him what your dreams are Andy."

"Yeah I guess. I just don't want to hurt him. You want to try this thing Jeremy or better yet you try it on me?" "Well maybe just to see if it works."

"Okay." He carried the box he had built over to the seat.

"A straight back chair would work better, but we can set one up later."

I sat down on the weird bench. He cuffed my hands and ankles and spread my legs. I was telling him how to hook me up. He inserted the ball in my ass and then took a bit of time to get my balls strapped.

"Wish I had some horse needles. They would be better than these straps for the balls."

"That's what the guy that built the machine said too. I'm not sure I'd like needles in my balls though." I laughed.

"Yeah me too." Andy giggled.

After getting me strapped up and even my waist and chest strap he told me how he would do it.

"First I'm going to check everything Jeremy. I'll only hook up one wire at a time to make sure they work. Then I'll put them all on and try it."


They all worked, but some were really weird. The one in my ass felt good alone, but hurt like crazy when hooked with the rest. When he used the highest setting I passed out like Jimmy had and I did shoot my load all over Andy. Like Jimmy said it felt like my balls had exploded. I really was sweating when Andy was finished.

"Damn it works real good Jeremy. I guess I want to try it now too."

"Well let's go tell Uncle Mark first and you can tell him what you want to do."

When I looked at my watch it was only 9:30. Shit still an hour and half before I was supposed to send Andy up to my old room. Lots of time to talk to Uncle Mark. Maybe I'd have time to fuck Andy too. He was a real cute boy.

WE walked up to Mark's office. We stopped and check on Red and Norval. Everything was going good. There were about ten guys in the playroom almost all the time. Everyone was behaving so far. Already about 20 guys had come and gone. At 500 a head, that was a lot of money and it was only 9:30. Could be a long night.

It was pretty simple. Most guys were only interested in a quick fuck or suck. Some stayed longer and enjoyed more than one boy. I knew when I was in the playroom, I had at least three guys fuck me and I sucked off lots of guys. Even more when I was in the washroom.

WE knocked on Uncle Marks door and he told us to come in. Steven was on his knees sucking Uncle Mark.

"Got a little horny watching all the action in the playroom. Steven volunteered to help me out." He laughed.

"All done Andy? You are really fast boy. Does it work?"

"Yeah, works good." I laughed.

"Tried it did you Jeremy? That's good, you might well see what else you can order a boy do for customers."

"Uncle Mark, if you got me some stuff from the Marconi Store I could make it even better."

"Got a list of things you need Andy?"

Andy handed Mark the list. He just set it on his desk.

"Something else on your mind Andy?"

"Well Sir, Jimmy thinks I'm as smart as him. I'm not. I'm barely making passing grades at school. I want to quit and work here all the time."

"What do you think your father would say Andy?"

"Well I'm not sure, but I know he knows I'm a fag or he would have let me go to trade school. I'm not sure he would care Sir."

"Okay. You can stay here. Jeremy you can set him up in one of the bedrooms. Andy, once you start here there's no turning back."

"Yes Sir."

"Good, I'll get Eddy to pick up all that stuff you need. Maybe you can fix all the other stuff that doesn't work too."

"Okay sir."

"You can go back to the playroom for now Andy."

Andy left.

"So got another boy. That's good Jeremy. We're going need about 15 all together out here for the week days and about 30 on weekends. I have bookings already for ten this week."

"That's great Uncle Mark."

"Now, does Andy know all the things he will be required to do out here?" "I'm not sure. He knows he might have to drink pee and didn't balk at that. But some of the other things I guess he will just have to learn. He did want me to put him on that machine, so I guess he wants that too."

"How did you like it?"

"Well it wasn't as bad as Jimmy said, but it sure does hurt."

"How did you like Eddy?"

"Well he sure knows how to use that belt. After he gave the strap on Friday I hardly felt the other stuff until he put that clamp on my cock. I was more scared it was going cut my dick off."

"Well you'll have to try some of the other stuff without the strap."

"Okay Uncle Mark."

"I just don't understand you sometimes Jeremy."

"Uncle Mark. I told you before I would do anything you want. Anytime."

He just sat looking at me.

"When you took me to the lake and told me to swim nude across to the house, I knew I would never make it. It wasn't that it was too far, it was because the water temperature would have froze me. I figured if you didn't want me anymore then I didn't want to go on living."

I didn't realize I was crying until Uncle Mark got up and wrapped me in his arms. Then the dam really burst.

Well business at the house slowly grew over the next few months. I gave up even thinking about university. Steven and Jimmy would still go and Mark still had his scholarship. Andy and Bobby both became permanent residents of the House as it became know as. Several boys who we knew would flunk out after their first year were encouraged to quit and join our stable. Not all worked out. Some were sent to Uncle Marks plantation while others just disappeared.

The final configuration of the electric torture machine was pretty bulky, but worked great. Every line out that was attached to a part of the body had its own control knob. All the lines out were different colors too. Now both Amps and Voltage could be controlled. What was more the Amps and Voltage could be controlled for each attachment.

It made the machine much more effective as both an erotic torture machine and as a punishment machine. The chair that was built actually looked like an electric Chair like they used for executions. I guess if someone got all the power put through all the wires at the same time it would kill. It was never used that way as far as I knew.

Most of the boys tried it at least once and I know Norval really liked pain and had been in the chair several times.

Graduation came and went by without much ado. I did write my grade 12 finals along with Steven and Jimmy. We all passed. Norval and Red still had a year to go, but worked at the House all summer. Red was the head of the cleaning staff as well as Eddy's assistant. Norval was in charge of all the boys. At one time we had every suite filled and every cabin as well. Mark even talked about building another resort on Pontiac Lake.

Jimmy, Steven, Andy, Bobby, Jerome and Samson, a native boy all worked at the house over the summer. There were also 22 other boys in residence sometimes. It was real hard to concentrate on work sometimes with all the boys in nothing but those real short skirts. I sure got to fuck and suck a lot of different boys including a few Asian boys. Billy was my permanent bed partner. I guess he was more than my servant now. He still called me Master sometimes, but in reality we were lovers.

I didn't get off of servicing Customers just because I was in charge. Several guys preferred me to others and I never turned anyone down. Marks brother almost always asked for me when he visited. I knew he liked to whip me until I was almost incoherent before he fucked me, but after so many times getting a belt on my ass I never minded going with him. I knew some boys hated it.

One of the boys from the school, a seventeen year old kid named Jason, took off after a particularly bad night with a customer. I knew the customer really loved to beat on kids before he screwed them or forced them to suck. He usually shit in their mouths at the end of a session. Sometimes those boys were laid up for a few days, but no one had ever run off before. I didn't even know he was missing until breakfast the next morning. I told Uncle Mark and Eddy and two Security guys went looking. They found him almost five miles from the house. He was now in cells in the basement.

I was in the Den with Red and Norval. We were counting the receipts for the weekend when Uncle Mark and Eddy came in.

"So how was the weekend Jeremy? Did we pay the bills?"

"Well 22,500 for the weekend and another 28 grand for the week. Expenses this week are about 4500. Nice tidy profit Uncle Mark."

"Fifty grand a week I can handle." Mark laughed.

It wasn't all his money and even though none of the boys here were paid, they all got bonuses at the end of the summer. The boys out here in reality belonged to Uncle Mark period. They did exactly as they were told or else. No one really wanted to contemplate the or else.

Now comes Jason. I never had to deal with someone who run off before.

"Jason's in cells Jeremy. You're the boss around here. You take care of him."


Next: Chapter 9

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